The Alien Infiltration
A Story From Money Muses
Publish Date - 20th August 2023 - 2127 Words
Members of the upper ruling class on earth had gotten wind that visitors from soil had arrived.
The earth parasites and tics began to drool at the prospect of doing just as they had done on earth to soil.
They were greedy and always looking for more worlds to corrupt, dominate and enslave.
The earths parasites hungered for the hunt of new places to conquer and more fear to feed upon.
So they began to plan the take over of planet soil, especially before those soil people could interfere with their plans for increasing fear and punishment productivity on earth.
They would use the same methods they used on earth so many thousands of years ago now on soil.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Their plan was to infiltrate the soil population, get to know the leaders and movers, the influential people and to begin influencing them with new ideas.
They would tempt them with power, power over the other people of soil.
They would tempt these influential people from all over the planet.
They would offer weapons and systems to build hierarchy’s and armies that could take power and control.
They would subtly assassinate rival leaders and make it appear that it was the people on soil who had killed each other, thus creating a problem.
When the influenced soil leaders believed that one of their own had been murdered by another influenced leader somewhere else, they would want to spark a reaction, they would want revenge, or at the very least, justice.
The now fragmented people of soil and opposing faction would of course deny the claims, as they had not murdered anyone.
They would not be believed as the parasites would set the whole thing up to look very convincing.
This is what tics, leeches and parasites specialise in, using their enemy's resources against them and manipulating them to become their servants.
When it seemed that the situation could not be solved amicably, especially when more leaders start to be assassinated by the leeches, the solution would be to engage in violence and hopefully from the parasites point of view, go to war.
The parasites thrived from war and chaos, death and destruction.
They needed it so then they could enslave populations to their will from the shadows.
The tics would fuel the ego of leaders across the world, stroking their desire to rule over others, then teach them about weapons, armies, control, power, revenge, wrath, fear, sin and punishment.
Once they had done this and sparked conflict, they would then teach these great new conquerors about the system of money, the tool that held conquered people in eternal bondage.
The influenced conquerors would explain to the people that they needed to defend themselves from the other dangerous and violent tribes in far away lands who wanted to destroy them.
They hadn’t attacked yet, but they would soon, so they needed to strike first to defend themselves and future generations.
To do this effectively, they would need weapons, which the parasites, who to the general population appear as peaceful and concerned visitors from another world here to help, could provide.
Yet the leeches couldn't provide the weapons, military tactics, equipment and ammunition for free, as it had cost them money to produce these things.
So they would make a deal with the people.
They could lend the people of soil the money they needed to purchase what they need from the ‘benevolent visitors’ and pay it back later.
But to do this properly, in a way that the visitors could be paid back, the people needed to form a government, which would then officially borrow the money, with interest, as the visitors had to make a profit, they have to make money somehow right, and they are the ones doing a good deed and lending the defenceless people lots of money upfront to buy what they need to protect themselves.
So the newly formed government with the influenced leaders and soon to be ‘conquerors’ borrow money, with interest, from the visitors, using the people of soil as surety if they fail to repay their debts.
The people must then begin to use money to trade and earn more, as they have to make money somehow to pay back the debt they owe the visitors for assisting them in a time of great need.
It makes it much easier to use money when war ravages peoples towns, cities and homes and destroys all their old ways of living.
It also helps to make them forget they were ever able to live so successfully without the need for money, governments and armies.
What the uneducated people of soil do not realise is that they will never be able to repay the debt they owe the parasitic visitors from earth.
If the parasites lend a newly formed, leader influenced, leech controlled government 1 billion dollars, plus even only 1% interest, then the total debt for that government and it’s people is 1.1 billion dollars, yet the total available amount is only 1 billion.
So to repay the debt, the government will need to borrow more money at interest, using more people as surety to guarantee the debt is repaid.
As the debt can never be repaid and new loans are constantly given out and the debt increases, the tic visitors decide they won’t be visitors anymore and will set up shop permanently on planet soil, but will disappear into the shadows.
It’s best if the true conquerors of the planet remain hidden from the general public, for it’s better for them to believe that their now influenced and controlled leaders are not the leeches puppets, but the real masters.
The leeches would demand that the soil peoples governments and other ruling structures pay up on their loans.
Because the debts can’t be repaid with money, as there simply isn't enough, the debt must be repaid with the surety.
This means more wars, more death, more poisons, more disease, more suicides, more ‘accidents’.
This is what the parasites were always after, they have no desire or care for money, for it is only a tool for them to get what they really want, which is death, fear and suffering.
They make all their money out of thin air, they have an infinite supply at their disposal and no real use for it, other than to manipulate others into using it and becoming their obedient subjects.
