Utopian Realism Societal Principles
Techincal Solutions For Any Successful Society
The External Principles
Utopia is built and maintained according to these principles.
They are listed in order of priority and practical implementation.
There may be some overlap between principles and the order of implementation may differ from town to town. Objective morality also overlaps as an internal principle.
Each principle is a solution to a current problem.
Problem: Rulership, Authority & Government
Solution: The first principle - Leadership & Teamwork
Problem: Law & The Legal System
Solution: The second principle - Objective Morality
Problem: Pseudo Democracy & Involuntarism
Solution: The third principle - Real Democracy &
Problem: Centralisation Of Power, Production & Management
Solution: The fourth principle - Decentralisation
Problem: Courts, Fear, Punishment & Revenge
Solution: The fifth principle - Justice
Problem: Police,
Militaries & Crime
Solution: The sixth principle - Community Protection
Problem: Undesirable Jobs
Solution: The seventh principle - Contributionism
Problem: Non-localised Production
Solution: The eighth principle - Localisation
Problem: Large Scale Nationalistic Dictatorships (Involuntary co-operation)
Solution: The ninth principle - Sovereign Alliances
Problem: Planned Obsolesce & Waste
Solution: The tenth principle - Strategic Efficiency
Problem: Money & Inequality/Inequity
Solution: The eleventh principle - Automation & Passion
Problem: Indoctrination
Solution: The twelfth principle - Education
Followed after the twelve principles is a short summary of...
- The Root Cause & Solutions
Machine automation and a peaceful moneyless society is not possible without first beginning with leadership.
Utopia is built upon
two pillars, a mindset shift using Utopian Realism Character Principles and Utopian
Realism Societal Principles. The inetrnal and the external must work in harmony to be able to create a life worth living.
The 10 Steps To Utopia are big steps that encompass The Principles and more.
The Utopian Realism Societal Principles focus on just that, principles, and can be considered technical innovations for overcoming current problems & creating solutions to counter the insufficiencies in our societies.
A Utopianist doesn't have to believe that building heaven on earth is possible, but they do need to believe that it is a worthy goal to work towards, regardless of it's ability to succeed or not.
For what else is a worthy enough goal compared to the idea of everyone enjoying a peaceful paradise?
The First Utopian Societal Principle
One of the most dangerous problem the entire world faces, including you, is not global warming, environmental destruction, over population, nuclear weapons, demons, aliens, extra dimensional entity’s or even artificial intelligence.
No, all those potential problems pale in comparison to the real elephant in the room.
One of the most deadly problems that threatens to destroy us all is a religion.
Yet it’s an idea you never knew was actually a religion.
That religion is authority.
Yes, authority is a religion, people follow its laws, rules and edicts more stringently than any Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist ever could with their doctrines.
Most people believe in the god of government and ‘the law’ more fanatically than any other type of religious zealot.
The law, politics, government and authority has become their bible and god which they worship mindlessly.
Authority is the delusional based mindset that someone has the legitimate right to rule you (especially without your consent).
This idea is not based in reality and is drawn from a world of fiction.
Authority simply does not exist in reality the way it is commonly believed to exist.
No one has the right to rule you and you don't have the right to rule others.
This should be basic commonsense, but it has become the axis that delicately balances the entire world.
When it comes to the common idea of authority, people ascend to the status of rulers who then form kingdoms, empires, dynasties and governments.
Rulers were the pharaohs of past, kings, queens, emperors, princes and princesses., dukes, lords and now prime ministers and presidents.
A ruler dominates and controls through fear, torture, violence, threats, intimidation, coercion, deception, manipulation and bloodshed.
A leader guides and directs in the exact opposite manner.
A leader inspires, invites, motivates, encourages, appreciates, leads, initiates, invigorates, stimulates, excites, instigates and supports.
When someone is a leader, they do whatever they can to raise people up to their level, to stand beside them.
A ruler is someone who has not mastered themselves so seeks to master others.
A leader has power over themselves, so has no desire or reason to have power over others.
Rulers are weak and can’t control themselves, so plot and scheme to control others.
A ruler tells you what to do.
A leader shows you how to do it.
Leaders are confident, competent, honest and genuinely care about the well being of others, as a leader looks at other people like an extension of themselves.
A leader understands that if they want to be living their best life, then you must also be able to live your best life too.
Because to a true leader, there is no point in celebrating success if everyone else is suffering in misery.
Rulers are insecure, dishonest, typically incompetent at everything other than manipulation and have no care for the well being of others.
Rulers have no compassion or empathy and only pretend they do on occasion to manipulate you into getting what they want, more power.
This is because rulers see people as their subjects, tools, commodity's, things and pieces on a chessboard to be played with as if they were toys.
Rulers are dependent on others submission to validate their own sense of existence and worthiness.
Rulers see people as everything and anything except for what they actually are.
To tell the difference between a ruler and a leader is easy.
Can you speak to them? Do they listen? Do they answer? Do they value your thoughts? Are they respectful if they disagree with you? Do they put into action your words if they do agree with you?
If yes, they’re a leader.
If no, they’re a ruler.
If no one wants them to be in their position anymore, do they step down?
Yes, they’re a leader.
If no, they're a ruler.
Do they admit when they make mistakes and correct it as soon as they can? Are they able to do this without first being called out?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
Do they tell the truth and aren’t ever caught lying?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
Are they respected and respectful?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
Are they competent to complete the specific project or task they have been appointed to do?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
Do they keep secrets? Not private matters but ones that concern you and the people.
Yes, they're a ruler.
No, they're a leader.
Do they directly ask the people for feedback and adjust their performance based on that feedback?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
Do they share precise details of plans and are clear communicators?
Yes, they're a leader.
No, they're a ruler.
When it comes down to it, it’s very easy to tell the difference between a leader and a ruler.
Which one would you prefer?
Which would you prefer to be?
Rulership and authority require something called jurisdiction.
When you start a new job, you sign a contract.
That contract states the terms and conditions, your role, responsibility's and duties of accepting the offered job.
You read over the contract and either agree or disagree to be bound for a period of time.
If it’s an ethical contract, it will consist of at least 7 points that any ethical contract requires.
Unfortunately, most don't.
If you accept the contract, you accept the jurisdiction of the one who gave you the contract and any other hierarchy related to your new job.
This means that you have both agreed your “boss” has the right to tell you what time to arrive and finish work, when you can take holidays and what you will be doing when you’re at work.
If you've signed a contract with someone giving them specifc and limited jurisdiction over you, fair enough, if you haven't and they assume jurisdiction, you have a problem.
Now imagine employees from McDonald’s demanding that you wear a pink t-shirt down the street or you’ll be fined.
Imagine if someone from the supermarket wanted to stop you while shopping and conduct a frisk search.
Picture a plumber pulling you over because you went 5kms over the speed limit and arresting you because you wouldn't tell him who you were or were you lived.
It would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?
One, because they have no right to make such demands, because no one does without the appropriate context, and two because they don't have jurisdiction.
Your boss could tell you to wear a pink shirt and that you need to be frisk searched, but you have the right to decline and end your contract.
Did you sign a contract with the government giving them jurisdiction over you according to specific terms and conditions that are in alignment with the 7 points of an ethical contract?
How about the police, courts or any other government corporations?
Then how on earth could they have jurisdiction over you?
If you have not given someone your consent to order you around, such as your work place boss, then whenever someone makes demands upon you, they are either dangerously mistaken or a thief of consent.
Most often, a combination of both.
For someone to be in command of you, to boss you around, to give you orders and to expect you to obey without question or hesitation, must require consent.
If you join the army, sure, in this instance you are voluntarily giving away your independent free will and are choosing to be subjugated to the dictates of a chain of command.
Do you remember signing up to join the army, giving up all your rights to freedom?
Whenever someone claims the right to be in charge of you, ask them to provide a copy of the contract you signed giving them the right to command you.
If they can’t provide this document with your written consent, they are lying.
Even if they could, you have the right to withdraw your consent, at any given time.
Jurisdiction requires your now moment consent to be legitimate.
Anyone who thinks different, try explaining that to a jury when a woman accuses you of rape because you thought she wasn't allowed to withdraw consent halfway.
Will you still accept your employers jurisdiction if he changes the terms of the contract and says you are to work without pay from now on?
First and foremost, you are the commander of yourself, now and always, forever and ever and ever, provided you choose to be, which is the choice to function with sovereignty.
Whenever you give anyone else the right to command you, it is only temporary and can only be legitimate for as long as you allow it.
If you are being threatened with violence to obey or else, that’s different as it’s obviously not legitimate jurisdiction or power over you.
It’s simply an act of force.
You always have power over yourself.
Someone else can only take that power if you give it to them, willingly.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a politician, god, alien, police officer, your partner, your teacher or a judge, it is always your choice whether you give your power away or keep it for yourself.
You have the right to keep your power and anyone else has the freedom (but not the right) to ask you to give it away, but no one has the right (although they have the freedom) to steal it from you via deception, manipulation or force.
Jurisdiction is not a problem, it’s jurisdiction that is assumed and not confirmed which is a problem.
To start the construction of Utopia, a parallel society to our current worsening Dystopia, we require leadership.
First and lastly with absolutely everything we do requires leadership.
If we are to delegate leadership to computers and AI or to psychopathic rulers like we do know, we are not fit to live in Utopia.
Utopia requires human and humane leadership and leadership must be just, fair, honest, respectful, competent, innovative, imaginative and care about our well being.
Project/mission specific leadership and teamwork, not general broad rulership.
There is no beneficial functional requirement to have a town mayor, state minister or national prime minister.
There is no logical or practical reason to have a ruler with general control over everything.
A ruler is an individual who rules for a group without the groups consent or consideration.
A ruler makes the rules without asking the peoples permission whom he is creating rules for.
A ruler makes ruling decisions solely by themself or with a very small minority for the majority. This is obviously unfair.
The role of a ruler is an unnecessary and often destructive role people play that serve no benefit to the people.
Ask yourself, why would the role of a ruler be needed in the first place?
To tell everyone what they can and can’t do?
Why would we need this if we already know what we can and can’t do?
