James The Travellers Blog

The Bodybuilding Conspiracy - A Fallacy Of Principles

24th April 2024 - 764 Words

I've been brainwashed. Even after uncovering lie after lie and learning truth after truth, I've always said "I know I'm still brain washed and indoctrinated about something, many things in fact, I just don't know what they are, yet." I'm very pleased to announce that I am confident I have uncovered yet another lie, another enormous indoctrination agenda, on the topic of the correct method to bodybuild, ie. grow muscle.

I'm confident, but not 100% certain, not just yet. 

In theory this polar opposite to the mainstream approach sounds right. 

But again as I stated in my latest post about authority, I must fact check what I hear and never blindly believe anything. 

To know for certain I will need to test this new workout model for at least 3-6 months.

I've always had reasonable progress in my training, but I've never quite been able to build the amount of muscle I want, naturally without steroids.

And not for lack of trying, I've done that whole "I tried everything" routine.

The lie in bodybuilding is that "more is better". That you need to train 6 days a week, twice a day for 20-40 sets per workout for optimal gains.

Of course there are a 1,000 variations of this approach but the principle of higher volume and frequency is the same.

The lie has been perpetrated by the steroid junkies and fascist traitors like Arnold, who we all know is a cabal plaything, even though he did have some admirable qualities in his early days, he sold out long ago.

Most people who go to the gym with the intention of building muscle hardly see the results they want.

Some muscle gain and body composition improvement is NOT building the body you want.

I mean specifically having the goal of aesthetics, building more muscle, not being an endurance athlete, strongman or even just generally fit.

Just like with anything else, results should be amazing, if you have the right formula.

There is a science to practically everything, bodybuilding should be no different.

Excluding those on anabolics and who are genetically geared towards muscle growth, there is, there MUST be a right way to train for optimal results and a wrong way.

The man I've been studying is the man in the below photo, Mike Mentzer, body builder and philosopher.

Mike advocates maximum intensity per workout, but low volume and low frequency. These are the key principles to his bodybuilding methodology.

As soon as I found out he studied Ayn Rand and objectivism, as soon as I heard him talk, I knew this guy was in a league of his own.

No one else explains the theory of body building better. Some authorities in the field have fantastic information to share, but they miss the key critical principles Mike shares.

It's like I'm uncovering a whole new conspiracy, like when I discovered the government was a deliberate organisation to dominate society, that faith had zero value for anything and reason is an absolute, that germ theory was nonsense, that existence is primary and consciousness isn't or when I figured out the earth is a level plane.

I'm stuck at the moment of feeling proud and ashamed to admit that breaking free from the chains of mental enslavement is the most pleasurable, most satisfying and most rewarding thing I have ever experienced. 

Whether alone or with friends, it's the most fun activity I can do. 

What can compare to the joy of eliminating lies from your being and filling it with wholesome truth? 

It pleases me that I can feel such enjoyment from discovering reality as it really is, but it also sickens me a touch that the best thing in the world is to stop being duped. 

I admit, I'm probably still brainwashed and my perception about this realisation hasn't actualised 100% clearly yet. 

No matter, I am certain it will in time. 

How can I be certain of such a thing?

Because I will make sure it happens and gain the clarity I seek as I have a whole life behind me which proves my word is my bond.

If you'd like to learn more about the most controversial muscle building program created by a professional bodybuilder who had a body better than Arnolds, then click the link below or search youtube for Mike Mentzers videos and recordings.


P.S. If it turns out I'm wrong and this is just a sham, I'll either make a post or I'll be too embarrassed too. If it works as intended, I'll be sure to make a post!