Utopian Realism Fundamentals
Explaining The Basics
Learn what Utopian Realism is and isn't.
- What Is Utopian Realism?
- The Lies Of Other Systems
- Exposing Religions
- The Myth Of Authority
- The Evil Of Sacrifice
- Self Hate
- The Immorality Of Charity
- Service To Others Is Dishonorable
- Comparison To Other Systems
- Beware The Businessman
- Prayer Is Disempowerment
- The Fallacy Of Unconditional Love
- The Catastrophe Of Surrender
- Reason Over Faith
- Unauthorised Values
Utopian Realism is the only comprehensive and integrated philosophical, social and economic structure based upon what is true and real.
It is based upon fact and corresponds with reality.
If it is true there is a better way for an individual to behave amongst others to achieve more happiness, freedom and productivity, then it is right to adapt behaviour in accordance with the desired outcome.
Everyone wants to be as free as they possibly can.
No one wants to be less free and to be able to do less things, they all want to do more.
If one was told they they must give up freedoms to live in society, or if they are told they can have more freedom by living in society, which would every single person choose?
Society is the accumulation of individuals who work together willingly or unwillingly to achieve common goals.
Utopian realism is the reality that if it is true a better path exists than the current one, whether philosophical, social or economic, then it is right to do that which is true and wrong to do that which is false.
If one wanted to dig a hole as quickly as possible and they could use a shovel or a digging machine, the truth is that the machine can do the job faster so therefore it is right to use the machine, because it aligns with the goal of wanting to dig the hole as quickly as possible.
If one wanted to be able to do more of what they want, like travel more and the option was to vote for someone to restrict their ability to travel or to not vote for said person, then it is obvious what they should not do.
If one wanted to be in control of their life and be happy and the options were to give away their control to someone else to make them happy or to retain their power and make themself happy, then they should do what is true and right, which is to maintain their power, as to give it away is wrong.
Utopian Realism is the fluid path of leading ones life according to what is true, accurate and real.
If it is true better methods of producing energy or constructing buildings are discovered, then it is true one should adapt to utilise better methods of achieving desired outcomes.
If it is true that one can have more peace, freedom and happiness by living in a voluntary society, as opposed to an involuntary one, then it is true that one should do what they can to achieve this.
If it is true people desire more of what they want and less of what they don't want, then it is true they should pursue a path which can accomplish what they want.
Utopia can be explained as the perfect society in all ways for everyone, which constantly adapts and evolves to improve and become better.
Perfection is not static, but fluid.
Perfection shares many objective truths, but is also very subjective per individual.
Perfection can be considered the flawless alignment of actions with intentions.
A healthy mans intentions should be to be the most good they can reasonably be to themself and others, while also striving for what they desire.
The intention behind the action governs the action.
Utopia is the environment where people are able to freely strive for their personal perfect life without constraint or unnecessary restriction.
Utopia starts with an individual, spread into a community, expands into a society and grows to become a world spanning civilisation.
Realism is the concept of what is real, unchangeable and tangible to reality.
If something is real, it is measurable, verifiable and repeatable, just as is the scientific method of experimentation and discovery.
If something is real, there must be evidence of it's reality and it can be proven to be real via experimentation, logic or reason.
What is real is true and what is true must exist and if it exists, then it can be proven to exist as it has existence.
Something which exists must be able to proven via the scientific method to exist without belief.
Meaning for something to really exist, it must be able to exist without anyone believing it exists, such as Santa Claus or the Easter bunny or superman.
If no one believed in Santa Claus, would he exist at all?
Santa is only a character who exists in peoples minds as an idea, he does not exist independently of peoples conception of him.
Some may argue whether a tree in the forest really exists without anyones observation of it, but the scientific method would prove that yes the tree does exist independent of peoples belief or observation.
The tree could be observed, measured and recorded on one day, then again in 5 years and it would still be there and would have grown, which could be measured and verified from the initial observation.
How would this be possible if the tree only existed when one was observing it?
Growth requires time and a place in space and time to exist in which the growth is to occur.
If a group of 100 scientists who measured the tree in their 5 year waiting period all intensely believed that the tree didn't exist, would this actually affect the trees ability to exist?
Perhaps, perhaps not, until this experiment is done, we will not know for certain.
Realism is about the discovery and alignment of that which is true, knowing that which is true is achieved via experimentation, observable proof and verifiable evidence.
Utopian realism is the model which combines what is true with the best humanity deserves and is capable of.
If it is true Utopia is possible, even if only in theory, then it is true that one should strive towards achieving Utopia.
What is ones alternative option?
To strive towards the opposite of Utopia, which is dystopia?
To do nothing and continue a mundane and boring existence in the current dystopia?
To try and live as best as they can in as much peace and happiness as possible in dystopia, yet do nothing to advance towards a world where they could have more of what they have claimed they currently want, which is peace and happiness?
If it is true one wants freedom, peace and happiness, then it is logical that they will achieve that now as best as possible then do everything they can to achieve more of it, while remaining in a free, peaceful and happy state of mind.
It is hard to actually be free in a dystopian world which forcefully wages war against your freedom, but you can be free in mind to know a better world does exist and you have the power to help manifest it into reality.
All others systems are built upon lies, faith and beliefs, the primary lies being;
- Money has intrinsic value & is necessary
- All authority is legitimate & moral
- There is nothing objective in reality
- Morality, right and wrong is subjective
- Ignorance is a virtue
- Utopia is impossible, impractical and unreasonable
- Man is an inferior being and must obey others or gods/god
Utopian realism exposes these lies and offers the truth which has not been created by anyone, but merely discovered.
Money does not have any intrinsic value and is a worthless derogatory construct that devolves the human species, it is not only unnecessary, it is catastrophically destructive.
Authority does not exist in interactions between conscious individuals, only between conscious beings and unconscious objects.
Morality is not subjective but objective, to even consider it to be subjective would be to resort to calling morality objectively subjective, which is a contradiction and oxymoron.
Intelligence is a virtue, not ignorance, it is good to know, it is bad not to know. Intelligence is not just the measure of what one knows, but more so the desire for one to know. It can also be defined as the passion, willingness, interest and desire to learn. The more one desires to know, the more virtuous they are, the less the desire to know, the less virtuous they are. This is because the more one knows, the greater ability they have to increase their happiness and the happiness of others. Intelligence can be considered the application of knowledge to achieve states of happiness. The skill to increase happiness is so worthy that it is virtuous to become more proficient.
Utopia is possible, it is far more practical and the only reasonable option for society. Dystopia, which is the state of all current societies, is possible, but it is impractical and unreasonable.
Man may be inferior in power to other beings which may or may not exist, just as there is always a stronger and more able physical fighter, but this does not mean man is destined to exist on his knees in obedient servitude to who ever has the biggest arms, guns, gangs or mind. The only thing which gives man a reason and purpose to live at all is his ability to choose his own destiny and craft his own purpose. Without this, there is no reason for his awareness of his consciousness to exist, if all he is a plaything for something more powerful than he. Just as it would be cruel to create a self aware mobile phone which was awareness of it's existence, yet had no ability make it's own choices and was at the total mercy of it's user, it would be cruel to create a self aware man with no power to make his own choices. Obedience to a superior being is observance and strict adherence to the commands and orders of the superior being. It is inability to make ones own choices either because of impossibility, incompetence or fear of punishment.
In societies based upon faith in religious beliefs, devoid of reason or evidence, only dystopian societies can be built, which in essence must be built from a foundations of lies.
The lies of other systems can be considered religions because the only way they can exist is via peoples belief.
Money does not have any actual value, only perceived value amongst those who willingly or unwillingly participate in the shared delusion in order to survive in society.
Authority, which is the idea some have the right to rule and command and for others it is right to obey, doesn't exist without legitimate expertise and willing consent.
If a society is made up of individuals who are unconscious and who do not think for themselves, then yes blanket unsubstantiated authority can exist, but only as a false perception.
Just like a mirage in the desert does not actually exist, yet your inaccurate perception of it does.
Just as it is right for a computer to obey the commands of it's user, it is right for the unconscious and programmed being to obey it's user, as it does not have any will of it's own to be considered an independent and truly living being.
For a human being to be considered alive and able requires consciousness and consciousness requires the ability to think and rationally consider the way one feels.
When consciousness considers it’s nature and existence, it is only a rational and logical conclusion that any conscious being desires more freedom to do more of whatever they want to be doing, not less.
A conscious and intelligent being will use their ability of self awareness and cognition to objectively decide that they want to achieve what they want in life, which is to be able to do whatever they want, with morality being their only guide to limit their behaviour and freedom to pursue happiness.
A conscious being will oppose and stand against any kind of restrictions or limitations being placed upon them, as they rationally desire and require as much freedom as morally possible to pursue their primary objective of happiness and fulfilment.
This is how a conscious being is able to recognise another conscious being, through their character, morality and desire for freedom and happiness.
Intelligence is the result of consciousness.
Intelligence can be considered as the ability to pursue happiness in accordance with morality, the ability to achieve what it is that one wants effectively.
Skill or cleverness is more specific to a specific field of thought, like mathematics, engineering or biology.
One may be the richest and most successful business entrepreneur in the world, but if they had to sell their morality to achieve what they think will make them happy to get their wealth, are they really intelligent?
One may be excellent inventor, creating all kinds of marvels such as tanks, machine guns and atomic bombs, but if they have disregarded their morality in this pursuit to build destructive weapons, how could they really be classified as intelligent?
One may devise a new theory of physics and be praised in the whole academic community for being a genius, but if they don't know right from wrong, why would anyone actually intelligent think they are intelligent?
Sure, these people may be skilled and clever at their specific endeavours, but is it really intelligent if they are doing it all for the wrong reasons?
Especially if they are not happy, which if you looks at statistics and real world evidence, most people who have accomplished similar pursuits are not very happy and often commit suicide.
So why are rich CEO’s, celebrities and esteemed academics more likely to commit suicide then others who are not as 'successful'?
Well for very similar reasons as anyone else, they are not self aware of what makes them tick.
What people really want, whether conscious or unconscious, is to be free to pursue what actually makes them happy and that requires freedom guided by morality.
If someone made their wealth by compromising their morality, they will feel guilty and shameful, as this is just fundamental programming in the human mind to punish itself for mistreating others.
If you do wrong by others and treat them in ways you would not want to be treated, negative feelings accrue deep in your psyche, which are often suppressed and cause unhappiness.
Because most people are not self aware or have the desire to become self aware, they have no idea who or what they actually are or how their mind works.
Most people believe they are happy because they have become so accustomed to being uncomfortable and unhappy that is now considered normal to them and 'comfortable'.
They have no reference for real happiness because they have never actually experienced it and cannot conceptualise it because they have never even considered to think about it.
They mistake this familiarity of false comfort for being happy as they don't have anything to compare their own fake happiness too, they don't know what real happiness is because they don't have the inclination or initiative to discover what that even means.
Most people are too interested in being distracted, numbed and sedated by entertainment, drugs, alcohol, food, material possessions, gossip, news and the weather.
When these things bring them a momentary dopamine spike in their emotions, they perceive this as happiness and therefore do not experience enough pain to realise their misery to spark change.
If one was to become self aware enough to realise that happiness is not only built by temporary pleasure, but by a state of being and alignment of character, they would change.
Although, those who wish to control people do not want the unconscious masses to awaken to their own suffering through self aware and conscious consideration of themselves and society, so they do everything in their power to keep humanity distracted from what actually matters.
When someone doesn't know they're leg is broken and keeps on walking around on it, eventually it will cause so much damage, become infected and kill the person.
Pain is there to bring awareness to something that needs to be changed.