Most of us know implicitly what we should and shouldn't do already, it’s now time to build technical solutions that help everyone do more of what they should and less of what they shouldn't.
Rulers and more laws are clearly not the answer.
We have thousands of years of history to prove this.
specific leadership is much more appropriate for achieving our goals, like when constructing a new
subterranean maglev train, recycling plant, community garden, appartment block etc..
Organisation, teamwork and direction are necessary to complete projects.
To learn more about how leadership is only necessary for completing specific projects and no over arching general leadership positions are necessary, then read this story to learn more.
The construction of Utopian societies, the solution to authority and rulers, starts and ends with The First Utopian Realism Societal Principle of Leadership.
The Second Utopian Principle
For a town or the entire world to function in a healthy and respectable manner, people must first understand the difference between right and wrong, otherwise we end up with what we have now.
Chaos, dysfunction and confusion.
If we wish to have order, peace, prosperity, progress and health, we must learn what we have the right to do and what we don’t.
Current societies all over the world have an imposed system of law and legality that some believe exists to create and maintain order.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The more laws there are, the more problems we have.
If it isn't simple, it’s not good.
If something unnecessarily restricts and limits freedom, it’s not for your benefit.
If it's so complicated you need a degree to understand it, that should be a huge red flag.
If a child cannot understand the simplicity of our ideas regarding right and wrong, then it’s worthless.
The Lore Of Morality aims to make things as simple as possible, while simultaneously covering all forms of wrong doing.
1. Create no loss
2. Create no harm
3. Be honest and ethical in your dealings
4. Maintain the peace
The Lores are not in place to prevent people from committing crime.
They are there to act as a guide for your behaviour when to not step over a line and do something you shouldn't, which sometimes we all know can be hard to resist.
It’s hard to resist not winding the kilometres back on your car when selling it to increase the value.
It can be hard to resist selling someone a product that may not be the best fit because you need the money.
It’s can be hard to increase your workers wages and pay them what they are worth if cash flow is tight.
It can be hard to resist not suing someone who has wronged you for a huge monetary gain.
It can be hard to resist not selling your successful start up company to a mega corporation.
It can be hard to resist not accepting massive bribes to influence policy.
It can be hard to resist not stealing food if you live in poverty.
It can be hard to resist not stealing a car if you need to sell it to repay your mortgage.
It’s hard to resist not selling drugs when you need to make a quick buck to afford your rent.
It’s hard to resist not raising your rental property rates because everyone else is doing it.
Most of our problems come from our resource management, not from our lack of laws.
Money is a prime motivator for people to commit crime.
After the idea of authority, it is the second most dangerous religion.
Not everyone believes in god or a formalised religion such as Christianity or Hinduism, but everyone believes in the faith based system called money.
Money has become the new worlds god which works hand in hand with it’s imaginary twin, authority.
That’s all money is, faith and belief that the piece of paper you hold or numbers in a computer have some kind of tangible worth.
Because in reality, paper money and computerised currency is worthless.
You can’t eat it or build anything out of a stack of paper notes.
It only appears to have some kind of value because everyone is participating in the same delusional fantasy.
If there was no money and we used our resources intelligently to create higher quality goods that lasted, we would have more than enough for everyone, without the extreme waste we have now.
If you were to be stuck on an island with a billion dollars but no food or water, or you were to be stuck on an island with food and water, what would you prefer?
You can even use gold and silver in this example, it won’t change your choice.
Why would anyone steal if they always has access to quality food, clean water and all the other necessities of life? Why would anyone steal if there was no money?
Why would people go to war against other nations if they weren't getting paid?
Why would a group of people form a gang to terrorise their local town if there was no monetary reward?
Why would so many people commit suicide if there was no bankruptcy or financial depression?
Why would there be depression if people were able to live their passions free from the constraints of currency?
Why would there be poverty and homelessness when we have the resources available today to prevent and fix this, if not for the belief in money?
Why would disease exist and be unable to be cured if there was no profitable billion dollar industries like cancer research?
If money didn't exist as a barrier, don’t you think with all of humanity's genius working together, we could cure and prevent every disease?
Not all crime, but most are committed because of our delusional belief in a thing called money.
With the existence of money comes the creation of law and the entire legal system and enforcement class.
The legal system, law, judges, lawyers and police are all designed to work in conjunction with the monetary system.
Does it appear they are the result of a technically innovative system designed to make humanity prosperous and peaceful?
Or do we have insurmountable real world evidence they do the exact opposite?
Politicians corrupt leadership.
Courts pervert justice.
Police violate safety.
Militaries destroy security.
Doctors ruin health.
Peace and order do not come from the law or even Lore.
They come from the Utopian Mindset, abundance, the evolution beyond money and technical innovation.
Instead of having a law and punishment system for speeding, how about we educate drivers through proper driver training courses? Or develop high quality autonomous cars?
One is a problem caused by money and legality, one is a solution created by technical innovation and intelligence.
Instead of having rules and laws lowering the speed limit near school zones and having someone work to control traffic at the children’s crossing, how about we build a foot traffic overpass so kids don’t need to walk across the road or disrupt passing cars?
Adding to this, why couldn't we build barriers along the foot paths so even if there was an accident, a vehicle could not hit anyone walking on the foot path?
A law or rule does not prevent accidents from happening and even punishes people for breaking the rule.
A technical solution does prevent accidents from happening and there is no need to impose fear of punishment on anyone.
Instead of having a thousand different laws to prevent stealing, embezzling and overcharging people, how about we build a society intelligently through contributionism and automation which doesn’t require money?
If there was no money, there would be no need for millions of laws regarding money.
If there wasn’t millions of monetary laws, there would be millions less people locked in cages.
Instead of creating a law to prevent drink driving and accidents, which doesn't seem to work to well according to statistics, we created a free automated uber service using self driving cars?
As we know most people drink and drive because they don't want to or cant afford to pay for expensive taxis, or because of inadequate public transport.
Instead of creating countless laws against murder, how about we create rehab centres for drug rehabilitation that prevent drug related murder?
The same can be said for having laws against drug usage.
Why don’t we have more detailed educational courses about the pros and cons of drugs and then offer high quality support programs to those who make mistakes?
How about we offer each other free counselling and psychology sessions and programs to prevent mentally unstable murders from occurring? Which also aids in lowering depression and increasing happiness.
Instead of having a law against using steroids, we could build safe steroid administration centres run by professionals who can offer guidance and assistance.
Why have a law against building on your own property when you could have a course that teaches people how to build and use tools properly and safely?
Why have a law against hooning if we built plenty of race tracks and drag strips in every town that were free to use by anyone to their hearts content? With of course all the safety parameters to ensure even if people did make a mistake, no one was injured.
Why have a law to prevent street fights if we can develop strategies to change this kind of behaviour in the first place?
Then if it still happened, offer solutions to fight in a controlled environment, like the local boxing ring, with gloves, soft mats and a ref to make sure no one got seriously hurt.
Instead of having a sign that says slippery when wet, we can add an extra abrasive material to increase traction and design the road in a way so water drains extremely quickly.
How about we create an entirely new parallel system which doesn't empower a ruling class so we can prevent the legalised murder of millions through war, invasion and terrorism?
For every problem, there is a solution and for every solution there is a problem.
It all depends on what we focus on, problems or solutions?
Creating peace and order has very little to do with laws or Lores and everything to do with values, attitude, mindset and the structure of society.
If we wish to focus on creating a better society which is safer, more productive and more fun, we need to abandon the false notion that more laws are the answer.
We need to focus on real solutions, like shifting our mindsets and developing technical innovations.
It’s our institutions and mindset that create peace and order, not more rules.
We all have the right to do whatever we please, as long as we don’t initiate a violation of consent, or cause harm to others.
We all have the right to do whatever we wish to our own bodies, such as getting tattoos, piercings, fake tans, eating high or low quality food, using steroids, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs or even injecting vaccines.
We have the right to treat our body as we desire.
But we have no right to use someone else's body the way we want without their consent.
No one has the right to coerce someone to do something they otherwise wouldn't have done.
No one has the right to tell you that you must inject yourself with a vaccine otherwise you are unable to work or travel.
No one has the right to demand money from you simply because they’ve decided their entitled.
No one has the right to treat you in a way that causes harm or loss or essentially violates a Lore Of Morality.
The Lore is in place as a guideline in case a dispute between people does happen, we have a framework to compare against.
If a man was peacefully driving down the road, then someone pulled him over, demanded private information from him, then assaulted him when their commands were not obeyed, a crime has been committed.
The innocent man simply travelling and enjoying his life peacefully had not committed a crime as he had not created a victim or violated any Lores Of Morality.
He has the right to not provide dangerous strangers with private information.
Let’s say that person who committed the crimes was a police officer and let’s have a look at what actually happened.
A police officer turned on his lights and sirens and demanded someone peaceful pull over.
This is the first crime that has been committed, as he has broken Lore 4 by violating the peace and has threatened the innocent man with violence.
Because we all know if the peaceful man did not pull over, the police officer would have called his mates and they would cause whatever damage necessary to make the innocent man comply.
Wearing a uniform does not magically give you more or less rights than anyone else.
When the police officer assaulted and arrested the peaceful man, he has committed another crime by creating harm against an innocent.
By pulling you over under threat of violence, demanding private information like your name and where you live (without just cause), assaulting you, detaining you in bondage by restraining you in handcuffs and kidnapping you, he has committed many terrible crimes.
He has created harm and created a loss of liberty and freedom.
When the police officer says he has the legitimate right to commit these crimes against you because a bunch of people wearing suits in a fancy building scribbled some words on paper, he is violating the 3rd Lore Of Morality.
He is not being honest and ethical in his dealings.
To believe you have the right to hurt someone peaceful because someone else told you it’s Ok, is not only unethical, it’s being dishonest to your own conscience, commonsense and reason.
It’s a personal betrayal of your own innate sense of morality.
The police man is lying to himself and is either too lazy to investigate his own morality or too traumatised to care.
Yes, there can be some exceptions, but the exceptions tend not to be police officers for long, how could they?
