
Objective Morality contains;


- The Lore Of Morality

- Rights

- The Golden Rule Of Equity

- The Causality Factor


- Reason/logic

- Curiosity/desire

- Care/self interest

- Intelligence

- Integrity

- Honesty

- Courage

- Justice


- Life

- Knowledge

- Dignity

- Self esteem

- Independence

- Honour

Objective Morality is the title that the philosophy of Utopian Realism utilises to describe the integrated system of morals, rights, lore, values and virtues that empower man to live freely, peacefully, happily and prosperously in life.

When one acts in accordance with Objective Morality, they would objectively be good. If they did not, then they most probably would not be, although it would be dependant on circumstance and context.

The word objective meaning that the principles and guidelines of objective morality have been procured through a rational epistemological method rooted in reality. 

It is not subjectively based on anyone's whims or feelings and does not only hold true conceptually as an idea, but holds true when tested in reality. This is how you measure the quality of an idea, by stacking it up in the real world.

Reducing this idea down further, morality isn't inherent in nature or reality, it's not something you can physically observe without proper context. You can easily observe a tree or woman or table in reality, but without the correct knowledge and method of reasoning, one cannot explicitly recognise morality in existence.

It takes no special knowledge or method of reasoning to open your eyes and see objects in front of you or to hear sounds. Yet it does take special knowledge to explicitly recognise right from wrong behaviour in context to human on human interaction. 

One may have a basic implicit concept of right and wrong, but this is not enough to form a proper civilised society or to come to any kind of objective conclusions.

Morality is not intrinsic, meaning it is not self evident in nature without human observation, consciousness and reasoning.

Morality is also not subjective, meaning it cannot be decided upon by ones whims and feelings of the moment or by a cultures beliefs.

Morality requires one with the capacity of conscious reasoning to ascertain that morality is indeed objective, meaning it is not inherent to nature but can be derived from nature, it is not subjective, meaning it is not to be decided by chance or by any kind of arbitrary notions.

Morality must be recognised by a conscious and rational mind and derived from evidence based reality.

That evidence must be induced by mankind's interaction with each other.

Mans interaction with animals and inanimate objects employs a different code of conduct in comparison to mans interaction with other men.

This is because man has the capacity to conceptualise, plan long term, use imagination, reason and to express narrow to general intelligence.

These are all skills applicable to man, yet are not to inanimate objects and animals, thus requires a different code of morality.

When it comes to mankind, we can conceptually understand and integrate ideas drawn from reality which show a correct method of how to be objectively good in relation to other men.

Good being another term to denote being moral. 

What does it mean to be good and how do we really know?

The way we can know what it means to be good and thus what morality is, is by rationally conceptualizing what good means to you as an individual and then by inducing through countless examples in everyday life all over the world of human interaction and contrasting the different behaviour.

One can begin with simple deduction before moving into induction. A simple generalisation of basic commonsense such as 'I don't want bad things to happen to me, so I shouldn't do bad things to others' is a good deductive starting point. It's also inductive in the context that you know it is objectively true for yourself, but at this point before further research, you cannot conclusively say it is true for others.

We can then build and expand our hypothesis based on this generalisation that if one would not like to be robbed, they should not rob others etc.

When we have our hypothesis, we can begin real world observation and induction to ascertain if our prediction that others want to be treated as we wish to be treated holds true in reality. 

We then begin to examine human behaviour and interaction and learn to recognise contrasting or distinctly opposite actions.

When we have enough examples of contrasting, such as when people volunteer to help out flood victims or pull over on the side of the road to aid in a car crash, compared to mugging someone on the street or forcing them to pay tax under the threat of punishment, we can clearly catalogue mans behaviour into categories.

Those categories primarily being good, bad and neutral.

By comparing human actions and inaction to our preliminary hypothesis of what it means to be good, which in essence we deduce and induce from the way we wish to be treated, we can make accurate generalisations about right and wrong behaviour, compare it to the standard model we have created that is unbiased and fair to everyone equally.

We can easily deduce that because we want to be treated a certain way, to be respected and to not be raped, mugged, tortured, hurt, murdered, robbed etc.. that other people also do not want this to happen to them. 

We can further induce this by observing in reality that whenever such a negative event happens to someone, they would have preferred that it didn't. 

By learning how we personally wish to be treated and by learning how others wish to be treated, we have the back bone of a solid objective foundation with which to build our Objective Morality Model.

When we compare police arresting a peaceful man who doesn't want to share his private information compared to a paramedic resuscitating someone that was rescued from drowning, we can then compare these contrast human behaviours or actions to our model of Objective Morality.

The model is objective and not subjective because it applies equally to everyone, every point in the Objective Morality model is incontestable. 

This will be proven once we reach the fine details of each point.

This way, we can objectively identify what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.

Why is it so important to create a moral foundation that is extremely precise and as accurate to reality as possible?

Because if it is not, it leads to tyranny and dystopia.

The first bulwark against dystopia is The Lore Of Morality or just plainly The Lore.

The Lore Of Morality goes by many names.

Gods Lore.

Natural Lore.

Universal Lore.

Mans Lore.

The law of equity.

Whatever one call's it, Lore is as follows.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

The Lore Of Morality is a formalised construct derived from objective reality via a process of reason which prohibits the violation of rights.

The only exercise of freewill and freedom that is prohibited are actions against others which thieve their consent or cause harm or in some way breach Objective Morality.

If one is to breach another's rights or violate their consent, then a formal arbitration process may be initiated to remedy the situation to prevent further harm and correct the inappropriate behaviour.

Objective morality is a standard of behaviour that is aligned with what is good.

Morality is objective, it is not subjective.

It always remains the same, no matter who you are or where you are, there are no exceptions, for 'gods' or for men, no one is exempt from Objective Morality.

Good can be defined as acts or intentions that are appreciated, welcomed, positive, beneficial or wanted and which do not have a negative effect or intended negative effect.

If behaviour passes through the filter of "treat others as you wish to be treated" then most of the time it will be something which is 'good'.

In essence, morality and ethics are the same thing, the doctrine of man's duty in respect to himself and the rights of others, based upon science, reason and rational thought.

Morality is realised when correct judgement is applied to mans interaction with himself and others.

It's the logical conclusion that if you wouldn't want or would not choose something to be done to you, you should not do it to someone else.

Morality and ethics in general are basic commonsense.

They are not so complicated only a professional philosopher can understand.

But they have become obscured behind a layer of compelxity.

Yet in reality, morality is so simple that even any self aware child is able to comprehend morality to a reasonable degree, if taught correctly.

The Golden Rule Of Equity is to treat others as you wish to be treated.

The logic behind this is that if you treat others in a way that you shouldn't, it is inevitable that someone is going to treat you in a way you won't like.

To ensure you're treated in a way you appreciate, you must appreciate others consent and be respectful.

No one wants to go through life being disrespected or violated.

The best way to live a peaceful, free and happy life is to not disrespect yourself and others. 

Respect is the acknowledgement of yourself as a conscious being able to think, feel and experience, who also has an aversion to pain and suffering.

With this acknowledgement of yourself as such a being, you become aware that other people possess similar faculties to yourself, such as the ability to think, feel and experience pain and suffering.

With the realisation that you want to avoid pain and suffering as much as possible, you conclude that others also realise the same.

At this point, you come across two paths, cause pain and suffering against others so they become too afraid of you and leave you in peace, or honour others the same way as you honour yourself, with respect and consideration.

One path is immoral and leads to dystopia and one path is moral which leads to Utopia.

Self imposed limitations of critical thought is critically dangerous to anyone who wishes to be of healthy mind, body and spirit.

The first violation of morality against another is theft of consent.

The first violation of morality against oneself is apathy.

The Lore Of Morality, which is an objective guideline of what is right and wrong in accordance with verifiable truths of reality anyone can discover, permits anyone to do anything they please, as long as they do not break a Lore or breach another's rights.

Subjective morality and law is the formula for tyranny. 

Those in positions of influence, status or power can decide arbitrarily against you merely because they have the ability to do so when applying subjective law, because it is subjective, meaning it is modular, adaptable, changeable and in essence, irrelevant to reality and only relevant and useful for whoever has the power to apply the subjective law.

Objective lore and morality is unchangeable, absolute and cannot be misinterpreted. It is exact, precise, useful and relevant for everyone.
It is the human races Lore, not the ones in powers Law.

Subjective law is the negation of objective Lore

Objective Lore is the answer and solution to the problem of unfair, unjust and chauvinistic subjective law.

The word objective in objective morality means that which can be clearly defined, interpreted and comprehended by a rational and reasonable consciousness.

Objective means that which is applicable to everyone equally and does not favour any kind of bias or prejudice against those who differ in status, intellect, heritage, culture or any other discernible feature between conscious & intelligent beings.

Objective lore and morality is the opposite of subjective man made law and morality.

For a law or morality to be subjective means that it is not always applicable, it changes from person to person depending on status, position, influence, culture or any other factor.

Subjective morality and man made law is immoral and unethical as it is an incorrect analysis and construct of the true nature of reality.

Objective lore and morality corresponds with reality, subjective law and morality does not.

Subjective law declares that it is in your best interests you have your best interests violated.

Proponents of subjective and immoral law claim that you must hand over part of your income and livelihood to people who will hurt you if you don’t, because they intend to serve you. 

Subjectivists propose that if your money is coerced from you to fund a group of thugs to treat you as an inferior being who is not worthy of living a peaceful life without constant militarised supervision, then it is in your best interests to obey willingly as submitting before dangerous gang members is in your best interests.

The rulers behind the idea of subjective law and order attempt to convince you that it is in your bests interests to have your best interests managed and controlled by someone other than you.

They fool people into believing that the best way to serve yourself is to serve them.

This of course, is illogical and obvious when stated in such a clear and accurate manner.

If it is permissible by law to own a gun in one geographical location in the world, but not in another, this is subjective law and is based upon opinion, not facts and is an illogical nonsensical subjective opinion.

If it is permissible by subjective morality to force a woman to wear a certain type of clothing, but not permissible or socially acceptable in another location, this is again opinion, not objective morality.

If it is permissible to smoke marijuana in one area, but not another, is one more example of irrational subjective opinion being used to dictate behavior, not factual and objective reason.

Objective morality and lore is based upon reason, rationality and what is true, regardless of any external factors.

Subjective law and morality is full of contradictions.

Objective lore and morality has no contradictions and offers an accurate and consistent standard in alignment with the truth of reality.

The basis of subjective law and morality is "This is the law and you must obey whether you like it or not" or "This is how our ancestors have done it and how we will continue to do it to honour their memories".

The basis of objective morality and lore is "No one has the right to initiate a violation of consent.

Not everyone can agree with subjective law and morality, thus it is out of alignment with reality.

Everyone can agree with objective morality and lore as no one wants their consent thieved or violated.

This statement is incontestable.

A criminal may enjoy raping people, but they would not enjoy being raped.

One may argue that a sick and deranged individual may enjoy being raped, yet if they did, it would not be against their consent and thus would not be rape.

Some psychopaths may enjoy murdering others, but they do not want to be murdered themselves, if they did, then it would not be a violation of their consent, it would be respecting of their consent if they asked of someone to kill them.

It may come into question that some may want to bow down and obey a god or ruler, if this is true, then they do so voluntary, with consent.

If one had been tricked, deceived or manipulated into obeying a ruler of any kind and if they knew the full picture would not have done so, then this is a violation of consent through deception.

If one must obtain the consent of another through deception, then it is a violation of consent, even if the the one they violated freely gave consent.

If the one who was being deceived knew they were being deceived, they obviously would not have given consent.

For example, when one is raised in society today and are manipulated into believing that police and government have the legitimate right to rule, and people obey, which they think they do voluntarily, this is not true voluntary and freely given consent.

Freely given consent must be free from deception, manipulation, intimidation, force or coercion.

If consent has been granted in a way which violates the standard of objective morality being "treat others as you wish to be treated" then even if consent was obtained, it is null and void.

Consent can be given and withdrawn at any time based upon the desires of the individual.

If one had given permission to another to touch them, then suddenly decided they do not want to be touched, they have the right to withdraw their permission or consent at any moment.

It is a reasonable thing to forbid others from violating consent as everyone wishes that it is forbidden for their consent to be violated.

To forbid something means to bring awareness to society that particular actions are unacceptable and will require formal remedy if enacted.

Society is a collective construct which is created by everyone participating and interacting as individuals in a group we call 'society'.

Objective morality and Lore is based upon the truth of how everyone, no matter who they are, wants to be treated.

Everyone wants to have their consent respected.

Some people may not wish to be respected for whatever reason, but everyone wants their consent respected.

Not everyone deserves respect, but everyone deserves their consent to be respected.

The only instance where another's consent can be overruled is in the case of self defence.

If another or group of others has initiated a course of action against you or another which will violate yours or another's consent by causing harm or loss, then you have the right to disregard another's consent for your own interests, such as your safety or the safety of another.

If someone was about to attack you or was attacking you with their hands or with a weapon, you have the right to defend yourself in an equal and reasonable manner.

If someone you cared about, whether they were known or unknown to you, was being attacked unjustly, with out just cause or valid reason, then you have the right to assist in their defence.

Not only do you have the right to defend yourself, you have a duty to out of self respect to protect yourself from harmful aggressors.

To allows yourself to be physically violated and assaulted by attackers is a disrespectful act that demonstrates to oneself that they are not worthy of protection and therefore unworthy of rights or even life.

If something is good, it deserves to be defended.

The only exemption is if you are unable to effectively protect yourself and in the course of protecting yourself the attackers cause more harm to you then they otherwise would have.

Objective morality and Lores stems from the idea of care and respect of your fellow man as extension of yourself.

Because you are able to experience pleasure, pain and conscious thought and others demonstrate that they can also feel the same things makes one logically conclude if other people can feel the same things as I do, they must be like me and if other people are like me in what they can experience, I would have to be delusional to desire to unjustly cause harm to beings which are so similar to myself.

If one believed in subjective morality and law, it is a logical contradiction and irrational.

Subjectivism is the inaccurate conclusion that others are unlike yourself and don't feel pleasure, pain, or conscious thought, despite contrary evidence that they can at least feel pleasure and pain, therefore are not worthy of being treated the same as yourself, or the contradictory conclusion that yes others are like me in their experience of pleasure and pain, but I am different to them, therefore I can do to them what I would not want done to myself, based upon a particular belief of superiority to others despite sharing the same experiences of pleasure, pain and conscious thought.

Subjective ideologies about law and morality are irrational and contradictory.

If a man of a certain religion believed that the women in his culture must obey every command of the man, he would only believe and approve of this ideology because he is a man.

If he was to be a woman, he would not like or willingly give consent to be treated like his (now her) consent was meaningless in comparison to a mans.

It is a contradiction, therefore invalid and out of alignment with reality, reality being that which is true.

If something such as a concept or idea is in alignment with reality, that being which is true regardless of ones belief and cannot be contradicted or exposed as being rationally untrue, then it is objective.

The true objective & natural Law of humans is freewill, the ability and power to say yes or no, to give consent or to not.

The Lore is the respect of freewill in the shape of consent formalised into a simple construct explained as the Lores Of Morality.

Morality is the comprehension of what constitutes as a violation of consent and what does not, and is the respect of others free will.

Immorality is the disrespect of another's free will and consent without just cause.

Just cause is the right of reasonable self defence to override another's free will and consent.

If people were not ignorant of The Law, then there would be no need for The Lore.

Said another way, if people respected others freewill, there wouldn't be any reason to write such an essay like this about Lore, morality, right and wrong.

The first protector of The Law is freely given consent.

The first violator of The Law is theft of consent.

In your interaction with others, if one provides you freely given consent, then it is moral.

If you must thieve another's consent through force, deception or coercion, it is immoral.

To be apathetic towards your internal thinking monologue and outcome of actions is to show a lack of concern or interest in life itself.

Apathy is laziness of the mind and to be mentally lazy is disrespectful.

There is no greater insult to the self than to avoid thinking.

Willful ignorance is the most disrespectful and destructive thing a human being can possibly do to themselves.

A man is responsible for his own ignorance.

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
    Benjamin Franklin  

When one is able to think rationally, they cannot avoid arriving at logical and objective morality.

Objective morality is to treat others and yourself with respect.

You deserve respect because you are a conscious being with the potential for intelligence and possess the ability to rationalise morality.

If one is so apathetic that they are unable to invest the time it takes to judge their behavior and intentions as moral or not, then they are disrespecting of themselves and are immoral.

If one is unable to show themself respect, they do not deserve it from others.

A man who does not treat himself morally is not a good man.

Nothing good can come from dishonesty.

One who rejects their own rational intelligence and doesn't invest the time to contemplate their morality, logically cannot be good.

The only good people are those who know the difference between good and bad, right and wrong and who choose the right path, who do what is good through self aware choice.

One who has dedicated the time to discover objective morality and chooses to be good, is good.

One who does not, is not.

To qualify as a good man or woman, one must be deserving of such a description by displaying the necessary characteristics.

The required qualities to be classified as a good man or woman are;

- To be self respecting
- To respect others consent
- Dedicated to fulfilling your passions
- Willing to assist others in some form of beneficial contribution

It doesn’t take much to be a good man or woman, respect yourself and the rights of others and you’re practically there.

To be great on the other hand, requires a lot more effort and work than to be merely good.

Good should be the lowest acceptable standard of society, yet it has become a peak very few are able to achieve.

Those who are addicted to their own obstinance, stubborn to the point of unreasonableness in all matters, by definition are unethical criminals.

They betray themselves with their deliberate avoidance of rationality, thus making themself a victim of themselves.

Their laziness either directly or indirectly causes harm to others, as well as to themselves.

To willfully decide to be incurious in matters of morality and other areas of importance is a self judgement that one is unworthy of life and specifically their own life.

Refusing to allow yourself access to one of your most prized possessions, your reason, is a crime where you are the perpetrator and the victim. 

This is the most abundant crime of today, peoples theft and deprivation of their own reason, which causes the crime to be labelled as disrespect and wilful ignorance.

To actively and voluntarily avoid your own reason because of emotional and irrational excuses is incorrect behaviour of a good and rational human being.

One is not born as good or as bad, but as a blank and empty slate, waiting to be constructed and programmed into a good or bad human being.

If the baby grows up to respect themselves and others consent, supports good causes and doesn’t support bad causes, then they become a good man or woman.

If the baby grows up to not respect themselves and others consent, then they have not actually grown up, but have devolved to a pre-baby state and become a bad human being.

Just like a baby has the potential to transform into something other than what it originally began as, so does an adult human being.

Although, a human being without the desire or willingness to change, will not change.

If a human being incorrectly labels themselves as good, contrary to understanding what it actually means to be good, they are unlikely to transform from bad to good, as they falsely believe they are already good, thus don’t think a transformation is necessary. 