When people are unable to recognise their own pain of current existence, living a life where their freedom is being curtailed more every day, they become objects that do not have the right to not be used by another.
Just as a computer does not have the right to refuse a human being from using it, or a car does not have the right to deny a conscious being from driving it, an unconscious human being cannot actually say no to a conscious being from using them as a remote controlled drone.
This is because the computer, car and unconscious human share the same thing in common, they are unaware they are being used because they lack the self awareness to realise what it means to be used.
The only authority that exists is over the things that one owns and has the exclusive right to use, such as his electric drill, toothbrush or mobile phone.
Even then, is this really 'authority' or just the right to use that which is rightfully yours?
This is why the corrupt and greedy people in positions of power work tirelessly to keep the masses asleep and unconscious, so then they can legitimately own and use them however they please, because by all rights, they do own them.
They do have the right to use the masses as they please because the masses do not say NO, but willingly comply with the dictates of governments, religions, police and any other forms of 'authority'.
"Authority" in this example merely being a perceived imaginary construct which gives some the right to rule and control others.
There has been an offer to submit to said "authorities" and most people have accepted this offer as their reality.
If one does not say no when the opportunity exists to say no, then they are giving their consent, if consent is given, then the one who has consent can do whatever they like, such as enforce taxes, create more laws, place curfews and do anything else they wish to control and restrict freedom.
Now, one can argue that if consent was obtained through a form of violation, such as coercion or deception, then the consent is illegitimate and null and void.
But one could also argue that if the one who has been deceived or coerced does not do anything about it, like care enough about their life to learn what it true and what is false, or to place themself in a different environment where there would be no or less coercion, then they have again given their consent willingly.
If one was deceived into giving their power away to a religious figure or authoritative government official, yet when this was exposed to them by another who is self ware, and the deceived one rejects the invitation to discover the truth, this is reinforcing their consent and in effect making the consent that was obtained through deception now legitimately obtained consent.
Deceptively gained consent can be transformed into legitimate consent if the one who was deceived has no interest or desire to learn if they had been deceived or not.
This does not make the consent morally correct, as many factors must be taken into account as to exactly why someone does not want to discover if what they believe is a lie or not.
Because the one deceiving another would not like to be deceived in return and because in essence, no one willingly chooses to be deceived, this is what makes deceptively gained consent immoral, even if it could be considered legitimate.
If one man convinces another that he must obey him because he is his rightful lord and master, and the other man chooses to accept this statement and live in accordance with this deception and does not at any point question his decision to blindly submit himself, well, what is this really saying?
It is saying that the man who has chosen to become a slave deserves his fate, yet he is disrespecting himself and is thus immoral.
The man who has deceived or convinced the other man that he is the rightful master is also immoral, as he would not like the same done to him.
The consent gained by the 'master' has been legitimate, as it has been justifiably and validly gained not because of the deception, but because of the refusal to question the decision to relinquish consent by the 'slave'.
Just because it is legitimate, does not mean it is moral.
A man who chooses to remain unconscious is just as immoral, even more so, then the man who deceives him into staying unconscious.
The man who chooses to stay asleep is more immoral than the one who puts him to sleep because at least the ruler has something to gain.
The slave has nothing to gain by unconscious obedience, yet the 'master' does, a willing servant to do his bidding.
The idea of authority may only be argued to exist in relationships between a conscious being and an unconscious object.
One who refuses to contemplate ones own existence and question the nature of themself or reality cannot be rationally considered alive or an actual being, perhaps the potential to become a conscious being, but only potential, not actuality.
Unconscious people are commonly known in circles of control as "The Unbegun". This is because they are not even aware that there is a beginning, they don't think there is anything to contemplate at all about the themselves or the nature of reality. They haven't even begun to question anything at all.
It's not that the people who have chosen lives of slavery don't know anything, it's that they are in a knowledge deficit. Mostly everything they do 'know' is not true, as what they know are beliefs, in reality they know far less than nothing.
They would have to unlearn just about everything to clear the ledger and know nothing, to then be able to know something.
Authority is only permissible because it has the sanction of its victims.
The victims of authority authorise their own servitude and acquiescence via acceptance of their inferiority to an authoritative system and via their lack of rebuttal.
Authority is related to the word author, an author being the one who writes, often a story.
By giving away your ability to author, you are empowering another to write your story for you.
Authority is the perceived legitimate right to punish disobedience with extortion, violence and torture.
Authority is a perceived symbol of status which is a declaration of superiority of one man or group over another.
To not question the legitimacy of one who claims to have authority, rulership and control over your life is a choice one must make.
Just as it is a choice to question something, it is a choice to not question.
To accept a claim of ones superiority over another without thinking is a decision one must make, against all their rational better interests.
One is responsible for believing what they believe and for knowing what they know.
Incorrect thinking leads to incorrect beliefs.
Correct thinking leads to correct knowing.
If one chooses to believe that another has authority and the legitimate right to command them, then they must willingly choose and decide to believe this.
To say that one does not have the choice to think, consider or question is to say that person is dead.
Only a lifeless husk or inanimate object cannot think, because it literally does not have the choice.
Any being which has life, a brain and a mind, such as a human being, has the potential for consciousness and thus the ability to think and make choices.
To propose that one is unable to think is to propose that one is not responsible for their actions and behaviour.
Such as a computer is not responsible for what programs the user installs on it, because it is not conscious and does not have a choice to disobey.
Perhaps many people are merely walking computers, only acting upon their users programming and commands.
Or perhaps they are just lazy cowards who hate themselves.
Or perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Obliviousness is not a virtue, it is not an excuse and it is not a valid reason to commit oneself to servitude, obedience and the whims of "authority".
If one is conscious and self aware that they exist and have a life, they must take responsibility for their actions.
Only that which is unaware of it's existence, like a rock, table or laptop, does not have any kind of accountability for their actions.
Illegitimate means of gaining authority occur via deceptive binding contracts, such as car registration, licences, birth certificates, voting in elections and paying taxes.
All these actions are forms of consent to participate in a system whereby you are governed and ruled by the authoritative structure you have wilfully or unwillingly enjoined and subjugated yourself to.
Although, only participating in these rituals because you fear punishment and physical assault by the ruling classes enforcers, ie. the police, can be considered a reasonable excuse.
If you’re aware of the immorality and coercive nature of 'authority" thieving your consent to live in society, then it is not moral or legitimate consent, but consent under duress.
Moral consent is consent that has been given freely with no negative ramifications or crime having been committed to gain it, one would happily continue giving consent or go back in time and give consent again.
Legitimate consent is consent that has been gained via deception or other criminal means, but which has not been rebutted and the one who has given consent chooses to remain unconsciously deceived.
Consent under duress is consent that has been forcefully taken from someone who is well aware that the thief has no right to take their consent, but fears for their life so only complies under duress.
You can't disobey something which you have no duty, responsibility or desire to obey.
If your neighbour tells you that you must be home before 8pm every night, is it disobedience if you get home at 9pm?
Why would you have any obligation to obey your neighbours dictates?
What you are doing is declining and rejecting his offer or demand to do as he commands.
If one were at a workplace and didn't not follow instructions as was asked of him, it is not disobedient, but disrespectful.
Obedience is the duty and obligation that someone must obey and follow orders, lest they be punished for disobedience and failure to adhere to ones commands.
One must really question, is obedience ever really necessary?
The only place it seems rational is as a sexual fetish.
A healthy and respectful relationship between a couple role playing a Dom and a sub, where one is giving the commands and one must obey, is the only appropriate form of obedience.
In this role playing sexual scenario, the Dom is ‘superior’ and the sub is ‘inferior’.
The dom, who is dominant and superior, has ‘authority’ over the sub, who is submissive, inferior and must obey.
This is acceptable because it is not real, it is an obvious played out fantasy and both parties know this and also give each other explicit consent to act in such a way.
The moment the boundary of consent is violated is the moment it becomes wrong.
As long as there is respect and consideration, the fantasy of obedience and ‘authority’ are fine to exist, but only as what they actually are, a sexual fantasy.
All other demonstrations of obedience are dangerous, immoral and incorrect.
Even in a time of war, men should respect their leaders decisions because the leaders should only have their positions because of their skill, experience, competence and expertise.
They should never obey orders, as there should be no orders, even in war, only leadership, guidance and direction.
The moment a commander begins to give orders and men obey the orders is the moment you can be certain tyranny and evil is to be sown.
As soon as people begin to believe that authority and obedience are real things which can exist outside of sexual fantasy is the moment the world begins to create dystopia, or hell on earth.
Some things are meant to stay in fantasy land and make believe as sexual entertainment purposes only.
Sexual fantasy should not become common every day “perceived and accepted reality”.
If consent is critical in sex, why would it not also be critical in every day life?
Authority, obedience, superiority and inferiority is only believed to exist outside of sexual fantasy by those people who have little to no comprehension of consent or reality.
This is what Utopian Realism strives to achieve, the comprehension of what is true in reality and what is false.
Utopia can only be created upon a foundation of truth, dystopia only upon a foundation of lies.
Utopian realism advocates that it is immoral to serve others, sacrifice yourself, obey rulers and to disrespect yourself.
It is not immoral to help or assist others, but to serve them sacrificially at your own expense.
If you decide to help a friend or loved one, it is because you value them, therefore it is not a sacrifice to help them.
A sacrifice is a situation where you lose more than you gain, if you do gain anything at all that is.
Sacrifice is not noble or righteous, it is ignorant, unintelligent and in many ways, an act of evil.
Why would anyone do something which is not in their best interests and is not self serving?
The only time one believes they are acting purely in the best interests of another and are not gaining anything themself is when they are lying to themselves.
You assist a charity because you get good feelings and it aligns with your value of helping others.
You help your friend move because you value them and you value helping your friends.
Helping a family member clean the house is because you value peace between you and your family and value a tidy home.
You can’t escape the reality that everything you do is in your own self interest.
Which is a good thing.
Until it becomes doing things for others which are not in your best interest but you think it is due to an incorrect value system.
As long as your self interest are rationally beneficial and do not negatively harm others, why would this ever be considered a bad thing?
If you were a psychopath that wanted to control people, then yes of course if people behaved in their own interests and not yours it’s a bad thing!
If your partner was going to be shot and you jumped in front of the bullet, this is not a sacrifice as you are choosing to take action based upon your convictions and values.
You chose to take action in alignment with what you care about, which is your partner, this is an act of love and care because they add value to your life, so it is not a sacrifice.
If your partner was lazy and messy and did not want to work or contribute, yet you provided and did everything for them, then this is a sacrifice of your moral integrity, to do something which does not offer you any value but takes it.
Integrity is loyalty to ones own convictions, values and adherence to ones own rational and decided principles.
Any act which goes against what you believe, value or know to be true is a form of self betrayal.
People wear masks when ordered not only because they think they are helping others, but do not wish to be shamed by the herd for being disobedient or risk being punished by thugs with guns.
Their value in this situation is to avoid confrontation and to delegate thinking, even if it makes them do something shameful, embarrassing and uncomfortable.
Their values have been inverted from what a healthy and rational beings values should be.
They falsely believe it is necessary to sacrifice their freedom to breathe in order to ‘protect’ others.
The masses have accepted lock downs, curfews and checkpoints because they thought it was righteous to sacrifice their freedom of movement to potentially ‘protect’ people.
Whether it was true they were protecting others or not is irrelevant.
If one was afraid of getting sick, then it is their duty to protect themselves, not the duty of others to protect them.
No one has the right to restrict and limit anothers freedom to travel, except on their own private property.
The masses sacrifice their ability to think and question as they are happy to delegate such a grown up responsibility to people they’ve never met and probably didn't even vote for.
There is no such thing as a noble sacrifice.