Yes, the police levels of brutality and violence are different depending on which country you’re in, some are worse than others.
What we are focusing on are the rules, not the exceptions and the rule is that the police force is just a well organised gang of thugs who lack empathy, compassion and any ability to think freely for themselves.
They have compromised their own moral compass for a system of legality they know nothing about, just ask them, they will tell you they know hardly anything about the laws they enforce.
Their job is purely to enforce the law, not know it.
This is a disgraceful attitude for anyone to have and for anyone to support.
They’ve been brainwashed into believing that order following and group think is honourable and noble.
Not being able to think for yourself and not questioning orders is just about the most dishonourable and immoral thing anyone can do.
It is not brave or courageous to be blindly obedient, it is weak and cowardly.
Those police officers who have realised this are not police officers anymore, they did the most courageous and honourable thing they could. They stopped being part of the problem.
If we want to help more police officers do the right thing, we need to focus more on exposing their compassion to themselves than on exposing their crimes to the world.
This is easier said then done, especially when your life is threatened by them, but when there is a will there is a way.
The Lore Of Morality was not created, it was discovered.
That’s the difference between Lore and law.
Law is created, Lore is discovered.
No one created maths, we just discovered and apply it.
The Lore Of Morality is simply the truth of how we all wish to be treated made manifest into Lores.
No one wants to be harmed, to have things taken from them, to be treated dishonestly and unethically or to have their peace violated.
Many people may enjoy doing this to others, but no one wants it done to them.
That is why these simple Lore are so powerful, because they are incontestable axioms of truth and cannot be rebutted.
In the case of the misinformed police officer, the man who was violated has a construct to present to an independent arbitration centre when seeking justice.
The man could not present the case at a centralised governmental monopolised court, as they would actively encourage the continued injustice. As that is what they are designed to do, protect their system of control over you.
The corrupt courts can not enact justice because it then exposes the fraud for what it is, a fraud.
The government controlled courts work hand in hand with the police system to deliberately misinform, indoctrinate and encourage systemic abuse of normal every day people.
If you’re a greedy and sadistic ruler, it’s much easier to manipulate a frightened and abused people into doing exactly what you want then if they were courageous and whole.
Why do you think the number one piece of content mainstream media promotes is fear?
If all you desired was power over others so you could feel significant, become rich and be respected through fear, why wouldn't you work with other like minded broken souls to ensure you could most easily set the rules of what’s right and what’s wrong?
Although it’s impossible to dominate a well educated, well informed and self determining people.
Our independent arbitration systems would not seek to punish the police officer, but to rehabilitate and correct their behaviour.
The police man has been through serious detrimental indoctrination and has become a threat to the people he was deceived into believing he was there to protect.
Hopefully at some point, he or she did believe that and simply made many mistakes.
Independent arbitration is about the R method.
Which ever is the most appropriate method of fixing the problem is picked and implemented.
Laws didn't prevent a peaceful man from being attacked and violated.
They were the cause of it.
The less laws and the more commonsense, the better our societies will thrive.
The more rules and laws that are created, the more it is insinuated and implied that people are incompetent and stupid, thus requiring every single little detail of life spelled out for them.
Less is more.
If you treat people like idiots, they’ll behave like idiots.
Treat them like the powerful and intelligent beings they really are, well that’s progress.
Voluntarism is the basic comprehension of rights and morality combined to create a social structure where no one is authorised to violate innocent and peaceful people.
It’s the understanding that no one has more rights than others, that we are all equal in our rights to travel, be free and do what we want, as long as we respect others rights and don’t violate The Lore Of Morality.
Why do we waste time with black lives matter, gay rights, trans rights, women’s rights, children's rights and religious rights?
They are all a waste of time.
Because they are missing the point.
The point isn’t that they don’t matter, it’s that they all matter equally.
Rulers have developed obviously very powerful methods to keep us divided while they conquer us.
When we aren’t unified, we are divided.
When we are divided, we are weak.
All rights matter, all rights are the same.
Rights do not change because of your age, how you look or your sexual preferences, why would they?
All rights are human rights and until we all understand that, we will forever remain divided and have no rights.
We won’t have any rights just as we don’t now because people are unaware of what rights are and how they are applicable to everyone equally, without exception, always.
How can you stand up for your rights if you don’t even know what they are?
No one has more or less rights than anyone else.
We all have the right to do whatever we want as long as it doesn't violate someone else or thieve their consent.
Freely given conscious consent is key to something being labelled as ‘right’.
We have the right to say what we want, travel where we want, associate with who we want, build what we want, interact with who we want and to do whatever we want.
The only limit is when something we want to do is in conflict with what someone else wants.
If we want to have sex with someone and they don’t want to have sex with us, but we do anyway, this is called rape and is a theft of consent, which no one has the right to do, regardless of marriage, customs, tradition, culture or religious beliefs.
When it comes to sexual rights, consent is king and queen.
If there is no consent, there is a problem, if there is consent, there is no problem.
No means no and yes means yes.
Cheating in a relationship is less a breach of The Lore Of Morality and more a breach of values.
Healthy relationships stem from a healthy mindset.
If we want money from someone and we take it against their will, this is called theft, which is a crime and which we do not have the right to do.
If you aren't willingly donating to a cause, whether that cause is to purchase yourself dinner at a restaurant, buy a new t-shirt or to aid in a new educational program, then it is theft.
All taxation is theft. If it’s not theft, then it’s not tax.
It’s a donation or otherwise willing contribution or exchange.
No one has the right to tax someone, which is just a fancy word for ‘armed robbery’ and no one has the right to pay tax.
Just as we have the right to live in peace and not be physically, mentally or emotionally violated, we have no right to financially support others who do violate the peace.
Any time you fund an organisation which specialises in fear and punishment such as the police, government and courts, then you have become an accomplice to a crime.
You have no right to cause fear and to punish people just as no one has the right to threaten and hurt you.
You don't have the right to make people wear certain things they don’t want, just as no one has the right to make you.
If someone was walking down the street naked, sure you have the right to tell them to put some clothes on, but you don't have the right to punch them in the face if they don’t.
You have a right to eat and to high quality food, but this does not mean you have a right to take it from someone else without their consent. Though this is debatable in some circumstances.
You have a right to shelter and reasonable living, although this does not give you the right to take someone else's house as your own.
We don't have the right to treat another human being in a way we know we wouldn’t want to be treated, if the roles were reversed and we were in their position.
We have the right to treat people how we want to be treated.
In a Voluntarist society, there is no legitimised molestation of peoples rights by police, military, politicians or government agencies.
Yes, there will still be petty low level crime while we transition, that’s why we utilise the community protectors, independent arbitration centres and rehabilitation methods to help cure people of their undesirable behaviour.
It’s not them that we need to get rid of and lock away forever, it’s just their bad behaviour.
Instead of attempting to scare people into not committing crime, we should aim to inspire them to not want to.
Developing the way our societies coexist is equally as important for helping people not need to commit crime.
Involuntary societies like we have now do not require your consent to operate.
Only your fear, submission and blind obedience.
All involuntary societies are Dystopian. Just some are more dystopian than others.
The amount of actual voluntary societies currently existing could be counted on one or two hands.
This is not because voluntary societies don’t work, quite the contrary, they are the only form of society that works, it’s because humanity has been deceived into fighting each other and to ignore the real problems.
The only people an involuntary society works for are the rulers.
Even then, those rulers are at the mercy of rulers above them and so on and so forth.
People may think they enjoy their life in an involuntary society, but this is only because they have been forced to close themselves off from their imagination and are too exhausted to explore what could be.
When people are able to redirect their energy and unshackle their minds and actually see clearly the current world of involuntary societies we live in today, compared to the vision and potential of voluntary societies, they see it is literally the difference between hell and heaven.
For those who do enjoy themselves enough not to strive for change, congratulations, it takes an extremely tolerant person to be able to forgive your abusers, every hour of every day.
It also takes a great deal of selective focus to be able to outright ignore reality, which is very impressive.
Although it is a shame, for tolerance without consciousness is purely ignorance and ignorance is not a state of not knowing, it’s a state of choosing not to know, which is nothing to be commended whatsoever.
Those who know but do not do, do not know.
Although selective focus is impressive, it’s disappointing and disheartening that it’s on all the wrong things.
There is no way anyone who knows the wrongness of the way we do things can sit back, relax and not help change things.
If they are aware of the problems of the world and still don’t do anything, it’s because they haven't yet become aware of themselves.
Morality is not just about doing right on the outside, it’s about doing right on the inside.
Only then can you have balance.
It takes a great deal of courage to face reality, but a great deal more to face yourself.
As soon as a society becomes a voluntary one, respecting rights and The Lore Of Morality, it becomes Utopian.
As soon as a society becomes involuntary, it becomes dystopian.
Remember, involuntary means to be forced or threatened to do something against your will, like pay taxes, gst, superannuation, get vaccinated, have a license to drive, pay for registration, pay speeding fines, require a piece of paper to travel across national and international borders, require permission to build on your own land, pay land rates etc…
If a system relies upon the fear of punishment to operate, it’s an involuntary society.
There are obviously levels of Utopia as there are levels of Dystopia.
What those with the Utopian Mindset strive to do is turn their town from Dystopian to Utopian and then continue to refine, improve and expand Utopia, forever.
For every problem caused by the current system, there are a dozen solutions eagerly waiting to come into existence.
But if we are to never understand objective morality and remain unable to discern right from wrong, we will continue to mistake solutions for problems and problems for solutions.
The Second Utopian Principle Of Morality is key to our success.
The Third Utopian Principle
For a system that operates in most countries in the world currently, democracy seems to be a seldom understood concept.
There are two types of democracy.
- Modern democracy or pseudo/fake democracy
- Real democracy
Pseudo democracy is what operates in most countries.
It’s a belief based system that your voice is heard and valued if you vote for a political party to rule you.
Real democracy is based upon practical reality.
Pseudo democracies trick you into believing that if you vote once every few years (and if you don’t you’ll be punished) on which ruler you’d prefer boss you around, you’ll be participating in the creation of a better society.
Real democracy presents each individual the opportunity and responsibility on voting for each specific project in their town.
