James The Travellers Blog

Don't Find Yourself, Make Yourself

24th April 2024 - 256 Words

I'm not here to discover myself. I'm here to make myself. Is your philosophy by chance or choice? Without a sound, rational philosophy, ones soul becomes a shapeless piece of clay, stamped by foot prints going in all directions.

The common man allows these invisible ideas to walk all over him, yet if he were to soak his mind in a bath of reason, his eyes could clear and he would see with clarity all those who use his mind as a dumping ground.

If a man cannot see the ideas which shape him into the character he is today, how is he ever to become "himself"?

If a mans mind is full of ideas which he can't see, isn't aware of and hasn't verified for authenticity, who is he really?

Is he really "Himself" or is he an accumulation of others unvetted ideas?

Philosophy allows you to see yourself and the world as it actually stands in reality.

Philosophy is the science of mans relationship to reality.

1. Metaphysics, our view of reality as a whole

2. Epistemology, our view of knowledge and it's aquisition

3. Morality, our code of action and standards of right and wrong

We all have a philosophy, there is no escaping it, nor should there be.

Don't let your's be an accident, up to chance or by the design of another.

Whatever you do, choose your own.

You can learn more about the basics of philosophy in this short playlist I've put together for you, presented by Objectivism philosophers.