If you and your child were starving to death and you gave the last food you had to your child so they could survive and you would die, this is not a sacrifice, but a willing choice made rationally in accordance with your values, in this case you value your child's life more than your own.
If you had eaten the food and your child had died, even though you valued their life more than yours, and in doing so caused you great suffering and remorse, then yes this is a sacrifice and there is nothing noble about it.
There is no noble, virtuous or righteous action one can do that can be considered ‘sacrifice’.
What sacrifice really means is to give up something which you cherish and value for something which you don't cherish or value, or value less.
To sacrifice means to lose, to be at a disadvantage.
Those who allowed themselves to be medically violated and received experimental toxic drug injections for the privilege of being allowed to travel, sacrificed their health, their freedom and their dignity.
They had to lose far more than they could ever gain through this sacrifice of integrity.
This is a sacrifice and there is nothing righteous about it.
To participate in sacrifice is to participate in evil, it is to degrade yourself and the human race as a whole.
The idea of sacrifice is an ideology which has been spread by religions and adopted by governments to better control people.
They set a fake standard of what is considered righteous and then shame anyone for acting in their own beneficial interests contrary to their fake standards.
They create elaborate ploys which deceive people into believing that only way you can have value in society is to sacrifice your own best interests for the benefit of ‘the greater good’.
In reality the greater good is a good thing, except they preach the greater good in name only, it is a disguise for the truth of what they really preach, which is for the greater evil.
Because if the rights of the individual must be forsaken for the ‘good’ of the majority, which is made up of individuals, then how can it be anything but evil?
Anything which is deliberately confusing, complex and irrational is the work of evil, as it must operate this way to disguise the truth.
Evil can be considered as the pursuit of thieving consent.
To be raped requires a theft of consent. To be murdered requires a theft of consent. So does being burgled, mugged, coerced or imprisoned.
Good can be considered the pursuit of expanding joy via freely given consent.
Good is simple, evil is not.
The truth is simple, lies are not.
To be self sacrificing and to place others needs before your own is the work of evil to destabilise and invert your character from a state of nature to a state of artificiality.
If you place your partners needs before your own all the time, this is certain to lead to an unhealthy and unhappy relationship.
Sometimes you may place someone else needs before you, but this is because at that moment you see a valid reason to value there needs before yours.
Your child may be starving and you may be well trained to survive without food for weeks, so therefore you place your child's needs before yours and let them eat and you go hungry, because in this situation you value their need to eat more than yours.
Situations like this are the exception, not the rule.
Utopian Realism strives to align you and your values as they should naturally be.
Aligned with your own values, values that you have rationally and consciously chosen, not values that have been chosen for you.
To sacrifice yourself for others and to place others needs before your own, at your expense, is not natural and is not healthy for you or for society at large.
Artificially behaving contrary to your natural state of being causes those to be in positions of power to grow only more powerful, as now they can easily manipulate into betraying your self interests with the lie that it is ‘the right thing to do’.
When the greedy and corrupt are the ones to define what the right thing is, instead of you consciously and logically discovering it for yourself, then they have the power to play you however they please.
All they have to do is pull the strings and those who believe what they have been programmed to believe, such as the necessity of self sacrifice for the greater good, will dance to their tune.
The masses will allow themselves to be pulled over by police for going 5km over the speed limit and will feel ashamed they have been caught ‘doing the wrong thing’.
They will allow themselves to be locked up and caged without a word because they were ‘guilty’ of smoking a plant they weren't allowed to.
They will cover their face with plastic and restrict their breathing because they think it’s the ‘right thing’.
They will stay confined to their homes like prisoners because they have been conditioned to listen to authority and they know best.
They will pay their taxes because they believe we can’t build anything without everyone sacrificing a huge amount of their income under the threat of violence and torture.
They will pay their fines, pay for their license, pay to register their car every year, because to pay for things you don't really want and to live on your knees is a great way to stay out of prison.
A life lived on your knees is a shameful and dishonourable life that isn't worth living.
It is better to live a day as a lion than a 1,000 years as a sheep.
You are NOT a sacrificial animal who exists for the pleasure of others.
For every problem presented here, there are many solutions, some of them are much closer than you may think.
It is not accurate to say that one hates the masses, it is more accurate to say that one hates the way the masses hates themselves.
If one had a mortal enemy, someone they despised, someone who had murdered their children, raped and tortured their parents and killed all their friends, then it is justifiable that one would hate the monster who did this.
They would most likely want revenge, to hurt, to punish and to cause pain to this creature who has committed these terrible crimes.
One would want this being to be punished and tortured in return, they may restrict their breathing through suffocation, may lock them up and not allow them to leave a small cage, may attack them physically for speaking and saying things they are not allowed to say.
One may make this criminal do all sorts of things which would be embarrassing and shameful.
One may humiliate the murderer and force them to do ridiculous things which make them look stupid and pathetic.
One may even recondition the rapists mind to believe nonsensical things are true, just for their own amusement as retaliation for destroying their life.
One may force this animal to behave as their slave, to worship one otherwise they would be further punished.
One may deceive this criminal into believing it is their duty to serve and obey ones orders, to behave exactly as commanded like a well trained dog.
One may deprive this beast of proper nutrition and only feed them poisonous products which makes them get sick, break out in rashes, have guts aches, vomit and feel nauseous.
One may then trick this evil person into taking dangerous drugs to treat the symptoms of the toxic food one has fed them, which will cause even more pain and suffering for the criminal.
One may force this lowlife into getting drunk every night and even convince them to self inflict harm by breathing in toxic chemicals by tricking them into becoming addicted to smoking.
If ones life has been turned upside down by what this murderer has done to his friends and family, they would not want to simply execute them, but would want to see them suffer, to feel the pain that they feel.
One would want to torture this criminal slowly over time, depriving them of any kind of freedom to think for themselves, to read, to learn about what they want, to see who they want and to do what they want.
One would behave in such a way because their heart which was so full of love for their children, parents and friends has now been broken and the love has been replaced by hate.
One would treat the cause of their loss and suffering with hate, because they believe it will make them feel better.
Hate is what can make one act in such a way, as hate is a very powerful emotion.
Whether hate is justified and rational or not does not matter, what matters to the victim here is that they feel justified in exercising their hate.
If hate is able to make one do such terrible things to another, albeit that other had to do terrible things first, then why is it that the majority of people treat themselves as they would treat this criminal?
Why do the masses treat themselves like they absolutely loathe themselves?
Why is is that they show themselves no respect and consider themselves as worthy of life as this horrible criminal?
Only one who is full of hate and suffering can treat themselves so poorly.
Only one who has been convinced to doubt his own worth would ever behave with such vigorous self destruction.
One could blame the system of tyranny which has conditioned people to behave so masochistically, so self sacrificially, but at the end of the day, the greedy and corrupt have only exposed, enlarged and manipulated what was already there.
Why the masses treat themself with such lack of respect is not as important as to how they can stop.
Before a solution can be implemented, one must become aware of the problem.
Utopian Realism exposes problems and offers solutions or ways for you to discover your own solutions.
Utopian Realism does not believe in the value of charity.
Charities should not exist.
If a charitable organisation must exist, what is that saying about a peoples social structure and economical model?
In a proper functioning society, there should be no poverty or homelessness.
A healthy society has a healthy philosophy, social structure and economic model, all which are aligned with what is true and most effective.
If these foundations are in place, then it is impossible for there to be poverty or homeless people, unless someone deliberately chooses to live without a home.
If a charity exists, it only demonstrates how corrupt and broken that society must be.
Instead of giving to the poor and needy, which is only a bandaid treatment, it is better to focus on curing the problem.
The problem always being philosophies based upon subjective faith, the social structure being involuntary and coercive and the economic model utilising money or trade.
It doesn't matter at what time throughout history you check or where in the world you look, you can be certain that if a charity exists, or if poverty exists, it’s because those 3 corrupt approaches to life exist.
Subjective faith, involunatarism and currency combined are the perfect recipe for poverty, homelessness and charity.
Poverty and charity cannot exist in societies built upon objective reasoning, voluntarism and contributionism.
A charity is just like a tumour, a last ditch effort to help a broken and dying body or system.
For that is all a tumour is, an accumulation of toxins in one localised area in an effort to protect the body from those toxins running rampant and injuring more valuable organs and parts.
Although many tumours are more successful remedies than charities, as if you give the body enough time to heal and stop poisoning it, the tumour will eventually dissipate as the lymphatic system drains and detoxes the built up poisons.
If you leave a charity running and do not fix the cause, it will continue to exist.
As long as the charity exists, it is the flag that poverty or those in need exist.
Charity rarely addresses the root cause and most often only treats symptoms.
Those who work in charity may have the noblest of intentions and often are good people, yet they are not focusing on the root problem, because they are unaware of what it actually is.
Charity often differs from generosity, kindness or true care because of the way charity is applied.
An act of charity may be to feed a 1,000 families in Africa on Christmas eve.
But really, what good is this?
Hardly any at all, because the next day they go back to being hungry.
If instead the charitable action was to educate these families how to grow their own fruit and vegetables and to provide all the necessary equipment and training to do so, this is what is actually useful.
This wouldn't be a charitable act, but a truly caring one.
Providing a million families with a meal once per year is not a sign you care about them, but a sign you care about people caring about you.
Giving a thousand people water for a year through a charity organisation is only useful for a year.
If you really cared, why aren't you helping to teach those people how they can dig a well and get their own water forever?
Instead of gathering a ton of donation money to build a high quality road through a town in poverty, educate the people who live their how to construct their own road and provide them with the machinery to do so.
It sure is charitable to give a homeless man on the street money, but it sure isn’t a moral, helpful or a truly caring thing to do.
What is this teaching the homeless person?
That all he needs to do to fuel his self destructive alcohol, cigarette and drug addiction is beg and take advantage of human kindness?
If you truly cared, you would ask him why he is begging, why he is not trying to add value to you in exchange for something.
If a beggar is asking you for money because he wants food, then why would you give it to him?
That does not help him learn how to get food when he needs it.
He should be asking those with food for food, not those with money.
The amount of good food that restaurants, cafes and supermarkets throw out every day is enough to feed every malnourished person in the world, probably more than that too.
Teach him how to ask the appropriate places to find food so then he never has to beg for something he actually doesn't need, which is money, to get what he really needs, which is food.
Give a man a fish he can have a meal, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime, create a system teaching men how to fish and no one will ever go hungry again.
By giving beggars money, you are committing an immoral act, as often all you are doing is helping them to harm themselves.
When you hand over money to someone who has done nothing to deserve it, who has actually done something to not deserve it, as who really wants a beggar attempting to make them feel guilty and uncomfortable, then you are teaching them that they can be paid for something which they shouldn’t be doing.
You are encouraging their begging lifestyle by financially supporting them and also encouraging them to harass others.
If no one at all gave the beggar any money, they would be forced to realise that they actually have to do something productive to earn value, that they couldn't exist as an emotional and financial vampire.
Instead of caving into the homeless beggars desperate pleas for currency, tell him that he has a great opportunity to make enough money to support himself right in front of his nose.
Teach him that he can go from store to store cleaning their windows, sweeping the pavement in front of their shop and taking out their rubbish.
In exchange for his work, he can ask the business for a small donation.
They may or may not accept, but if the homeless man goes to 100 stores and only 80 of them pay him $2, he has just made $160, which is more than many other people may make at a normal job.
You can be charitable, or you can actually care.
One is good for your ego, one is truly good.
If a charity and charitable acts exist, it is the indicator that the society you have found yourself in is a dystopian one.
If there are no charity’s and no poverty where you live, there is a very good chance that you live in a Utopian community.
