James The Travellers Blog

Why Government Is Just A Bucket Of Water

3rd May 2024 - 671 Words

Republics? Representative democracy? Stop using a system which has been specifically designed to destroy freedom as a means to create a free society! There is no form of government which is acceptable. Thinking you can build a free and reasonable society with a government is like thinking you can start a fire with a bucket of water.

Not only is it impossible to start a fire with a bucket of water, but you are using the precise ingredient which is required to extinguish a fire!


Not only is it impossible to create a free and reasonable society with a government, it is the exact tool which is required to destroy it.

If you want to put out a fire, there is no better way to do it than to pour a bucket of water onto it.

If you want to destroy a free society, there is no better way to do it then to erect a government. 


History shows us, no matter what, the model of gifting some with more rights than others to control everyone else always ends in dystopia.


We have the incontestable proof that government is the one wrong answer to every single problem! It is the cause of every single problem!

If you don't understand objective concepts, you won't understand what a government is, in all contexts.


Unequivocally in all contexts, a government is an organisation that can only persist via theft and only rule via violent domination.


Theft and violence is the antithesis of any free society, especially when legitimised through legislation. 

Government does not mean a peaceful group of people who co-operate via consent to achieve more together than they could apart.


It means a small group of people who have the right to abuse and torture a large group of people because they wrote on a piece of paper that they're allowed to.


All forms of governments are monopolies and monopolies can only survive by force.

Governments make the rules, interpret them and enforce them. 

Parliament, courts, police.


The most important aspects of society have been communised when they should be privatised.


Government = Rule by rulers

Anarchy = Rule by rules


If a social economic model has a government, it is explicitly an involuntary system as it's governed by a ruler.

A ruler can only rule in a subjective, arbitrary right through the threat of violence and actual violence.


A government must violate a societies economics to exist, thus obliterating capitalism.


Capitalism = Voluntary trade.

Government = Coercive extortion, ie. involuntary theft, ie. tax

If a society is not an anarchist one, it cannot be objective, free or reasonable, ever.


Only a voluntary, ie. an anarchist society with no rulers (no one with more rights than another), can ever be a reasonable society. 

Objective law is a formalised derivative of objective morality, its basis is formed by the nature of man and objective reality and is only possible if there is anarchy.

Subjective law must be the foundation of any government because by definition, government means tyranny and a tyranny is a system of immoral control over society.

Government = A tyrannical social economic system run by a conglomerate of literal psychopaths who deceive the population that their existence is necessary. 


If there is a government, there are rulers, if there are rulers, they have more rights than you, if they have more rights than you, its an immoral and corrupt system unfit to grace reality.


Government is not an instrument or tool to build or manage peaceful, voluntary, free and reasonable societies. 

Its a weapon designed to dominate and destroy.


Just as a house requires a hammer to be constructed and repaired, not a sword, so to do reasonably functioning societies.


The answer is not a different form of government (a different coloured bucket or yet another sword), but the productive hammers (tools) of privatisation, capitalism, anarchy, decentralised money and objective law.


I have a great series which goes far deeper into the many intricacies of a reasonable society. 

Here it is.