Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 19th August 2023 - 1686 Words

Imagine you were born on another world called soil.

The society on soil was very different to on earth.

People lived in harmony amongst each other.

It was a peaceful world.

There was no need for countries or borders.

The people thrived and had very advanced technology compared to earth.

All their devices had their own energy source which could last for thousands of years.

They had all the quality food, fresh water and materials they could ever want or need.

The people on soil held love in their hearts and cared for strangers and family alike.

The people respected each other, because it seemed rather odd to not.

They enjoyed their days doing whatever their hearts desired, from working with animals, to creating beautiful architecture, learning new skills, exploring nature, travelling across their world and meeting new people from different areas.

They built, played and learnt as they pleased, with most finding a healthy balance between all three.

No one ever did any work they didn’t want to, as they had designed systems to take care of all the boring and repetitive jobs.

Yet they were never without challenge.

The difference between earth and soil is that the people on soil chose their challenges, like working out at the gym, climbing a mountain, running a marathon, designing a new education program or constructing a beautiful sky scraper.

One day, a family decided to travel from soil and visit earth.

When they arrived, they met another family and began a conversation.

After asking what conditions were like on earth and if it is a nice place to live, the soil family were quite surprised.

The earth family explained that their world was ravaged by disease with millions dying each year.

The soil family were told that billions of people lived in poverty, many not having access to fresh water to drink, let alone food and comfortable housing.

The earth family shared that there was a ruling class and enforcement class that controlled everything, which made policies and punished anyone who disobeyed their commands.

Just as the soil family were thinking about leaving earth, for fear of meeting this nefarious enforcement class called ‘police’, they decided to ask why so many people were living in poverty, were starving and why they hadn't been able to cure diseases.

The earth family told them that so many people were living in poverty, starving and dying because they didn’t have enough of this thing called “money”.

The soil family were confused and asked if they didn't have the resources to provide for the people of earth.

The earth family explained that they did have enough resources, more than enough and that they actually wasted most of their resources.

So the soil family grew more confused and asked why they couldn't cure disease and help everyone live appropriately.

They even asked if it was because of the ruling class and enforcing class, if they were causing the problem.

The earth family admitted that yes, the ruling class and enforcement class were a big problem, but it was really because they didn't have enough money.

There it was again with this word “money”.

The soil family had never heard of the concept before so had no reference point for what money was or what it did.

They asked if money was something like top soil which could grow high quality plants, fruit and vegetables, as their planet soil had an abundance of high quality top soil, thus no need for money.

The earth family laughed.

They explained that money was a numbering system, a system of bits of paper that had numbers on it that represented a certain value.

The more numbers on the paper, the higher the value.

The earth family said that if anyone wanted access to food, water, clothes or housing, they needed to exchange these bits of paper to receive items of value.

The soil family were shocked.

They had never heard of such a way of living, if it could even be called living.

They asked if someone would be denied food or accommodation if they didn't have these bits of paper.

The earth family explained that yes, people would be denied the right to live in society if they didn't have the numbered bits of paper called money.

The earth family then asked if the soil family used money on their world.

The soil family explained that of course they didn’t, they had no need as they had an abundance of resources and didn't have a ruling class or enforcement class.

The earth family was slightly confused that the soil people didn't have a ruling class or enforcement class.

They asked the soil family how they organised and got things done and maintained order.

The soil family said very simply that they had many great leaders and used plenty of team work.

The earth family then asked if these great leaders would punish people for disobedience.

The soil family were shocked. Of course not they said, for then they wouldn't be great leaders.

The earth family further inquired if they had any crime and who prevented crime.

The soil family wasn’t sure how to respond to this so they asked what they meant by crime.

The earth family asked them if anyone stole things, attacked people or murdered.

Again like with the money question, the soil family were almost offended and told them that of course they didn't have this thing called ‘crime’.

They were dumbfounded at why anyone would want to steal anything when they could have whatever they want and need, it just didn't make sense to take it from someone else.

The soil family had martial arts and sports were people fought each other, but it was all good natured, no one was ever attacked for no reason, why on soil would they be?

Sometimes people died of accidents, but they couldn't understand why someone would deliberately murder someone else, that’s not something which happens on soil they explained.

They told the earth family that soil was a peaceful planet, they had no need for people to dress up in uniforms and enforce a ruling classes policy by threatening and harming innocent people.

The soil family thought the concept was crazy and were flabbergasted that any civilised society could behave in such a horrible way to each other.

The earth family were beginning to become as shocked as the soil family, how could they live on a world with no money, yet have no crime and have everything they ever wanted or needed?

Just as the soil family was confused as to why anyone would want to use money, the earth family was equally confused as to how anyone could survive without money.

The soil family asked the earth family if they wanted to stop using money and in doing so, eradicate poverty, disease, starvation and the ruling and enforcement class.

The earth family said that they had to live somehow and they wouldn't know how to survive without money.

Although the earth family did say that if they could be rid of the current ruling and enforcement class, things would be much better.

The soil family tried to explain that if you got rid of the ruling and enforcement class, it would be only temporary, for as long as the belief in money and rulers existed, the cycle would begin anew.

If the belief in money remained, a new ruling and enforcement class would rise from the ashes.

The soil family could see it so clearly as they were outsiders from another world, they tried their hardest to explain that money and this ruling system were intertwined.

They tried to explain that you can’t have a ruling system without money and you can’t have money without a ruling system.

They also explained that it wasn’t the actual money or ruling class which was the problem, but the belief that they needed them, the idea that they were something of value.

If they stopped believing in money, then the ruling class would disappear, if they stopped believing in the ruling class, then money would disappear.

If the ruling class could not ‘pay’ the enforcement class to enforce policies, the people would be free to do as they please in peace.

The earth family could see that the soil family was trying to help, but because they lived on earth, they were having trouble seeing what the soil family were able to see within minutes of hearing about their world.

The soil family told them that if you remove the ruling structure but keep the belief that money is a necessary evil, it’s inevitable that a new rulership class will rise and if you remove money but not the belief that you require a ruling class, the ruling class will just create a new money system.

They were two parts of one inseparable concept, slavery.

It was obvious to them that this system of ‘money’ was at best a way to cause inequality and poverty, at worst the perfect enslavement tool.

The earth family began to tell the soil family that things weren't that bad, their life was Ok, they had wonderful things called TV entertainment, social media and alcohol.

The soil family couldn't believe what they were hearing.

How could such a system come to exist in their universe, they had no idea.

They agreed that they had to go back to planet soil and tell the people and their many great leaders what was happening on earth.

They had to help the people of earth free themselves from the dangerous idea of money, which in turn gives birth to a ruling class, which then breeds slavery.

For as long as some people had more power and ‘money’ then others, there would be hierarchy, where those at the top where the masters and those at the bottom were slaves.

How could it be any other way?

The soil family knew this was no way for anyone to live and they decided they would do whatever it takes to help the people of earth.

Utopian Realism

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