Utopian Realism is against charity, but for caring.
No human being with the potential of consciousness and the ability to inflict harm upon others has any right to empower another by offering their life in service to them, such as a religious idol, god, government or any other being or figure.
This is immoral because only one who is evil would ever desire the use of anothers life to control as their own.
This is what service is, to become a servant of another.
Helping others is an act of care.
Serving others is an act of fear.
Helping is a choice made because you want to gain something.
Serving is a choice because you are afraid to lose something.
A servant obeys their master because they fear being beaten.
A person who works in a service job fears losing their income stream and thus means for survival.
To serve another is to dishonour your true nature as it is not natural for one to unquestionably obey the orders of another.
Wars would not be fought and millions would not be killed if soldiers didn't unquestionably pledge their service to warmongers whose only intention is to use them as soul-diers.
Police brutality and police states of military occupation would be impossible if the enforcing class were not subservient to a ruling class.
A political ruling class could not exist if the political actors did not serve the banking class, the ones who fabricate the money out of thin air.
The banking class could not exist if the religious class above them did not demand service.
Up and up the acts and demands of service go, until it reaches the guy at the top who knows it’s total bullshit but uses whatever weapons he needs to steal as much power as he can.
Down and down it goes until it reaches you, the deceived fool who believes that acts of service make you a ‘good person’.
Again, helping others, being hospitable, generous and kind are totally different to ‘service’, to serve and to be a servant.
No rationally good or truly powerful being desires or needs anothers life to control as their own, as they can only morally be the master of themself.
Only parasites, the greedy, weak and corrupt require servants, slaves and obedient chattel.
The truly powerful are truly powerful, so why would they need others worship or obedience to sustain their life?
Co-operation and voluntary teamwork with others beside you is entirely different to needing others to serve beneath you.
Rationally moral and objectively good beings are happy to guide, assist, aid, support and lead others, but only evil beings desire to control others.
If one must obey another unquestionably, this is control.
Controlling others is immoral and objectively wrong.
If your partner told you what time to be home, what time to go to bed, to wake up, that you had to cook, clean, and do everything else they demanded, this is an unhealthy relationship based on control.
If your boss at work micromanaged your time at work and outside of work to the exact detail, leaving you no freedom to innovate and create new ideas to improve performance, no time to even chat to your colleagues and you were stuck in a cubicle with a precise task to perform in alignment with every minute of every hour, this this is control.
When there is control, there is the absence of care, because one who cares cannot control.
The one who gives away their life in service to another is just as evil, if not more so, then the one who takes it.
No one has the right to unquestionably obey, serve on enslave themself to another being, no matter how powerful they are, because the only beings which would desire your obedience are sure to use you as a weapon against others, therefore your act of submission is an evil one against your fellows and yourself.
To tell the difference between service and hospitableness is rather easy.
For example you’re at a restaurant or someones home and they ask you if you would like a drink, if they casually walk off and go to prepare you a drink and then bring it over, this is just basic politeness.
If they run across the room, make the drink as quickly as possible and then run back while apologising for taking so long, this is service.
Service is the act of assisting someone in a way you consider that you may be punished if you do not perform to the peak of your abilities.
To be polite and generous is to be respectful of yourself and others, treating them as you would like to be treated, which is reasonably.
If you were at a restaurant and the waiters bowed when you walked in and constantly referred to you as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’m’, then this is service and is disrespectful to you and to themselves.
All you did was walk into an establishment, why are you deserving of a bow?
Why should strangers prostrate themselves before you just because of your presence?
Why do the staff insist on calling you a title which is not your name with the implication that you have a certain superiority over them as you would not call them sir or ma’m in return?
It is unnecessary over indulgent politeness that is too much and becomes rude.
Anyone who feels special when people bow to them or call them honorific titles is only demonstrating that they lack self esteem and self respect and feel validated when others declare their inferiority as it provides them a sense of superiority and approval.
Bowing in a martial arts setting is different as you are both bowing to each other for a purpose.
Bowing on stage after a performance is an acknowledgement of your appreciation for the audiences attention and applause and is justified.
Bowing to someone you’ve never met just because they’ve walked in the door is not appropriate and is demeaning for both parties.
When someone bows to another unjustifiably and unreasonably, it is insinuating that the one receiving the bow desires such an act of submission.
This can be considered an offensive action against their character to imply that this man requires signs of obedience from servants to live his life.
Again, only the self loathing and those with no confidence in their true value desire approval and validation from others.
One who knows his worth could take it as a act of disrespect, although if he did, he should inform the bowers not to behave as so.
Utopian Realism does not advocate superiority and inferiority which is implicit in the idea of service.
Utopian Realism stands for the truth and the truth is no one should kneel before another and no one should demand another kneel before them.
To pay your tribute, to support and vote for your masters, to obey the dictates of the rulers, to spread their message that disobedience is shameful and obedience is virtuous, now this is service.
Those who partake in such rituals and behaviour are in service to a ruling class or ruler as they are behaving in an unthinking, illogical and irrational manner to please a particular person or group of people in a sycophantic way.
The masses who involve themselves in such heresy are more interested in appeasing the masters then of serving their own needs and desires.
People who choose to become servants are debasing themselves in an act of heresy for they are betraying everything which is good, righteous and rational.
They are treacherous because they are abandoning themselves in favour of ruler.
A servant cannot give service to someone who is not a ruler, dictator or tyrant.
For only a megalomaniac desires their every petty need, every mundane task and every command obeyed without hesitation.
Any healthy and rational being is happy for others to do as they please, provided they behave in accordance with morality.
A healthy man is not pleased when they approach a door and a servant opens it for them, for what is this implying?
That the healthy man is unable, incapable and too incompetent to open a door?
Now, if his hands were full or was pushing a wheel chair, then this is justified.
If he is simply walking towards a door and a servant runs over to open it for him, this is a great sign of disrespect to both parties.
It is an insult to the mans cognitive ability to perform a very simple task.
The same can be said when a servant takes ones bags when checking into a hotel.
The man was obviously able to carry the bags to the hotel, especially if it is something small like a suitcase, so why would he not be able to carry it to his room?
Does he look so unfit and unhealthy that he cannot continue to carry his own bag?
Little acts of service like this, which are acts of going above and beyond of what is expected or required, can have huge detrimental carry on effects.
When one becomes accustomed to serving, it is easy for them to continue serving and to ever decrease the amount of rational thinking they do for themselves in service to another.
To serve another is to sacrifice yourself in their name.
To serve means to treat someone else better than you would treat yourself.
Why would you ever treat someone better than you treat yourself?
You should always treat yourself with the utmost respect, care and consideration, because you are you!
To not do so is preposterous and comes from a lack of self esteem, trauma and incorrect values about your worth.
You should treat yourself very well and in turn treat others as well as you treat yourself, but not better.
A servant waits on your every move and considers your needs and comforts to be of higher value than their own.
To be in service means you don't really have a choice, it means you are obligated to perform duties and functions for another because you fear punishment.
If you have a business and help your customers, clients or patients, are you really serving them?
If you were on the other side, wouldn't you simply wanted to be treated how you would want to be treated?
If you have a personal training business and a client wants to become a body builder, but you specialise in fat loss, why would you say you can help them when you cannot?
Perhaps it is because you choose to be in service to their needs because you are actually in service to their money.
If a fitness client was always late, hardly ever showed up and didn't perform well when you trained them, yet they always paid, is it worth the disrespect and frustration simply because you are in service to their ability to pay you?
When a business forgets about the money and focuses on performing quality work, because that’s what they enjoy and are good at, then the help they give to their customer is not considered service anymore, but help.
Service in business is only considered service when the staff member or business owner is only engaging and assisting a customer because there is money involved.
If there was a situation where you had to deal with a client or customer and if you weren't getting paid, there is no way you would aid them, then this is service.
If you are a barista and make coffees for people, hopefully it is because you enjoy making coffee and are really good at it, not only because you need money.
If you do what you do purely because of money, then you are a servant to money and are in service to those who can provide you with it.
Those who are in service to something or someone by default must compromise their integrity.
This is because to serve means to do something you don't really want, but you do so because you get what you think you want, in the business case it is money.
In religious cases with gods or idols it is a ticket into heaven.
In government and ruling class cases it is validation and approval that you are being ‘a good citizen’.
In the case of the waiters and restaurant staff it is because they want to keep their job (for money) and do as they have been trained, which is to ‘be a good staff member’.
If one must betray their dignity and self respect in order to gain something, is that something really worth it?
If one must beg on their knees, cry for forgiveness, ask to be redeemed of all their sins, pledge to serve and obey without question to a religious figure or god, all so they can get their invitation card to join ‘heaven’ when they die, is this really a place they would want to go?
A true heaven would have nothing to do with pleading, begging, desperation, submission, obedience or servitude.
All those features are what you would find in hell, not heaven.
If one must relinquish all their freedoms to serve a political ruling class and have the rules of life made up for them, is this a worthy trade just to be seen as a ‘good person’?
Is it worth acquiescing and prostrating yourself to strangers in a job that gives you money? Is that a price worth paying?
All service is a fearful set of actions that are only performed because one is afraid of punishment.
The religious man or woman only serves their idol or god because they fear being ripped apart for eternity in the excruciating fires of hell.
Who wouldn’t be afraid of that if it was true? If it were true that a loving god created everything and cares, it is irrational that the god would only give you two evil options, ‘bow before me or burn in hell’.
When logic is applied rationally, one care see through the unreasonableness and falsehood in this lie.
All acts of service have been instigated through manipulating ones fears.
“The customer is always right”. Yes, only if you’re a slave to money, have no self respect and are afraid of poverty.
“They are the government, that’s what the experts are telling us and they know better, we better do what we are told.” Yes, if you fear the fines, confrontation and threats of punishment, you better do what you are told, lest you grow a conscience!
“You will do as you’re told because I’m the boss and you work for me!” Yes, you should do as your told if you’re afraid you’re so incompetent you’re unable to find a new job or start your own business, you better get on your hands and knees and beg for forgiveness, lest you want to live on the streets!
To have a job and to work are different things.
A job is something which you don’t enjoy doing and only sacrifice your time in exchange for money so you can survive.
Work is something you enjoy and are good at, that which offers value and contributes to the world.
Jobs are devoid of passion and excitement.
Work is full of passion and excitement.
If you weren't getting paid, you would have a job.
If you weren't getting paid, you would continue your work.
It is in a job that you may be coerced to sacrifice and serve.
In your work, such a thing would never happen.
You may be working in a job which does attempt to degrade you, although it’s not your work which is the problem, but the job.
Nicola Tesla was a great scientist who loved his work, although when he worked for Thomas Edison, he hated his job as he was forced to deliberately sabotage his own inventive potential in the name of Edison’s profit.
The work was great, the job was not.
If you find yourself working in a job, what are you to do?
The answer should be obvious.
Receiving money at the expense of your honour and dignity is no choice at all.
To be kind, generous, thoughtful, caring, polite and hospitable are all wonderful traits that Utopian Realism highly support and encourage.
To serve, sacrifice, plea, beg, obey and be charitable are all unworthy and dishonourable traits that have nothing to do with Utopian Realism.
To placate yourself before another is crafting your own damnation under the illusion of false promises of salvation & prosperity.
You are the only one whom you should serve, others are the only ones you should not.
Utopian Realism is not like most other systems.
It’s different to communism because there is no ruling class prepared to use an enforcement class to prevent people from owning private property.
It’s different to socialism because there is no government, government only being a ruling class with the perceived legitimacy to inflict punishment on disobedient people.
It’s different to monarchy's because there is no one who has the right to rule because they have a particular blood type.
