James The Travellers Blog

Hatred Of Being The Cause

22nd April 2024 - 629 Words

Why are there only 2 kinds of people, those who have a general understanding about life and those who don't? Most people AREN'T dumb or even lazy. It's that they don't know how to prioritise. They don't know what's important. They don't know what's worth focusing on and what's not.

How is it that some people deeply understand philosophy, the corruption in politics, economics, health, virtue of character, morality and seem to possess an otherworldly sense of discerning bullshit?

Well, it's definitely not because some people have an extra sense that makes them more able to recognise what's important and valuable.

It's not even that they've been born with a higher functioning brain and thus intellect.

We all have a very similar capacity for knowledge.

We all know a LOT of things.

The difference between someone who is *sovereign and someone who rents their joystick to the highest bidder is the content of their knowledge.

One who is *sovereign, or more precisely, one who CHOSE and continues to choose daily to be sovereign, chooses where to focus their mind, directed by importance, determined by values and recognised by cause and effect.

People are a cause whether they like or know it or not. For every cause they create, an effect ensues.

There is a key difference between those who know a great deal about the world and those who know a great deal about funny videos on tiktok.

The difference is that some people choose to focus their time, energy and effort on topics of CONSEQUENCE and others do not.

Your actions, wherever they're directed, in the way of knowledge or ignorance, are a cause, and you unavoidably produce effects.

Here are some examples.

1. Politics and government = Issue of consequence

Cause = A deep desire to understand how society works or a deep sense of relief that one can "trust" others to be in charge

Lack of understanding, effect = Tyranny & *dystopia

Understanding, effect = Peace & *Utopia

2. Scrolling social media only to be amused by trivia = No consequence

Cause = Bored and unsure of capabilities or passions

Lack of understanding, effect = No loss

Understanding, effect = No gain

3. Physical and mental health = Issue of consequence

Cause = Responsibility or irresponsibility for well being

Lack of understanding, effect = Sickness, disease, injury, pain, suffering, weakness, depression, suicide, death

Understanding, effect = Health, strength, well being, pain free, joy, life

4. Gossiping about people, events, shows = No to little consequence

Cause = Lack of self esteem, lack of hobbies and afraid to stand out and talk about anything of value

Lack of understanding = More difficult to gossip

Understanding = More proficient gossiping

We all want utopia, we all want to be healthy.

So what's the problem? Why aren't we all healthy living in Utopia?

The problem is that only some people want to be the cause for their desired effect and a great deal of people want others to be the cause for their desired effect.

Intellect and laziness may have a small role to play, but ultimately all humans have a capacity for intelligence and knowledge.


There are no excuses for ones ignorance, only reasons.

The goal of this message is "We can't know everything, but don't be ignorant about issues of consequence because you choose to spend too much of your life on things that just don't matter."

If this makes sense, let me know, if it doesn't, let me know.

*One who is sovereign is the ultimate decision maker of their life, guided by a process of reason and knows no one is superior in decision making to them.

*Utopia, the best social, economic, philosophical and technological society humans can create

*Dystopia, the worst that humans can create