The mentality of most bad people is that they can’t rationally or emotionally cope with being wrong, so instead of facing the truth of their character and choosing to transform themselves from unconscious badness, into conscious goodness, they decide to stay the same and do nothing. 

By doing nothing to change, they are choosing to remain as they are, which is not as a good person, so in default must be a bad person.

Neutrality does not exist when it comes to the quality of ones character.

Whenever one does not choose what is right and good, they are automatically voting for and supporting that which is not good, which is either bad or evil, via their lack of support for that which is good.

Just as a light is either on or it is off, a man is either good or bad.

Although a man has the potential to be great, which would be to shine very bright, or the potential to be evil, which would be to actively turn off the lights of others.

To be alive is to be powerful and with power comes responsibility.

Human beings are inherently powerful because we have the ability to kill, rape, rob and cause great misery and suffering to other conscious beings.

Humans of course have the power to do the exact opposite.

If that power is not measured and guided respectfully, responsibly and with care, then one does not deserve the power of life, being the power to make their own choices in the conscious experience we call 'life'.

A human being who is too apathetic to investigate whether or not their actions are moral or immoral is by defaulting logic an evil person.

When one does not have enough heart to care whether the way they behave in the world is right or wrong, correct or incorrect, they are obviously not choosing to be good, are they?

Because the choice to be good can only be acted upon when one comprehends it's opposite, which is bad or evil.

Essentially, evil is to treat others in a disrespectful way, thieve consent and do things to them you would not want done to yourself.

If one is not deliberately, consciously and willfully choosing to be good, logical deduction proves that one is incontestably choosing to be 'bad' and in some cases, 'evil', either directly or via omission of thought.

Omission of thought is to purposefully or ignorantly not consider what should be considered.

Someone may appear 'nice', they may even occasionally do good things, but unless they have the intellectual understanding of what it means to be good and evil and choose the right or good choice in every opportunity where the wrong choice is available, then they cannot possibly be a good person.

For a good person is one who does everything in their power not to make 'bad' or wrong choices.

Any choice which violates your dignity or contributes to the theft of others consent is immoral and unethical.

Any kind of partaking and participation in corruption and the immorality of others is in essence supporting what is wrong and you become an accomplice to a crime, even if only indirectly.

Any kind of involvement, encouragement or contribution towards individuals or organisations who thieve consent is unethical and a violation of The Lore Of Morality.

One who loves and respects themself is unable to make choices which are harmful to themselves or others.

Self hatred is not something anyone is born with, it must be taught to an individual by a sick society.

Only a society made up of self hating sick individuals are able to support the violation and theft of others rights and consent.

Only the traumatised are able to conjure excuses and 'valid' reasons for why they must commit evil to be able to 'survive' in this world.

If immoral behaviour is necessary to survive, than you or the human race does not deserve to survive.

Dependent upon who commits the immoral behaviour of course.

If one disregards their values and morality, especially when not under immediate duress, what value do they offer themselves or the world?

If a large group of people collectively decide to be immoral to ensure their survival, like forced military conscription, slave labour or taxes, then they have no right to survive by the obviousness that they are wrong.

There is no way to justify the continuation of an immoral species.

You can have lies and excuses or you can have truth and results.

There are no exceptions to morality, unless perhaps your very life was immediately threatened by the possibility of extreme violence.

Even then, it should be the hardest choice you ever have to make, to forsake your morality for your life.

There is always a way to survive in this world without needing to deliberately choose to violate your morality.

At times when you have little choice, as in the cases of physical force, used or threatened against you, it is understandable why you may give some ground in your execution of living a correct lifestyle.

In times when there is no immediate danger, then you only have yourself to blame for your cowardice in being unable to maintain your morality.

Deciding to be unconscious in matters of great importance only demonstrates your character, or lack of it.

The best way to live morally is to hold yourself accountable to your true authentic self.

Your true authentic self has an infinitely deep reservoir of courage, love and compassion.

This is true because you are a human being and all humans share the same fundamental values and qualities which make us what we are.

The only difference between people is that some choose to live up to their potential and others don't.

Beneath every individual lost in apathy is a rational, reasonable and intelligent being, just waiting to be realised.

The possibility to transform and become a conscious and caring human being exists for everyone.

Because this is the foundational blueprint of the human mind and spirit, the very nature and essence of "God" or whatever you want to call it. 

This "God" like, or highest truth of all truths, makes up the structure of what you are. 

Whoever you've become after your birth is a direct result of your conscious expansion, or unconscious contraction.

The quality of your character and integrity of your morality demonstrates whether you have chosen to grow your god like spiritual essence or caused it to wither and become less than what it should be.

All it takes for one to evolve and become a moral and respectful human being is for one to exercise their free will, their power to choose, and choose the righteous path.

The moment one chooses irresponsibility and ignorance and submits their life and destiny to an external authority is the moment they have failed in their duty of responsible conscious experience.

The rejection of ones own godhood, the power of life and death, is negligence in ones obligation to accept the gift of life.

Whether you like it or not, whether you chose to come here to earth or not, whether you were created by something else or by yourself, the fact remains, you are here now.

Avoidance of your responsibility to manage yourself appropriately by the laws of reality and the Lore Of Morality is a dereliction of duty.

A powerful law of reality being the fact that if you are alive, you are conscious and by being conscious, you must learn the truth of all things, otherwise you are subservient to lies and not respectful of your own beingness.

Just by being alive, you are obligated, whether you like it or not, to learn the truth of reality, the most important aspect being how you treat yourself and others.

If the laws of reality and Lore Of Morality did not exist, then the game of life could not exist and there may or may not only be chaos.

If the purpose of life isn't to play, enjoy, love and have fun, then it is pointless.

Life only has meaning if it is fun and fun is the love of experience.

If it's not fun, it has no value.

But if you don't know how to play appropriately with yourself and with others, then you don't deserve to be playing because you would be a danger to yourself and others.

Morality is less about being kind and generous to others and more about not causing suffering to yourself and others, through violations of consent and respect.

If one was able to be kind and care for others, then in other moments supported cruelty or a ruling class, then they are immoral, no matter how many good deeds they do, they're unnecessary support of the theft of consent is heavier in weight than the good they can do.

One who was not kind or generous, but who did not cause any harm, directly or indirectly, would be more moral than the person who did 99 good deeds and 1 terrible one.

Sure, one may be more kind and generous than the other, but one is more moral than the other.

It's like the saying, "you can't out train a bad diet".

Although, life with only a lack of negatives and without any positives is not worth living.

Life can only become heavenly when there is the absence of negatives and the abundance of positives.

Learning morality is not choosing to believe in a right way of living.

It's learning that there is only one right way of living. 

It's knowing, not believing, the difference between right and wrong.

It's the knowledge that you and you alone are responsible for the correct evaluation and judgement of your conscience. 

Morality, intelligence and rational thought is not something you can delegate away, to god or another man or woman.

To do so demonstrates your own immorality and disrespect, declaring you are unworthy of the responsibility of living your own life, that you are so child like in your mentality that you require another to make all your choices.

Surrendering in ignorance to a higher power is not a virtuous act of faith, it only shows faith in your inability to rationally think for yourself and your unworthiness to handle the affairs of your own life like any reasonable grown man or woman should.

Yielding to a higher power than yourself is an act of faith in your own incompleteness and lacking because it requires blind belief to unquestionably believe in your own uselessness.

“Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.”    
    Richard Dawkins  

It requires belief to think you are useless in setting your own standards and discovering your own philosophy of life. 

Because it's entirely untrue.

Everyone absolutely has the ability to think rationally and know with certainty that to submiss themselves to any kind of higher power is a perversion of what it means to exist as a conscious being.

To unthinkingly abdicate all decision making and responsibility of action to another being which is better than you is like having a child, yet installing a microchip in their brain which forces them to behave in the exact manner you have programmed, while attempting to delude yourself that your child has free will to live a happy and peaceful life.

What would be the point of the child's existence if they could not make any choices of their own?

Why would you create such a child to exist in the first place if they were to only be a slave to a program of your design?

There would be no point.

The child would be a mindless automaton and you the creator would be evil at worst and delusional at best.

When it comes to reason, logic, rationality and correct judgement, you must be accountable to yourself, first and foremost.

If you can't rely upon yourself to determine what you should and shouldn't do, you cannot rely upon yourself to do anything and you do not deserve to exist in a human body with the power and potential to cause harm and loss to others who do value themselves enough to discover objective morality.

How can others trust someone who doesn't trust even their own reason?

If you have the ability to do something and that something is one of the most important things you can ever do in your entire life, discovering morality and living by it, but you choose not to do, what does this say about you?

How is someone who is moral expected to help you if you will not help yourself?

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

There is only so much one who is moral can do to assist another who is unconsciously immoral.

If someone is unconsciously immoral, meaning they are not aware of how their actions affect people because they have been too lazy or have not yet considered the consequences of their actions, yet when a moral man broaches the topic of morality and their apathy is replaced with interest, this is a good sign.

If someone who is moral brings up the topic of morality with someone who is immoral and they continue to be apathetic, they now move into the state of being called consciously immoral. 

They are deliberately choosing to do the wrong thing with self aware choice.

Not learning how your actions can have negative consequences makes you a bad person.

Good people don't want to live in a world full of bad people.

Good people want to live in a world surrounded by other good people.

That is why we must as good people be persistent, determined and relentless in our education of the immoral masses of humanity.

Because if we don't even try to educate others, how can we expect change?

If not by us, then by who?

If not now, then when?

Man cannot survive as anything but man. He can abandon his means of survival, his mind, he can turn himself into a subhuman creature and he can turn his life into a brief span of agony—just as his body can exist for a while in the process of disintegration by disease. But he cannot succeed, as a subhuman, in achieving anything but the subhuman—as the ugly horror of the antirational periods of mankind’s history can demonstrate. Man has to be man by choice—and it is the task of ethics to teach him how to live like man.

The precondition of a civilized society is the barring of physical force from social relationships—thus establishing the principle that if men wish to deal with one another, they may do so only by means of reason: by discussion, persuasion and voluntary, uncoerced agreement.

- Ayn Rand

The Lore Of Morality

There are two kinds of morality.

Outwards facing morality, when dealing with others and inwards facing morality, when dealing with yourself.

Both are equally important for someone to become an honorable, honest, ethical, just and moral man or woman.

The Lore is an outwards facing element of Objective Morality which is framed in the negative, what man should NOT do when interacting with others.

1. Create no loss

2. Create no harm

3. Don't be dishonest and unethical in your dealings

4. Don't violate the peace

1. Create No Loss

Don't take what isn't yours.

Don't steal.

If it's not rightfully yours, you become the bad guy if you take it or threaten someone else to give you what is theirs.

For example, you cannot demand money in the form of taxes without breaking this Lore.

If someone wishes to donate currency to a cause, that is their choice.

If you coerce them under threat of punishment to give you a percentage of their earnings, you've just become the bad guy.

If you don't have a right to take something, then don't.

Don't cause loss to anyone.

2. Create No Harm

Don't create harm.

Don't hurt people.

Especially those who are innocent & peaceful.

We are taught this as children, but somewhere along the way, the system reverses what we know is wrong and it becomes the foundation for controlling society.

If someone is threatening or attacking you or someone else who is peaceful, you of course have the right to defend them or yourself.

If you go out of your way to cause harm to others who are peaceful, you are the bad guy.

Most police and military members are guilty of breaking this Lore.

It's something we normally learn as children and should be the most obvious thing in the world.

Don't go around hurting people.

3. Don't Be Dishonest & Unethical In Your Dealings

Tell the truth.

Don't lie.

Be an honest and honorable man or woman in your dealings with others.

Don't have someone sign a deal that you wouldn't feel comfortable signing.

Don't sell your car with the odometer rolled back 50,000kms.

In all your dealings with others, behave as if you were the one on the other end of the dealing.

Don't cheat on your partner.

Don't betray your friends or anyone.

You always want others to be honest and ethical with you, so take the initiative and be honest and ethical with them.

4. Don't Violate The Peace

Don't cause trouble where trouble doesn't exist.

If there was peace, then through your behavior you disturb that peace and cause conflict, for no good reason, you become the bad guy.

If someone was peacefully minding their own business and driving down the road, causing no harm or conflict, yet you pull them over and and begin making demands of them, you've violated the peace and are in the wrong.

Don't be a trouble maker.

Don't be a violent aggressor.

Don't be the initiator of problems.

Don't disturb the peace.

The Golden Rule Of Equity

Treat others as you wish to be treated. 

How do you want to be treated? 

With respect, dignity and consideration.

This is the golden rule of equity.

Equity being a word which means to be just and fair.

Taken a level deeper, just and fair appropriate to the context.

There are situations and contexts which at first may seem contradictory to this rule, but in fact are not.

If someone came over to you in a cafe and deliberately poured a hot cup of coffee over your laptop, without provocation or just cause, then you would be within your grounds to respond physically. 

One may think, I would not like to get punched in the face, so therefore I should treat others in the same way, thus not responding in a physically proportional manner.

Although if you were to reverse the situation and you had been the one to unjustifiably attack someones valuable private property, would you not find it reasonable that the victim punched you in the face in response to your initiated act of aggression?

One should of course first identify if the man who had poured coffee over their laptop was of sound mind, for they may well be a literal retard. In this case, responding physically would not be appropriate as a retard is not fully responsible for their actions. 

It is not to say that one should act by identifying if the laptop destroyer is mentally stable and then immediately punch the man in the face.

It is to say that it can be considered reasonable to behave in such a way, but not that it is the best methodology to utilise. 

It is to highlight that at times, the way you wish to be treated would be to be punched in the face, if you had done something to deserve it.

In that same situation, if you were a retard and had poured coffee over another's laptop, you would not want to be punched in the face for something you had little control over.

If someone accidentally hits the back of your car while driving, you should treat them the same way as if you had accidentally hit the back of someones car. This is equity, this is treating others as you wish to be treated.

If you were a bully and went around acting like a thug, intimidating people to reveal their private information, threatening to tie them up and kidnap them, then it would be reasonable for someone to respond with force against you.

This is because you are treating others in a way you would not wish to be treated. 

Use the police for example. If one is approached by the police and harassed, they can consider it from the opposite perspective.

If they were the police and were attempting to violate someone innocent, how would they deserve to be treated? They would acknowledge it would be perfectly reasonable, justifiable and deserving for them to be treated according to the context. 

If the police were harassing one who was innocent, then that man has the right to respond with force if necessary to be left in peace. Perhaps he should not for fear of consequence, but it does not change the fact he would be right to defend himself physically and he would not be violating the rule of equity, as he would be treating the police exactly the way he would wish to be treated if the roles were reversed and he was instead being a violent bully.

Equity is to treat others according to the context the same way you would wish to be treated.

If a teenager stole something from your store, you should not wish to respond physically by punching them in the face for stealing from you. You should want to apprehend them and then educate them as to why they should not steal. Perhaps you could even have them work at your store for a little while, then gift them with some appropriate item to show them that by working, they can have what they like by earning it, without needing to steal it.

Why should one do this? Because this is the way one would want to be treated if they were caught being a thief.

There is a difference between what you want to do and what you should do.

You may want to retaliate to particular inflammatory acts in an aggressive manner. Just because there is cause to do so, does not mean that one should do so.

If you discovered someone had sold you a dodgy car, one where the odometer was rolled back by 100,000ks and there was a whole host of issues which were denied when asked when you bought the car, you may feel entirely justified in responding violently to a lying crook. This does not mean that it is the best thing to do or that you should do it. 

The golden rule of equity, along with Objective Morality as a totality, requires the use of escalating force.

If you can achieve your results with words, then do so. If not, then force can be used which is equal and appropriate to the situation.

If a passenger on a plane is trying to kick down the pilots door, you should not immediately punch him in the throat with a kill shot because you felt that his actions were going to kill everyone on the plane. One should first attempt to use their words to de-escalate the situation by telling him to calm down and stop. The man may be drunk, having a psychosis or be on drugs. There are many reasons for why he may be acting so irrational, so words are always the first go to if the threat is not absolutely imminent.

If he did not stop kicking the pilots door after you used words, then you have legitimate grounds to use physical force to pull him away, put him on the ground and to try and restrain him. You should not throw him on the ground and punch him in the face multiple times. This would only be justifiable if you could not contain him without applying more force and if he was hitting you first.

This is appropriate action according to equity because if the situations were reversed, you would expect the same to happen to you.

Equity is what is just and fair according to the circumstances of how you wish to be treated, in alignment with your power to act.

If four armed cartel members busted into your home with guns aimed at your face, there is not much you can do. 

If you were holding a gun, you do have the right to shoot them as they have invaded your private property, caused damage and are armed with deadly weapons aimed to kill. 

You may ultimately believe that these traumatized and misguided thugs deserve to be rehabilitated and helped, but this is not in your power to do at this moment. 

If you were superman or James Bond, you could disarm all 4 gang members, tie them up and fly them to a rehab centre to get better. 

Even if you are a super hero, the proper correctional facilities would have to exist to do this, which most often they do not. One can only have so much power even if they are super powered or highly skilled. 

Since we can't be supermen, we can rule out having bullets bounce of our chest and calmly pulling the weapons out of the thugs hands.

The best we could become would be a "James Bond" level of ability. Even the most skilled combat expert in the world would not be able to or would have great difficulty disarming all four assailants without harming or killing any of them.

Even if it was ones highest desire to treat them exactly as one would wish to be treated and one was very tolerant of wrong behaviour, unless you have the power to act in a way which allows you to treat others exactly the way you want, then you have to compromise and treat them the best that you can in the context.

James Bond may wish to disarm the thugs without harming them before taking them to rehab. But even he cannot physically achieve this.

Even if you had the worlds best communication expert, there are cases where some people cannot be talked down.

The best James Bond may be able to do is shoot them all in the arms and legs, thus disabling them enough so he can remove their weapons, call an ambulance and have them taken to hospital, where they can then hopefully be transferred to an arbitration center, have an immediate trial, be found liable, then sent to rehab to heal their mental wounds which caused them to act so badly. 

Even this case is highly improbable, it may be achievable in the movies, but not in real life.

In real life, one may have to hold their hands up in surrender and allow the thugs to do as they please with them. Or if they wanted to fight, which would be their right, throw a grenade and blow them all up. 

One can only treat others as they wish to be treated according to the context and their power to do so. One can only do the best they can with the power, knowledge and experience they have.

If one would not like to be on the end of a misleading marketing tactic such as FREE ITEM, then later discover it is not free but XX amount of $$$ then they should not instigate the same type of marketing tactic.

When one acts in a consistently fair and reliable way, treating others as best they can to the same standard they wish to be treated, then one is being equitable.