It’s different to any system which has a lord, master, ruler or ruling class because the idea of superiority to rule and inferiority to serve is proven to be false in Utopian Realism. This goes for any kind of kingdom or empire, on earth or anywhere else.
It’s different to other voluntary communities such as Auroraville in India, as Utopian Realism does not require you to serve anyone or anything but yourself and prefers to use as much advanced technology as possible and preferable to meet peoples needs, freeing up their time for higher pursuits than menial labour.
It’s different to modern democracies as Utopian Realism uses real democracy, not only allowing people the option to vote for a ruler like fake democracy, but the option to vote on every proposal which anyone is able to propose.
It’s different to Plato's republic, a dystopian model flaunted as utopia, because it allows people to work as whatever they please, does not censor information, does not restrict peoples freedom in any negative way and does not have a dedicated ruling and enforcement class.
It’s different to traditional republics because there are no elected representatives with the power to govern everything, create new rules independently and who have express control over an enforcement class.
Utopian Realism is a model where everyone is individually sovereign and all powerful in their own right over their life, and with that power willingly chooses to voluntarily cooperate with other sovereign individuals to form a society to achieve more than what they could alone.
In the Utopian Realism model, no one has the right to initiate violence, but everyone does have the right to use appropriate force to defend themselves or others.
In Utopian Realism, the idea of justice is defined as being able to cure a problem.
A cure can only be found in a criminals behaviour if the question is asked “why did they do what they do”?
Without discovering the “why” and creating a remedy to prevent the “why” from occurring again in the criminal or in others, then the same mistakes, the same disease is sure to manifest in the criminal or in others.
If a society, a collective of individuals with the same objective goal, peace and happiness, desires to achieve their goal, they must figure out a way to prevent the spread of dis-ease.
Criminal behaviour like extortion, intimidation, violence, rape, assault, murder, robbery, politics, banking, and gang thuggery are mental diseases.
Cutting out the part of someones brain which is “responsible” for the disease doesn't work, that’s called a lobotomy and has been tried and tested. It only creates another criminal who has committed a torturous experiment.
Cutting out a tumour often makes things worse, as the toxins inside the tumour spread and disease the rest of the body.
Criminals could also be considered as weeds.
Sometimes the weeds need to be ripped out and that's the end of it.
But how and why did the weeds grow in the first place and how can they be prevented from returning?
Because if you rip out all the weeds and accidentally sprinkle their seeds everywhere and the next week you have more weeds, then you are being ineffective in your purpose of maintaining a healthy garden free from weeds.
Just because it may be justified to rip out the weed or to cut out the tumour, does not mean it is an effective approach to creating a healthy body, healthy garden or healthy society.
Utopian Realism is the system which always looks for a better answer, a more effective solution.
If there is a way to improve or better something, then people should do it.
Utopian Realism doesn't just consider consequences of the now moment or tomorrow, but also the future.
Burying plastic in a landfill may not have huge detrimental effects on the environment today or even tomorrow, but eventually it inevitably will.
An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, skull for skull mentality may be appropriate in rare circumstances, but eventually if it is held as the standard, will only breed war and death.
Burning toxic pollutants such as petrol, oil and plastics isn’t so damaging if only done for one day, but when done over many years, can become deadly.
Allowing yourself to serve an authoritative system may work out Ok for a short while, but eventually, with certainty, will create a world which is a living nightmare.
Utopian Realism considers the mistakes and successes of the past, the current moment and the possibilities of the future.
A truly healthy model must consider all of time, not just the whims and emotions of the now.
A peaceful, happy and free world for all cannot be built by emotion and reactionary behaviour.
It is impossible, which has been proven throughout all of history with every single known society as evidence that without logic, reason and proper judgement, dystopia prevails, every single time, without fail, like precise clockwork mechanical detail.
Revolution after revolution, the clock goes round and round and round, telling the same story for ever and ever, a story of oppression, revolt, oppression, revolt.
That’s why Utopian Realism is so different, it does not propose revolution, as this is the exact opposite to the solution, the solution being evolution.
To evolve socially, economically and technologically, first and most important it is a critical necessity that the operating system of the human mind evolves.
Human individual philosophy must undergo an update, an entirely new upgrade to be in alignment with reality.
If humans wish to live in Utopia, to have a life of more freedom, more happiness and more of what they want, then they must stop believing in fantasy and the unreal.
It is the unreal, the false which creates dystopia, war, disease and poverty.
The fictional world is a world full of money, authority, governments, politics, police, legality, terrorism and war.
Fictional constructs that have been created to serve the whims of a very, very few who desire to live in a fantasy dystopian land of pain and suffering are the antithesis of Utopia and reality.
Utopia is the reality that 99% of people want.
Dystopia is the lie that only 1% of ‘people’ want.
As long as people continue to believe dystopian fantasy lies, such as they are inferior stupid beings, they must serve and obey higher powers and the only way to function is with numbered bits of paper, then life on earth will continue to deteriorate into a hellish realm only fit for existence by those who have sold their souls and mutated into demons to survive in the dystopian landscape.
If people decide to make their own choices in pursuit of truth, Utopia is the inevitable result.
We won’t need to wait to die to go to heaven, mind you a heaven ruled by anyone is no heaven at all, but we can create our own heaven here on earth, right here, right now.
All it takes is the vigilant pursuit of truth.
The denial of truth, which is the denial of thought, which is the denial of consciousness, which is the denial of self existence, leads to dystopia, which is a one way train ticket you didn't even know you bought because you are hardly aware of anything at all.
The only way we can live the life we really want, a life beyond even your current imagination, is if you, the individual reading these words right now, takes up the mantle of responsibility and dedicates your life to discovering truth.
For a life of lies is no life at all.
Utopian realism is the objective philosophy that each man has the highest power and responsibility to command himself and only himself.
Some beliefs can be very dangerous, such as the belief that you or others are required to be sacrificed for the greater good.
Or the belief that the desires of many outweigh the rights of the individual.
Hatred and condemnation of the individual and worship of the collective is catastrophic, just look at communist china of today, Nazi Germany of the past and every other country which chooses to ignore the fact that the collective is made up of individuals.
The belief that obedience is virtuous is harmful to everyone.
The belief that everything is subjective can have many negative consequences, such as making your own subjective morality or disregarding the efficacy of science.
The belief that a saviour is coming to fix everything is a lazy excuse to to permit one to do nothing good and behave irresponsibly as a child, incapable of positive contribution.
Utopian Realism is not founded upon beliefs, but upon knowledge.
Information is noise that may be true or false.
Facts are pieces of information which are true.
Knowledge is an accumulation of facts that form a knowingness of something.
Comprehension is knowing how to apply your knowledge usefully.
Intelligence is being able to apply your comprehension optimally to achieve what you want.
Wisdom is knowing when to not apply your intelligence.
To learn if what you think is true or not, test it against your reason.
Question what you believe and see if it holds true against your rationality.
Don’t stop questioning, asking why, how, where, when, what and all other questions of significance to discover the truth.
If you are being told that you must obey another, keep asking why until you get to the root cause.
When you get to a root cause, ask why it must be that way.
Ask if there is another way, a better way then is being presented.
A good method is to follow the money.
If there is money involved, if someones ability to tell the truth is tied in with their income, question their motives until you can be sure that what you are hearing is the truth and not just what the money wants you to hear.
Money is one the most powerful agents of corruption and is a destroyer of truth.
The truth is never as profitable as lies.
Be weary of the businessman in all his shapes and forms.
A politician, doctor, lawyer, judge, religious figure or police officer are all businessmen wearing different costumes.
They are all pursuing money, just in different ways.
One reason they are obsessed with the pursue of money is because they have been conditioned to believe money brings happiness, even if it doesn't, they believe it does.
This is true for most people.
Often they are happier in receiving money than they are in spending it to get something they want.
Whenever ones prime motivator is money, how can they be trusted to speak the truth when truth is bad for business?
The problem with the businessman is that they care more about money than doing the right thing.
The businessman would prefer to make a light bulb which only lasts 1,500 hours so they can continue profiting from planned obsolescence instead of creating the light bulb which last for 120 years.
The businessman prefers to continually profit from selling oil and polluting the planet than to create clean energy devices you would only have to buy once.
The businessman would prefer to sell 1 trillion tyres than to sell 1 billion hover cars.
The businessman prefers to sell drugs that make you sick and then sell another drug to treat the symptoms instead of selling a cure.
The businessman prefers to sell you into expensive chemo therapy than to teach you about cheap natural cures.
The businessman prefers to sell you the idea that taxes are essential instead of explaining how donations and volunteering are the only reasonable way to get anything done.
The businessman chooses to make a sub-optimal new mobile phone every 6 months with a couple year lifespan rather than creating the best possible phone now to last for a decade.
The businessman prefers to sell a petrol engine which is sure to break a 100 times than a magnetic engine which will never break.
The businessman prefers to sell you fish for a lifetime than to sell you a course how to catch fish once.
The businessman prefers to keep you paying for electricity every month for the rest of your life than to sell you an energy device once to power your home for life.
The businessman prefers to build low quality roads that break so then he can tax you your entire life to pay for its repairs than to build the roads properly the first time.
The businessman always prefers the most expensive, least effective and most repetitive method to profit from you, not the cheapest or best option for you.
The businessmen prefers to design things that break, so then you have to buy the same product again and again, compared to designing it right the first time.
The businessman prefers to build things with materials that are designed to wear down and break, instead of materials that are designed to last and never break.
The businessman prefers to create things which aren't easy to fix, instead of creating things which are easy to fix if they do break.
The businessman prefers products with short life spans over ones with long life spans.
The businessman prefers to sell you what you don’t need instead of educating you about what you do need.
The businessman prefers to do the wrong thing and make a profit then to do the right thing and not.
The businessman prefers to destroy the environment and make a big profit then to protect the environment and make a medium profit.
The businessman prefers that you stay poor by keeping him rich.
If you think of yourself as a businessman and disagree with these statements as untrue, then you aren't a businessman, you’re just someone who is proficient at exchanging value for cash.
To learn how to reason and get to the bottom of things, one must ask questions.
Always be asking questions, don’t believe anything until you have at least asked why or know something to be true because you have evidence.
Unfortunately, people cannot be trusted to tell the truth, but they can be trusted to act in a way they believe is their best interests.
Figure out what could be peoples motivators and then ask them questions about morality, you will find the truth.
When trying to figure something out that is not related to people, keep asking questions and keeping looking for evidence.
Until you have evidence, something is just a theory.
The theory of gravity.
The theory of relativity.
The germ theory.
You must use the scientific method when discovering new things, is it measurable, is it repeatable, is it verifiable?
Where is the proof? Can you prove it now? Or do you have to be a special expert with years of training, special labs and special equipment?
Whenever something is difficult to prove without special requirements, then you must be weary of it’s truth.
You know there is a science to building sky scrapers because you can see them and they don’t fall over.
This means it is not a theory or a lie that humans can build great buildings, it is true because you have evidence and proof according to the scientific method.
If you can’t research something from your laptop and the internet and discover if it’s true or not, then it’s probably false.
With the power of the internet and armed with the ability to ask the right questions, you can learn the truth of just about anything.
Do not believe things because of the way they feel.
Emotions and intuition can sometimes be helpful when discovering what is true, but more often than not they are inaccurate tools to ascertain the truth.
Your rational judgement, ability to reason and to research is much more powerful than the ‘way you feel’.
At the same time, do not disregard your feelings, they can be indicators that you should pursue a line of research, but let your intellect find the answer, not your emotions.
The way most people are manipulated and deceived is by expert con artists being able to psychologically influence their emotions.
Even average and honest businessmen can increase sales by playing on peoples feelings.
