James The Travellers Blog

The Anzacs Didn't Die For Our Freedom

25th April 2024 - 259 Words

They died because evil bastards sent them to be killed by their cabal mates and they were too young to know any better. I was also a victim of that insanity for 3 years in the Australian army.

There is a culture to break the minds of those most willing to physically fight for freedom in the defence force, an agenda with a design.

The enemy isn't overseas, it's in government, it's in the central banks, but even more potently, it's in the minds of the ignorant masses.

Australia wasn't free then, isn't free now and never will be if people don't want to become the cause of their desired effect, ie. Freedom.

The greatest respect you can show the Anzac's is by spreading the names of their true killers.

Tyrants and wilful ignorance.

If you want to support those who are actually fighting for freedom today, not just in their own name but yours too, support all those brave men and women who challenge the police, courts and government. I'm sure you know many of their names.

Shout out to Pelham Wilson, an honourable warrior who has been to court more than 60 times in the past few years and no matter what happens, won't let the bad guys break him.

P.s. I was approx 22 as an infantrymen in that picture, it was during a training exercise in New Caledonia working with the French commandos. The difference between the French training and the Aussies was like night and day...