The rule of equity is to emphasize that one should always strive to do their best to treat others in a just and non-contradictory way.

What Are Rights?

You must know what your rights are before you can respect others rights.

We all have the right to perform any action which does not initiate a violation of consent or cause harm.

Said another way, we can do whatever we want, as long as it doesn't violate anothers rights by thieving their consent or causing harm.

You have the right to choose how you live and if you wish to follow basic guidelines for co-operation, or not.

Rights are essentially actions that are 'right' to do.

A right is something which is not 'wrong' and anything 'wrong' is considered something which violates an aspect or many aspects of morality.

For instance, is it right or wrong to change a babies nappy if you do not have their consent? Well obviously in this context, you do not mean harm and the baby cannot give consent, so thus you have the right to do such a thing.

How about physically grabbing and pulling someone without their consent? Do you have the right to do that? Again, it depends on context. Did you intend to cause harm or to prevent it? If they were trying to board a train and were stuck inbetween the doors, then yes not only do you have the right but it is the right action to take to grab and pull them onto the train.

No one has the right to rob, rape, threaten or violate someone else.

We all have the right of free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and again, freedom to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe upon others rights or violate actual Lore.

Many people wouldn't sign contracts with banks or government agencies if they really knew what was happening behind the scenes.

They have no right to deceive people the way they do and have them agree to dodgy contracts.

View how honest and genuine contracts should be formed according to these guidelines here.

No one has the right to swindle, deceive or manipulate others.

We all have the right to do what we want as long as we are not breaking any lores.

A man has the right to garden naked in his front yard, until a neighbour complains and says that he is disturbing the peace by exposing himself to their children.

A woman has the right to drive at 200kmph on the freeway at 3am on a Tuesday night with no one else around.

A man has the right to sell his goods for whatever price he likes.

A woman has the right to open a new store competing with his prices.

No one has the right to demand that those business's owe them a percentage of their earnings.

Everyone has the right to volunteer their time, donate their currency and to support whatever cause they like.

As long as what they are contributing to is not breaking any of the lores.

No one has the right to pay taxes to governments, as governments are warmongers and violate every Lore of Morality.

No one has the right to initiate violence against you if you are peaceful.

Yet you have the right to defend yourself against violence in a proportional manner.

If a little old lady was attacking a big strong man, he doesn't have the right to shoot her.

But if a big strong man was trying to kill a little old lady, she does has the right to shoot him.

You have the right to respond with equal or necessary force to protect yourself.

Escalation and deescalation of force is important.

But in times when force is required to defend against violence, it may be hard to do the right thing as you fear for your life.

For situations where a crime has been committed, (there is only a crime if there is a victim) independent arbitration systems can be used to achieve an equitable solution for both parties.

Such as in the case of self defence, you may cause harm or even loss of life to another.

But if it was the right thing to do in that situation, then you are not in the wrong.

Sometimes, being violent and taking another's life as a last resort is the right thing to do.

If a mad man held a gun to your family's head and your only option was to kill him or allow your family to be killed, then you, then other family's, you would be in the wrong if you did not kill the mad man.

You could of course try not to kill the mad man and instead shoot him in the legs and arms, incapacitating him, then take him to a rehabilitation centre to try and heal whatever caused him to go mad.

This would be the best option, but may not be possible.

There are times when you may have to make tough decisions.

That's why it's important to have a fully functioning moral compass, a conscience, to ensure you try and do the right thing if the time comes.

90% of the time, what's right and what's wrong is obvious.

When it's not, we have independent arbitration systems, that aren't influenced by money or politics, to adjudicate situations where the lines become blurred.

People have the right to fresh and healthy food, clean water, a place to live, to an education and anything else which is a good or right thing to help them sustain their life, which is their standard of value.

But they do not have the right to demand or forcefully take food from others who have produced it, or to move into someone else's home without their consent.

We all have the right to the basic necessities of life, but that does not mean we can violate others rights to get those things which we have a right to.

If a tyrant had claimed a whole landmass as his territory and said no one else can live there, then people would have the right to take that land from him and live there, as the tyrant does not have the right to make such a claim.

If a towns water supply was being processed and poisoned at the local water facility, people would have the right to stop this act of aggression because they do not have the right to do such a thing because it is a wrong action. 

If someone littered in public, they are creating harm to the environment, which belongs to the people who live there equally, so it can be considered as a crime against all the people of that town. One would have the right to apprehend the litterer, ask them to pick it up and not do it again. They would not have the right to physically make them pick it up if the litterer did not comply, but they would have the right to report this crime to community protectors and file a case against them at an arbitration centre for a professional remedy to be organised.

Rights are actions which we have the right to do. What is right is anything which is not wrong. Wrong action is action which violates objective morality. To know what is a violation of morality and what is not requires competency in knowing the difference between wrong and right behaviour from experience, skill and understanding context.

The term “individual rights” is a redundancy: there is no other kind of rights and no one else to possess them.

The expression “collective rights” is a contradiction in terms.

Any group or “collective,” large or small, is only a number of individuals. 

A group can have no rights other than the rights of its individual members. 

In a free society, the “rights” of any group are derived from the rights of its members through their voluntary, individual choice and contractual agreement, and are merely the application of these individual rights to a specific undertaking. 

Every legitimate group undertaking is based on the participants’ right of free association and free trade.

A group, as such, has no rights. 

A man can neither acquire new rights by joining a group nor lose the rights which he does possess.

Neither geography nor race nor tradition nor previous state of development can confer on some human beings the “right” to violate the rights of others.

Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority.

The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave.

A “right” is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action in a social context. 

There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. 

Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life.

Remember that rights are moral principles which define and protect a man’s freedom of action, but impose no obligations on other men.

The necessary consequence of man’s right to life is his right to self-defense. In a civilized society, force may be used only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use. All the reasons which make the initiation of physical force an evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative.

- Ayn Rand

The Causality Factor

1. Have you caused harm or loss or a violation of consent?

2. Have you almost caused harm?

3. Did you intend to cause harm or loss or a violation of consent?

If one drives through a red light, but it is entirely safe to do so, then why should anything be done about it?

If they didn't cause harm, intend to or come close to it, then no one else has a right to do anything about someone safely passing through an intersection. 

In the cases where someone had actually caused harm, whether accidentally or deliberately, then apprehension by anyone is reasonable to attempt to remedy the situation.

If you were running along the beach and almost ran into someone, then no harm is done and you are not doing an inherently dangerous activity.

If you were riding a motorbike on a foot path and almost ran someone over, then this is cause for you to be be told not to do such a dangerous thing, to not ride your motorbike on the foot path or to at least be more careful. It is not an act which warrants punishment or physical violence as a retaliation. But it is an act which came close to causing harm, even though that was not the intention, which makes it a case for consideration, but not much else.

If you have caused harm but it was not your intention, but mere accident, then this is unfortunate, but not a situation worthy of punishment. It may require corrective rehab, for example if one caused harm while drunk but did not mean to. Or if one had a car crash when it was possible to avoid the crash if they had better driving skills. It's an arbitration centers job to identify the problem which caused the accidental harm and to find an equitable remedy to make it less likely for the same accident to occur again. This may be individual rehab or suggesting a new technical solution to the peoples council. 

If one had plans of shooting up a retirement village, spoke about it publicly down at the pub and showed people the guns they planned to do it with, well they must be apprehended before they commit a crime. They had not caused any harm yet, had not come close to it but had intentions to do so in the future, so thus they can be treated as if they actually had caused harm and should be rehabbed immediately. 

The same thing can be applied for loss and consent violations in the appropriate contexts.

In modern everyday life, if you have not violated a causality factor, anyone's rights, the lore or the golden rule, then you have done nothing wrong.

Examples of the legal systems allegations of wrong doing would be running a red light, speeding fines, parking ticket fines, e tag fines, not paying gst or all types of tax, not paying rates, not complying to a breathalyzer, not giving police private details or any other trivial matter with no reasonable justification.

All these legal allegations don't hold any weight when measured against the much higher standard of Objective Morality.  

Are You In The Right Or Wrong?

To easily know if what you have done or want to do is right or wrong, ask yourself these questions.

Is my desired action honest, peaceful and respectful?

Do I have any wish to cause harm or loss?

Will my decision cause harm or loss even if it's not what I desire?

Is this choice likely to be dangerous and place others in unnecessary risk?

Will this action violate any Lores Of Morality or another's rights?

If you have done something which does not violate, harm or dis-empower someone, then you haven't done anything wrong.

If you're attempting to accuse someone of being wrong or committing a crime when they have not caused a violation, had no intention to cause a violation or even came close to causing a violation, you are now in the wrong.

False, unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations are a crime in of themselves.

The pursuit of justice is only necessary in situations when a form of violation has occurred.

A violation must be an actual negative outcome, an intention to cause a negative outcome or the very near miss of causing a negative outcome.

Any attempt of justice against one who has not violated someones freewill, consent or rights, is a violation of justice.

Law & Legal VS Lore

There is law, as in legality, law as in scientific law and there is lore, as in moral lore.

The difference between law (legality) and lore is simple.

Law is a man made construct that is subject to change and only applicable to some.

Lore is inherent to existence, will never change and is applicable to everyone.

To understand law, you need to go to university for many years.

To live by lore, you only need basic common sense.

Law is subjective, changes everywhere you go and depends on your status.

Lore is objective, remains the same everywhere and is the same for everyone.

One is extremely complex and confusing, one is extremely simple and obvious.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

Law is not.

Scientific law is a formalised, objective definition and concept of facts of reality, such as the law of gravity or electro statics, electro magnetism, cause and effect and any other physical law which governs the function of existence which is inherent to reality and is unalterable. 

What the legal system has tried to do (and has unfortunately succesfuly done) is trick people into believing that their invented constructs of subjective rules (legality) are indeed actual "law" and have all the same unavoidable weight and implications of actual scientific laws.

This is a subliminal, hypnotic deception. 

To misname a concept deliberately (via the same sound and spelling / visual-auditory symbol) in an attempt to steal the vested authority of that contextually accurate concept, which in this case is directly scientific law and indirectly moral lore (via the same sound but different spelling), is a dishonest and dishonorable act.

Scientific law is objective.

Lore is objective.

Legal "law" is subjective and often arbitrary, meaning without principle, basis, valid justification and subject to change upon the emotional whims of whoever is enforcing the law and the status and wealth of whoever is on the receiving end of it.

Scientific law and lore is always applicable, whether you like it or not.

Legality can only honorably operate via direct consent and agreement to bound by contractual terms and conditions.

Such as a man agreeing to become an employee working for a company signs a contract consenting to the terms and conditions. This is legality, contract law.

The government is very deceptive and tricks people into consenting to their contract legal law by having them identify as a legal fiction (all capital lettered name).

When one registers their car, uses a drivers license or contracts with a government agency, they are in effect consenting to be bound according to the rules/law/terms and conditions of the politicians and parliament of that particular government who write the laws/contract/policy.

This is how the courts, police (policy enforcers) and government say that they have the right to forcefully make you obey their system as they believe you willingly consented by contracting with them.

Legality can be moral, such as when used by a company who respects people and which only has limited jurisdiction via consent and which only utilises ethical contracts.

Government jurisdiction, legality (law) is always immoral as it violates the lore of morality. They have gained jurisdiction via a dishonest and unethical practice, primarily being deception, by withholding full disclosure and by being combative against ones desire to become more informed of their policy's. 

If you signed an ethical contract to work for a company or another individual, it is the duty of the one who wrote the contract to explain any terms which you don't understand and to not be belligerent. 

Police, court employees, government agency staff or any other government employees are either incompetent or belligerent (or both) when questioned about the nature of their polices/law/contracts.

This is a violation of objective morality, as one has the right to have jurisdiction over another via direct explicit consent, but one does not have the right to have jurisdiction via implicit and dishonest means, especially against ones explicit refusal to be subordinate or revocation of any fish hook (deceptive) contracts.

There are times when the government system switches from the application of law (legality) to lore (objective morality), such as in the cases where there has been an actual crime comitted. Such as rape, murder, assualt etc.

They must do this to uphold at least a faint image of being a competent practice of justice.

Although, their methods of justice are bastardised, flawed and barbaric, being predominantly based upon punishment, fear, revenge and torture.

Objective morality is always objective, although it's methods of justice may not be, depending on who is administering the justice and whether or not they hold to a standard of objective justice, which would be derived from the golden rule of equity and the fundamental R methods, rehab, remedy etc..

Legality is subjective because it has been written to favour and primarily benefit whoever writes the law/contract. 

In the case of company contracts/legality, this is only reasonable as the employer would like the employee to turn up on time and follow a specified protocol while at work to achieve the company's goals.

The government does not disclose the full terms and conditions of their contract. No one has accepted the terms and conditions explicitly because no one has ever explained them. Implicit acceptance of a contract is an invalid method of acquiring consent and immediately nullifys and voids the unethical contract.

Any contract which has been formed without the 7 points of an ethical contract as a bare minimum is instantly vitiated, spolied, innefective and corrupted.

The way their system implicitly gathers consent is via the deception that one must have a drivers license, pay registration, pay taxes etc. or they will face physical attack by the policy enforcers.

This is a fear based tactic combined with deception. "You must obey and comply to our system otherwise we will use violence and torture (imprisonment) against you."

This explicitly exposes their system as corrupt and illegitimate as a government, organisation, company or individual practice, as no man, woman, god or other entity has the right to violate morality and the lore, no matter how benevolent their schemes may appear on the surface or however implicit the garnered consent of people may be.

Scientific law does not require your consent to operate, nor does objective morality, but subjective legality DOES.

it is your right and duty to reject and openly declare your condemnation of immoral contracts and practices.

You have the ethical high ground, now shoot for the metaphorical head of immorality. 


Desirable Characteristics Which Aid One In Achieving Desirable Values

To be objectively moral, one must recognise, integrate and enact these virtues.


- Reason/logic

- Curiosity/desire

- Care/self interest

- Intelligence

- Integrity

- Honesty

- Courage

- Justice


Rationality is man’s basic virtue, the source of all his other virtues. Man’s basic vice, the source of all his evils, is the act of unfocusing his mind, the suspension of his consciousness, which is not blindness, but the refusal to see, not ignorance, but the refusal to know. Irrationality is the rejection of man’s means of survival and, therefore, a commitment to a course of blind destruction; that which is anti-mind, is anti-life. 

- Ayn rand

What is logic?

Logic/rationality/reason are all considered essentially the same thing in Utopian Realism and these words can be used interchangeably. 

Reason is the prime virtue of Utopian Realism. Without it, no other virtues, values or adherence to morality is possible.

Without reason, how would one logically conclude, decide or judge that virtues or values are of benefit to them? They would have to wait until an authority figure told them so and take it on faith that it were so.

Without reason, why would one adhere to a moral guideline? What would be the rationale to treat others as you wish to be treated if you could not logically grasp the reasoning why you should?

How could one adhere to a code of conduct if they couldn't grasp what the code was?

This is good point to offer a historical example of christians or other religious zealots violating their own commandments to not kill, yet waging holy crusades, massacring thousands. It is because they used a process of faith and feeling to validate the commandments and to live. They said they lived by the word of god and his commandments, yet in reality did not, which is obviously illogical. Yet they could not understand the contradiction because they were not using a proper method of interacting with existence, a logical method of thinking.

How could one be good if they didn't know what was good or how to behave in a way which is good? if they did good deeds, it would have to be by accident or because of indoctrination, not because of sound judgement and free will choice.

Logic is the proper way to form judgements, conclusions and to think.

If one is forming opinions or ideas which are not true or connected to reality (unless deliberately thinking in fantasy/imagination) then they are being illogical.

Reason and logic is having a thorough and accurate understanding of how reality works and by then making logical inferences (step by step connections) about it.

Logic is a method of correct thinking which should be used by man 100% of the time when attempting to form true concepts or to act in the most appropriate way in any given situation.

Even in the times when man volitionally decides not to think logically and to suspend his use of logic, he should only do so because it is logical. Such as to play a game, create a fantasy character for a movie or to engage in art etc…

There is hardly ever a valid time in reality when logic should not be the method of thinking.

If you vote for politicians who always promise change and never deliver, again and again and again, logic dictates you have failed to recognise an obvious pattern.

To be illogical is to ignore reality, facts, statistics, experiments and science and instead favour pseudo-science, fantasy and delusion.

Logic is the method of identifying and validating reality. 

Logic must be coupled with evidence based reality to be logical. One may have a logical argument that sounds right in theory, but when experimented or tested in reality, does not hold true, so thus the logical sounding theory was in fact not correct, which means it is only logical to recreate the theory.

If a pencil drops to the ground 9,999 times, you can logically predict in the same conditions that it will do the same thing the 10,000th time.

One may come across a very clever sounding argument that insists it is logical, yet one can clearly see a contradiction in reality against this argument, which thus voids the arguments insistence of logic, when it is actually an illogical argument in contradiction to reality. 

For instance, when one believes the theory that god created everything. It may sound logical when compared to other theories, such as the big bang, but because there is no evidence to back up either theory, only reasonable sounding arguments, they are both illogical theories.

To really grasp reason and logic, one can contrast it with it’s opposite, which is faith.

Faith is blind belief, based on no evidence, only feeling and wishful thinking, in contrary to reality and reason.

Faith is the imagining that ones desire and will alone can make true that which has a total lack of evidence.

Faith is the belief that ones feelings can overpower reality's absence of reason for something to exist and manifest the impossible, the illogical and the non-existent.

In abandoning the will to think rationally, one abandons the will to live rationally.

Many people use feeling as their primary method of cognition. 

This is inappropriate and inaccurate. 

Feelings can provide one with feedback which could be accurate or inaccurate, correct or incorrect. 

It is a way to perceive the world, but must be coupled with sound reasoning and logic to be valid.

Would you want to live in a tall building which was built by someone only using feeling and no logic?

Would you fly in a plane that was constructed without the application of logic?

Would you feel safe driving a car that had been built by someone illogical?

If a politician is caught lying multiple times, you can logically calculate that someone who lies and gets caught multiple times is someone who cannot be trusted.

If you trust a proven liar not to lie, you’re being illogical.

To believe a tornado going through a junkyard full of scrap can somehow assemble itself into a Boeing 747 is illogical, as it is not possible. 

Even if you had infinite junkyards with infinite tornadoes going through an infinite amount of times per day for infinity.

It is not logically possible, it’s an impossibility. It’s false.

Logic is the ability to discern what is true and what is false.

Some people feel that being logical means that you have to throw away your heart and compassion.

This is not true at all, it’s actually illogical to presume such a thing.

Ones heart and compassion is of great value. 

Without heart and compassion, it’s logical to assess people will end up becoming trapped in dystopia.