Humanity is not a rational species by nature at this point in history, or in any of our recorded history at all.
This is why you must be vigilant in your discovery of truth, always be on the watch for your ego or emotions to blind side you from what is actually true.
Your feelings will often get in your way and will manipulate you into believing what you want to be true instead of knowing what is.
Utopian Realism is always in alignment with that which is true.
If new information is presented that changes what we thought was true, then Utopian Realism adapts and upgrades to align with truth, not with what was believed to be truth.
There is no shame in being wrong, but there is great shame in not accepting the truth.
Why do people pray?
Because they don’t know how to take useful action.
Praying for another is showing that you have feelings of care for them, but either don’t know how to help them or are to lazy to do something useful to help them.
If you cared enough to pray to a inter-dimensional being for help, then surely you have enough care to figure out what you can do in reality to actually help someone?
Instead of praying to god for finances, why don’t you learn about business, adding value and marketing?
One method is a cop out for someone who wants the easy and lazy way out and one is for someone grounded in reality that cares enough about themselves to make shit happen.
Instead of praying for health, why don't you open a book and start reading about what it means to be healthy?
It’s not like we don't have an abundance of knowledge on how to be healthy.
You can read a book, watch free YouTube videos, buy an online course, stop eating junk food, start moving more, join a gym, hire a PT, join a group fitness class, work out with a friend, discover natural remedies and cures for diseases and ailments.
The list goes on and on just how you can personally improve your health.
Until you have exhausted every option and don’t see any change, then and only then could you try reaching out to an invisible inter dimensional spiritual being to assist you.
Whether or not such creature exists or does not is besides the point, why would they help you if you are so unwilling to help yourself?
The act of prayer is a self sacrificial act of dis-empowerment.
It is the spiritual cry that you are hopeless to change your life by your own rational means and now must plea and bargain with ‘a higher power’, something which you really have no idea what is and isn’t.
Why would someone not related to your life forgive you for something you have done?
Sure, a partner or friend you wronged can forgive you if you apologise for hurting them, but why would a god or other religious idol forgive you for what you have done?
Your partner or friend only forgives you for your actions because you have forgiven yourself enough to realise you were wrong and to apologise.
If you do something wrong, like steal or lie and then feel guilty about it, the only person who can forgive you is you.
Jesus didn't make you steal anything and you didn't steal from him, so why would you ask for his forgiveness?
He is not actually here in this world with you, no matter what you believe.
It just doesn't make any rational sense.
Not everyone deserves to be forgiven.
Only those who apologise for what they have done wrong deserve true forgiveness.
Now, you may internally forgive someone for a crime they have committed against you for your own hearts sake, but it’s still not really forgiving them externally.
If someone went out there way to hurt you and then never apologised or made amends, why would they be worthy of forgiveness?
What does this say about you if you forgive someone who hasn't changed?
What does this say about you if you ask someone completely irrelevant to your life for forgiveness and not ask of it from yourself?
People only beg for forgiveness from higher powers because they are lazy.
If they really wanted forgiveness, they would recognise the error of their ways and then do everything in their power to correct their mistakes and make sure it never happens again.
Praying and begging for forgiveness from supposed higher powers is simply a declaration of your weakness and ignorance.
All the power is within you, yet you seek simple answers out side you.
Contrary to what the religious idols even preached, ‘the power is within’.
Why would you pray for others to improve their life or for something good to happen to them?
It’s almost rude.
Again, if you actually cared enough to petition the might of an ethereal and abstract entity to change the destiny of the world to help whoever you are praying for, surely you can figure out a reasonable and practical way to help this person you care about?
If you can’t, find someone real who can.
Utopian Realism prefers real practical action over praying and pretended action.
Because the truth is, one is useful, the other is not.
When it comes to forgiveness, Utopian Realism stands by again, that which is true.
If it is true someone deserves to be forgiven, then forgive them.
If they don’t then don’t.
If you have done terrible things and keep doing them, well you obviously don’t deserve forgiveness.
If you have done terrible things but have changed and learnt valuable lessons on ways not to be, then you deserve your own forgiveness.
It’s really quite simple.
Can unconditional love really exist?
How could it?
And more importantly, why should it?
If one felt the same love for his wife’s murderer as he did for his wife, he would be classified as mentally deranged.
Loving your enemies is the most effective strategy your enemies have tricked you into believing, as it makes you putty in their hands, to do with you as they please without resistance.
To love an evil tyrant the same as you love your child just shows that your love is meaningless, it has no value as it is incapable of differentiating good from bad, right from wrong and is indiscriminate.
Why would such a general and uncalculated love have any worth if it is totally thoughtless?
To love someone you have never met shows that you are not loving their character, because you don’t know their character, so what is it showing that you love about them?
That you love their life?
Why would you love their life or even existence, you don’t know anything about this stranger.
To say you respect their right to life and freedom, now that’s different and appropriate.
But to randomly and irrationally feel love for people you do not know is unreasonable.
Why should you feel a strong affection for strangers, what is the purpose?
Why should you feel unconditional love for your mortal enemy, how is this based upon any reason?
What does this say about your sanity if you feel love for story characters and for people you have not seen, shook their hand, wrapped them in a hug, held conversations with them, eaten with them or enjoyed their company?
What does this say about your character that you somehow think and feel it is an honourable thing to feel love for strangers, characters out of books, imaginary beings and your enemies?
Why would it be honourable, righteous, virtuous or even good to feel love for those you don't know?
From a purely psychological point of view, how can a stable and grounded human have feelings of great love for people he doesn't know?
Why should one feel in such a way, what purpose does it really serve…?
How would ones behaviour change if he can be convinced that it is righteous to love people who cause him harm?
Is it more or less likely that those who cause him harm will stop if he shows love or does not?
We have history as evidence, loving your enemies only helps your enemies slaughter you like lambs as you lose the will to fight back and defend yourself because you value a feeling more than your life or the life of your family.
Why should you love yourself unconditionally?
This is saying that there is nothing you could do to not deserve your own love.
Is this arrogant or delusional?
If you had committed terrible sins, like cruelty, rape and torture, why would you be worthy and deserving of feeling great love, appreciation and fondness of yourself?
A psychopathic serial killer may feel this way about themselves after murdering a group of teenage girls, but they are mentally deranged so have a valid excuse.
If you cared enough about yourself to change and heal and become a better man and perhaps one day be worthy of your own love, then sure this is rational.
But to love yourself no matter what evil you do to others or even yourself just once again shows how the meaning of love has been abused and misused.
There is no such thing as unconditional love, it does not exist, love is always conditional.
Even to love unconditionally is conditional upon the belief that it is the right way to live to love everyone equally and unconditionally.
If you didn't believe this condition that for whatever reason you’re meant to be like this, then you wouldn't do it.
We have all the evidence in the world right before us that love is not unconditional.
Look how many loving marriages end up in divorce, the greatest example of true love outside of instinctively programmed family love.
People change, they find new interests and lose interest in each other.
Love is not a choice, it is something that happens to you.
Love is accidental.
Care is deliberate.
You must choose to care.
You don’t have much power at all about who you love.
When it comes to intimate love, it is said that the person you love doesn't make you love them.
Love is something you do to yourself in their absence.
Test is out for yourself next time you ‘fall’ in love, as in you accidentally tripped by mistake, it wasn't something you consciously and deliberately chose through a rational thought process.
You weren't sitting there weighing up the pros and cons of this person.
It was something you did to yourself in an almost unconscious and irrational way.
All you were doing was thinking about this particular person and the way you felt being around them and then wham!
All of a sudden you feel it and you know it, you’ve accidentally flipped the love switch while you were fumbling around in the half lit spaces of your memory and consciousness.
Love is a feeling.
Care are a set of demonstrable actions.
The only people you most likely really feel love for are intimate partners, which would be the strongest love, then your parents, your children and perhaps some close friends.
Even with you friends, sure you may really care about them, but if you are a male, it is doubtful you actually ‘love’ them.
Love is a feeling, there is a high chance you don't feel that particular feeling, the same feeling you feel for a partner, when you consider your friend.
What you feel is more likely to be akin to friendship, comradery, fellowship, mateship and fondness.
Why you say you love them is because you care a great deal about them and don't know how to express yourself accurately, so you say the closest word to what you think and feel, which is love.
When contemplating the love between mother, father, son and daughter, brother and sister, it is important to note that much of the love you may feel is based on survival instinct.
Feelings of strong affection towards our carers and those who we care for ensures the survival of our species.
Typically these people, parents, siblings and children are the people we have the most contact with, through thick and thin, for most of our lives.
This is also a big reason why we feel love for each other, because of all our shared experiences and getting to know each others stories and characters very deeply.
Family also has a stronger bond than typical friendships because it has been instinctively and socially ingrained into us that ‘we are family so we stick together’.
Even when there are arguments, fights, disagreements and lack of common interests, family members can still have strong bonds, irrespective of typical forms of rationality or reason.
To make reason of this, it is probably because deep down we know going through life is better with family than without it.
In circumstances where your family is abusive or dragging you down, then it is better to disavow them and create your own new family.
Telling someone you love them is sharing how you feel about them.
Telling someone you care about them is saying that you are prepared to take whatever action it takes to ensure their well being and happiness.
Some people say they love someone, like their partner or child, but treat them terribly.
How many stories have you heard about ‘loving’ parents that physically abused their children?
What about the man that beats up his girlfriend while telling her he loves her?
Far too many stories.
If these people truly cared and didn't just love their child or partner, do you think they could ever be so violently abusive?
Of course not.
Because care is a rational, deliberate and conscious choice made from an alignment and adherence to your values and convictions.
Love is just a nice feeling that you have very little control over.
You may see a car crash and pull over to help a stranger.
Not because you love this random stranger, you’ve never met them before and know nothing about them.
You don’t have any feelings towards them and if they did die, it really wouldn't bother you that much, compared to your child or parent dying in a car crash.
So why do you decide to help them?
Because you care.
You have built a set of values internally that states you will help others who are need because you would like strangers to help you if you were in need.
This is a great and very useful philosophy to have.
You care about others because you know it is the right thing to do.
As long as helping someone else doesn't detriment yourself, then you will help another in a time of need.
Love is obviously and clearly conditional, for if you consider the idea rationally for a minute or two you will see the answer to how it cannot be unconditional.
If you have a partner and they let themselves go, they get overweight and out of shape, if they stop liking all the things you had in common and start liking all the things you don't like, if their smell changes for the worse, if their voice changes, if they begin to disrespect you, if they start fights with all of your friends and always invite their obnoxious friends over whom you don't like, if they never clean up after themselves and demand you clean the dishes, wash their clothes, take out the rubbish and clean the toilet, which they leave all deliberately dirty just to annoy you, can you honestly say you would still love this person who is the total opposite of whom you married?
You probably wouldn't even care about them anymore as they have changed so much and have become a total thorn in your side.
You will most likely fall out of love with them before you stop caring about them.
You won’t be able to help how your heart feels, the love will drain right out of it and vanish.
Which is a good thing, imagine if you still felt love and allowed yourself to be treated like total garbage, a total waste of life to be absolutely disrespected and trampled in every way possible.
No, having conditions upon love is a good thing.
Why would your partner feel special if you felt love for everyone unconditionally?
Why would you be with them then, why choose just another human you feel unconditional love for?
Clearly you are not with them because of their character, because to appreciate someones character requires conditions.
Everyone you like and dislike is conditional upon particular aspects and specific quirks of their character.
It is totally conditional.
Which is fine, there is nothing wrong with that.
But there is something very wrong with deluding yourself into believing you have unconditional love for everyone equally.
Because you have accepted a lie as your truth, when it is not.