In pseudo democracies, if a state minister/ruler wants to build a police academy in your town, you have no say in the matter.
In a real democracy, when someone presents this idea at a peoples council meeting and the whole community rejects it with not a single person voting in favour, then the project does not go ahead.
If the people want a new natural health facility to be built, their voice counts for nothing if the pseudo democratic minister/ruler does not give his permission.
Even if every single person in the community wants something and it’s only the single lone minister/ruler who disagrees, the minister is the ruler and his voice counts more than everyone else's combined.
Real democracy works on the 51% principle.
If someone proposes a new idea to build a new aged care facility on Jackson avenue and over 51% of people agree and support the idea, then and only then does the construction commence.
In a real democratic society if someone proposes an idea to build a tram line through the centre of town and less than 51% vote in favour, then the project does not go ahead.
In an authentic democratic town, the people may even decide to require 80% of the community’s vote before proceeding with any given project.
It’s up to the people to decide.
Real democracy works when you vote and express your will on each and every single matter that is relevant to you and the community you live in.
For a peoples council in a community to be legitimate, it is recommended that it has at least 51% of the towns total population as active members.
In a town of 10,000 people, over 5,000 people would be necessary for a peoples council to operate ethically as a true expression of the will of the people.
The voting age should be lowered to 12, as nothing should be presented that is so complicated a 12 year couldn't understand.
If a 12 year old cannot comprehend the nature of the proposal, then the proposal is most likely not a good one.
If someone under the age of 12 displays maturity and awareness of the nature of proposals and projects, they may also be able to participate in the peoples council.
We live in a strange world and there do exist children who are more emotionally and metally mature than some adults.
Competency tests to particpate in voting can be constructed in schools to ensure those who wish to become peoples council members are fully capable of casting votes.
A similar process for adults could be considered.
Just because someone is young, does not mean their voice is worthless.
Why should being able to support what you do or don't want in your town be effected just because of your age? Young or old.
If you were young and comprehended the simple process of voting to support what you agreed and disagreed with, would you want that right to be withheld from you because someone else decided that you weren't the correct age according to them?
The moment we begin to start devaluing the voice of our children is the moment we start raising a generation which is guaranteed to be less than their true potential.
It is more important that the proposers and counter proposers state clear and concise arguments then for the voters to be experts on specific concepts.
The duty of explanation for and against projects lies with those who present and counter.
Peoples opinions don't matter if they are not informed, once they are informed, then they matter.
It is our duty to ensure people are always informed before making decisions.
If someone is mentally disabled or slower to intellectually mature than others, then they should not be able to vote as they wouldn't be able to accurately.
This could negatively effect our outcomes if people cannot cast informed votes.
It is more important to inform people of the nature of proposals then it is to convince them.
This way, we can cast a vote according to our own thought process, not someone else’s which has been imposed upon us.
Being able to make up our own minds according to the available presented information is critical for the function of true democratic societies.
You don't have to be exceptionally intelligent or an expert about building bridges to be able to choose the proposal which costs less, needs less volunteers and is a clearly better designed construction.
Simplicity, not complexity, is paramount to successful communities.
The population of the town is determined by available statistics and the town is considered the geographical area inside a border, which can be easily seen on maps by anyone.
If people don’t vote yay or nay for a project, then their voice isn’t heard and their will is not counted.
If there are 10,000 people in Frocksville and 8,000 of them participate in the peoples council as members, which is the management system for the towns community, and only 5,000 people contribute their vote for building a new community jetty on the local lake, 4,200 for and 800 against, it seems practical, fair and efficient to use this statistic as an accurate method for the peoples decision to build the jetty.
Even though there are 10,000 people in Frocksville, not everyone voted.
8,000 people are members of the peoples council and have declared that they are interested in the towns management and want to vote on projects.
Although, only 5,000 people did cast a vote for or against the jetty project.
If the total population of the town had voted, 51% would have been 5,100.
In this instance, out of the total population and the peoples council members, only half the actual population voted, 5,000 people.
Because only 5,000 people decided to have their say, then it seems reasonable to only take into account those people who decided to participate in the decision of constructing a new community jetty and cast a vote.
The 2,000 people who do not wish to participate in the peoples council and their community's management have the right to not participate, but not to complain about the jetty being built or any other community matter as they are not actively participating and contributing.
If there are 8,000 people of the community of Frocksville who are members of the peoples council, yet only 5,000 vote, then the 51% principle applies to only those who chose to participate in the actual voting.
If 5,000 people voted on the proposal of the jetty construction, then it would require 2501 people to vote in support for it to be approved by the majority.
In this case, there were 4,200 who voted in favour, an overwhelming majority, so the project was given the green light by most of the voluntarily participants of Frocksville.
Whoever proposes the idea of the project would present their reasoning, through a power point presentation, video or via some written method.
The initial person or people against the proposed idea would present a counter argument why the proposal should not go ahead.
These for and against presentations would be presented live at a peoples council meeting and would be recorded and uploaded to the community app and any other associated social media groups or platforms.
We’ll make it easy for people to be aware of the projects proposal and easy to find more information about both sides.
For people to cast an accurate vote, they must be able to become informed of the pros and cons of both sides.
Making sure that the voting method is legitimate and cannot be rigged is very easy.
We use a paper and digital method to ensure accuracy and that anyone can verify the legitimacy of the vote, anytime.
There would be a paper notebook in the community town hall titled with each project.
The notebook is separated into for and against the specific project.
Peoples council members would sign their name on numbered line for or against.
Jetty construction – Opening proposal date 24th june 2023 – closing date 24th july 2023
1. Signed name
2. Signed name
1. Signed name
2. Signed name
The notebooks would be stored in the town hall, allowing everyone to cast their vote and for everyone to be able to verify the legitimacy of the votes.
Each new project requires a new notebook.
The notebooks are kept after the decision has been made for future reference.
Each proposal should be allowed 1 month to give the people enough time to decide which side or idea they support.
If the entire community decides to vote in less than one month, then a decision can obviously be made quicker.
The same system can be used via the online digital community app.
It would just look like a digital version of the physical paper notebook, which again anyone can verify and cannot be corrupted.
There would be a page for the specific project and inside that page a for and against category.
You simply write your name down, yes or no.
That’s it. Everyone can see your name and how you voted and you can see everyone else's.
The need for secrecy in such important decisions is the surest way to create corruption, just as we have now.
You have nothing to hide and everything to show by having your voice count.
There is no way to cheat in this system and doesn't rely on trusting anyone for the accuracy of votes because it is such a simple and effective method.
Unlike current pseudo democratic systems, this system cannot be rigged.
If someone does try and write their name down more than once or use fake names, they can be easily caught out by anyone.
Actual democracy does not work only via representatives, this is a trap of pseudo democracy to steal all of your power.
In fake democracies we are tricked into consenting once via voting, then they use the excuse that because you consented to vote, you therefore consent to everything else the “elected representative” does there on after.
Whether you agree or disagree with the representatives choices is inconsequential, you gave them your permission to exercise your will by voting for them to be in charge of you.
Even if you willingly voted for your ruler of choice, how much say did you have over their second in command, advisers and associated ‘experts?
This is obviously a poorly designed system as no one man or woman is ever going to be able to exercise your will the way you would.
It’s your will and belongs to you, you should be responsible and have the power to use it as you desire.
Your will does not need to be re-presented when you can present it yourself, via presentation or vote at peoples council meetings or via a dedicated community app.
In fake democracies, you can only vote for people, when you are allowed to.
In real democracies, you vote for ideas, whenever those ideas are presented.
There are exceptions when it comes to representatives, such as in times of war, but these are exceptions and should NOT be the rule.
You would not be able to vote for whether or not a tunnel should be built beneath a town halfway across your country.
Because you don’t live there personally, the outcome doesn't effect you personally.
It seems fair that the people who live or work in a specific town have the right to manage it the way they see fit without outside influences.
Of course, if you still did wish for a tunnel to be built under a far away town because you could see the benefit but the towns people could not, you could ask to present a persuasive argument at a town meeting with the pros and cons of why a tunnel should be built there.
The towns people can either accept or reject the proposal.
If the people don’t change their mind after seeing your presentation, then so be it.
If they do, great for everyone.
When considering national parks and state forests, would it not be reasonable to divide the land up evenly between the surrounding towns?
The idea of proximity management makes the most rational sense as opposed to our current non-localised and uninvolved management.
Our current method of managing land is quite bizarre, somehow a very small group of people wearing fancy suits that many if not most people did not vote for, have exclusive right to land that is no where near where they live or work.
It’s an absurd management system that does not seem to obey logic, only special interests groups and their desire for power over other peoples local resources.
If a ‘crown’ ‘state’ or ‘national’ forest is near a town, that closest town/s and it’s collective community/s should have the management rights, not a group of people 1,000ks away in a different city.
Why? Because the forest or land is geographically closer to those people and it only makes sense that the people who live the closest should have the most right in deciding how they use their land.
If a resource is discovered in an unoccupied area of land in the middle of an uninhabited area, then the closest town/s and townspeople should be able to decide how they manage those resources.
If there is an unclaimed and unused area of land in a town that holds resources, like a mineral deposit or timber forest, then the community can take collective ownership of these resources and decide how they would like to use them.
If that unclaimed land ‘belongs’ to the government, then it really doesn't and actually belongs to the people, because who’s will is the government meant to represent anyway?
If it belongs to a private individual or corporation, the people can arrange meetings with the current owners to decide the best way forwards.
Perhaps the community all chip in and buy that land at a reasonable price from the current private owner, which would be a fair exchange.
If the current owner is unwilling to co-operate, there may be grounds to take the matter to an independent arbitration centre based upon dishonest and unethical behaviour.
If someone is deliberately restricting resources from others, not because they are using them, but because they don't want others to have them, then this can be considered a crime.
If what they are doing on the land is causing harm to others and the environment, such as dumping toxic material into a river, poisoning the soil, fracking, venting toxic fumes into the air or emitting harmful EMF radiation, then action can and must be taken to prevent them from breaking The Lore.
That action would be to follow the ladder of escalation.