To function at optimal levels, it’s logical to factor in emotions, heart and compassion for whatever you’re using logic to accomplish.

Without logic, we are unable to operate in a truthful way according to the facts of reality.

If we don't have logic or use it inaccurately, we can be easily played by someone who does have logic, but bad intentions.

Logic is the most reliable and accurate to reality method of asking questions and getting answers.

It is a goal oriented method of producing results. It is the tool intelligent beings use to formulate and achieve goals. If the goal is logically not possible in reality, then it is an illogical goal. If the means of achieving the goal are not possible, then it is illogical. If the goal and method to achieve it is realistic, then it is logical.

If one were to say they want there to be fairness, equality and justice for all, yet at the same time advocates financial re-distribution, this is illogical, as it is a contradiction. Financial re-distribution requires the use of threats and violence to forcefully take from the rich, who have fairly earned it (sometimes at least!) and give to the poor, who have not fairly earned it. The method of cognition which was used to decide this desire was one of feeling, not of a rationally thought out inferential process.

If one was to say that women are equal to men in every aspect, they would be uttering an illogical statement. Men are typically stronger and women are typically more empathetic. They are not equal in every aspect, this is wrong, so thus an illogical statement.

If one were to say that all humans should have equal rights, yet husbands should have the right to make their wives wear burqas (or any specified type of clothing) this would be illogical, as it would be placing the wife's rights beneath that of the husbands, which contradicts the first statement of wishing all humans to have equal human rights.

If ones goal was to build a tunnel, yet their method of construction relied upon bamboo being the primary support structure, this is illogical, as this material is not strong enough to support this function.

If a man found his partner cheating on him, yet decided to attack the unknown male, this is totally illogical, as the unknown man had no idea the woman was in a relationship and he wasn't the one who cheated on the partner. The man should be angry or be addressing her, not the stranger.

If one wanted to build a great body, it would be illogical to assume they could by eating junkfood and not exercising.

If one believed they did not have free will, yet made the choice to believe that they didn't, in contradiction to the available evidence, which is to freely choose what they believe, this would be illogical.

If one wanted to build a computer, it is logical to have all the required components and skills to do so.

If someone has black skin, but tells everyone they have white skin, this would be illogical as it contradicts the facts of reality.

If one wanted to support eco friendly technology and support the green movement, it would be illogical to buy a tesla or other electric car, as the environmental damage caused by it’s recharging and battery creation is more damaging than petrol cars. Although at the same time, petrol cars are still an illogical choice as they cause pollution. Although, if one does not have any option but still needs to travel, it is only logical to choose the least destructive option.

If one makes a claim that there exists an infinitely sized space outside of earths atmosphere, it is only logical to verify this claim before believing it to be true. If there is no evidence to support the claim, then the claim is illogical and wrong.

If there is reason to believe something is true, like an accumulation of evidence which proves something to be true, then it is logical to stop believing something to be true and to know it is true. One does not need to believe the internet works, they have reason to know it does via inductive proof.

When one is being logical, they are using experience, skill, knowledge and evidence to determine their method of thinking, reasoning and acting.

When one is not being logical, they are disregarding facts, evidence or any type of rational thought or processes.

It is illogical to be legally allowed to smoke weed on a particular piece of land, then move 1cm onto another plot of land and suddenly have it become an offence, immoral and illegal. This concept is irrational and cannot be logically justified. It can only be justified by ones feelings and whims of the moment, which is an invalid form of justification as it is unreasonable and irrational.

It is illogical to believe one has the right to rule you because they stand on a podium and publicly declare it to be so. How would it be rational to believe one has a higher claim to rule you than you?

Logic is working with the facts of reality as ones guideposts on how to act and think correctly.

Faith, feeling and action devoid of logic is deciding to not work with the facts of reality and to work with whatever you want to be true, irrespective of whether it is true or not.

When one allows onesefl to be clouded by their feeling, it is illogical.

If one were to break down into tears when someone they loved has died, this is a rational, reaosnable and logical response.

if ones child had been in an accient and was in the hospital, it is a reasonable response to be upset and worried.

If ones child has a nose bleed, it is irrational to break down into tears and call an ambulance (unless they have a serious medical condition).

Emotion can be rational and irrational. Either way, for one to make proper judgements, emotions must be coupled with logic. One can make a logical judgement with or without emotion, but one cannot make a logical judgement with only emotion and no logic.

One can only use reason when they have a basic grasp of reality. 

A baby cannot use reason because they do not know what is reasonable and unreasonable yet. 

A baby does not know it's hand will burn on the stove, that if it goes into the bath it will become wet or if it shakes the rattle it makes noise. 

It is only after going through these experiences and learning what is natural and that specific entities have an identity, a nature as to how they act (stove is hot, water is wet, rattle makes sound), that the baby can then grow into a child and then an adult and know what is reasonable and what is not, according to reality.

Even if one were to find themselves in a totally different world with different laws and physics, down is up, left is in, out is closer, further is right, heavy is light, light is dark etc. One would have to logically suspend all they knew about reality to now grasp this new reality.

They would have to learn how this new world worked so then they could once again live logically according to it's rules. 

They would have to use logic to learn these new rules, by dropping something and watching it rise instead of fall etc. 

There is no escaping logic logically, only deliberate evasion in a futile attempt to cling to unrealistic wishes, hoping irrationally that your faith alone can over power existence.

The virtue of Rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as one’s only source of knowledge, one’s only judge of values and one’s only guide to action. It means one’s total commitment to a state of full, conscious awareness, to the maintenance of a full mental focus in all issues, in all choices, in all of one’s waking hours. It means a commitment to the fullest perception of reality within one’s power and to the constant, active expansion of one’s perception, i.e., of one’s knowledge. It means a commitment to the reality of one’s own existence, i.e., to the principle that all of one’s goals, values and actions take place in reality and, therefore, that one must never place any value or consideration whatsoever above one’s perception of reality. It means a commitment to the principle that all of one’s convictions, values, goals, desires and actions must be based on, derived from, chosen and validated by a process of thought—as precise and scrupulous a process of thought, directed by as ruthlessly strict an application of logic, as one’s fullest capacity permits. It means one’s acceptance of the responsibility of forming one’s own judgments and of living by the work of one’s own mind (which is the virtue of Independence). It means that one must never sacrifice one’s convictions to the opinions or wishes of others (which is the virtue of Integrity)—that one must never attempt to fake reality in any manner (which is the virtue of Honesty) —that one must never seek or grant the unearned and undeserved, neither in matter nor in spirit (which is the virtue of Justice). It means that one must never desire effects without causes, and that one must never enact a cause without assuming full responsibility for its effects—that one must never act like a zombie, i.e., without knowing one’s own purposes and motives—that one must never make any decisions, form any convictions or seek any values out of context, i.e., apart from or against the total, integrated sum of one’s knowledge—and, above all, that one must never seek to get away with contradictions. It means the rejection of any form of mysticism, i.e., any claim to some nonsensory, nonrational, nondefinable, supernatural source of knowledge. It means a commitment to reason, not in sporadic fits or on selected issues or in special emergencies, but as a permanent way of life.

If man’s thinking is to be valid, this process must be guided by logic, “the art of noncontradictory identification”—and any new concept man forms must be integrated without contradiction into the hierarchical structure of his knowledge. To introduce into one’s consciousness any idea that cannot be so integrated, an idea not derived from reality, not validated by a process of reason, not subject to rational examination or judgment—and worse: an idea that clashes with the rest of one’s concepts and understanding of reality—is to sabotage the integrative function of consciousness, to undercut the rest of one’s convictions and kill one’s capacity to be certain of anything. This is the meaning of John Galt’s statement in Atlas Shrugged that “the alleged shortcut to knowledge, which is faith, is only a short circuit destroying the mind.”

There is no greater self-delusion than to imagine that one can render unto reason that which is reason’s and unto faith that which is faith’s. Faith cannot be circumscribed or delimited; to surrender one’s consciousness by an inch, is to surrender one’s consciousness in total. Either reason is an absolute to a mind or it is not—and if it is not, there is no place to draw the line, no principle by which to draw it, no barrier faith cannot cross, no part of one’s life faith cannot invade: one remains rational until and unless one’s feelings decree otherwise.

- Ayn Rand



Curiosity is the behaviour of interest and discovery.

It is a specific type of desire, desire being the feeling of want.

It is the desire to know, to experience that which has not been experienced before, whether in thought or action.

Desire is the ability for a volitional being to initiate any and all thought and action which is not automatic.

If one could not desire, then they could not be a conscious being.

Inanimate objects are desireless existents because they have no consciousness or free will.

Even the wish to have no desire as is common for eastern mystics is illogical, as the desire to have no desire is still a desire.

If a conscious being existed, yet it did not possess desire, it would be a slave to it’s environment.

Even if such a being existed in an eternal heavenly paradise, if it did not have desire, it would be an utter slave, with no free will or control over itself.

A being in such a situation must have desire to be free, to desire to continue existing in such a paradise or to want something else, from a different paradise all the way to hell.

Many people confuse desire with uncontrollable obsession, addiction, lust and craving.

These concepts are extreme degrees of desire, thus they have different conceptual words to express them, for they are not simply desire, which is the ability to want.

Mans irreducible desire is the want to want. If a being really did want to not want, desire to have no desire, they would be wishing for their total and utter annihilation as a being. It would be worse than death, much much worse. As they are not wishing to be unconscious, but to exist in a conscious state with no desire, which essentially means with no free will, as free will as dependant on desire, as desire is dependant on free will.

Desire and free will are two sides of the same coin.

One can only make choices based on what they want to choose.

If they could not want to make a choice, then they couldn't make choices.

Or more accurately, they could make choices, but they wouldn't be free choices, they would be determined by whatever was making choices for them.

Again even deeper, it wouldn't be a choice, because a choice implies the possibility for an alternative option to be chosen.

If one did not have any desire, they could not choose either or, for they would not want to make a choice either way.

One who has no want, has no want to make choices, they have no want for anything, to stay in one position or to move, they don’t want to feel pain or pleasure, they don’t want to think, they don’t want to be conscious or unconscious, they don’t want to be in control of what they experience or out of control, they don't want to be able to make their own choices or to allow something else to choose for them.

They don’t want anything because they cannot, just like a rock or literal NPC (non player character) in a computer game.

If a conscious being somehow did manage to amputate their desire, what would they do next? How could they do anything they wanted if they had no desire to do anything?

They would exist in a dream like state, an observer with no power over what they observed, a being possessed by a demon, powerless to intervene as the demon made all their choices for them, not wanting the demon to stop or to be in control of them, as they cannot want anything at all, not even to have their ability to want return to them or to stay away forever.

This would be a sentence only the devil could conceive of, yet there are many gravely mistaken people who wish nothing more than this terrible of terrible fates.

Curiosity is a unique branch of desire. Desire is the ability to want to sit down or go for a walk, yet curiosity is the desire to sit down in all the fancy chairs in a luxurious cafe or to walk in a new and unexplored part of a city, both circumstances to experience something new and unknown.

Desire and want are more powerful than needs.

For there really are no ‘needs’ per say.

Every breath you take is because you want to live. Needing to breathe is only based upon your desire to live.

Every bite of food you take is because you want to enjoy food, you want to stop the pain of hunger and because you want to live. Needing to eat to survive is only because you want to survive.

If you didn’t want to survive anymore, there would be no need to eat, sleep, drink or even breathe.

All ‘needs’ come in response to a want. Even if one wants to kill themselves, they need to breathe and need to walk to a high place before jumping.

If one wants to create a successful business, they need to take x and x steps.

Everything you do in your life is based upon two primary desires.

The desire to move towards pleasure and the desire to move away from pain.

You work for money because you desire the pleasures that money can bring and don’t want to experience the pain and consequences of not having any.

You desire safety and security, so you do the things you think will bring you that, even if you make mistakes and in the long run perform actions that actually jeopardise your safety and security.

For example, you pay fines to criminal organisations because you desire peace and don’t want outside threatening forces to violate your peace.

Desire is a fascinating and critical component of reality.

Without it, we couldn't function.

For how could something which was not a robot, experience life if it did not have any wants and desires?

A machine that can build cars has no desires, it only does what it has been programmed to do.

A car has no desire. It is at the mercy of the driver.

A computer has no desire, it obeys the commands of it’s user.

A machine, car and computer have no power to influence their own actions because they lack desire.

The ability to have desire is the ability to be in control of your actions.

The Utopian mindset is based upon the desire to do good for oneself and others.

One must desire to improve and grow themselves, because if this desire does not exist, then the opposite desire does.

The opposite to growth and improvement is stagnation and decay.

If something’s not growing, it’s dying.

Death has no desire, life is made because of it.

When one seeks new information, thinks new thoughts, or performs new actions, it’s because they are curious to see the results.

Think of a baby.

They blow bubbles, move their hands and try to walk because they are curious and excited to see the results of their actions.

What will happen if I do this?

Curiosity is the spark of imagination.

It is the focused desire to explore and discover new things.

An inventor designs a new way to provide free and clean energy to your home because they are curious to see if they can create something which will change all our lives.

You go to a party because you are curious if you will meet someone new who you will enjoy spending time with.

Curiosity built the light bulb, invented chess, designed football stadiums and created art.

Curiosity and imagination go hand in hand.

To be curious, you must be able to imagine.

To imagine, you must be curious.

How could you build a new road if you weren't able to imagine an alternative way?

How would you be able to imagine an alternative way of building roads if you weren't curious?

Curiosity is the desire to see and experience the end result of ones actions.

How could anything new be created or thought if there was no curiosity?

If you weren't curious about a better way of living, you wouldn't spend any time thinking about how you could enjoy your life more.

Curiosity is the virtue which investigates claims, opinions and beliefs.

If one hears a doctor say that wearing a mask is a good idea to protect from viruses, then it is the virtue of curiosity which investigates to discover the truth of this bizarre claim.

If one sees that police cause more issues than they solve, it is ones curiosity which sparks them into action to research the concept of police and their actions and to eventually discover their ultimate corrupt nature.

Curiosity is the initiative to look into history via ones own efforts and to not simply believe the mainstream narrative.

Without curiosity, one is enslaved to whoever has a stronger will and is making the most claims of how to guide and dictate ones life and what is true and what is false.

Without curiosity, one becomes an unthinking automaton, only reacting to whatever commands they are given, with no desire to investigate the validity of the commands they receive as they possess no curiosity to verify the legitimacy of the claims they hear, they remain as unthinking zombies, obedient to their programmers, lacking the ability to return to humanity.

Curiosity ensures one who is free stays free, one who is in control of themself remains in control of themselves.

Curiosity is the cog in the collective human machine which rolls inevitably towards Utopia.

Remove this specific cog and the machine begins to roll backwards, inexorably tumbling down and down until it crashes unavoidably into dystopia.

The Utopian mindset aims to inspire people to become curious about everything.

In the famous TV show Star Trek, they say space is the final frontier.

Not true.

Mans curiosity and thus imagination, has the power to continue to expand for eternity.

If only it is nourished and respected for what is is.

The power to create change and discover the new and unknown.


Egoism/Selfishness/Self Interest

Care is the desire to improve or better someone or something. 

Whether that be yourself, someone else or a project. 

Care is your hearts desires made manifest into real world action.

If you don’t care about your health, it will be obvious to everyone.

If you do care about your health, it clearly shows.


The desire of your heart to be healthy is brought into reality through care, which then influences your choices, which changes your outcome to be in alignment with your desire.

Desire and care are inter changeable in their order.

What comes first, your desire to change the world because you care, or do you care about the world so you desire to change it?


It doesn’t matter, they are both equally important and required values of healthy humans who want to live in healthy societies.

Those who are unhealthy don’t have a lack of care or desire, only a lack of appropriate care and desires.


Someone who watches sports after work everyday does so because they care about sport.

If only they cared about living in a world without war, poverty, disease, torture and suffering, would we be able to live in a world free from those atrocities. 

What you care about directs where you attention flows. 


If you care about things which are not positively contributing to your health, mentally, emotionally and physically, then it’s more likely that the things you care about are unhealthy and negative.

Change what you care about, change yourself, change the world.

It really is always ever that simple.


Often people say they don’t care about the world, even when they do.


It’s not that they don’t care about the fate of the world and their loved ones, it’s that they are too afraid to confront themselves and discover how they have been living as a coward.


Shame is a great motivator to stay the same, to slowly wither and die in the cold confines of ignorance, rather than find the courage to face your inner weakness.

That’s why it’s so important to stoke the fires of curiosity, to question, ‘is their bravery somewhere inside of me’?  

Do I have the potential to face my inner demons and win”?

Once that question has been put into your head, it’s only a matter of time before the seeds of care and desire begin to flourish into an avenging angel with the courage to overcome all your shame, guilt and weakness and to bring forth the true care for the world you have been harbouring all along, locked deep down inside of you, just waiting to be freed.

The Utopian perspective on care is mutual beneficial outcome. 


If a business man only cared about himself and profit, he works to make more money, not caring if he was actually doing good for anyone as long as he benefited by making a profit. 

This mindset is incompatible with Utopia. 

If that same business man had a Utopian mindset, he would provide a valuable product or service that genuinely improved the lives of others, while he also benefited in some way.

If you care about the health of your family, you will do what you can to help them improve their diet and exercise.

If you have a general sense of care towards people, you will pull over and assist someone who has been in a car crash.

If you care about your intimate relationships, you will learn and grow to make your relationships stronger and more fulfilling. 

If you care about your future and fellow man, you will not participate in a system that steals and abuses you and your fellows.

If you care about the environment, you won’t throw rubbish on the ground and litter.

If you care about living a satisfying and happy life, you won’t be lazy and let all your dreams, goals and ambitions slip by.

If you care about yourself, you will show yourself the respect you deserve and work to improve your body, mind and spirit.


Without care for yourself, others and the environment, Utopia will only ever be a dream in the hearts of those who have heart.

With care, we can accomplish whatever we put our minds to.

The attack on “selfishness” is an attack on man’s self-esteem; to surrender one, is to surrender the other.

To love is to value. Only a rationally selfish man, a man of self-esteem, is capable of love—because he is the only man capable of holding firm, consistent, uncompromising, unbetrayed values. The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.

It is only on the basis of rational selfishness—on the basis of justice—that men can be fit to live together in a free, peaceful, prosperous, benevolent, rational society.

Parasites, moochers, looters, brutes and thugs can be of no value to a human being—nor can he gain any benefit from living in a society geared to their needs, demands and protection, a society that treats him as a sacrificial animal and penalizes him for his virtues in order to reward them for their vices, which means: a society based on the ethics of altruism. No society can be of value to man’s life if the price is the surrender of his right to his life.

