Utopian Realism
An Integrated Philosophy & Social-Economic System, For Any Sized Society.
The philosophy is based upon Objectivism.
The epistemological method (truth determination) is based upon the application of reason AND evidence based reality.
The metaphysical view point is of the primacy of existence.
The social structure is Voluntarism combined with Sociocracy, real Democracy, project specific leadership and team work.
The economic model is Contributionism leading to a fully circular, zero waste, eco-friendly, resource based, automated and moneyless model.
The systems theory is based on local community private membership associations, sovereign town alliances, localised production and strategic efficiency in construction, manufacturing and production.
The energy model is based on ideas that are clean, efficient, long lasting, device localised, perpetual and free.
The educational model is inspiring, motivating, open minded, inclusive, interactive, free thinking, desire orientated and useful.
The law and order model is based upon Objective Morality, The Lore, respecting rights and consent and uses the R method (Remedy & Rehab) to settle disputes and cure criminals.
The protection system is localised community protectors, militia, regulated individual gun ownership and individual responsibility.
The health approach is nature over chemicals, natural therapies over drugs, The Terrain Model over germ theory, whole foods over processed products, exercise over inactivity, individual responsibilty over collective obligation.
Selfishness over selflesness.
Self interest over self sacrifice.
Egoism over egotism.
It is recommended to begin with the 10 steps and then to read the following pages in order as listed below.
Utopian Realism is essentially a book that has been divided into seperate categories and pages for ease of access.
To make sense of the Utopian Realism concept, all sub concepts (all pages) need to be read and integrated together as a total model.
If you prefer to read in smaller bite sizes, check out the blog, also intended to be read in order.
James The Traveller