On and on it goes, the more money in the system which has been borrowed, the more power the corrupt ‘governments’ get, the more death they can create.
From the tics, leeches and parasites point of view, money is their number one tool for creating death.
The more money they lend, the more death they receive.
It’s a fantastic system for them to get what they want.
Not so good for the people being enslaved by money, but very very good for the enslavers.
The enslavers don't even have to do the enslaving anymore, they just need to teach the people how to enslave themselves and they will do it, somehow thinking it’s for the greater good.
They become auto domesticating enslaved animals, fighting each other to more faithfully serve the money gods.
It’s just too easy.
Without using money and government, and government essentially being just another false concept like money but called authority, it would be impossible for the parasites to create a death and destruction system on demand.
They cackle, gloat and shriek with delight at how effective their ‘fear on tap’ system has become.
The parasitic system took many thousands of years to implement on earth, but that's because they were amateurs and the people of earth had so much love in their hearts.
It took a long time to break and corrupt the people of earth and invert their nature.
Before the visitors arrived on earth, the humans were so peaceful, caring and loving.
They co-existed peacefully and were thriving, just like the people of soil are today, with no money and no rulership class or any kind of authority.
How disgusting.
It wouldn't take them as long to break the people of soil, they knew this as their tactics and strategies had improved tremendously over the aeons.
They had fine tuned their divide and conquer strategies, refined their problem reaction solution tactics and mastered the art of deception to the point they could convince people that the only way to survive was their way.
Even when it was it ridiculously obvious there was a million other ways than the parasites way, they were so efficient they could effectively make people blind to reality.
They were so professional in their conditioning and indoctrination programs, that the people they influenced to become their faithful servants believed they were free.
This created a perfect system for the parasites to suck the resources, energy and life out of their pets, leaving only scraps behind, while they kicked back in luxury their slaves could only dream of.
They brain washed their subjects and toys to worship their systems of money, government, authority, rulers, politics and war.
This way, when the leeches would feed on the population they ruled from behind the scenes, there would be no resistance, the people would actually voluntarily choose to feed the great beast systems the parasites had engineered.
They were the greatest architects of hidden tyrannical domination there ever was and could be.
So with their plan ready to be implemented, special members of the parasitic ruling class of earth departed and made for planet soil.
Unfortunately for them, their plan did not go according to plan.
All attempts to seduce the many great leaders of soil failed.
Every single one of them rejected the advances and offerings of the parasitic infiltrators.
They told the visitors that to begin thinking in the way they were suggesting was to invite weakness, cowardliness and corruption.
The leaders of soil wanted to remain strong, powerful and independent.
They had no desire to forsake their own true power, power of themselves, in exchange for supposed power over others.
They laughed at the idea of the fancy titles and rituals which were offered to them.
The thought of making others kneel before them made them sick in disgust.
The leaders could see through this farce as clear as glass.
They could tell that the visitors didn’t truly understand the first thing about what it really meant to be powerful.
They appeared to know an extraordinary amount about deception and manipulation, yet nothing about self mastery.
So the parasites attempted to persuade the great leaders by telling them how bored they must be, always living in a peaceful world with no conflict or excitement and appealed to their sense of adventure.
All of the great leaders of soil felt intense pity for the parasitic visitors.
Could the visitors not clearly see they were able to do whatever they wanted now, had all the freedom and time to do as they please?
They had all the technology they could want, could travel and explore, experience whatever they wanted to experience with their friends, family and lovers.
They had it all, yet had no need or desire to violently dominate others.
They all agreed, sure there was a time and place for violence, but it must be consensual and respectful.
The leaders and everyone else on soil had no problem with 2 samurai fighting to the death, as it was something they both enjoyed, even though it resulted in violence and death.
Violence without consent is never appropriate.
If there is to be violence, like in the boxing ring or with any martial arts, deadly or not, there must be honour, respect and consent.
The leaders knew why the visitors were really there, as they knew themselves, which in turn taught them to know others.
They knew that to desire power over others, one must be broken.
To desire to violate the consent of others, one must have had their consent violated.
The desire and lust for power over others comes from ones own insecurity, ones own low self worth and esteem.
It also comes from a perspective of suffering, hurt and pain.
Which is fuelled by anger, rage and the need for revenge.
And hidden behind layers of shame, guilt and remorse.
Instead of kicking the broken and corrupted creatures from their world, the great leaders offered to help them.
They had the best rehabilitation programs and were confident they could help remedy whatever had gone so amiss in the hearts of the parasites.
Once they had healed the poor souls, the concepts of money and authority would only remain in educational books, to remind people of the one and only way to destroy a society.