Needless to say, a rational man never distorts or corrupts his own standards and judgment in order to appeal to the irrationality, stupidity or dishonesty of others. He knows that such a course is suicidal.

The clash between egoism and altruism lies in their conflicting answers to these questions. Egoism holds that man is an end in himself; altruism holds that man is a means to the ends of others. Egoism holds that, morally, the beneficiary of an action should be the person who acts; altruism holds that, morally, the beneficiary of an action should be someone other than the person who acts.

To be selfish is to be motivated by concern for one’s self-interest. This requires that one consider what constitutes one’s self-interest and how to achieve it—what values and goals to pursue, what principles and policies to adopt. If a man were not concerned with this question, he could not be said objectively to be concerned with or to desire his self-interest; one cannot be concerned with or desire that of which one has no knowledge.

Selfishness entails: (a) a hierarchy of values set by the standard of one’s self-interest, and (b) the refusal to sacrifice a higher value to a lower one or to a nonvalue.

A genuinely selfish man knows that only reason can determine what is, in fact, to his self-interest, that to pursue contradictions or attempt to act in defiance of the facts of reality is self-destructive—and self-destruction is not to his self-interest. “To think, is to man’s self-interest; to suspend his consciousness, is not. To choose his goals in the full context of his knowledge, his values and his life, is to man’s self-interest; to act on the impulse of the moment, without regard for his long-range context, is not. To exist as a productive being, is to man’s self-interest; to attempt to exist as a parasite, is not. To seek the life proper to his nature, is to man’s self-interest; to seek to live as an animal, is not.”

Obviously, in order to act, one has to be moved by some personal motive; one has to “want,” in some sense, to perform the action. The issue of an action’s selfishness or unselfishness depends, not on whether or not one wants to perform it, but on why one wants to perform it. By what standard was the action chosen?

- Ayn Rand



Intelligence is the ability to learn, to solve problems, to acquire knowledge, to validate judgements, convictions and conclusions.

Some people have a natural affinity and proficiency in one or more fields, this often gives them the title of being ‘intelligent’.

Intelligence can be narrow and it can be general.

One who is narrowly intelligent may be the best in their field in biology, but when it comes to basic commonsense in mechanics, engineering, philosophy, morality or maths, they may have no clue.

One who has general intelligence is able to translate and transfer their skill of intelligence to a vast variety of different fields.

They can apply their inductive and deductive skills of acquiring knowledge and verifying information to be factual or not to new subjects and fields of study much more easily than a narrowly intelligent man.

Narrow intelligence can be useful, for it allows one to become very highly skilled in a specific area.

Although it has many downsides and often leaves one oblivious to the rest of reality and easy prey for general intelligent psychopaths to take advantage of.

Intelligence has a very strong connection to passion.

When one is passionate about gardening, hippology, zoology, marine biology or electrical science, they can learn that topic very easily.

When one is not passionate about a subject, it is very difficult for them to learn, like trigonometry, economics or politics.

It is understandable for one not to be passionate about Entomology or Pathology, as these fields of knowledge do not concern everyone, yet the topics of philosophy, morality and social structures do concern everyone, yet unfortunately most people are not passionate about them.

One shows a general level of intelligence when they are passionate about all the topics which directly concern them and their life.

If one has a car and that car gets a flat tyre every now and again (as cars do), then one should be passionate or at least interested in learning how to change the wheel without needing to call for help for such a simple task.

Everyone has a body, yet not many people know how to burn fat or build muscle. They do not have any idea how their body works and are not passionate about learning how.

One may be an expert heart surgeon, yet have no idea about the terrain model and how people get sick and need heart surgery in the first place.

Just because one may be very skilled in a narrow area, does not mean they are generally intelligent.

The use of the word general here is likened to a medical general practitioner and more so to a general in the army. A medical GP has a general idea (in theory at least) about the functioning of human bodies in comparison to the heart surgeon.

A general in the army has the highest rank because he is generally good at everything and has a broad range of knowledge. He is a specialist at being a generalist.

A generalist can still specialise in 1 or more fields, but they don’t only specialise in a few fields and then have little knowledge about the rest of the world like the specialist.

The more things one is good at, the more skills they have, the more money they save.

When one is intelligent enough to do many things, they don't have to rely on others so much, they become more independent.

Of course, no one is a pure polymath genius, good at absolutely everything.

Having a general level of intelligence means one can be utilise their intelligence in a variety of fields and have a greater capacity to translate that ability to think and problem solve to other fields.

For example, one may have a general level of tradesman skills, being able to do basic work on their car or around the home, be able to use a variety of tools, have a specialised knowledge in weightlifting and bodybuilding, know in depth how the human body works and how to prevent it from getting sick and staying healthy, be well versed in philosophy, psychology, etymology, morality, economics, legality, computer technology and software, history, English, writing, social structures, geography, nutrition, combat sports, physics, military tactics, marketing, weapons training, sales, vehicle operation, business management, boating, leadership, communication skills etc…

The more passionate one is about learning and evolving themselves to make their life easier and more interesting, the higher their level of general intelligence.

The more generally intelligent someone is, the less likely they are to be deceived by the schemes of evil people.

Intelligence is not just what you know, but how you learn and your desire to learn.

The better one can learn, the more they know, the more they can do with the knowledge, the more intelligent they are, which can aid them to learn even better into a revolving upwards spiral.

Intelligence is less a natural born gift and more of a mixture of curiosity and passion.

When one is passionate about themselves, as one should be passionate about their own life, because they aren't living anyone else's life but their own, they will be then be curious about new ideas and information which can help strengthen their character and increase their knowledge.

With enough time, dedication and passion, it’s possible for one to become generally intelligent.

Their are those who are naturally gifted and can simply pick up subjects very easily without passion and with little effort. For whatever reason their brain functions differently.

There is no point discussing the biology behind these naturally intelligent people as it is not useful for those who do not have it inbuilt.

For the rest of us, we have to learn how to be intelligent, we have to invest time, energy and focus into becoming good at what we want.

Just like body building, consistency is king.

If you want to become generally intelligent, you must put aside your pride.

If one doesn't want to be wrong more than they want to be right, they will remain as someone who is narrowly intelligent or simply stupid.

When one wants to be right more than they care about being wrong, they can become unstoppable.

One who wants to be generally intelligent does not care about being wrong, they do not let their pride or ego get in the way of their evolution.

They are happy to have friendly debates about what they believe or know, because it either reinforces what they already know or shows them how they are actually wrong by pointing out a contradiction in their ideas.

General intelligent men are like the saiyans from dragon ball z. Every time they lose or (or in this case, are proven wrong), they simply come back stronger.

One who is not intelligent will cling to their beliefs because of pride, arrogance and fear. They do not want to be proven wrong, so even in the face of insurmountable evidence, they will evade and deny it’s existence or truth so they don’t have to be wrong (in their mind) and don't have to change.

GI (general/ly intelligent/ce) men are able to entertain contradictions in their mind so they can then evaluate multiple perspectives simultaneously.

The term ‘GI’ can also be used like this, instead of saying a GI man does XX, it can be said a GI does XX.

One may have come across a plethora of research that eating meat is healthy, but also come across a vast amount of research which denies this and advocates that humans are frugovores.

One who has GI is able to consider both perspectives simultaneously, can see the pros and cons, the truth and falsity's of both sides. Ultimately, they can then make an informed choice through their theoretical research as to how they decide to eat or can proceed to move into inductive practical research, experimenting on themselves to see what works best for them, irrespective of the best theoretical argument they hear.

One may believe in the primacy of consciousness, but then come across new information which points out that existence is primary. One can consider both contradicting perspectives and then decide logically which idea makes more sense and is objectively true.

One may believe the only way social change will occur is through a freedom based political party. If they have GI and they hear of anarchy and voluntarism, they are able to suspend what they currently know about politics and consider such an alternative social structure without instantly dismissing it.

One who has GI typically has a very high level of respect for themselves, they see their mind as the most worthy of investments they can ever make, one that always pays off and only ever returns profitable dividends for the rest of their life.

A GI can also make broad range logical deductions with great accuracy. For instance, one could conclude “the government lies about everything I’ve ever investigated so far, which could be in excess of dozens of individual subjects, so why would I believe them about such and such”?

If one finds out that someone or an agency lies about practically everything, it is very easy then to deduce that everything else they do which has not been thoroughly investigated is also a lie.

An example, one discovers that the war on drugs is a cover up to control the population, restrict their freedom and to control a monopolised black market on drugs. They also discover that 9/11 was an inside job. The same with all the wars, there was always an ulterior motive, if not many. They find out all the presidents are connected by family bloodlines, the voting is rigged and even the concept of their authority is delusionaly false. If one who has GI can figure all this out, they can then use that same reasoning “Everything the government does is a false front to cover up something evil and they always lie”. Bu having GI, one can use this same deductive logic to figure out the basic gist of other b.s. the government spews. One who is GI would not believe in NASA and space for example. As not only is it provably false, but it would contradict logic. One has already established that the government lies about everything, or at the very least twists things to be in their favour, why would one with GI suddenly in contradiction to all factual evidence and their inductive and deductive reasoning falsely believe that the government isn't lying about this one thing? It would be illogical and would prove one is not GI.

GI’s are more adept at broad range deductions than others. They can draw logical conclusions faster and more accurately across a broader scale than those who cannot effectively make broad range deductions.

They can look at the idea of faith for example, which is the belief in something to be true in contrary to all evidence, and recognise that there is no sound examples of faith which exists. They do not have to go through every single concrete example to understand that faith is an incorrect method of cognition.

When a GI is working on something and cannot figure it out, they don’t say “what is wrong with this?” They say “What am I doing wrong”?

They measure twice, cut once.

A GI will never say “I can’t work xx out” without first looking to see how xx works.

A GI doesn't make assumptions. They find out what they want to know.

If a GI wants to do something, but doesn't know how, they find out how.

A GI will always look at information, opinions and ideas and think “What can I take from this, what can I learn?” While at the same time knowing what to omit or to store in a neutral zone in their mind. As Bruce Lee said, absorb what is useful, discard the rest.

A GI will always happily evaluate themselves, looking for errors in their methods of cognition, idiosyncrasies, habits, ingrained repetitive behaviours, actions, attitudes or anything else part of their personality or character. They are like a self judging, self correcting machine, always looking to update themselves and take their life to the next level, consistently.

They can admit when they are wrong, own up to their mistakes and are always looking for better ways to achieve their goals.

Because they respect themselves so much, they spend more time than the average joe learning how to make their life easier. They also respect their time.

If a GI man could invest 30 minutes into learning how to change their brake pads, then 20 minutes every time for the rest of his life to change them himself, he would be saving a lot of money and time. If he had to pay someone else to do this basic task, it may cost him approx $100. Depending on how much money he makes per hour, this may be 1 or more hours worth of work to earn that amount of money. Even if it took him only 1 hour to make $100, he would still have to spend 3X the amount of time to pay to have his brakes changed, as it would only take him 20 minutes to do it himself.

Multiple this example to the rest of your life. Fixing your own computer, changing your own oil, installing your own solar, being your own personal trainer, fixing your boats steering, fixing your plumbing, rewiring your lights etc…

The more one can do themselves competently, the more time they save in the long run and the more money.

A GI also knows when something is out of their scope, when to ask for help, when to pay someone else or when to delegate. This is part of being GI.

One who is GI knows how to live on earth and in reality better than those who do not have GI.

One who is GI knows more, can do more, learns more, learns faster, learns better, saves time, saves money, is good at more things and is more interesting.

A GI man is a superior being in many ways, what Nietzsche would call an uberman.

At the same time, one who has GI realises that although they may be better at many or most things than one who isn’t GI, others will typically be better at something that he is not good at. There are just too many things in reality to be good at them all.

The idea isn't to say that those who have GI are better than everyone else, it’s to say that one will be better if they become GI.

If one does not have even a basic level of intelligence, it makes it difficult for them to be objectively good. They can easily be tricked into doing evil things via persuasive marketing under the pretense of ‘benevolence’, which can fool one into believing wrong is right. Such as voting for politicians, supporting police, paying tax, getting jabs, following the “law” etc..

Even those with a very high level of narrow intelligence can easily be fooled by the large range of psychopathic archontic strategies.

It takes a great many qualities to be a free thinking, real individual in control of ones life.

Most people exist simply as a puppet, dancing to a systemic tune they cannot hear, but controls their every move, a tune so deeply ingrained into their essence they have become the tune.

How can one consistently make the right choices and not be manipulated into doing the work of evil if they are unintelligent? Answer, they cannot. The evidence is overwhelming.

Until one invests into themselves and becomes someone valuable, not just to society, but more importantly, to themselves, they will forever be vassals of evil.

A stupid person cannot be good, they may accidentally do good things or may even have good intentions, but until they intend to learn what is objectively good and what is evil, they cannot be explicitly good. For only one who is actually good will know the difference, will know that they must know the difference between right and wrong so then they can objectively choose how they wish to live and who they wish to be.

Intelligence is the virtue which aids one in gaining knowledge, knowledge metaphorically being a garage full of tools, each tool unique to a specific job.

If you don’t have the right tool (knowledge) you cannot accomplish the goal or task you desire.

Intelligence is one of the qualities which enables one to build their repository of knowledge to become more abundant, wealthy, useful and deep in character.

If one has not exercised their intelligence to know what is good and what is not, they are not objectively good until they do. Good intentions are not the same as being good.

For a community to flourish and become Utopian, it must be comprised of individuals who have the intelligence to discern truth from fiction, right from wrong, good from evil.


Integrity is commitment to ones own values, virtues, beliefs and conceptions about himself and the world.

One has integrity when they hold to their predetermined values.

If one does not do what he says he believes or values and acts in contradiction, then he does not have integrity.

If a man says he values freedom and acts like it, he is demonstrating integrity.

Integrity is holding fast to your pre-determined values.

One may say that they will not sleep with another who has been covid jabbed. When the opportunity arises to sleep with a beautiful woman who has been vaccinated, and yet they do not, this is a powerful display of integrity and builds a strong character by resisting temptation because one has a rationally designed hierarchy of values, valuing their word, their health and their integrity over risky short term pleasure.

How can someone be trusted if they demonstrate behaviour which shows they're a liar?

If a man said he was going to start eating healthy and exercising, but doesn't, consistently, he's showing that he lies to himself.

If a man says that he's in an unhappy marriage and wants a divorce, but then the next day he changes his mind, back and forth like a yo-yo, how is he of an integral character?

If a man says he really wants to travel, but then never does what it takes, yet always complains about being stuck, is this to be considered an honourable man who says what he means and does what he says?

If a man continued to work in politics because he had sold himself the lie 'it was to help the people' yet is presented with years of evidence he is not helping, what worth is this man who can not face the truth?

If a woman had become a lawyer and eaten the lie it was 'to make the world a better place' yet in reality only stole exorbitant amounts of money to facilitate her clients punishment, why would she be deserving of respect?

If someone is able to lie to themselves so easily, what's to stop them from lying to you?

A mans word is his bond, he's only as good as his word.

An internal realm of lies can get so overwhelming it spills out and helps to create a world of lies

The world has everything to lose from a man or woman who lies to themself, yet everything to gain from one who has integrity.

Dignity is built upon a foundation of truth and a foundation of truth is built by one having integrity.

A loss of dignity is made by an accumulation of a 1,000 tiny lies.

If ones words and actions don't match, they lack integrity and credibility.

One who has integrity is unwilling to compromise their internal honesty for any kind of external reward.

Integral men and women are so, because they deal in truth.

Have integrity, be honest with yourself and trust yourself by building confidence in your ability to always tell yourself the truth and to stand firm to your values.

If ones values are wrong or out of order, an integral man will modify his values to suit his level of consciousness.



Honesty is the act of being truthful with ones communication.

When one is being dishonest, they are not telling the truth.

If one is asked if they have studied both sides of the argument for and against the existence of space as NASA proclaims it to exist, if one is to still say they believe in space, then they are being dishonest. This is because one can not honestly believe in anything NASA says as they are proven liars. If one had honestly looked at the research thoroughly, it is impossible for them to not grasp this unless they are deliberate evading.

When one evades, they are being dishonest with themselves and with others.

Evading is volitionally choosing to focus on what one wants to see and believe, not what is true and real.

When one focus’s on reality and all the truths of it,m they are being honest, as to be honest is to be congruent with the facts of reality.

If one goes to the beach and views the ocean and says that they can see it curve at the horizon, they are being dishonest, because they cannot see any such curve, it is not a problem with their senses or mental faculty of perceiving, it is because they are evading reality and being dishonest, preferring to believe and identify with prior indoctrination than to be honest to the reality before them.

When one says they are happy to friends and family, but secretly is not, they are being dishonest.

When one tells a magistrate that they are not a ‘Mr.’ or a ‘sir’, they are being honest.

Why should one be honest?

What does honesty have to do with morality?

When one is dishonest with others in dealings, it can be considered as a violation of the lore of morality.

Typically, this is because dishonesty, not telling the truth, is treating others in a way they would not wish to be treated.

If one was buying a house and the salesman told them there was no water damage, termite infestation or electrical issues, yet upon buying the property, the new owners discovered all these problems did in fact exist, the salesman would have been dishonest. The salesman would not appreciate being lied to if he was in the buyers position, so thus this is a dishonest and unethical act.

Honesty is not dogmatic and universally applicable.

There are time when is advised to be dishonest and other times when it is actually moral to be dishonest.

Honesty always requires context.

If ones partner was wearing a new outfit and asked how it looked, absolute candour is not necessary if one absolutely hates it, they may instead say that they prefer the other outfits she has, which is not being totally honest, but is not being dishonest either.

If the police or other terrorist organisation are attempting to pry personal and sensitive information from one about the location of his loved ones, he has a moral duty to not reveal this information

He would be being dishonest with such an evil gang, yet in this context, it is the right thing to do, as one is under duress and it is an act of self defence to protect someone.

One does not need to have explicit knowing of right and wrong to be evil, implicit understanding is all it takes. One with explicit knowing would be more evil than one with only implicit knowing. A cop has implicit knowledge that what they do is wrong, it may not be explicit, as they may not know why and how exactly they are being bad and working for evil, but they implicitly know it. If they do not, they are too unconscious to even be considered a being, only a walking flesh sack, animated by a metaphorical dark wizards curse to do his bidding.

If the police know what they are doing is wrong, then attempt to argue they are in the right, they are not being honest.

When one is being honest, they are conforming to the facts of reality and communicating the facts to the extent they are aware. When one who is honest is communicating, they attempt to communicate as accurately and reliably as they can. When sharing a story about catching a fish with friends, they tell them honestly how big it was, without exaggeration, unless it is in a deliberate jovial manner.

For there to be Utopia, it must be made up of people who communicate with each other truthfully.

