The Utopian Axioms
Of Humanity
Publish Date - 9th July 2023 - 1700 Words
What do you want?
The two axioms (incontestable, starting truths) of Utopia & Humanity are as follows.
- People want to do more of what they want
- People want to do less of what they don't want
Even though these axioms are remarkably simple, they are equally powerful and true.
If our shared objective isn't to have more of what we want and less of what we don't, then what is it?
These axioms are not to be confused with metaphysical axioms. These two concepts, what people want and don't want, are context specific axioms of man kind. The starting point for all human action and non-action.
What People Don't Want
You don't want to live in poverty and don't want others to be in poverty.
You want to live as comfortably and as luxuriously as suitable to your preferences and desire the same for others.
You don't want to go hungry and starve to death or be eating low quality poor tasting food.
You want to be eating the finest quality and most delicious food as often as you like.
You don't want to be restricted to where you can travel and when.
You want to be free to travel anywhere in the world anytime, without restriction.
You don't want to work hard earning money and have any of it taken from you.
You want to keep what is rightfully yours and not feel like someone is coercing you to do something against your will.
You don't want to feel unsafe in your neighbourhood.
You want to be able to walk any street at night and feel totally safe and comfortable to do so.
You don't want to have no choice in paying taxes.
You want to donate to support causes you care about.
You don't want to work doing something you don't like just to earn money so you can survive.
You want to volunteer your time to causes that matter to you and enjoy contributing your skills.
You don't want to feel threatened by people who are meant to protect you, such as police, military or government institutions.
You want to feel safe and secure when around people who are dedicated to preserving peace.
You don’t want to be ordered around by someone you’ve never met.
You want to contribute ideas and support fellow leaders you resonate with.
You don't want to feel like your voice has no value and no one listens to you.
You want to feel heard, valued and appreciated.
You don't want to feel like a commodity, a tool to be used by whoever has the most money or power.
You want to feel special, unique and significant, free to do as you please.
You don’t want to be treated with disrespect and contempt by your boss, the police, magistrates, politicians or by anyone.
You want to be treated as an equal, with respect and compassion.
You don't want to be restricted in what technology and material items you can have.
You want to have the best technology to fit your needs and want to have the material items you enjoy the most.
You don't want to feel jealous of others who have more money than you and who can afford better things than you can.
You want to have equal ability to access the best inventions humanity can create.
You don't want to drive a crappy car that always breaks down.
You want to be driving the best quality car to suit your needs and wants.
You don't want to live in a house that’s too small and not well built.
You want to live in the perfect home that suits your personal taste and needs.
You don't want to work all the time and have no control over when you have to work and when you can take a break.
You want to be in control of when you work and for how long.
You don't want to only a have a few short weeks of holidays every year.
You want to be able to enjoy yourself more and explore the world as you see fit, when you want to.
You don't want to always complain about how bad things are and always keep looking for the next problem.
You want to have unlimited reasons to share how good things are.
You don't want to get sick or see others get sick and die from diseases.
You want to be healthy and fit and see your friends and family also be healthy.
You don't want to slave away at a job and see little results of your effort, while feeling dissatisfied.
You want to apply as little effort as possible to achieve maximum results, in a way that brings you contentment.
You don't want to be separated from your friends, partner and family and only have limited time to enjoy their company.
You want to spend as much quality time with your friends, family and partner as you’d like.
You don't want to live in a world full of inequality where some people have it bad and some have it good.
You want to live in a world where everyone has equal opportunity and access to everything and it’s good for everyone.
You don't want to live in a world at war with itself.
You want to live in a peaceful world that you can enjoy and celebrate with everyone you love.
You don’t want to pay interest on bank loans.
You want there to be a way that you and everyone else can have all that you want and need for free.
You don't want to live in a world with the mindset that ‘it can’t be done and things can’t improve.’
You want to live in a world that adopts the mindset of ‘we can and we will.’
You don't want to use violence against other people to get what you want and you don't want others to use violence against you to get what they want.
You want others to help you voluntarily and peacefully, just as you’d like to help them.
You don't want to see your children struggle with bullies, drugs and dangerous curriculum's.
You want the best for your children and want them to live in the healthiest and most inspiring world possible.
You don't want to be taken advantage of by other people, corporations or governments.
You want to co-operate peacefully and voluntarily with who you want and not with who you don't want.
You don't want to be forced to interact and do business with some corporations, like fines company’s, tax companies, registration and licensing companies.
You want there to be a free technical solution to overcome any dependency on these corporations.
You don't want to have to pay for everything in life, even to die.
You want there to be a way to have everything in life for free.
You don't want there to be waste and pollution destroying the environment.
You want there to be effective strategies that prevent pollution, clean up waste and focus on recycling.
You don't want to live in a world where people don’t care about each other.
You want to live in a world knowing that if something goes wrong in whichever country you’re in you can rely upon total strangers to help you through.
You don’t want to live in a world where you can’t trust people because everyone seems to have an ulterior motive.
You want to be able to trust your friends not to betray you, your partner not to cheat on you, your family to always support you, strangers to always help you and for people to tell the truth.
You don't want to be bored and without purpose.
You want to feel excited and full of passion and joy.
You don't want to suffer and be miserable.
You want to be happy and feel satisfied.
You don't want the worst for yourself and everyone else.
You want the best for yourself and the best for everyone in the world.
You don't want to be overflowing with hate and contempt.
You want to be overflowing with love and appreciation.
You don't want to feel confused and lost.
You want to have purpose and clarity.
You don't want life to be a fight.
You want it to be the adventure of a lifetime.
You don't want to feel weak and powerless.
You want to feel strong and powerful.
You don't want to feel dumb and useless.
You want to excel in your speciality and feel like what you do is appreciated and valued.
You don't want to be looked down upon by others who think they are better than you.
You want to stand beside people who may be stronger, weaker, more intelligent or less and be there equal in value.
You don't want equality to mean uniformity and compliance.
You want equality to mean equal right to be respected to live freely and with equal access and opportunity.
You don't want to be a character in someone else’s story and vision.
You want to be the author of your life and designer of your destiny.
You don't want someone else to be in control of you.
You want to be in control of yourself.
You don't want to be a slave.
You want to be free.
You want to do more of the things you want and less of the things you don't want.
So, what do you want and what don't you want?
Do you want the best for yourself and only yourself?
Or do you want the best for yourself and everyone else too?
This is The Utopian Vision.
For you and every single human being in the world to figure out ways where we can all have what we want, do more of what we want and less of what we don’t want.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
If you’re reading this now, you have a will.
Will you find a way?