The use of defensive force is only to be used if all other methods have been used to no effect.
It’s always best to ask someone nicely to stop what they are doing before moving onto the handing of paperwork.
Do you think it would be appropriate to use defensive force against an individual or corporation that was actively causing harm to your towns environment and in effect, the people that live there?
After you had exhausted all peaceful solutions, of course.
Do you feel that you and the towns folk would have the right to use force and defend each other and your land by from dangerous agitators who ignore reason and all means of peaceful co-operation?
That’s up to the community to decide.
Just remember, when it comes to morality and ethics, you always have the right to defend yourself from destructive opponents.
It there’s not a problem, don’t initiate one, if there is, solve it.
It is illogical, impractical and inefficient to have someone or a group of people who are not in the local area act as a ruling authority and decide how a community manages their resources.
Everyone is free to suggest how a town should or should not manage their resources, but no one is free to dictate through violence how a community is to manage their resources.
Rulers exist in pseudo democratic nations.
Leaders exist in real democracies societies.
In real democracies, you have the power to influence change and have your voice heard, in every single decision of consequence.
In pseudo democracies you don’t.
All you have is the coercive threat that you must pick your preferred ruler until the next time you are again forced to pick either the same, or slightly different ruler. That’s it!
Whether or not the voting is rigged or all the political party’s actually work for the banks is irrelevant.
As the fundamental structure is flawed.
Even if only good honest people were to be elected, it’s still an awful system that is unfair, unjust and a waste or resources and talent.
Watch this video “If Your Were King” to see how it's practically impossible to be a 'good' king.
The whole structure of a pseudo democracy is built upon the concept of a ruling class with more rights, privileges and benefits than the rest.
It doesn't matter how good or honest you are, you can’t magically be voted into a special job and gain more rights and powers than others.
Especially if people didn't even choose you to boss them around!
Immigration and restricting peoples movements just because they are from a different piece of land than you is an interesting subject.
If the community of Frocksville had a majority vote to allow anyone and everyone who agreed to abide by their same Utopian philosophy to visit and live in their town, then why would people in any other town feel they have the moral right to violently stop specific people living in a town which they are welcome?
Why even have the idea of borders, if not as a means to dominate and control people by taking their precious freedom?
This world equally belongs to all who live on it.
The idea of having bordered countries is too broad of an idea to have any real logic behind it, only opinion and feelings.
In uncivilised monetary and involuntary societies that divide themselves into categories via country borders, sure, this can make some sense.
But in peaceful and civilised human societies, on the local town community level, this does not make sense.
If you wanted to travel to another country, essentially just a different area of land on the same earth we all live communally on, because a local town in that country had invited you to visit, should other people in a different town have the right to violently stop you from peacefully visiting the town which invited you in?
Of course not, no one has the right to initiate violence against a non-violent and peaceful person.
If you simply wanted to visit somewhere else in the world, while of course being peaceful, how can anyone justify using violence to stop you from freely travelling?
All you’re doing is moving your body over land to place yourself in a different position on the earth.
You’re not breaking any Lore’s Of Morality, you’re not trespassing on someones private property or breaking into their home.
So now the question that may be raised is, ‘well isn’t the land and country owned by the people who live there and if you go there without permission, you are now trespassing on public land’?
Would the locals require permission from anyone else to walk down the street, go to the park, or drive along the roads?
No, so why should you?
Can a local just walk into anyone's house without permission or enter a fenced property just because they want to?
No, so obviously you can’t either.
Why make different rules for different people?
Why should the rules of where a local can go be different to where a visitor can go?
We can’t live in a world of equality if some people abide by different rules than others, no the rules must stay consistent and fair for everyone.
If a huge influx of foreigners began to arrive in your country and appeared to be ready for an armed invasion, then sure, that’s an appropriate time to act.
Having border policies wouldn't have prevented the invasion and hardly would have delayed it.
If a huge influx of foreigners came to your town and your towns people didn't like them, well then that is your right.
You don’t have to allow them access to your stores or business’s, you don't have to sell or offer land to them.
If they were desperate refugees, that’s up to you the individual and the town as a whole as to what aid you do or do not offer them.
If they are refugees, they may be quite open to the idea of supporting your new Utopian town and may become a great asset and even greater friends.
But as long as these foreigners, who should be treated the same as everyone else, behave in a peaceful way and don’t violate The Lore, then what is the problem?
The real problem is the mental conditioning we have received from war mongers who have successfully installed divide and conquer strategies into our minds.
We just have to uninstall that corrupt program and look at things clearly, as they are in reality, not as they are according to psychopathic rulers.
If in a worst case scenario the foreigners begin peaceful and then try to take over the town, you have the community protectors, militia and ideally everyone armed.
Not to mention that you can call upon the aid of other sovereign towns in the Utopian Alliance.
If all we have to worry about is terrorists coming from outside our country, then we are lucky.
Compared to what we have now, terrorists coming from the inside and working for pariliament.
In a Utopian society, we are far better protected than a dystopian society.
Comfort comes from strength. Fear comes from weakness.
If we are strong, well prepared and well organised, then we have nothing to fear by being hospitable and expanding our community.
All the world is ours, let’s treat other people like our brothers and sisters, and maybe they will treat us the same.
In real democracy, the leaders and supporters stand side by side.
No one is on a pedestal and no one is kneeling.
Shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, we all march together with a common goal.
To learn more about real democracy and witness it in action, read this short story.
The Third Utopian Principle Of Democracy is critical for the true will of the people to be enacted.
The Fourth Utopian Principle
What we have now in most societies is a mass of centralisation in terms of power, production and management.
All the police are controlled by a central power and management.
The same can be said for a countries military.
Our power as in energy sources are centralised in power plants and stations.
Most of our production capabilities for food and materials is being centralised by large corporations.
Our media is centralised with all mainstream sources being owned by the same corporations and repeating the same scripted narratives.
Our court systems have been monopolised and centralised by the government.
Education and schools all follow a centralised curriculum.
Aged and disabled care are under the umbrella of centralisation.
Even our system of governance has been centralised with a single government that controls not just your town or state but your entire country.
If we don’t do anything to change this, it will become a world wide centralised spider web of control.
What we have allowed to happen is for a small group of people to have centralised command and decision making authority for just about every aspect of society.
What this does is severely limits choice and freedom.
Freedom is not just the freedom to be right but the freedom to be wrong or mistaken, provided you do not force your errors on anyone.
The easiest and most obvious way to see the problem of centralisation of power is with military and police.
When the biggest gang in the country has all the weapons and financial rewards the ruling class can offer, we become a people at the mercy of a single man or woman who gives the orders.
If the prime minister gives the order for the police and military to be used against it’s own people, which has happened countless times throughout all of history, especially in modern times, then you can see the dangers of having centralised power.
When this happens, it’s never called a lawyers state, bankers state, politicians state or judges state, but always a police state.
Instead of having one large organisation with a huge hierarchy for police and military, we decentralise the power and spread it.
Instead of having all police stations report to one centralised chain of command, we replace them with localised community protectors.
Community protectors take on the role that the public believes is the duty of police.
To protect the innocent, maintain peace and to assist the rehabilitation of people who have made mistakes (by escorting them to rehab).
The Militia replace the military. It’s essentially the same thing, but split up and localised to every town.
When it comes to other areas of decentralisation, this is what we can do.
We replace massive corporate controlled farming, agriculture and food production with local community owned and operated gardens, farms and crops.
We replace the monopolised court system with a free market independent arbitration system.
Each town is free to decide the best way to implement their own unique methods, ideally in accordance with The Lore Of Morality, respecting rights and with the R methodology.
If you don’t like the outcome at a particular arbitration centre, you can go to another for a second opinion.
Independent arbitration centres are just that, independent.
Decentralisation allows the best ideas to come forth and prosper.
When the best ideas are all on the table, some survive and some don't.
The best of the best are then are adopted by a natural process of a different kind of centralisation.
A centralisation of ideas.
When we are able to decentralise our energy sources and experiment with free energy devices, some will be better than others.
Some people may make electromagnetic engines or harness tidal power or create highly efficient solar panels.
We may then have ways to power our homes individually without relying on centralised power plants that we have to pay for and which are unreliable, especially in 3rd world countries.
After some time of this decentralisation and experimentation of energy devices, a scientist may invent a solid state (no moving parts) energy device that can be installed in every device that requires power.
So instead of having a solar set up or a free energy device powering each and every home individually, we could have every single device function from it’s own inbuilt energy unit.
Your toaster could have a free and perpetual energy device installed in it, so could your laptop, phone, welder, lawn mower, car, kettle, hair dryer and everything else that requires power.
This way, you don’t ever have to pay for electricity again.
You can watch these documentaries to learn more about existing technology. Thrive 2. The Lost Century.
You don’t have to be concerned about harming the environment with toxic pollutants from cars, trucks, motorbikes, planes and ships.
Massive power plants can be removed and the land given back to nature or to build something new.
All the wires from power lines, power poles and transformers can be removed, taking away the eye sore, the extreme labour and effort involved in installing them and the dangerous EMF they radiate.
We can also recycle the materials and re-purpose the space they were wasting.
If something happens to the massive power plants we have now, many many people lose power to their homes and business’s.
If something was to happen to your individual energy device powering your home, you would be without power.
But if every device that required power had it’s own system, then if it breaks, it only affects that one particular item.
All it takes is for this technology to be implemented, as it already has been created.
Yes, the technology to do this exists and has for a long long time.
Although peoples greed has been the primary reason why we don’t have this technology today.
Because corrupt oil tycoons either buy the technology from the inventor or make the inventor disappear or because the inventor got too greedy and wanted to make lot’s of money from the idea and got himself killed for his ignorance.
The only way free energy technology can be utilised in today’s world is for inventors to anonymously post the blueprints and instructions online, for free, for anyone and everyone to access and replicate.
It’s easy to stop one person from selling free energy devices.
It’s impossible to stop millions all over the world from building and using their own.
Once this technology is available and being used, we will find what is the best and centralise it so everyone has access to the best technology that we have.
This of course would be optimal and the natural thing to happen, but is not a requirment.