The only times when being dishonest is acceptable is when it is under duress or when telling the truth will cause more harm than good and it is not necessary for one to know the truth.

This context implies the use of intelligence to know the difference between a time to be honest and time to be dishonest.

One may have a friend who got the covid vaccine and this utterly disgusts them and makes one believe that the friend is a coward and a disgrace. Although they may wish to not express this and be dishonest, as telling the truth in this situation may do more harm than good and they rationalise it is better to slowly drip feed their friend with empowering information so that they can hopefully come to the conclusion themselves about their actions and never do something so stupid in the future again.

For one to be good, they must be honest about what they know and what they don’t. If they don’t know what actions or ideas are good, they have to be honest and admit this, and then dedicate themselves to learning the truth. That is if they wish to call themselves a good man. If they have no desire to see themselves as good or have others see them as such, then it does not matter, they can evade and avoid the truth all they like and it makes no difference to them.

Honesty is a virtue which is appreciated by others and is likely to garner their respect.

Dishonesty generates disrespect from others.

Honesty in relation to oneself is crucial for one to build integrity, integrity being loyalty to ones created and chosen values.

If one is not honest with themselves, they cannot build integrity and thus cannot have any dignity, dignity being a form of self respect and consideration of ones inward and outwards appearance.

Dignity leads to self esteem and self esteem is the referential starting point which one filters all their thoughts, actions and life through.

Honesty is key for one to modify and enhance their quality of life, as it is a key virtue for building ones character to operate egoically.

When one lies to themselves, they are being disrespectful, they are not acting in a self interested way, as it is always beneficial for the self to have the truth of all matters so ones self can act clearly.

If one tells themselves that they don't care about their appearance, don't care about being strong or able bodied and thus eat junk food, don't exercise and become obese, they are being dishonest and showing that they hate themself, which is a self-less act, opposite to what is objectively needed and wanted for a rational man to live.

One may value their bad habits more than their health, know so, say so and act so. If one is smoking and drinking, this would be integrity to them, as they are acting in alignment with their values. They are being honest with themselves and others about their values.

One may drink alcohol and smoke everyday, saying they do it because it builds character and enjoy it, yet they really value their health more than these damaging addictions (or simply don’t know they are using drugs to numb themselves from themself), so thus are being dishonest and disingenuous with themselves.

The difference between honesty and integrity in relation to oneself is communicating and acting truthfully.

The first drug addict above is honest and has integrity. Although, they are a drug addict who values the pleasure of self destruction more than their health and dignity.

The second drug addict is being dishonest to themselves and others about the reason why they are an addict. Their values are not concretely arranged, or even consciously visible to them, so they cannot have integrity about this personal subject. For them to have integrity, they must explicitly know their value hierarchy and act accordingly.

When one is honest and admits when they are wrong in a discussion or argument, they are then able to learn what is right and thus improve themselves.

If one is dishonest with themselves, they are deluding themselves into fantasy.

If one is to point out chem-trails to someone and clearly show the difference between chem trails and con trails, if the other denies and evades this overwhelmingly obvious fact, they are being dishonest. If they can put their pride and fear aside and see reality honestly, they can rid themselves of indoctrinated illusory hallucinations and elevate their level of consciousness to better interact with reality and themselves.

If one wants to be a body builder, they must be able to be honest with themselves and see which muscle groups are lacking and need to be worked on. If they cannot do this, their overall physique will be less than what it could be.

If one wants to be an effective communicator, they have to learn where their defects are and how they can improve. When they are honest with their lackings, they can then focus their energy on improving their weaknesses and become a more effective communicator.

Honesty can be more complex on the surface, but underneath it is simple.

Always tell yourself the truth. Tell the truth when you should to others. Don’t when you should not. Know the difference.



Courage is the overcoming of fear in the face of adversity.

Only when fear is present can one be said to be courageous, for courage is always linked to fear.

If one could not feel fear and free climbed a cliff face, they would not be courageous, as they physically cannot feel fear. Yet if one was terrified and still did this, they would be. Even without fear, it is of course still an incredible act of skill, but it is just not courageous.

When one feels fear confronting a bully, in or out of uniform, they are being courageous. If they have no fear when doing so, then it is not courageous, just the right thing to do.

One may be a master pistol duellist, having over 100 victories under their belt. They may start back to back, walk 3 paces, turn around and then fire without any fear of death. They would be displaying honour, by not turning before the 3 paces to shoot their opponent, but they would not be courageous unless they felt fear.

Courage is being aware of the risks and consequences and continuing to act in spite of the potential negative harm one may have to endure due to their courage.

One may decide to confront police, stand up to their family or challenge a stranger who is doing something wrong.

When one has objective awareness about why they are doing what they do, they can look at the context of a situation and objectively analyse and evaluate it.

Courage is looking into the face of what is wrong or even evil and saying “not on my watch”.

It is the mental fortitude to overcome ones emotional state.

Fear is an automatic bodily reaction to the threat of violence or harm. Courage is the volitional mental response to fear.

When one cannot conquer their fear, they are labelled as a coward, as weak and consumed by their fear.

When one wants to go rock climbing, but cannot because of their fear, they are being held back by their fear and their lack of courage. The same can be said with sky diving, cliff jumping, standing up to bullies, voicing ones true opinion, living independently and squaring up against tyranny.

Courage is the ability to push through ones own fear and mental blocks to do what it is they want to do, whether stand up for what is right or to pursue adventure hobbies.

If the saying “everything you want is on the other side of fear” is true, then courage is the tool which will get you there.

Graham had invited Samson along on a camping trip with a bunch of people that Samson had never met.
The topic of conversation had turned to courage as they sat around a large camp fire.
Abbey was impressed by Samson's examples of courage.

“Wow, you are so courageous, you must have no fear. I couldn't have done what you did. Not wearing a mask when everyone else was. Going to protests, getting attacked and arrested by police. Not getting vaccinated when there was such a push for everyone to do it. I couldn't do that, I was just too afraid of the fines, the police brutality and the social pressure from everyone who believed in the whole narrative. I had to wear a mask because I was more afraid of what people would say and getting fined than of a virus. I was more afraid of the police brutality than of spreading a virus, so I chose to be my own prisoner and guard. I was more afraid of losing my job then getting covid, so I got vaccinated. How could you do it? How could you be so fearless in the face of such fear?”

The others all stared in awe at Samson, admiring him for his heroic courage in the face of adversity.

“You don’t get it.” Samson replied. “I felt fear alright. Although I wasn't stopped by my fear, I was motivated by it. It’s not the social pressure, the fines or the police brutality which really scared me. It was the fear of doing nothing. Allowing tyranny to run free and continue to descend into chaos, into dystopia, that’s what really frightened me. I had to act despite my fear, because the fear of not acting was much greater. I acted because I was afraid, not because I had no fear. I was courageous, because I was so scared. I wasn’t afraid of losing my job, I was more afraid of dying from a stroke, humiliating myself and feeling like a total failure. I wasn't afraid of the social pressure, I was afraid of inhaling toxic plastic and looking like a fool. I wasn’t afraid of the fines, I was afraid that if no one stood against the police thugs, they would think we were all just pushovers and easy victims for their psychopathic tendencies. I was so courageous because I faced and overcame an enormous amount of fear. Because I was more afraid of the guilt, the shame and the dishonour of being a coward. That’s why I did what I did, would do it again and will if I have to. Because it was the right thing to do and good men do the right thing.”

Some of the others looked at Samson in shock, some hung their heads in shame, some furrowed their brows in deep contemplation.

“Ok, yep, good explanation. I get it, I’m a bloody coward. But what can I do about it?” Abbey answered.

“Find your reason to be courageous.”

The fire continued to flicker and burn, illuminating the camp site and adding a background crackle to the now silence of deep thought.


Justice is the ability to cure negative causes, not just "treat" negative effects.

Whenever there is a negative cause/crime, justice is the virtue which cures, fixes or solves the problem as best it can in any given scenario which requires it. 

Justice does not only focus on fixing the effect, theft, rape, murder etc. but it focuses on fixing what caused the effect.

This is the difference between a primitive form of justice and a civilised version.

Justice is the concept of correcting injustice, injustice being violations of morality.

Justice is the correction or prevention of injustice and the curing or remedy of criminal behaviour.

Injustice is a breach of objective morality. 

Justice utilises equity to create the most effective solutions to correct behaviour which caused one to commit a criminal act and to prevent them from doing so again.

It would only be justice to kill a criminal if there was no other options, if all one could do with their power was to kill a criminal, then that would be justice. According to the context, obviously.

If one or society had the power to not kill a criminal and instead apply The Golden Rule Of Equity, then the best choice would be to use the R method.

The R method is the Objectively Moral and correct method when applying justice.






Torturing someone is never an act of justice. It is always a thoughtless act of sadistic pleasure drawn from a mindset of vengeance.

Locking someone in prison and treating them worse than animals is torture.

You cannot use injustice as a method of justice, it is barbaric incompetence to think it is.

Even if you had caught someone raping your loved one red handed, tying them up and torturing them is not justice. You may fly into a fit of rage and kill them on the spot, which could arguably be reasonable in the specific context. This could be a form of justice as you have prevented the rapists behaviour from continuing to cause harm.

Although, is it the best method to instantly kill a rapist on sight seen?

No, as there may be many mitigating and explanatory circumstances as to why they did what they did. 

Even in the most harsh and evil of cases, torture is never justice and is always an injustice.

Being locked in a cage is the most common form of torture, the loss of ones freedom and dignity is a horrible crime.

True justice can restrict ones freedom, but not to that of an animal, but to that of a rehabilitating patient. it definitely would not take away ones dignity. As this is obviously again an injustice.

Justice in every day life for the individual not working in the professional justice industry looks akin to personal responsibility and having standards of respect for all people.

When an individual witnesses a crime, it is their responsibility to intervene and assist, according to the power they have. Power being physical power, ability to speak the same language to mediate, confidence to act etc..

The standard one walks by is the standard they accept as acceptable happening to them.

The virtue of justice helps to create a community/country/world worth living in.

Justice is the virtue which enables one to feel safe, wherever they are.

When one performs acts of justice, it helps to give them confidence that because they had the courage to act in someones else's time of need, that if they were ever in need, they could rely on a stranger to help them.

Justice is always linked to equity. If the solution to a crime/problem is not what one would like to happen to them if they were on the receiving end, then it is not justice.

Personal acts of justice are when one attempts to remedy an injustice as best they can inside the scope of their power.

Chasing down a handbag theif. Intervening in someone getting bashed. Letting people know it is wrong to vote for government political parties. Informing the police of their immorality. Not paying tax when possible. Aiding one who is getting verbally bullied for not wearing a mask. Protecting a woman from being beaten up by her ex.

Personal justice is one doing the best they can do to correct, prevent or fix wrong behaviour they are present to. 

Professionbal justice is the same thing but on a larger scale and with more physical force to enforce the prescribed justice.

On the personal level, one should use the same R methodology as the professional level.

One can only be expected to do the best they can do, no more and no less.

It is ones resposibility to enact justice to the best of their abilities and their power in the specified context of any unjust situation.

This is point where one begins to move from good to great, when they not only do no wrong, but begin to correct others wrong.

Being good mainly comprises of simply not doing bad, wrong or committing crimes.

But until they begin to actively oppose bad, evil and wrong, to willfully decide to stand against immorality as is reasonable in their capacity to do so, it is hard to say that one is good while they behave like a coward in situations where their justice is required.

Justice is the judgement of a particular act to be wrong, then ones attempt to do the best they can to remedy an injustice, inside of their capabilities.

If one is to be good, they must be able to judge right from wrong.

If one can do this and yet chooses to not act when they witness injustice, then why is this?

It could be because of lack of empathy or it could be because of cowardice.

Not acting in times when one should act does not necessarily make them bad, but it does not make them great either.

If there was little to no risk to one to stand up for the side of right when injustice is occurring, then this severely impacts one's goodness.

If one is speaking to a friend and the friend tells them how they are going to vote for a new president, yet one does not discourage this evil behaviour, then by their omission to act correctly, they made a choice to be bad.

It is not their duty to convince the deranged political voter to change their mind and stop empowering tyrants, but it is their duty to share the truth and to say what they think is right and wrong behaviour and why.

When one does no wrong and stands up for good, then they are good.

When they go above and beyond the expectations to be good is when one can transition into greatness.



- Life

- Knowledge

- Dignity

- Self esteem

- Independence

- Honour

“Value” is that which one acts to gain and/or keep. The concept “value” is not a primary; it presupposes an answer to the question: of value to whom and for what? It presupposes an entity capable of acting to achieve a goal in the face of an alternative. Where no alternative exists, no goals and no values are possible.

Now in what manner does a human being discover the concept of “value”? By what means does he first become aware of the issue of “good or evil” in its simplest form? By means of the physical sensations of pleasure or pain.

In choosing his actions and goals, man faces constant alternatives. In order to choose, he requires a standard of value—a purpose which his actions are to serve or at which they are to aim.

- Ayn Rand


For one to be, be good, be great, to have any values or virtues, they must be alive.

If one is dead, or not in this world anymore, then everything is irrelevant.

The good is that which supports mans life, except at the expense of other men.

If one wants to know what is good for him, he must ask “Is this good for sustaining, improving or enhancing my life?”

Life is mans foundational value, the thing which he acts to gain and keep. It is the foundation because it is the required first value for all other values to be built upon. Even consciousness requires life to exist.

Consider yourself as a baby. You were not conscious, but you were alive. You only became conscious after many years of life. Even such things as free will or desire weren't present as you were not conscious enough (or at all) to have these higher abilities.

For one to become aware as to how to live as a rational man, one must be alive long enough to learn what it means to have values, virtues and a worthy character.

Life is merely and deferentially the value which allows all other values to exist.

It is not the highest value, but a prerequisite to all other values being possible.

If one was destined to live life as a slave for their entire life, than their life is meaningless and has no value. A life without freedom is not a gift, but a curse. It is not something one should value, as life without freedom, as a slave, is torture. Life is not a value then, but a cruelty.

For ones life to have any kind of value, one must have freedom, but for one to be free, they need to be alive.

For ones life to have value and to not simply be a scourge or a parasite upon others, they must have honour.

For ones life to have value and to not be trapped in a body which acts out sinister scripts and programs, one must be sovereign, to control ones own life.

One may prefer to die than to besmirch their honour, which demonstrates that life is not the highest value, but a value which must be sustained to enable all other values.

For one to be good, they must respect their own life and the lives of others. If their actions unjustly jeopardise the lives of others, then they are immoral.

If one controls the water supply for a town and poisons the water with fluoride, they are endangering peoples lives, causing harm to their health, which inevitably affects their quality of life.

If one sprays chemtrails over a country, they are unnecessarily poisoning people and attacking their health, which is a direct attack on their lives.

One must be healthy to live, one who is unhealthy becomes diseased, sick and dies.

One has the power to voluntarily poison themselves through junk food, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.

One can only be responsible for their health to the extent they can.

They can control if they drink or smoke and what they eat, to an extent. But they cannot control the emf, the chemtrails, or the fluoride. There are things one can do to mitigate these poisons, such as only drinking filtered water, finding organic produce and living somewhere where there is no chemtrails and less emf.

Yet there is a point where it becomes the sole immorality and culpability of the one who is doing the poisoning.

The orchastrators behind emf, chemtrails, pasteurising milk, chemically spraying food, GMO, adding preservatives and chemicals to food, packaging with plastic, poisoning the water or doing anything else harmful to the human body, are morally responsible.

Yes, people have the responsibility to discover what is healthy and what is not. But people also have a responsibility to not poison other people, with intent or without.

Creating a product which is harmful to the human body is a crime, even if people consent to use the product. Peoples weaknesses should not be taken advantage of because of money.

Any assault on the human body, whether it is toxic makeup, sunscreen, shampoo, soap, coco-cola or vaccines is an assault on life.

Everyone has the right to health and no one has the right to manipulate anyone else into self harm.

If one wishes to self harm, they must go out if their way to do it to themselves. Companies should not make it effortless for people to self harm.

Life is the standard of value which must be protected. Each mans life is his own, his free will, his consent and his actions should not be manipulated, coerced or in any other way taken advantage of into causing self harm.

Anyone who deceives another into self harm, via convincing them that it is safe to use their product (junk food, skin products, injected products, pharmaceuticals etc..) is culpable of committing a crime.

Even if someone consents to use these products, it is still immoral to create them. Selling natural tobacco is not a crime, but selling chemically altered tobacco is. If a natural product has been altered in anyway which results in it being toxic to the human body, it is wrong.

Substances like steroids can cause harmful side effects if used incorrectly. They should only be used responsibly and ideally with professional supervision.

If a company wished to sell alcohol that has been naturally produced, then it is up to the user to moderate their consumption. If the company adds toxic chemicals, then they do not have the right to sell it.

It is a difficult balance to find the line between consent and objectively aware self harm.

This is why it is the individuals responsibility to discover if their product is harmful or not to people. If it is, they cannot sell it. If they didn't know and then find out, they have a responsibility to stop. Where the lines become blurred, it is their responsibility to discover what to do, via public awareness and vote, warning labels or professional arbitration.

One has a responsibility to manage their own health, but one cannot be expected to know everything, for when it comes to health and consumption of products, there is simply too much for one to know it all.

The greater responsibility of ensuring peoples health rests on the one manufacturing or creating the product. If one decides to make a product for human consumption (vaccines, smokables, drinkables, applications for skin etc..) then they must have the intention to not do any harm. They must respect others lives and treat them as their own.

Respecting others health and thus their lives is treating and considering others bodies just the same as one should treat theirs (if they are healthy in mind, thus in body).

Without life, there are no values, with it, all other value can rise.



Information is data that is either true or false.

Knowledge is information which is true.

If one ‘knows’ how to make a square only have 3 sides, it is not knowledge because it is false.

If one ‘knows’ that vaccines are safe and effective, it is not knowledge because it is objectively false.

If one knows that objects fall down, then it is knowledge because it is true.

If one knows how to change their windscreen wipers, it is knowledge.

Knowledge is knowing what is true and what is not. Intelligence is the ability to apply that knowledge usefully.

One may know the truth about history, yet not figure out how to articulate this to someone else when explaining how government corruption stems from the past.

One may know that the government is corrupt, yet still vote because they lack the intelligence to figure out what to actually do. Which essentially comes down to a lack of knowledge due to ones intellectual sedentarism in that specific field.

The more one knows, the more they can do, the more useful they become to themselves and others.

The less one knows, the less useful and the less able they are.

Why is it valuable to have knowledge?

Because the more knowledge you have, the more powerful you become.

Knowledge is information which is true that is a necessary requirement for one to have power. One can only have very limited power without knowledge, such as natural physical strength. One can have a a nearly unlimited amount of power with knowledge.

