Utopian Realism

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A Comprehensive, Integrated & Unified Philosophy, Social Structure, Economic Model & Systems Theory For Building Utopian Society's - Communities To Civilisations

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Intro

Author - James The Traveller - 12th June 2023 - 1791 Words

The 10 Step Process To Utopia is the path of the individual in their pursuit to become healthy in mind and body and to help create a healthy and civilised society. A birds eye overview of the concept of Utopia and it's steps.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 1 - The Heart

Author - James The Traveller - 13th June 2023 - 438 Words

Step 1, the heart, is where everything begins and everything ends. One of the most powerful things you can learn is to become comfortable being uncomfortable. I am who I am because of the way we all are. So who are you?

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 2 - Guts

Author - James The Traveller - 14th June 2023 - 265 Words

There is no courage without fear. You are not alone in your confrontation of reality. Everyday, more and more people join you in your questioning of what is true and what is false. Just like you, they have a burning desire to know.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 3 - Mind

Author - James The Traveller - 15th June 2023 - 731 Words

When you have your heart and gut aligned, you become curious to learn more. But how can you learn to free your mind from the countless mental prisons we have been born into? How can you fully activate your mind? Not your brain, but your mind.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 4 - Morality

Author - James The Traveller - 16th June 2023 - 1615 Words

A brief explanation of morality, rights, legality VS Lore.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 5 - Personal Development

Author - James The Traveller - 17th June 2023 - 828 Words

You have infinite worth and value merely by existing, no matter the manner of your creation. How you came to be is inconsequential compared to the fact that you are. This alone is worthy of your self respect.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 6 - Connection

Author - James The Traveller - 18th June 2023 - 305 Words

Without sharing knowledge, it's only you who evolves. For our race to evolve, it's crucial we communicate. If you have answers and solutions to problems, but don't share them, how can you expect change?

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 7 - Bridging Structures

Author - James The Traveller - 19th June 2023 - 686 Words

We were the ones who put in the leg work to make it the rat race of today. If we allowed it, then we can stop allowing it. We don't do that by destroying what we created, we do it by creating something entirely new.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 8 - Voluntarism

Author - James The Traveller - 20th June 2023 - 1152 Words

What exactly is a voluntary society? Well, it's the opposite of an involuntary society. It can also be called group sovereignty. In comparison to an involuntary society, which relies on the threat of punishment to function, a voluntarist society is a peaceful society. It's a society that respects the individual.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 9 - Decentralisation

Author - James The Traveller - 21st June 2023 - 1483 Words

To decentralise means to spread the power and control of something, such as currency, decision making, town management, food production, community protection or leadership. Centralisation is the way the few have power over the many. Decentralisation spreads power more evenly.

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Step 10 - Beyond Money

Author - James The Traveller - 22nd June 2023 - 3687 Words

If all money in the world disappeared over night and we couldn't use the concept ever again, what do you think would happen? Would all the food still be there? Would all the building materials remain? How about the people to do the work? Would everyone's knowledge and skill vanish too? Nothing would actually change except a token of exchange that we believed had value would be gone. Everything of real value would still be right here.

Utopian Realism Blog - Pages

Listed In Order Of Recommended Reading

Page 1 |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10



Page 1

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Intro

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 1 - The Heart

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 2 - Guts

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 3 - Mind

The 10 Steps Utopia  - Step 4 - Morality    

The 10 Steps To Utopia - Step 5 - Personal Development

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 6 - Connection

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 7 - Bridging Structures

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 8 - Voluntarism

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 9 - Decentralisation

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 10 - Beyond Money

Page 2

The Utopian Axioms    

10 Steps Sumary (Story)

The Island (Story)   

The Blietzkrieg Deprogrammer (Story)

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Intro

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Freedom Credit

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Morality

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Democracy

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Protection

Page 3

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Intro

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Leadership

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Unification Strategy

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - The PMA

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Taxes & Roads

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - A New Government?

Utopian Character Principles - Intro

The 1st Character Principle - Sovereignty



Page 4

The 2nd Character Principle - Objective Morality

The Lore Of Morality


The Golden Rule Of Equity

The Causality Factor

Are You In The Right Or Wrong?

Law & Legal Vs Lore


Curiosity & Desire


Page 5 





Justice (Virtue)




Self Esteem


Page 6


The 3rd Character Principle - Character





Ambition & Evolution



Open Mindness


Page 7

The 1st Societal Principle Of Leadership

The 2nd Societal Principle Of Morality

The 3rd Societal Principle Of Democracy

The 4th Societal Principle Of Decentralisation

The 5th Societal Principle Of Justice

The 6th Societal Principle Of Protection

The 7th Societal Principle Of Contributionism

The 8th Societal Principle Of Localisation

The 9th Societal Principle Of Sovereign Alliances

The 10th Societal Principle Of Strategic Efficiency

Page 8

The 11th Societal Principle Of Automation

The 12th Societal Principle Of Education

The Cause & The Solution

Ethical Contracts

The Freedom Credit

The Alien Replacement (Story)

The Vanishing (Story)

The Deserted Island (Story)

Born On Another World (Story)

The Alien Infiltration (Story)

Page 9

Utopian Realism Fundamentals - Intro

The Lies Of Other Systems

The Myth Of Authority

The Evil Of Sacrifice

Self Hate

The Immorality Of Charity

Service To Others Is Dishonourable

Comparison To Other Systems

Beware The "Businessman"

Prayer Is Disempowerment

Page 10

The Fallacy Of Unconditional Love

The Catastrophe Of Surrender

Unauthorised Values

Declaration Of Independence

Local Leaders Guide To Implementing Utopia

Further Education