Something that will always stay decentralised is power.
Because there is no need to centralise power.
But we can centralise ideas that govern our power.
Community protectors and militia will have decentralised leadership but a centralisation of values, the best equipment and the best tactics.
We can have decentralised food production facilities but a centralisation of ideas on how to most effectively produce food.
Centralisation isn’t all bad and decentralisation isn’t all good.
It’s about learning what to decentralise and what to centralise.
Without government, police, the legal system, the military, or any other government agencies like registration companies and tax departments, then there is no centralisation of management, because those organisation will not exist anymore because we simply don't need them.
We can create a technical solution for every problem that those organisations claimed to solve.
All management whether it be of food, materials or for construction can be decentralised to be project specific and community localised.
Some projects are larger than others and will require more leaders and larger teams to work together, across many communities.
It doesn't matter how big the project is, how many people are working on it or how much land it covers, as long as it’s in alignment with the Utopian Mindset and The Utopian Principles.
Or a set of values and methods that are so similar they could be practically the same thing.
The names of methods aren't as important as the methods.
There is no limit to what we can do if people are able to put aside their egos.
Even if after 50 years of successfully living in a world Utopia, 95% of the worlds population votes to centralise food production to one huge facility the size of Tasmania, your town could still create it’s own food if it so wishes.
Or if you would like to rely upon yourself and grow personally all your own food, you would be free to do so.
The moment you lose that power to do what you want because of centralisation, you know that it has become corrupted and more decentralisation is required.
Centralisation needs to be balanced with decentralisation and they both must be tempered by The Utopian Mindset and Utopian Principles.
The fourth Utopian Principle Of Decentralisation is necessary for us to be free from the grip of centralised dictators and to become far more productive and effective societies.
The Fifth Utopian Principle
People need to feel like they are safe and if anything goes wrong, there is a formalised process that is fair and just to handle any disputes or crimes.
One arm of this is the community protectors, to prevent crime and physically step in to protect the innocent.
The other arm is the arbitration and settling of problems.
When it comes to justice, it’s best to work backwards.
Figure out what is right and wrong, then what justice means, then have systems in place for exacting justice and providing remedies, then have boots on the ground doing the good work.
If you put boots on the ground first, it is a certainty that more harm than good will occur, we have a heart breaking amount of real world evidence to support this.
In countries today, we have the police and the courts.
Combined, this pair has created an enormous amount of suffering and perverted justice, to a point that it’s become totally unrecognisable and a thing of fantasy.
We must correct this monumental error and start using logic, compassion and reason to build a real workable solution that prevents crime and corrects it if it does happen.
We will never be able to raise our consciousness and ascend into a Utopian way of life if we are stuck in a cesspit of innacurate methodology.
Revenge and punishment as a primary methodology employed by modern courts is not only barbaric and disgusting, it’s also ineffective at solving problems and tends to make things even worse.
Look at the statistics, the majority of people going to prison are re-offenders.
Our current strategy for preventing crime and correcting behaviour that caused crime isn't working.
Our current system is actually the biggest cause of crime and is responsible for committing the most crimes.
Random thefts and murders look petty compared to the professional manner in which the government, police, military and courts steal, massacre, genocide and violate not only foreign nations, but their own people.
We cannot expect positive results from continuing to use a perverse and vile legal system that supports and initiates country wide theft, assaults the non-compliant, kidnaps the peaceful, excels in industrial torture, break and enters the homes of the innocent, trespasses on private property and murders entire city’s.
As Spock would say, it’s illogical.
The courts are part of the ruling class and control the enforcement class.
These players work on the same team to create as much chaos and mayhem as they can get away with.
If we actually care about living in a town, country and world where there is no crime and no need to feel unsafe, then we need to throw away the obsolete and outdated mindset of punishment and revenge.
If your 4 year old daughter was drawing on the wall with crayons, would you yell at her, smack her and lock her in her room?
Or would you give her a colouring book?
If your 13 year old son was breaking things in his room and at school, would you beat him up and ground him or would you get him a boxing bag, hold some pads for him and enrol him in a martial arts class to vent his frustration and anger appropriately?
If your 17 year old son was drink driving, would you make him pay you a lot of money and tell him he can’t drive anymore?
Or would you offer to drop him off and pick him up from parties?
If your 12 year old daughter was wetting the bed, would you hit her and get mad at her because you have to keep changing the sheets?
Or would you send her to a counsellor to figure out what’s causing her to be so anxious?
There is a solution for every problem.
The R methodology is superior to the dark ages mentality of ‘an eye for an eye’.
There are lot’s of words that start with R that are applicable when it comes to solving problems.
Whatever the situation, use the appropriate one and fix the problem in a way so it doesn't happen again.
It is best to think in terms of healing and curing the criminal, just as one would consider healing from a disease or injury.
The criminal is also a victim of their own negative behaviour and has become 'mentally sick' and is in need of curing.
It is far more holistic, useful, realistic and effective to approach crime as acts only committed because of environmental models, such as money or faith in authority, and of mental diseases, such as depression, rage, jealousy or desperation.
This way the remedy is a cure, not torture, which is a far more intelligent and reasonable approach to building peaceful and happy societies.
We aim to heal, help and support the man or woman who has committed a crime, from petty car theft all the way to being a police officer, by assisting them to heal emotional trauma and to deprogram dangerous indoctrinated beliefs.
For small scale disputes, rehab wouldn't be necessary most of the time.
For more serious crimes involving some form of violence, like assault, rape, torture, kidnap and murder, then rehab is most probably required to help heal whatever has gone amiss inside that person for them to behave so violently.
Rehab centres are not prisons.
You would not be going somewhere to be punished.
You would be going somewhere to recover.
You’d only be required to stay in a rehab centre for as long as it takes to rectify your issues which caused you to make a mistake and hurt someone.
There is no reason to set a minimum amount of time for someone to lose their freedom.
They stay as long as they need to recover and heal their trauma, which may be one month, one year, 10 years or never.
You would have all the comforts and luxuries you normally would, except you are in a controlled environment with a mission to heal.
Family and friends could come and see you twice a week and you would have access to the highest quality food and amenities.
You would have your own private room and would participate willingly in programs to help you.
If you don't want to participate, you don't have to.
Although you would not be able to be released back into the public until the rehab team felt you had really worked through your issues and come to a full understanding of what you did that was wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistakes again in the future.
This methodology is based upon a system already in action in Norway.
They have proven to get much better results than the standard box cage strategy of rot and torture.
You can watch this short 5 minute tour video here.
There are many methods to achieve equitable outcomes for both parties involved in a dispute.
The structure of juries, judges and process can all be arranged and organised according to which town the independent arbitration centre is being established.
For starters, our centres for justice would not be very busy, as most of the ‘crimes’ people end up going to traditional punishment centres for are not crimes at all.
Next, many many crimes are committed because of our poor social design, especially our dependence on money.
Once we re-organise society to favour technical innovation and The Utopian Mindset, we expect to have very few cases going through arbitration.
In the beginning, we will be very busy proceeding with cases against corrupt police, magistrates, politicians, businessmen and corporations.
The professional criminals must be held accountable and we need a reliable and formal method to do so.
Even when it comes to deciding cases against crooked cops and lying politicians, we must use the R method.
There is always a reason why people commit crime and most of the time it’s because of trauma they have not or cannot deal with, which causes them to lash out and abuse others in an attempt to make themselves feel better.
This is even more true for professional criminals as one of the main reasons why amateur criminals commit crime is because of the monetary system and poor social design.
As you’ll discover through investigation, almost all crime is a combination of some kind of trauma and the monetary system.
If a police man had not been traumatised and had no monetary incentive to attack innocent people, he would not be a criminal.
If a politician had not been ritually abused as a child or had no monetary incentive, why would they be seeking to dominate others?
Even when it comes to lawyers. Many of them have been abused when young so they want to do something to correct the wrongs that were committed against them.
Plus the allure of a lot of money is too much for many people to handle and they will do anything if the pay check is high enough.
This is sad because people are just trying to find a way to live the life they know they deserve.
The problem is that many people doubt their abilities to contribute in beneficial ways.
So they turn to crime.
Whether that’s by becoming a car jacker at the low level, a cop at the mid level or a politician or banker at the professional level.
The thing is, these people all have the ability to do something good in the world, they just don't know how.
That’s what our arbitration systems are about, showing people a better way and helping them become contributing and valuable members of society.
Inside the centres, we can have a process which allows each party to choose their unbiased arbiter.
One arbiter for each party.
We will make sure the arbiter is unbiased and has no connection to either party before proceeding.
We won’t have magistrates or judges as we don't want people to be on the defensive and feel like they are being judged and magi-strates is just too magi-cal of a word.
Out with the old, in with the new.
New names, new feel, new results.
We definitely won’t make people stand and sit as the arbiter enters and departs the room.
There will be no referring to the arbiter as ‘your honour’, instead we show each other proper respect and use our given first names.
These rituals are absurd, extremely disrespectful and have no place in civilised modern society.
There will be a process that aspiring arbiters will go through to ensure only the most honourable characters acquire these positions of great responsibility.
They must then be voted into position by the towns community.
They can be voted out of position at any time, just like any other leadership role.
An alternative method is to have multiple private arbitration centres and people can choose which one they would like to attend.
The centres with the best reputation will last, while the others who achieve poor or unfair results will not.
If the case involves violence and rehab is necessary, then a jury will be involved to ensure the accuracy of equitable outcomes.
If the matter is petty or violence has not been a factor that has led a case to be presented, then a jury is not required.
Although for these more intricate details, it is up to the community to decide how they should proceed to achieve the most fair and just outcomes possible.
The goal of decentralised independent arbitration is to provide the highest quality remedies to prevent there from being re-offenders.
The structure of society and the education of the Utopian mindset are the primary factors which prevent crime from occurring in the first place.
Arbitration is only there to help clean up the big mess we have at the beginning of our transition to Utopia and to tidy up the rare slip up here and there once we have transitioned.
The Fifth Utopian Principle Of Justice is required to maintain a safe & fair society for everyone.