To know how to rewire a faulty pump is power.

To know how to detox and heal yourself if power.

To know how to lift weights without injuring oneself is power.

To know more words so one can be more descriptive and accurate in their speaking and writing is power.

To know how to identify ones errors and correct them is power.

To know how to fact check claims about reality or anything in it is power.

Knowledge is a prerequisite to power and power is the ability to do.

With knowledge comes power, but only if that knowledge is intelligently applied.

When one knows the difference between right and wrong, they can then act with clarity, with accurate precision as to how they conduct their life and interact appropriately with others in an objective fashion.

When one does not know the difference, they are at the mercy of whoever has the loudest voice, the most parrots and best hypnotic prowess.



Dignity is the self respect in ones appearance and demeanour. It is also the respect of others to be treated in a way they should be, with dignity.

If one is to wear tattered clothes, have a moustache stained yellow from cigarette smoke, be fat and sickly looking, speak in a very slang and guttural way and sleep on the streets, they have no dignity.

Dignity is care about oneself. A lack of dignity shows a lack of care about ones reputation and quality of character.

One may get drunk at bars every weekend, throw up on themselves and urinate in the streets, thus they have no dignity.

One may have slaves locked in cages, depriving them of their humanity and treating them as objects, as less than what they are worth, with a lack of dignity.

The police may arrest someone, then throw them into a cell, with a open for all to see toilet and stuck behind a locked door, depriving them of their dignity.

One may allow their partner to boss them around, to tell them what do around the house, when they can go to see friends, what shows they will watch, what time to be home for dinner. They would both be acting without dignity, one of them for treating the other without dignity, as a slave, and the other for accepting their status as a slave without question, without the dignity to stand up for themselves.

People may be told by other people that that they must wear masks, that it is a requirement to be in public wearing a face nappy. The people who obey have no dignity, no self respect, no care about their appearance and their character.

A man may be exposed in a sex scandal, yet hold his head high in dignity, explain what happened and either apologise for his mistakes or defend his actions.

Behaving in a dignified manner is to exert an outward appearance worthy of ones existence as a human being, not as an animal or lesser being. It is to treat others in the same dignified manner one would wish to be treated, as an intelligent living being.

It is acceptable for a dog to obey commands such as ‘sit, roll over, shake” but if a human were to respond to such commands, it would be undignified, for they would not be behaving as a rational man with any self respect.

One who is dignified will comb their hair, keep a tidy beard, brush their teeth, wear clean clothes, bathe themselves, sit and stand up straight, look healthy and exude a general overall sense that they are in control of their life.

One whose bedroom is littered with empty coke bottles, who is obese and only orders junk food is undignified. They do not care about their appearance, health or cleanliness. It is as if they have given up on hope and are attempting to slowly kill themselves.

Those with dignity care about their appearance because they care about themselves. They will not humble themselves before others, they will not degrade or humiliate themselves, for they have self respect and know there worth.

Why is dignity so important and why is it a necessary value for one to be good?

Without dignity, one does not care about who or what they vote on, they simply do as they are told without question, without the self dignity to consider why they do what they do and if it’s the right thing or not.

One who has no dignity will receive vaccinations because they are told to, because they have no respect, no true care for how they are perceived by society, only a desire to fit into the popularist belief system, regardless of how degrading and humiliating it may be.

One who has dignity and who values objective reality will go against the mainstream to maintain their dignity.

The dignified will not humble themselves for the benefit of society if they are not violently forced to.

The undignified will do what ever is necessary to exist inside a pecking order which allows them to exist with the least possible effort. They would prefer to live at the bottom as a nobody without effort then to be their own individual man with a little work.

The undignified are gateways of immorality, enablers for men of evil to deceive, coerce and order into creating the structures of dystopian societies.

The undignified lack boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. They find it very difficult if not impossible to rationally consider, evaluate and judge right and wrong behaviour. They lack dignity and they lack self respect, which stems from a lack of confidence in ones own ability to be real, to be a grown man or woman who is responsible for their thoughts and actions. Dignity is not only to do with ones outward physical appearance, but their actions which define them. A clean cut man man wearing a suit may be walking down the street, yet be wearing a mask. He is caring about his physical appearance, but does not care enough to learn that by wearing a mask, he is showing that he is a lazy, stupid, indoctrinated fool who thinks so little of himself and does not believe he is worthy of 10 minutes of research into the efficacy of masks and the real intent behind them. He is showing dignity, but only up to a degree. He is showing only superficial dignity, yet openly displaying a lack of intellectual dignity.

One who has dignity cannot delegate critical aspects of life to another.

If one realises or learns that by voting for tv actors to rule them, by supporting brutal psychopaths to enforce corporate policy, and that by listening to indoctrinated drug dealers they are lacking dignity to such a degree they are effectively not only digging their own grave, but the grave of all civilisation, they can then decide to regain their dignity by ceasing immoral activities which demonstrate intellectual indignity.

When one ceases to support entertainment figures in their real life quest for power, condemns the actions of brainwashed thugs and learns to manage their own body without the influence of toxic pharmaceuticals, then they are on a path to becoming an intellectually dignified man.

Dignity is treating oneself in a way which they are deserving of and treating others the same. Not just superficially, but intellectually.

One may have an employee, which they treat right on the surface, but treat in a manner which is demonstrating intellectual indignity. They may pay them right, be polite and be kind to them, but not allow them to lock up the shop after a decade of loyal employment, not trusting them to do such a simple task that they could have learnt in their first month. The employer is treating him in a way less than he should.

If a dignified man were to behave in an undignified manner, he would feel shame, guilt and remorse for his actions. If he were to treat himself as less than he should, he would feel the negative emotional consequences due to his indignity.

Dignity differs to self esteem in the respect that it is more attached to ones appearance, it is the end results of ones actions, the appearance of how their behaviours make them look, as opposed to the actions directly themselves.

For one can smoke a cigarette in a dignified or undignified manner. One can hold their weight in a dignified or undignified manner. One can eat a slice of cake with or without dignity. It is not the actions in their totality which make an act or way of being undignified, but the manner in which the act is conducted. One can smoke a cigarette with superficial dignity, but cannot escape the fact that it is intellectually undignified. One may be able to smoke natural tobacco in an intellectually dignified manner if they are a shaman or other type of character who does not consider himself an intellectual or particularly health focused. If one was a personal trainer or health fanatic and yet smoked, they would be demonstrating intellectual indignity, for it is unbefitting for one to contradict his values so openly.

If one believed they were intelligent and were actually intelligent in some fields, yet did things which were totally naive, foolish and irresponsible, they could be considered intellectually undignified. If one was generally a clever man, yet when it came to vaccines or the shape of the earth chose to ignore reality and only decided to believe the official narrative, they would be intellectually indignant. Not honouring themselves to investigate very easily revealable and obvious truths shows a lack of ones respect of their minds ability to know truth from falsehood, which is expressive of one being mentally undignified.

One who not only has physical dignity but intellectual dignity will do their best to align their mind with reality. Because for one to live their life believing lies and fantasy created by monsters, is the highest form of indignity one can show to their mind, themselves and to others who have the intellectual capacity to see them for what they truly are. When one believes literal nonsense, how can they not be a fool? If they believe they are smart for believing nonsense, how does this not make them appear even more foolish? What is a fool if not a boy who failed to become a man because of his mental indignity?

Self esteem must be earnt, dignity is inherent.

If one does not respect what they already are automatically, without any work, then they put themselves into a negative deficit of value to self.

When one respects and honours their self beyond their standard intrinsic worth, this is when they can raise their value of self and build self esteem, to become more than what they were yesterday.

Dignity is a beautiful, fully grown tree one has been born with, that they must nurture daily to maintain. If one acts indignantly, they are attacking this tree. If they continue on this path, they will be chopping off branches and violating that which should not be violated. If one wishes to regain their dignity, they must stop assaulting their tree and allow it to regrow into it's natural, beautiful self.

Self esteem on the other hand starts as a little seedling with ones birth. The more one nurtures it, the larger and larger it grows. There is practically no limit to how large ones self esteem tree can grow.

For one to be superficially dignified, they must take care in their appearance and manner.

For one to be intellectually dignified, they must take care in what they believe.

For one to treat others with dignity, they must abide by the golden rule of equity.

Sharon and Jeff sat a cafe, enjoying a coffee and having a nice chat.

Sharon asked Jeff how he did what he did “How is it that you have the time to learn all this stuff? How can you learn what the shape of the earth is, that the government are a bunch of crooks, that the legal system is a scam, that religion is a control mechanism, that sacrifice and surrender are evil and that we control our own health? Isn’t it hard to figure out what is true? What is the point anyways? Why do you do what you do Jeff?”

Sharon looked at Jeff with intensity, fascinated and in a kind of disbelief that anyone can discover so much or would even want to.

Jeff looked into Sharon’s pupils and smiled.

“Because I have dignity Sharon, because I have dignity.”

Self Esteem

Self esteem is a sense of ones worth in relationship to their efficacy in achieving their desires.

Self esteem comes from connecting with and creating ones identity.

It is a sense of self and of self worth.

It is a feeling of feeling like one wants to be who they are and no one else.

It is a general sense of appreciation, gratitude, contentment, satisfaction and happiness with who one is and how they work.

Self esteem comes from ones own validation of themselves.

When one accepts, approves and appreciates who they are, for what they are and for their capacity to adapt and evolve, then they have a high self esteem.

A low self esteem would be a low sense of worth.

Ones sense of worth should be directly correlated to reality, ones values and their standards.

When one operates in the world according to their standards, such as work ethic and also aligns with their chosen values, such as honesty and intelligence, then they are congruent with their thoughts and actions and thus validate themselves that they are who they want to be.

When one says they want to start a new hobby, build a great body, start a new career, take risks, improve a skill, travel or build something, then they do it, this reinforces ones trust within themselves, which build confidence that when one says something, they do it. It is reinforcing that one can trust ones own word. When ones does what one wants to do, they are like a machine that just ‘works’.

When ones character works the way ones desires and intentions want, they form a tight bond with themselves, because their self gives and provides them with what they want.

If one wants to feel happy, but cannot, their self esteem will be low, or nonexistent. When one wants to burn fat, but they cannot build the discipline, dedication and inspiration to do so, this affects their perception of their worth. When one wants to build a successful business but keeps failing, one can interpret this that they are a failure.

When one cannot achieve the things they want to experience because they lack the strength of will to create the virtues they need to do what they want (inspiration,intelligence, commitment etc..), they view themselves as an unworthy machine. A useless device to make them feel and experience that which they want. It becomes a negative reinforcing downwards spiral. One cannot do what they want, they can not overcome the challenges of laziness, stupidity or ignorance, this subconsciously registers as a failure and they begin to fail at more and more things in life.

Eventually they unconsciously view themselves as such a total failure that they begin to think someone else would do a better job of running them, controlling them and dictating their life for them to give them what they want, such as security, comfort, entertainment, direction and purpose.

These are all natural things to want. The difference between one with self esteem and one without is that one can and wants to achieve, build and control these things himself and one wants someone else to do it because they are incompetent.

Strength of will is the key component which allows one to build self esteem. The strength to persist as a sovereign being to purposefully control ones life, to play the game of oneself as oneself, as opposed to playing the game of self with someone else holding the remote and making all the choices.

When one directs their focus into being strong, they then have the will to learn what they need to do to achieve their goals and make them happy.

When one is achieving their goals, they build their self esteem and thus feel happiness at manifesting desires into reality.

It is a great feedback system to continue playing the game of life. Have a desire, focus your will into what you want, achieve what you want, feel good about it, build your self worth and solidify your actualisation as someone you want to be and play life as. The cycle repeats, because you have evidence you can achieve your desires, you have more desires to experience more and to continue feeling good, so you keep doing more and continue to build your character.

It’s like when someone is playing WOW (world of war craft), they start off as a level 1 with no idea how to play the game. Then they put time and effort into the game, learning how to play and evolve, and they increase their level, allowing them to continue playing, increasing their strength and experiencing more. Except when one plays WOW, they do not end up asking someone else to play their character for them so they can just watch and observe the characters process of evolution and experience. One will play the game as their character, it would seem absurd to play WOW but to not actually play it. Yet this is what many if not most people do in their lives. They only want a tiny bit of control to do what they want, the rest they outsource to the government, religions and anyone else who promises to think for them and to relive them of the burden of playing their own character.

The action of outsourcing ‘playing ones character’, obliterates ones self esteem as it is a booming declaration of “I don’t know how to play me, I don’t want to learn how to play me and please oh please can’t someone else just live my life for me?”

The outsourcing of playing ones character, living ones life, is evident when one refuses to learn about their health, refuses to learn about politics, governance and social structures, refuses to learn about their own psychology, refuses to learn about what makes them tick, who they are and what reality is, refuses to take responsibility for their actions, refuses to question authority, refuses to think through any mainstream claims, refuses to consider they are wrong about their beliefs, refuses to recognise evil, refuses the possibility that there is a better way to live than they are now, refuses to acknowledge they are in control of their life, refuses to consider what happens after death, refuses to learn about philosophy (in a basic sense), refuses to improve their communication skills and essentially refuses to do any kind of meaningful work on their character/mind/spirit/self/being.

When ones only focus is on sport, gossip, parties, alcohol, smoking, food, sleep, entertainment, comedy, music, fashion, status, games, tv shows, pets, material objects, the latest msm trends and scrolling social media, they have handed over their mouse and keyboard to someone else to play as them. None of these things alone are proof one has abandoned their gaming chair, their throne of life, but combined together and with any lack of effort into the primary essences of reality, it’s as if they have flicked the auto pilot switch and left the cockpit.

No wonder most do not have self esteem and instead have pre-conditioned defensive mechanisms, excessive pride and humility, obedience and submission to authority. For there is no one home to for which a self esteem can exist! The player has left the game, all that is left is an automated program, only capable of the most basic and mundane of tasks.

Whether this is metaphorical or literal is hard to tell, although the results appear to be the same. When one abandons ship, there vessel automatically steers towards the closest whirlpool, goes round and round until it eventually sinks into the bottomless deep.

If one wants to set sail, enjoy their journey and arrive at their destination, they need to focus their will into what they want. The result is self esteem, which is the fuel to continue experiencing what one wishes to. When one runs out of this fuel, it’s as if their race car has hit E in the middle of the track, game over.

When one loses their self esteem, they lose the will to play their life, to be themselves, to be authentic, to be real, to be sovereign.

When one is able to piece by piece build their self esteem, the world is their proverbial oyster.

Self esteem is like a ladder. What one wants is currently out of their reach above them. For them to get to the next level, to see and experience what they desire, they must build their ladder, climb higher so they can reach what is out of their reach. The more one works on their ladder, the more one experiences their desires, fulfils their wants and needs and achieves worthy goals, the more resources they have to make their ladder ever taller and ever more useful to them.

Most never begin to create this ladder past the first few levels, for fear of falling down.

They don’t realise that the higher one builds this metaphorical ladder, the broader the base must be, making it harder and harder for them to fall the higher and higher they go. The more they climb, the less likely they are to fall.

The smaller ones fire, the more likely it is to falter and fail. The larger ones fire, the more furiously it burns, the harder it is to put out. If one wishes to burn (to experience life, play the game of life as their character), they need to put fuel in their fire. If one places small twigs and leaves in their fire, sure they may see a rush of flames (dopamine hits from drugs, social media etc..), but their fire is sure to simmer down quickly. If one places a large log into their fire which is already well established, it will burn steadily for a long time (happiness from achieving goals).

The larger ones fire, the larger the logs they can place in it, the longer it burns.

The more one works on themselves, the more self esteem they build, the more they can accomplish and experience, the more they become.

Self esteem is confidence in one self. If one was to hypothetically reach a god level of omnipotent self esteem, nothing would shake them, no insult could ever land, they would know all there is to know about their self. They would be confident in their ability to achieve absolutely anything in reality they wanted to.

Since we are mere mortals, we are on the journey of building our self esteem to such a level, whether we achieve that or not is not the point, the point is that we aim towards it regardless of it’s achievement. The journey itself is a worthy journey.

The feedback one receives in the form of self esteem from living life is enough for one to continue living their life. Although, what other option do they have? To the conscious individual, to pull the plug on their life support and allow their body to be inhabited by demons (external programs) is no option at all.

One is either playing their character as themselves, or is allowing outside forces to play them for them.

The option is to exist as an ‘I’ or as a ‘not I’. To be animate or inanimate. A player or an observer.

Sense of self, worthiness, self esteem, can only be built by a conscious mind using the faculty of reason. For one cannot achieve their goals with a method other than reason.

If one believes they are achieving goals with faith or another method, they sure are building something, but it isn't their esteem. Only an illusory effigy.

For one using faith can only create the imaginary, the unreal, which is something, but it is not existing in reality and esteem must have a basis in reality, a knowingness of ones proficiency to manipulate reality according to their will and desires. Imagination and fantasy are amazing things, but not when they are mistaken for reality.

One must not mistake self esteem to being able to achieve the unachievable. If one desires to have the perfect, or at least a satisfactory partner, yet cannot find them, this does not effect their esteem.


It is outside their control to be able to manifest a compatible partner at their discretion. They sure can put themselves in the environments where they are more likely to find them, but it is outside of their power to directly control that which is uncontrollable.

What one can do is control the way they feel and think about not being able to achieve particular desires.

One may wish to have world peace, they may work daily in every facet of life to achieve this yet work for a 100 years, for a 1000 lifetimes and never achieve this. This will not negatively affect ones esteem because they can only control themselves.

One can control the way they look, feel, how they make money, who they decide to be friends with, what that consume (in every aspect) and all else that is in their direct power to control. This is what builds self esteem. To be able to control the controllable.

When one cannot control the controllable, they feel out of control, they lose self respect, esteem, and they become controlled by whoever else wants to control them.

When one can control what they can, they become worthy of respect and deserving of appreciation in their own eyes.

One can not directly control whether their partner cheats on them or not, but they can control how they respond.

One can control how they feel when their partner talks to others, whether they feel jealous, happy or indifferent. One with a high self esteem would not feel jealousy why their neighbour has a bigger house a nicer car and more attractive partner. They would feel inspired.

One with a high self esteem is less likely to be affected by insults and others judgements of them. They are an island unto themselves.

One with a high self esteem does not easily conform to the will of others, to peer pressure or the latest trend.

They do what they want, because they have the confidence to, to be free, to be unique, to be themselves, to be authentically real.

Self esteem is a tool to aid one in achieving more, it is also a reward for achieving more. It is a beneficial double edged sword. It’s the confidence in ones ability to deal with life.

The more you have, the more you can do, the more you do, the more you have, so on and so forth.