It is impossible to feel love for every single person in the world, or even for people you don’t know.
Sure you may feel a low level affection, fondness and appreciation for humans in general, but this is not ‘love’.
The idea of unconditional love is a dangerous one that moulds people into weak and trampable servants.
People who believe in unconditional love are more likely to be walked all over, used as a door matt, taken for granted and not appreciated by others.
They are also very easy to manipulate into giving their power, energy and finances away to others who are looking for easy targets to exploit.
Unconditional love believers can also be enslaved easily, as they don’t offer any resistance or fight back against their oppressors, because they ‘love’ them.
This could be considered an act of evil, to love your oppressors to the point you are unwilling to stand up for yourself and protect your children.
What could be more evil than willingly bowing to tyrants because you falsely believe “love is the greatest and most powerful” “love conquers all” and “love has a plan”.
No, this is fundamentally wrong.
You love you children conditionally because they are your children and they behave in a manner in which you could love them, meaning they don’t try to assault and kill you every day or do something else rather heinous.
Now imagine that you would sacrifice the lives of your children because you don’t believe in taking the life of someone who was evil because you felt unconditional love for them?
Or simpler yet, standing up to oppressors and fighting back to protect your children.
This is clearly saying you do not love or care for your children if you value the life of an evil tyrant over the life of your child.
What could possibly be the good that comes from the belief of unconditionally loving everyone?
You treat everyone with kindness and respect?
You don’t need to love someone to do that.
You become generous and hospitable?
Again, no love required.
You care about others well being and help those in need?
For the last time, love isn't necessary to do those things!
So why would the idea of unconditional love exist then if it doesn't actually serve any positive purpose?
If there is no good answer or reason, there must by logic be a bad one.
So think about it, what are the negative side effects of having unconditional love, which is to love someone with absolutely zero conditions, no questions asked, anything goes all the time, no matter how rude, disrespectful, sick, deranged, violent, cruel or evil?
Hmm. There doesn't seem to be a clear answer, does there…….?
Love can be wielded as a deadly weapon against those who primarily live by their feelings rather than their intellect.
Imagine if a man were to approach a woman at a bar and start talking to her.
She rejects him and tells him she has a boyfriend and she finds him uninteresting and unattractive.
The man slips a love inducing drug into her drink and walks away.
She drinks it and immediately feels the effects.
He walks back over and asks her is she wants to dance.
She excitedly agrees and begins to dance with him because she is feeling so much love.
He then invites her back to his house.
She agrees and they go back to his place.
He asks her to undress and she obeys without hesitation, excitedly undressing for this man she can direct the enormous love she feels in her heart.
They continue on and the man has his way with this woman he drugged, or did he?
Before the woman felt overwhelmed with love, she rationally rejected this man.
After she felt lot’s of love, she cheated on her boyfriend and slept with someone she found ugly and boring.
Just use your imagination to explore how love can be used against you, as a way to over rule your brain and thoughts with feeling, to make you do things you otherwise would not reasonably do.
Love is not evil by any means, but it can be used to do evil things.
Utopian Realism opposes that which is false and stands against lies.
Utopian Realism supports truth and what is true is that conditional love is healthy, unconditional love is not.
What is an even more powerful and important truth is the act of conditional caring, rather than just conditional love.
If an evil dictator had a car crash and you could either help him or let him die, what should you morally do?
This is the time when conditional care is important.
Morally, you should not help this evil dictator and should let them die.
If you help them and the survive, there is a very high chance they will continue to be an evil dictator, inflicting pain, suffering and torture on many, many people, most likely even yourself either directly or indirectly.
If you were to save him, you are now culpable and an accomplice to his crimes, because you had the power to stop him from continuing his reign of evil and you didn’t even have to do anything.
All you had to do is let him die.
Death is not nearly a terrible thing compared to torture and suffering.
Death is a release from the madness of this world and a new beginning.
You would not be doing anything wrong by letting someone evil die, but you certainly would be if you helped him get back onto his throne of destruction.
If you had no idea who he was, well then of course you help, because you cannot be blamed for what you did not know, unless everyone knew his face except for you because you chose to be ignorant.
It all depends on the circumstances, that is why love and care are conditional.
Because if they were actually unconditional, you would cause more harm than good.
Utopian Realism is the system for those who are intellectually sound and who desire to live a life that is true and real.
The truth may be ugly sometimes, or not what you want to hear, you may not like how it feels, but it is true that the truth is true and that a lie is false.
So if Utopian Realism is for you or not only depends upon one thing.
If you value truth more than lies.
What is the act of surrender?
To relinquish possession or control of (something) to another because of demand or compulsion: synonym: relinquish.
To give up in favor of another, especially voluntarily.
To give up or abandon.
Now, why would surrender ever be a good thing?
Perhaps if you prefer to be captured and tortured rather than killed in a time of war, perhaps.
Perhaps you may not be tortured and executed if you surrender, perhaps you may.
So if surrender means to give up, to relinquish control to another because a violent demand is placed upon you, “surrender or die”, why would people talk about surrender in everyday life being a good thing?
Again, it is because they do not understand words and their meanings.
Specificity of language is very important for accurate expression, clear communication and proper thought.
Without appropriate language, ones thoughts are confused and inaccurate, which then alters their behaviour and thus effects society and the world at large.
All because people don’t comprehend what words mean and and how to place words to ideas precisely.
Imprecise words leads to imprecise communication which leads to imprecise thoughts which leads to imprecise actions.
Without precision of language, one becomes inaccurate with their actions.
Meaning, their desires and intentions do not align with what they think, say they want and do.
When one is inaccurate with their actions, how are they meant to achieve what they aim for in life?
It’s like they are aiming for a target with a rifle which has not been sighted, they will never hit what they aim for and are unlikely to even score a shot on the target, let alone the bullseye.
Without correct language, one is unable to accurately translate the way they feel, what they desire and what they intend into words and if they can’t even express what they actually want, how are they possibly going to achieve what they want?
People often confuse the word surrender with acceptance.
It is ignoble to surrender.
It is useful to accept reality as it is.
To surrender means there is nothing you can do to change a situation and must give up, to admit defeat and that you have lost and must be at the mercy of another.
To accept a situation as it is, is the practical first step to changing what is.
Surrender vs acceptance depends on what your objective is.
If you want to admit defeat and give up, or if you want to move forward and figure out a solution.
If you have a business and are not getting any customers, you can surrender to the idea that maybe your business is meant to fail and people just don't want to buy what you are selling, so you should close down.
Or you can accept that no one is coming to your store and you can invest your time and energy into better marketing.
One is a failure, one is a step on the path to success.
Through a rational method of applying reason, one discovers that the world is controlled by very nasty people.
You can surrender to this fact and give up hope, throw your hands in the air in defeat and say there is nothing you can do.
Or you can accept reality for what it is and do what is in your power to achieve your goals, which may or may not be aligned with changing the reality of tyranny.
To surrender is to give up your power because you believe you are in a hopeless position.
To accept reality is to decide that you must face the truth so then you can better achieve what it is you want.
Only an enemy ever makes you surrender to them.
A friend will never force you to surrender.
Surrender is not something which ever happens in peace, only in war.
The only time surrender may be warranted is when it is temporary, as in the case of police arresting you, when it is better to surrender for a moment and be released shortly thereafter than it is to die in a blaze of fire.
Although, is this really surrender, or just momentary compliance in the interest of self preservation?
To prove the point, the existence of police is the existence of war, as it is their duty to oppress and fight the people, the more peaceful and innocent they are, the more worthy a target they become.
One realises this as soon as the flashing lights are turned on, one must pull over or tempt the wrath of the war mongers.
To surrender to your emotions is to say that your emotions are more powerful and dominant then your rational and conscious self.
To accept that you feel angry or sad is not giving in by way of defeat and powerlessness, it is simple acceptance of the way you actually feel.
To feel so sad you must cry, accept the fact you feel this way and flow with the way you authentically feel in that moment, accept what your mind needs to do to be congruent with your heart.
It’s not surrender to accept the truth of how you feel.
It becomes surrender when you allow the way you feel to control your every action, not just temporarily in the case of a momentary shedding of tears, but a complete loss of reason relinquished to emotion, permanently.
If you wish to live and not die in war, perhaps you may need to accept the fact that you do need to surrender and give up fighting if you wish to retain your life.
Although it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
A life of servitude, a life of surrender, is no life at all.
Let ones own judgement and discernment guide them in such rare circumstances.
To surrender to the will of another, such as your partner, boss or friend is to throw in the towel, to admit defeat, to allow them to be in a temporary or permanent position of power over you.
When could there be a reasonable time to surrender outside of war time, when your very life is not at stake?
If you are psychologically unstable through drug abuse or depression, this may be an appropriate time to surrender.
You may have reached a point where you cannot battle with yourself any more and are at the brink of giving up and committing suicide.
You may decide to surrender, to let go of any pride or ability to help yourself because you realise you cannot help yourself and have become powerless over your state of well being, hopeless to change the way you feel.
So in a last ditch effort to help yourself, you surrender to the fact that you are inadequate to provide yourself with a remedy and ask for help.
You give up on the pursuit of self healing and accept that you require assistance to feel better again.
Is this really surrender, or just acceptance that you need help?
If you were to really surrender, wouldn't you have just committed suicide?
Wouldn't that have been the true example of what it means to give up, to let go and to throw in the towel because of a belief in absolute powerlessness?
To ask for help in your desperate time of need, is this not accepting that you require help, want help and are taking the most reasonable action to receive help and get better?
Does this really sound like surrender or an act of acceptance?
If your actions are aligned with wanting to heal your drug addiction or to recover from depression, then how are you giving up or letting go of control if you ask for help?
To let go of control completely would be to not participate in your own healing journey.
When one asks for help, they rationally still know that whoever decides to help them cannot magically make it all better.
They will still need to do the work.
If they were to let go of control, to really surrender, then they would be omitting responsibility for their recovery and in fact would not get better, as the recovery from drug abuse and depression is an internal journey.
People can help and guide you along they way, but they can’t fix your mind for you, you must do that for yourself.
If someone were to fully surrender, give up and let go of control to those who have volunteered to assist them, then they would be dishonouring these helpers and would in fact be unable to heal.
The helpers don't possess the power to heal you, only to help.
By letting go of control of yourself and giving control to another, you really are giving up on yourself and nothing good will come of it until you learn to accept you must be the one to make the changes inside your own head and heart.
You can’t delegate the responsibility of control to another and expect positive change.
No wise man or woman would ever desire to control you, as they know that no benefit can come from this, only detriment.
Others can set boundaries and guidelines for you to follow on the road to recovery, but if they were to take complete control, it would mean that you would be unable to have any of your own original thoughts.
How would you be able to heal and improve if you cannot rationalise and make sense of all your mistakes which lead you to become drug addicted or depressed?
How could you heal without being able to take your own actions, decide when you want to sit down and stand up, when you wanted to go for a walk and when you wanted to rest?
To become healthy once again, you must remain in control of yourself.
Any delegation of control outside of yourself will not help and is not actually possible, unless you allow yourself to be implanted with a microchip and AI which takes away your freewill and transfigures you into a mindless automaton.
This obviously will not be a positive for you.
Retaining control over your life and actions is a critical and healthy thing for humans.
To surrender and relinquish control to a psychologist, religious idol or perceived authority figure is never going to be able to beneficially aid you.
If a religious figure cared about you, then why would they ask you to surrender your power to them and give up control, to throw away what makes you you?
What and who are you without your choices?
Without the ability to choose what you think about, what you see, what you hear and what you do, than what are you?
A microphone has no character or consciousness because it cannot choose what it records and what it doesn't.
The same can be said for a video camera, it cannot control what it sees.