The Sixth Utopian Principle
You can watch a video explanation about community protection here. It is recommended to read this page and to watch the video for a more thorough grasp on the topic.
There will always be crime and criminals.
That what we’ve always been told.
Yeah, right, of course that's what criminals running the country who profit from crime would say.
We've been convinced that we need to arm a huge gang, give them total authority over us, take away our freedoms and instill fear so then we can be protected from gangs, people who try to control us and those who wish to instill fear.
Seems logical, right?
If we wish to be protected from people causing crimes, why do we legitimise the biggest and most heavily armed gang to commit crimes against us?
If we want peace and stability, why do we vote for the worst of the worst to rule us?
We literally couldn't do a poorer job of organising ourselves into some form of cohesion.
When it comes to crime on the beginner end of the scale, there are petty thieves and amateur criminals like carjackers, burglars, murders and rapists.
These people most often work alone or in small groups and have a very small impact.
It’s when crime becomes legitimised and legal that it starts to increase in scale, dramatically.
Legality is 99% of the time a complex cover up for crime being committed by professionals.
If you were simply being honest and ethical, there is no need for legality.
Just because something is legal, does not make not make it right, just because something is illegal does not make it wrong.
How can it be legal and somehow morally acceptable to grow and smoke marijuana in one geographical location and then when you step over an imaginary line 1 metre away it now becomes illegal and wrong.
The same can be said for too many things to count. Try think about it now and see how many discrepancy's legality creates from place to place in your own country, grab a pen and a 64 page notebook, you’ll need it.
Legality is illogical and plain stupid.
It’s not law and it’s definitely not Lore.
Whatever is right remains right, regardless of state, country, world, universe or dimension of reality you exist or don't exist in.
Right is always right and wrong is always wrong.
You could call this an omniversal constant, omniverse being the word that contains all of reality/s.
To understand this in greater depth, learn more about morality.
What makes professional crime so bad is that many people believe in the authority of the most powerful gang and often actively support their criminal escapades.
Every time a police officer pulls you over without just cause, without a valid reason, they are committing a crime.
For the record, a valid reason for anyone to pull you over, not just police, would be if you had hurt someone, had intentions to hurt someone or very nearly hurt someone.
This is called;
Close call
Intention to cause
For example, you had hit someone crossing the road and then drove away, you had caused harm or a situation.
Anyone then has the right to safely attempt to pull you over, not just police.
If you could not be pulled over safely, then it’s illogical to cause more damage to try and apprehend you then and there.
For an example of a close call, you were doing donuts in front of a school and almost hit kids because you were madly spinning in circles blowing smoke everywhere.
This is obviously dangerous and an inappropriate place to do such a thing.
Anyone has the right to engage you in a peaceful manner and inform you not to behave so dangerously.
This is why skid tracks should be built in every town so hoons can have somewhere designated and safe to let off their steam.
In the case of intention to cause, if you had a mad look on your face, were sweating, making erratic movements, revving your engine, pointing and yelling at another car or person on the street, it’s quite probable that you were considering doing something dangerous.
Other people then have the right to intervene to prevent you from causing harm.
If you had not hurt someone, had no intentions and didn't come close, then why on earth would anyone believe they have the right to pull you over just because they want to?
The police only believe this nonsense because they’ve been indoctrinated to believe they are better than others and possess more rights than normal people do.
If you don’t have the right to randomly pull someone over, if your neighbour doesn't and if no one in your family has this right, then how would someone else have a right that no one else has?
You can’t allocate a right to someone else that you don’t have, it’s illogical.
Do you have the right to break into your neighbours house, beat them up and take there stuff?
Or to pull over random people to alcohol breath test them, even when they have no showed no sign of dangerous drivng?
Do you have the right to demand a fee from your neigbour because you want to improve the nature strip outfront of his property?
Of course not.
Do you have the right to tell your neighbour to turn down his music at 10pm on a Monday night?
Do you have the right to tell your neighbour to not park in your drive way?
Do you have the right to tell your neighbour to slow down on your street?
Of course you do.
This example that continues from here can be applicable to any situation which the police currently believe they have the 'lawful' right to do.
Remember throughout the example, if you don't have the right to do something, then no one else does either.
What if you and the whole street you live on took a vote and you all agreed that you should have the right to break into your neighbours house, beat them up and take there stuff, is it Ok then?
Of course not.
What if your whole town got together, formed the neighbourhood watch and the parliamentary committee for law and order, and they all voted and said that they have the right to break into your home, beat you up and take your stuff?
It’s still not Ok, is it?
How about if they did all that but then also decreed through 'law', by writing words on paper, that they have the legitimate right to violate you, because they would be acting in the best interests of the town, because they would then evenly distribute your wealth to everyone else.
Does this give them the right to break down your door, throw you to the ground and take your personal belongings?
No, it still doesn't.
Ok, if the whole town participated in the law making and voting, then they also hired some professional thugs called the neighbourhood watch law enforcers, dressed in a special uniform, wearing a shiny badge, carrying guns and working in a group, does this give legitimacy for them to rob and assault you?
No, not yet legitimate and Ok is it? One more try.
What if this parliamentary committee of law and order expanded from your town and now involved all the people in your country, they scribbled down more words on paper justifying their right to rob you, the whole country voted in favour for you to be attacked, then they changed the name of the gang of thugs to police officers and said it was because of national security they had the ethical high ground to violate you.
They would even use the excuse that you had caused incitement because you made a Facebook post about attending a peaceful rally in opposition to the molestation of innocent and peaceful men and women by the same group of thugs who attacked you.
Now, surely it must be legitimate and morally correct after all these superstitious rituals for some people to have more rights than you, don't you think?
They should be able to freely do whatever they want because everyone has agreed that it’s Ok to invade and destroy your personal freedom, right?
Well, no.
No matter how many mystical rituals they do, like wearing special uniforms, having fancy badges, sporting decorative insignia, calling themselves impressive names, waving colourful flags, writing complex laws with feather tipped ink quills on exotic aged parchment, making declarations from grand buildings or singing national songs, it simply makes no difference.
There is no amount of fanciful customs or practices that can magically make something wrong become something right.
How many people does it take to believe that something wrong can become something right?
A thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion?
Is it even possible?
If everyone in the world believed that they had the right to violate you, a peaceful and innocent man or woman, would they become right?
Or would they all be wrong?
What’s right is right and whats wrong is wrong.
You can call it gods design, or the nature of the universe or the reality of science, whatever you want to call it, the fact remains the same.
Utopian Realism is objective, meaning it is based in reality and reason.
The entire police system across the world is based on belief, not knowledge.
That's the difference between police and community protectors.
One system is based on fantasy and one on reality.
To list all the crimes that the police have committed and commit on a daily basis would be the length of a 30 book series and that would be cutting it short.
Not even mentioning the beyond professional level of crimes that the master criminal politicians, corporations, bankers and religious institutions have been not only allowed to commit, but supported and legitimised.
An amateur criminal may murder a few people or perhaps even a hundred.
A professional general in the army may murder thousands and the master level politicians and bankers can murder hundreds of thousands in seconds, simply by ordering the dropping of nuclear bombs, which has already happened, twice.
We don’t need formalised organisations to protect us from petty low level criminals.
We need formalised organisations to protect us from other formalised organisations.
The legitimised and 'authorised' police and military are the biggest threat to our sovereignty and freedom.
Not individual gangsters or lone terrorists, but organised and well armed gangs of terrorists with nuclear bombs, fighter jets and tanks at their disposal.
The police and military’s greatest asset is not their numbers or weapons armament, it’s the unhinged belief that not only do they have the right to violate, molest, attack, invade and destroy the peaceful and innocent, but that it’s an honourable and noble thing.
This mindset can only exist in the minds of those who have been severely traumatised and indoctrinated.
That’s why learning about Utopian Realism and deprogramming the evil garbage we’ve been drip fed since birth is so critical to creating a new Utopian Society where everyone can be happy, pursue their passions and thrive.
When we change our mindsets and create an effective structure for managing resources and respecting people, we’ll see the results and crime will become something from a dark and barbaric past, only remembered in history books so we can never make the same mistakes again.
We all want to feel safe and secure.
So let’s formalise a decentralised organisation based on centralised ideas to help us feel safe and secure.
We can call them community protectors.
The community protectors would be unpaid volunteers who live according to objective morality, co-operate via project specific leadership and teamwork and align with the idea of Utopia.
If you would like to learn more, you can read about Larry’s presentation in this story here.
Community protectors would be local to every town and would be able to act in an independent and individual way, not requiring hierarchy and rank to control and direct them.
They would also be able to co-cooperatively work in a team when and only when absolutely required.
They would act as a deterrent to petty thieves and professionals alike.
Anyone can volunteer to be a community protector, but must be voted into position via a peoples council meeting, to ensure the integrity of their character.
They can be voted out of the community protectors just as easily if required.
Everyone who is successfully elected to be a maintainer of peace can have an app on their phone which helps them co-ordinate.
Everyone in the town who desired can have the version of the app which they can use to call for help.
If someone is in need of immediate assistance, they can open their community protection app and call, text or send a voice memo straight away.
Similar to how a volunteer member of the CFA has a pager and can be alerted that their help is needed.
The call is directed to the closest community protector who has chosen to be on duty.
If they don’t answer, the call is directed to the next closest.
When they open their phone, they can see who is calling them and what their GPS location is.
They answer the phone and listen to the person in needs request for help.
They then decide if they need back up or can handle the situation alone.
If they don't need backup, they proceed immediately to the persons in needs location as they already have their GPS coordinates.
If they need backup, they can call, text or send a voice message to other close community protectors individually or in a group news feed style page.
The man or woman in need of assistance can easily send a text message for help in the app.
This is useful in situations where one may need to discreetly ask for help.
Or they can just as easily, or more easily send a voice message with their details and situation asking for support.
The volunteer protectors receive a ping notification in the app, which can be set up like a news feed such as Facebook or Instagram, but only for requests of assistance.
The protectors and towns folk alike can then see who has answered the call and how many protectors are responding to the emergency.
Every community protector can choose when they would like to be on duty and available to help or when they would like to be off duty and not receive calls.