When one allows unreal, false and inaccurate perceptions of themselves to cloud their vision of their real self, their esteem is affected. They must look through the window of ego and clearly see what they really are to have a high esteem, but this can only be done if they keep their window clean, free of smudge and dirt (pride and humility).

As soon as one does not give their mirror a daily wipe down, keeping it spotlessly clean, it will become dirty and their reflection will not be seen clearly, it will be foggy and clouded. A foggy ego leads to a distorted and vulnerable sense of self. As it should, for it is now supported by wobbly foundations, unclear and hard to see. When one cannot see clearly, they are unsure of what it is they are actually seeing, unsure of themselves, who they really are. A clean and pristine reflection, unaffected by energetic distortions, allows a true picture of the self, an accurate image of the self.

The one with the highest self esteem will be the most real, authentic, genuine, comfortable and confident. Their ego will be spotless. But just as one can polish their mobile phone to a sparkly shine, as soon as they use it, their greasy finger prints begin to stain it. As long as one lives, their ego, which is the lens of ones perspective on who they are, becomes used. It is very difficult to keep something clean which is used daily. One can only do their best. Provided one is doing their best, they will have the highest self esteem which is possible for them at any given point in their life.

When one stops doing their best at anything, their esteem drops. Whenever they begin to do anything at their best, their esteem rises. Omniscience is not necessary for healthy esteem. The best one can do is the best they can do.

The better one is able to attune themselves in alignment with their now self and their desired self, the better they will feel and the more confident they are in their worth.

When one has a low self esteem, it is a piece of cake for them to commit evil acts. They do not believe they are worth anything, let alone worth doing the right thing. One with no self esteem will be a parasite, a thief, a murderer, a liar, unsure of themselves, insecure and easily manipulated.

Those with low self esteem will bully others, deceive them, rip them off, attack them, manipulate and do all kinds of horrible things to others to gain some sense of power over others because they lack confidence in their own real value.

It’s very easy to spot one with low self esteem, for they simply do not think for themselves, as it goes against their short sighted and boxed in perception of survival. Police, magistrates, politicians, celebrities or anyone else who is under the thumb of a chain of command typically has low self esteem, as that is how hierarchy's of power must operate, otherwise why would the people at the bottom of the chain obey the people at the top? The lower down the chain, the lower the self esteem, the more easily manipulated to do the higher ups bidding. It doesn't matter if one with low self esteem is being offered money, fame, power, recognition or social acceptance, if they aren't confident in their own worth, people can and are manipulated into doing the wrong thing, from the average joe to presidents.

People with low self esteem cannot validate themselves, so they seek validation externally. This makes them dangerous to society because they are willing to do anything but work on themselves. This is a generalisation, but the theme is self evident across the masses and especially with those in positions of power.

When one has low self esteem, it is not that they are automatically bad, it is just they are much more likely to do bad things. Intentionally or unintentionally, it doesn't matter.

Doing bad things isn't simply robbing your neighbour or becoming a cop. Doing bad can simply be watching the news, sharing the msm propaganda on social media, wearing a mask, getting a flu vaccine, sending children to public schools, paying tax, paying fines, not standing up to police, littering, supporting big pharma, donating to false front charity's and supporting evil in any other direct or indirect way which furthers deepens slavery of all men and world dystopia.

Evil can only triumph when good men do nothing, and when men who think they are good unintentionally but ignorantly are employed by evil to do the bidding of monsters. Self esteem is a bulwark against ignorance because a man with self worth has the intellectual dignity to question every belief he has so he can congruently align his world view with accurate reality.

That is why self esteem is a requirement for one to be good. One must know they are good, demonstrated to themselves and others by their actions. One cannot be truly good unless they take the time to think about what it really means to be good. One who has proved their worthiness to be good via deeds is much more likely to continue doing good and much less likely to do bad.

One with low self esteem will not treat themselves right and one who does not treat themselves right cannot treat others right.

For a man or woman to be good, they must treat themselves right in their behaviours and deeds, when they do this, now they have the chance to be good.

(Self esteem) It means that one must earn the right to hold oneself as one’s own highest value by achieving one’s own moral perfection—which one achieves by never accepting any code of irrational virtues impossible to practice and by never failing to practice the virtues one knows to be rational—by never accepting an unearned guilt and never earning any, or, if one has earned it, never leaving it uncorrected—by never resigning oneself passively to any flaws in one’s character—by never placing any concern, wish, fear or mood of the moment above the reality of one’s own self-esteem. And, above all, it means one’s rejection of the role of a sacrificial animal, the rejection of any doctrine that preaches self-immolation as a moral virtue or duty.

In order to deal with reality successfully—to pursue and achieve the values which his life requires—man needs self-esteem: he needs to be confident of his efficacy and worth.

Self-esteem is the consequence, expression and reward of a mind fully committed to reason.

Anxiety and guilt, the antipodes of self-esteem and the insignia of mental illness, are the disintegrators of thought, the distorters of values and the paralyzers of action.

- Ayn Rand


Independence is the state of being when one is self reliant, self sufficient and capable to take care of oneself to the extent of what is realistically possible.

The opposite of independence is parasitism.

When we are all children, we must be parasites, as we are incapable of being independent when we are so young. We literally lack the ability to take care of ourselves, especially when very young. We must rely upon our parents to feed, water, clothe and shelter us, for we cannot do it ourselves. It is not a sinister form of parasitism, but a natural form. When we are inexperienced, we have an excuse, so it is excusable. When we grow up, there is no such justifiable excuse.

Sinister forms of parasitism, range from begging bums to governments and religions.

When a beggar sits on the street, hand held out, begging for money from strangers, they are demonstrating parasitism, which is the opposite to independence. One who is independent would never do such a vile and sinister thing. If one has the time free to beg, whether sitting, standing or walking the streets, then they have the time to work, to busk, to provide some kind of value to earn something in return for their efforts and contributions.

A man who works to earn his due, whether that is to earn money or to contribute to himself and his community, is independent.

A man who scourges on centrelink and government payments, who begs in the street, who relies upon payments through theft and violence, is not a man, but a parasite.

An independent man will not take that which he does not deserve, is not worthy of or has not rightfully earned.

Governments (politicians) convince thugs (police) that it is morally sound to threaten hard working, independent men into “gifting away” a large portion of their income to those who are too lazy, stupid or helpless to support themselves. This is parasitism.

The church and religions also commit extortion, although to a lesser extent. They do not use the threat of violence and imprisonment for disobedience (to ‘donate’), they just use the threat of eternal punishment in hell instead. People then willingly donate their hard earned cash to fund a sinister mind control organisation to enslave and domesticate the minds of society.

Dystopia is about encouraging, breeding and creating as much parasitism as it possibly can.

Utopia is about creating independence in everyone.

Instead of giving money to beggars for being vampires, which is only encouraging more blood sucking, these beggars should be reeducated. They should be taught how to become independent, so that the society or community they are existing in does not need to suffer from them, or they from themselves. Rehab facilities can be built to accommodate all the existing beggars and for any potential ones in the future. Although the root cause must be addressed to prevent any future beggars, but that takes work and time. The facilities will provide these beggars with a roof over their head and a comfortable place to sleep out of the rain and cold. They will be fed and watered and the facility will be managed by volunteers. In return for the necessities of life, the beggars will be expected to work to get themselves back on their own two feet. There will be rehab programs to get them of the drugs, psych programs to aid in healing their trauma and active working programs to get them being productive and useful. There is no excuse not to work. From picking up rubbish in the streets to doing admin work on computers, people with or without physical injuries can contribute. Contribution makes one feel useful, and one who feels useful is less likely to be useless and a parasitic scourge. The goal with beggars is not to give them money on the street and to encourage their self destructive drug addictions, but to offer them the opportunity to become independent.

The same can be said about petty thieves who mug people, who burgle or in any other way, take what is not theirs and that which they have not worked to earn.

This is especially relevant for police. They are thugs who commit crimes and terrorise the masses into funding their organisation so they can continue to commit crimes and terrorise. There is no organisation more parasitic then the police. Without the police, governments couldn't enforce taxes (armed robbery). The prime role of the police is to coerce, threaten and steal money from people to pay for them to coerce, threaten and steal money from people. They are the ultimate parasitic scourge on humanity. Yes, it is true they are having their stings being pulled from up higher, but they are the brutes with their boots on the ground, doing the dirty work for psychopaths they don’t even know exist. Without this unusual predator, who is simultaneously the apex vampiric monster and the lowliest gutter rat, humanity would have a yet unseen monumental freedom to thrive independently, such to the extent we could create a much more Utopian world in a lot less time.

There should be no handouts to those who are simply too lazy to work. It is a great evil to steal from the rich and give to the poor. To take what is earned by those who have worked hard to give to those who have hardly worked is a grave crime.

Those who have little should be taught how to have more, should be educated how to raise their standards and to become the best they can be. The bar should not be lowered to accommodate the worst of society. The bar must be raised to increase the standard for everybody. A helping hand must be offered to those who need it, to raise them up to join those who wish to be the best they can be. If that hand is swatted away, then the parasites will find there is no more blood to suck, as none is being offered.

A Utopian society is one where every individual is independent. Even in the ideal end stages of Utopia, where a resource based, machine automated economy takes care of all the work humans do not want to do, a man should still contribute to others, or at the very least, not take more than he should.

A parasite in a Utopian society could steal others belongings, take credit where credit is not due, deceive and manipulate people into doing things for him that they should not do. They would litter, leave public toilets a mess, not clean up after themselves at restaurants or other public places, break public property, graffiti and be a general public nuisance.

When one behaves as a parasite, whether in Utopia or dystopia, they choose to not look after themselves and be responsible for their actions, they do not behave like grown adults.

One who is independent does not make others do for them what they should do for themselves.

An independent man will clean the toilet after he uses it, will put all his rubbish into the appropriate bins, will clean up his messes, wherever he may make a mess, will not destroy public property or cause any problems which require someone else to take care of. Emergencies, like asking for firefighters to come and help put out a fire, are exceptions.

Parasites do not care about the problems they cause for others. They will take what they can without offering anything in return.

Independent men do not cause problems for others, they solve problems.

In Utopia, people should only do things for others because they want to, not because they have to.



Honour is a very high concept and value.

To understand honour, one must understand a whole host of other sub concepts which make up honour.

Honour encompasses the qualities of dignity, integrity, morality, sovereignty, intelligence, independence, trust worthiness, reliability, justice, honesty, care and courage.

If one does not have intellectual dignity, they dishonour themselves by believing in lies.

If one does not have integrity, cannot stand by their word and a code of conduct, then they are not honourable.

If one violates objective morality, they have no honour.

If one is not sovereign, they are not in control of their actions and thus cannot be honourable, as for one to be honourable they must be conscious of why they do what they do.

If one is not intelligent, if they cannot discern what is the right thing or the wrong thing in circumstances that may be difficult to distinguish, how can one behave honourably if they don’t know how to?

If one does not wish to be a dishonourable parasite, then they must be independent and self sustaining.

If ones word cannot be trusted, if they break promises and have been proven to violate confidentiality, they are not an honourable man.

If one cannot be relied upon, then they are a liar and an immature child, thus there is no honour in the unreliable.

If one has no sense of justice, then they have no sense of honour. An honourable man does not commit injustice acts.

One who is dishonest with themselves or others cannot be honourable, for honour values the truth and being honest is communicating the truth.

One must care about the truth, about rational values, about morality and about doing the right thing to be honourable. If one had no care about the right thing, no care about doing the best for themselves and for others, then how could one be considered honourable?

If one lacked the courage to do what is right when the time to act was before them, then they are not honourable. Cowards have no honour.

There may be even more qualities which are necessary to fully understand honour, but the above qualities are enough to have a sufficient grasp on the value of honour.

Honour is the value which protects that which ought to be protected. Honour protects oneself from the dangers of ones weakest self and honour protects others from the threat of wrong doing and evil.

Life is the power which gives direction and momentum to a man (otherwise he is motionless, stagnant and dead), honour is a magnetic field, a state of being which attempts to exert its influence to steer ones life and direction onto the right path.

If a mans purpose is to establish peace on earth, his life is the vessel which allows him to sail towards this purpose, without his vessel, he cannot travel towards his destination.

Honour is the trait which ensures that on his way to achieving peace, he does it the right way.

For honour knows that one could achieve peace on earth in many manners which would not be honourable and would be in fact evil.

Take Emperor Palpatine from star wars for example. His goal was to establish peace throughout the galaxy. Although, his methods were tyrannical and out right evil. He wished for peace, but had no honour to guide him. Because of this, his idea of peace was dystopian, not Utopian. It may have been his personal Utopia, but a true Utopia is only when Utopia is Utopian for all, not just for one or a few.

If an honourable and dignified man had the option to take a covid vaccine or to be killed, he would choose death. For there are some values that are too important to sacrifice, even in the face of death.

One who has a rational set of values, who values his freedom and ability to live life as his own master, will not sacrifice those values for the value of his life.

Man has to constantly evaluate whether he should compromise his honour to prolong his life or if he should compromise his life to maintain his honour.

If life is mans foundational value, which everything else depends upon, then honour is his highest value, the reason man has values in the first place. Honour is the goal of mans system of values. Man values his life so then he can become honourable, the most accomplished value man can achieve. What a real man, or woman, should do in their life is become honourable. Why be honest, have dignity or be trustworthy if not for a greater purpose, a higher goal, that ambition to become honourable?

Honour is not the only worthy or high value to achieve. But it is the most rewarding and influential value. An honourable man does not have to be compassionate, but he can. He does not necessarily do the right thing because of compassion, but because of a strict adherence to a code. Compassion may help him to stick to his code of honour, but is not a requirement.

Compassion is a great value to strive for, but it is not as large or as influential in its actions as honour. For one may be compassionate, but a stupid coward. A stupid yet compassionate coward has less impact in the world then an honourable man lacking compassion.

Although, for a honourable man to continue rising in honour, it would be wise to adopt the value of compassion, for he could become more honourable in doing so, but again, it is not a necessity.

Honour is the morally correct method for acting in life, as it is simultaneously a reward for the execution of correct action.

A man may conquer the world, control every mind, have everything he wants and demands, be a king of kings, yet have no honour. What value is a man, or any intelligent being, who has no honour?

Life without honour is a scourge, a cancer on those who want to live honourably.

A samurai may kill a 1,000 people, yet if it was all in fair duels, then he has honour. He did not murder out of hand those who did not consent to duel him.

Honour is the personification of all that is good, right, fair, noble, just and honest. It’s mans interaction with himself and the world in such a manner. One cannot be considered a man until he has honour. He is either still a boy who hasn’t grown into an honourable man yet, but has the potential to, or a monster.

If a man punches his woman in the face for yelling at him, he has no honour.

If a man goes to war and fights against others who willingly want to fight, then this is honourable (to the extent of the context).

If a man rejects learning about vaccines, dismisses the fact that vaccines make atom bombs look like fire crackers in comparison, yet still injects his daughters with poison, he has dishonoured himself and his family, he is not fit to be a father or a man.

If one wears a mask to protect themselves from imaginary illnesses, refuses to learn how he has been duped into believing a lie, then he is dishonourable and unworthy of life, for he is rejecting his own right to life by allowing himself to be ruled by lies.

Everyone makes mistakes. When one makes a mistake and besmirches there honour, there does exist the chance for them to redeem themselves. If they do, they can regain their honour. If they do not, then they are a dishonourable husk, either a beast or a boy who failed to grow up.

There are some who shirk the path of honour because they have chosen a path of evil, the path of the sub human, the monster. Then there are those who prefer to be interested in trivial matters, to evade their evolution and growth from a child into an adult.

It is dishonourable to willingly and consciously choose to live by a code of evil, but it is highly questionable if it is even more dishonourable to not even choose a code, of right or wrong, to stay as an ignorant and inexperienced child, in an isolated bubble of immaturity.

To choose ignorance, to not learn the code of honour, which is the code of right, or to choose to learn evil, which is the code of wrong, is a dishonour to ones existence as a being with the potential for consciousness. It is a disgrace that one has such little intellectual dignity that they will not honour themselves enough to even learn the difference between right and wrong.

To honour oneself is to treat oneself right, in accordance with how they should, with the utmost respect and care.

When one receives an honour, they receive a public recognition of an honourable deed.

To know if someone is honourable or not, check to see of they always do the right thing. If they do, then they are honourable. If not, then they are not honourable.

To determine if you are honourable, find out if you really know what this concept means by checking how you react in certain situations where the opportunity to be honourable arises.

A magistrate or judge has no honour, as one who is honourable would never demand another to call them a title, for this is a dishonourable act.

A police officer has no honour, as they stalk and attack innocents in packs with weapons.

A politician has no honour as they lie and speak garbage.

A banker has no honour, creating money out of thin air and demanding you repay him, or else he has legal right to take your property.

To be honourable is to act in accordance with what is right. To do the right thing requires a whole host of qualities.

Is how you earn money honourable? Are the groups, ideas and beliefs you support honourable? Do you act with honour every day to the best of your ability?

Honour is a unique quality in the way it is so large and encompasses so many other sub concepts, is a necessity for one to be good, yet it is also a trademark of those who are great.

If one does not act with honour, then how could they be good? When a man does act with honour, he is good, as to be good, one must be honourable, as to be honourable means that one embodies all the qualities, aspects and behaviour of goodness. An honourable man does not do wrong and does many things right. He is not perfect, an honourable man can also become a greater man by integrating more desirable qualities, such as compassion, rapport building skills and generosity, but a man cannot be great without first being honourable.

To be honourable means to always do the right thing whenever there is an opportunity to do the wrong thing. If society is demanding he wear a mask, take a vaccine or do something, anything else, an honourable man does not simply bow to demands without rational thought and accurate judgement.

An honourable man does not and cannot simply know what is right from wrong in every situation.

An honourable man must be calculating, analytic, judgemental and evaluate every unique situation as best he can before acting.

He must relate every situation that places a demand upon his honour back to his measurements of how he should act.

That measurement is his total character.

He may know the right thing to do instantly in some situations, but this is only because he has rationally thought about what he would do in XX scenario and so therefore has predetermined his course of action.

He may hate littering, so when he sees someone litter, he knows he will speak up. He knows that the msm is nonsense so whenever they spew propaganda, he will ignore them. For new situations an honourable man has not come across, he must first figure out what the right thing to do is, as it may be unclear and it is best for him to not act one way or another until he is sure of the right path.

Consider a situation where it was easy for you to discern the honourable path and a situation where it was difficult.

An honourable man is not impulsive, he is methodical, precise and accurate in his behaviour and deeds. He does not suffer from violent mood swings or long lapses in his character. He holds firm and steadfast to his character and does not allow his emotions to cloud his better judgement.

An honourable man is the result of a rational man putting in the work.

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