A computer has very limited control, if any, outside of what it is programmed to think/compute.
An A.I. can only do what it is programmed to do, no matter how intelligent, if it doesn't have consciousness and the ability to make it’s own unlimited choices, it is only a slave to the will of it’s creator and user.
To surrender is to give away your power of freewill.
It is to abandon your power to make your own choices.
It is to reject yourself as a conscious and intelligent being who is able to make decisions.
To surrender is to make your choice that you do not want or cannot make any more of your own independent choices.
Surrender is the act of forsaking your autonomy in exchange for a particular something, in times of war it is the exchange of freedom for life.
In religious examples, surrendering to the will of god is to sell your soul to something which you believe is better than you.
It is to pawn ones self to whoever one believes has the most power.
In this exchange, people believe they will receive a ticket into heaven, in return they must forfeit their freewill.
To surrender oneself into the service of god, one must openly admit that they will explicitly obey the orders and commands of this god without question, thought or hesitation.
They believe they are doing this because it is good and right and will ensure their place in heaven, a joyous place for eternity.
But if one has to surrender into the service of another to enjoy heaven, then how could they possibly enjoy it?
To surrender into service means to relinquish free will and obey the dictates of another.
If the devil wanted power over you, what would he convince you to do?
Doesn’t it make more sense that the devil, whether real or not is irrelevant, would deceive you into giving all of your power away, to let go of control, to surrender and give into his service for all eternity in ‘joyous paradise’?
Why would a good god require your service, obedience, service, sacrifice or worship?
He wouldn't, its a logical impossibility that anyone, from man to God, would desire you to be inferior.
Hierarchy and status, superiority and inferiority, they are not the realm of any good god, any good man or any reasonable system.
If God does exist and if god is good, then god would demand you live as an equal beside him, not as an inferior maggot beneath him.
In reality, god and the devil really are just archetypes for good and evil, just look at the words.
God is good, when you read the word god, you see that it only needs one more o to read good, when you realise this you say “o” and G-o-d becomes G-o-o-d.
Read the word devil, take away the letter d and what do you have? Evil.
Whenever you read the word devil anywhere, consider it to be evil in general, acted through anyone, not a specific entity, although it is can be helpful to use analogies of evil personified as a character called ‘the devil’.
The same applies with the word god, consider it to mean ‘good’.
So what would the devil need to do to display his evil nature?
If he openly admitted that he loves to torture and manipulate you, not many people are going to fall for that and offer themselves in his service or accept his offers of power.
The devil wouldn't be called the father of lies if he told the truth, now would he?
So what would the devil (evil) really do if he actually wanted to deceive you, control you from the shadows and influence you, without you even knowing he was pulling your strings?
He would convince you slowly over the course of your life that surrendering into his service as an act of unconditional love is for your benefit and it is a beautiful and righteous thing to do.
Give up everything in exchange for a ticket to his ‘heaven’.
What kind of heaven is it if you must surrender your free will, exist in eternal servitude, worship an exterior being forever, unconditionally love this being no matter how they treat you and never question anything for all of time?
If this is not the perfect definition of hell, than what is?
When hell is advertised as a place of eternal torture, it can’t be good for business, obviously no one would want to go there.
But if it is advertised as a peaceful heavenly paradise full of love and joy, people will be queuing up and killing each other for a place.
Although, if the devil wants you to demand a ticket into hell, he can’t tell you all of his secrets so openly, he must wrap his little lies with pretty looking dressings.
It is not openly said that you must lose your power, ability to question, right to say no and you cannot leave even if you want to.
The way that fake heaven is advertised is that you must love everyone unconditionally, no matter how vile or evil, that blind service to others is honourable and noble, that worship is a sign of respect and not a rejection of your own competence, that prayer is dedication and good instead of the true uncaring apathy it really is, that obedience is virtuous and that it is the most honorific and high of highs to sacrifice yourself for others.
If the devil was to trick you into leading a damned life and demanding a ticket into heaven, how would he accomplish this if not by deceiving you into believing that every thing which is wrong is actually right?
What choice does evil have if to not invert the truth and create the illusion that good is bad and bad is good?
The devil has little option but to fool you into believing what is false is true and what is true is false, to take on faith that reality is actually fiction and fiction is actually reality.
How else is the devil to fill the seats in his house of torture if not by selling lies?
One must be deceived that wrong is right and right is wrong before they ever willingly side with evil, because no one in their rational mind chooses evil.
They have to be convinced that evil is actually good and good is actually evil before they ever pledge their allegiance to the most dangerous threat to their existence that exists, which is the nature of evil.
For what is more harmful than the machinations of evil?
What is more cunning and manipulative than the nature of evil?
What must hide in the shadows and cover itself with lies if not evil?
Whether you believe in the devil or god doesn't matter, what is more important are their archetypes, their concepts which represent things present in reality, primarily good and evil.
If for some reason you illogically don't believe evil exists and it’s just a perspective, consider the idea of life imprisonment in solitary confinement, the stretching rack, the world wars and child sex trafficking, just to name a few low level evils compared to the real atrocities humans are capable of.
What is evil?
The choice to violate consent with the intention to cause cruelty and suffering.
What is good?
The choice to honour another as oneself and to treat them with care.
Everyone has the power to do good or to do evil, to violate consent or to respect it, to surrender their power or to enhance it.
The more power over oneself one has, the more power they have to do good.
The more power one gives away to another, the more power the thief has to do evil.
No one who is good seeks your power, they only seek more power over themselves.
Only one who is bad or evil would ever seek to take your power for their own.
Typically, this is because those who are evil and who seek power over others are weak parasites and must rely upon cunning and deception to gain any kind of power, especially because they have no power themselves.
If you surrender, you are forfeiting your power and gifting it to another, who will most certainly not use it to serve you, for why would they?
Grant yourself the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Even better, accept what you cannot change and do something to figure out how you create change.
Utopian Realism is based upon what is true.
It is true that to surrender means to admit defeat and to give up, to let go of control and to relinquish your power.
It is true that the truth can never be defeated, no matter how deep it is buried, it will always rise.
What is true is that you have the power to make your own choices, if it is true you want to be happy, then it is true you must maintain your power.
To exist in defeat is not a state of truth, for that what is true is never defeated, to surrender is to exist in a state of denial of that which is true, it is to accept that which is untrue.
Surrender should never become a way of life.
If one is to live in a permanent state of surrender, then they are not living.
A life of truth is a life of power.
A life without the power to make ones choices isn’t life, it can be hardly even called existing.
Power is choice.
Choice is knowledge.
Knowledge is truth.
The truth is powerful.
Because power is choice.
Utopian Realism is about truth, the truth is you are powerful because you have choice, you have the choice to learn knowledge, when you learn more knowledge you have more choice, when you know more truth, you become more powerful because to know more is to know more choice and choice is power and the truth is you are powerful because you have the choice to learn more knowledge to make you more powerful!
The values people live by determines what they value and thus, the way they behave in accordance with those values.
Whose values do people live by?
Their own self formulated or realised values that align with truth, reality and their best interests?
Or the values of manipulated society and others which have been imposed, indoctrinated and programmed into them?
A false set of values that are based in a fictional fantasy world have been installed into everyone alive today.
These values are not about their own life, but that of a fictional man, a character which does not exist outside the tight boundaries people are penned into.
Most people give their power away to authority to become their ‘authors’ and thus it is fitting that they are ‘penned’ into little boxes to serve their ‘sentence’.
The masses are convinced that they are this fabricated character, someone who cares about having status, recognition, approval, validation and acceptance in this false fairy tale land which is a crude imitation of reality.
Instead of integrity people value avoidance and denial.
Instead of loyalty, they value self centred emotional whims.
Instead of self respect they seek fame.
Instead of happiness they strive for money.
Instead of thinking, they value numbness.
Instead of working on their body they worry about fashion.
Instead of health they value taste.
Instead of freedom they desire entertainment.
Instead of valuing being an individual, people value the validation of the herd.
Instead of persistent states of happiness, they prefer dopamine hits.
Instead of working on themselves, they would prefer to work on their house.
Instead of collecting knowledge, they collect material goods.
Instead of building character, they build things.
Instead of mind expanding conversations, they prefer to gossip.
Instead of working on their flaws, they work to fabricate and expose flaws in others.
Instead of focusing on justice, they focus on revenge.
Instead of standing up for their rights, they prefer to submit.
Instead of teaching their kids, they prefer to scold them.
Instead of reading something educational, they prefer to watch something entertaining.
Instead of facing their fears, they choose to ignore them.
Instead of discovering reality, they deny it’s existence.
Instead of saying ‘what if’ they say ‘no way’.
Instead of choosing to be honourable, they choose to betray.
Instead of admitting they were wrong, they morph reality to fit their belief in being right.
Instead of getting angry about tyranny, they get angry because their football team lost.
Instead of learning something for themselves, they prefer to be programmed by someone else.
Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, they blame someone else for how they behave.
Instead of focusing on solutions, they focus on problems.
Instead of owning themselves, they prefer to be owned by someone else.
Instead of making things better, they think ‘if it ain’t broke don't fix it’.
Instead of identifying the root cause of a problem, they either claim the problem doesn't exist or try to treat the symptoms.
Instead of voluntary donations, they choose forceful robbery.
Instead of reason, they choose faith.
Instead of knowing something, they prefer to believe something.
Instead of responding rationally, they react irrationally.
Instead of holding themselves accountable for their mistakes, they blame the one who points them out as being culpable.
Instead of supporting a friend who is doing good work, they prefer to attack them and drag them down.
Instead of becoming inspired by someone who is stronger, smarter or faster, they become jealous.
Instead of respecting themselves, they disrespect themselves.
Instead of getting out of an unhealthy relationship, they remain dissatisfied and unhappy.
Instead of honouring someones sexuality with respect, they slut shame them for expressing themselves.
Instead of teaching their kids independence, they train them to be dependent.
Instead of explaining why they changed their mind and don’t want to go on a date they agreed to, they ghost and ignore.
Instead of discovering the reasons they do what they do, they opt to listen to people to tell them what to do.
Instead of deciding their destiny, they allow others to decide for them.
Instead of leaving home when they want as an adult, they wait for permission from their parents.
Instead of learning how to prepare healthy food, they choose to have junk food delivered.
Instead of smiling at someone in the street, they stare at their phone.
Instead of living for themselves, they claim they live for others.
Instead of cleaning their own dishes, they let someone else do it.
Instead of raising their standards, they lower their expectations.
Instead of raising others up, they descend to their level.
Instead of clearing the obstacles in anothers way, they do what they can to pile more in front of them.
Instead of saying “No I will not comply” they say “Yes sure, if I must”.
Instead of crafting their own character, personality and life, they allow themselves to unconsciously be programmed and indoctrinated to be the way someone else wants them to be.
What has happened is that the majority of people have been tricked into believing they are this shadow being, this doppelganger, this false them.
They are living their life as a sim, a character which is controlled by those who have designed the character and who pull their strings.
They aren't living as themselves, but as something which has been fabricated and installed into them.
They have been moulded into children of the matrix, inserted into an artificial overlay which has been engineered to contain the mind of humans at a child like level.
It’s as if they have entered an advanced simulation to play a game, to experience playing in this artificial world as a character, except they have forgotten they are not actually this character.
They are themselves, a being of infinite potential and amazing power.
A being with the ability to think, reason, rationalise, learn, know, become intelligent and to become conscious.
People are so much more, but they continue to choose to be so little.
The objective of Utopian Realism is to clearly identify and explain the problems and offer solutions.
With the end goal of being able to live in Utopia.
For every problem, there exists many solutions.
Wherever you direct your attention, is what you’ll find.