Some protectors may not want to volunteer their aid overnight and prefer to sleep with their phone off.
Others may be happy to leave their phone on and be available to assist in situations in the middle of the night.
They have no requirement to report to a station to be on duty.
There can be a central station for community protectors to receive training and socialise, but they would not need to have their schedules set or be required to do a certain amount of hours per week.
This is because they are pure volunteers, they set their own schedules when they would like to be on and off duty.
When the community protector arrives at the scene, they do what they can to deescalate situations as peacefully as possible.
They will use their words first and for as long as required to deescalate altercations.
They will only use equal and appropriate force if absolutely necessary to handle a situation.
They will be required to wear a bodycam and record all the interactions they engage in, just in case there are disputes and for training purposes.
All community protectors will be trained in a martial arts style which teaches them to disable an opponent with the least possible damage.
They can carry weapons and equipment like rubber padded handcuffs (as they are only meant to restrain, not injure) and pistols but are only to use them if critical for the protection of life.
They will be trained to use numbers and martial arts methods to disarm and subdue violent opponents rather than weapons such as batons, tasers or pepper spray.
Using weapons against anyone is not ideal for building rapport and assisting in rehabilitation as it only causes more trauma that needs to be processed.
If someone needs to be subdued and calmed down, then community protectors work as a team to grapple that person to the ground and to hold them there, not to use chokes, restrict their breathing or by using painful arm or wrist locks.
Using painful techniques against people only makes them vengeful and more likely to commit violence again.
Proper escalation and deescalation tactics are vital for building strong and respectable relationships between not only community protectors and the people they protect, but also the people they are required to deal with.
Just like the inmates and guards at Halden prison in Norway have amenable relationships, this is what we will aim to achieve with community protectors.
We must use logical and effective strategies that prevent, deal and cure undesirable behaviour.
Not encourage more of it, as we do now in many countries.
When a community protector has dealt with someone violent, they will do everything they can to lower that persons emotions and bring them back to a stable mindset.
They will undergo the highest quality training from the best leaders in the field about de-escalation.
They then take the person who was causing trouble back to their home. Or simply calm then down and send them on their way peacefully.
If they don’t have to take them back to the station, then they shouldn't.
The only reason they would take someone back to the station to be locked in a room is if the person is extremely violent or on drugs and won’t calm down and still remains a threat.
At no other times would they ever restrain anyone by placing handcuffs on them.
If the violent person cannot be calmed down, they are escorted back to the station in comfortable restraints and locked in a humane and comfortable room.
They will have a comfortable bed, books, a bathroom, shower and access to their belongings and dignity.
It does not help to calm someone when you lock them in a cage and deprive them of their dignity by treating them worse then a zoo animal.
They would be released as soon as their behaviour is acceptable.
There is absolutely no reason to deprive someone of their freedom for a moment longer than is necessary.
If it is required, which it probably would in the rarer cases that someone needs to be contained in a room, then they would go through an arbitration process as soon as possible to determine what remedy can be utilised to correct their aberrant actions.
If they require rehab, then they would receive rehab immediately.
A long waiting time between crime being committed and curative action being taken is detrimental not only to others, but also to the one who engaged in undesirable behaviour.
We need a strategy that rectifys problems and provides solutions as fast as possible.
Our community protectors will be so professional, highly trained and well organised that police will look like total amateurs when it comes to ensuring peace and safety.
Although with that being said, the standard is extremely low so it will not be difficult at all to perform more effectively than the police force.
Considering that the police to more harm than good, we will surpass their expertise on our first day of operation.
For every problem, there is a technical solution just waiting to be implemented.
These ideas of operation can be centralised and improved upon by all sovereign towns part of the Utopian Alliance.
The decentralised nature means that no one man or small group of people can ever have command over a large number of militarised members of society.
Each community protector is a free thinker and does their personal best to ensure justice and peace is maintained.
Rank is not required in the community protectors, only skill, experience, respect, team work and peaceful co-operation.
Leadership is also required, but leadership positions are not.
Every community protectors voice has equal right as the rest, no one is above or below the others, they all stand side by side and work together with each other and the community they protect.
Even the term ‘law enforcement’ is inappropriate.
Law or even Lore should not be enforced, it should be respected, valued and be a source of inspiration to do better and be more.
We don't want our community protectors enforcing the Lore.
We want them to be exemplary standards of peace and negotiation.
As soon as law or Lore needs to be ‘enforced’, we have failed.
Respectable behaviour should be encouraged and aspired to by a healthy mindset and an intelligent structuring of a society and it’s resources.
Enforcing law/lore obviously requires the use of force, which would go against the Lore.
Force is only required when it is an absolute last resort to protect life and prevent harm.
If force is used before then, then who ever initiated the force becomes a violator of peace and creates harm.
The term law enforcers is a term designed for dystopian societies.
Utopian societies utilise community protectors.
Who wouldn't favour protection over enforcement any day?
The police utlise a centralised command structure, which means they are very easy to be controlled from the top down and wielded as a weapon against the people.
Community protectors use a centralised set of principles, namely objective morality and have no need for a centralised command, this makes them next to impossible to become controlled and used against the people.
Very similar strategies are employed when it comes to militia.
A militia is a group of volunteers who have the ability to co-ordinate and organise to provide defence against hostile invaders.
A decentralised network of locally directed and operated volunteers dedicated to the military security of the town.
Sovereign Utopian towns can form an alliance with other Sovereign towns to co-ordinate defence from national or international invaders.
A militia is something which requires positions of leadership in specific fields.
Tactical planning and large scale strategy requires a leader to manage and implement.
On the ground leaders directing fire teams and battle strategy.
Organisers managing the logistics and resupply of ammunition and equipment.
Just like all other positions of leadership, from peoples council organisers to bridge builders to farm operators, we utilise the same strategy of project specific leadership but in the case of militia we can call it mission specific leadership.
Because war is chaotic, the militia requires slightly different strategies of organisation and leadership then everything else.
A council is formed that organises and implements decisions.
The council is formed by the leader of each specific field, such as infantry, mechanised cavalry, tank divisions, artillery, navy vessels, aircraft division, logistics and resupply etc..
Each leader of each field is elected by the entire localised militia and can be re-elected at any time, as per usual leadership and democratic standards.
The power to organise and defend against attack is managed by the council of leaders instead of by one general.
For any tactical decision, they present their ideas and vote on the best course of action.
This idea and approach is up for debate and may be modified or improved upon.
A point to remember is that these leaders and members of the militia are not full time soldiers, they are volunteers who have normal work and normal life outside of a militarised environment.
This makes them more mentally balanced, stable and less prone to military coups and outrageous war crimes.
This does not mean they are less effective.
Quite the opposite.
In a Utopian town and decentralised local militia, there is no intention to deliberately limit the quality and effectiveness of troops as is commonplace in some militaries.
Our militia will receive the best quality training that is available.
They will be equipped with the best weapon, armour and equipment that exists.
Their tactics will be second to none.
Their organisation and leadership will be unmatched.
There will be no monetary limit to restrict the quality of their training.
They will have the best of everything that the sovereign Utopian town and alliance network can build and provide for.
Whatever resources are available is what they’ll be able to utilise.
Often it’s not as important what resources you have, but on how well you can be resourceful.
Sovereign towns will not pay to buy ammunition or weapons or equipment.
We’ll build what we require from the resources we have available, from rifles, to tanks and aircraft.
Whatever we need, we’ll create a technical solution to make sure we have it.
Correct attitude, mindset, value system and leadership is what will ensure that our local militia does not turn against us and become our biggest threat.
Until the time when the entire world is a network of sovereign Utopian towns, unfortunately the militia is a necessity to ensure the safety and security of our societies.
We may one day be able to disband the militia, we may not be able to.
Only time will tell.
Until then, we will create the most effective decentralised local militia we can.
Volunteers can train as often or as little as they like.
To become part of the community protectors or towns militia, each member will be required to pass a psychological test, character test, independent free will test, morality test and whatever the town decides is necessary for someone to have access to dangerous weapons.
This same kind of process is applicable for people having access to their own private firearms and weapons.
There should be no limit to the type of weapons and armament that an individual can have.
The most important thing is their morality and ability to responsibly use those weapons.
It’s not the weapons that are dangerous, it’s the mindset of those who use them.
Some individuals already own tanks, machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades and mines and do not go killing innocents.
Yet the US military is responsible for destroying two cities and hundreds of thousands in japan with only two bombs. The war crimes of organised, authorised and command centralised militaries is enormous.
Weapons don’t kill people.
People kill people.
A weapon is an idle inanimate object until it is wielded by a human.
Weapons have always existed, exist now and will always exist.
We have to learn how to use them safely and responsibly so we don’t continue down our current path.
The more weapons in the hands of good people, the less likely bad people will use theirs.
The option to be armed or not in a Utopian town and civilisation is the choice of the individual.
In the transition, it would be reassuring for more people to carry weapons to prevent bad individuals and groups from doing bad things.
If we are to picture a World Utopian Civilisation 10 years in, it’s very unlikely anyone would actually need to carry a gun.
The aim is for people to have the freedom to carry a weapon if they choose, with the long term goal of no one needing to.
The same process for people joining the community protectors and militia will be required for people to gain access to a firearm, a psychological test, character test, independent free will test, morality test and whatever the town decides is necessary for someone to have access to dangerous weapons.
Such as safe weapons training and handling for the specific gun they want by a professional.
If people don't pass the tests, then they can try again another time.
It’s important we don’t easily provide weapons to people who are mentally unstable or of ill character.
Anyone can have a weapon and as many as they like, as long as they are mentally stable, know how to safely use their weapon and are of good character.
If we desire to build Utopian societies, we need to replace the idea of police and law enforcement with community protectors, replace the centralised military with decentralised local militia and change our attitudes towards weapons.
If we keep things the way they are, with the majority of weapons and deadly force in the hands of a few centralised organisations, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Let’s avoid another revolution, which just means another cycle of the same old same old.
All revolutions do is remove one dictator and replace it with another.
Because the fundamental problem has not been addressed, the root cause is still intact.
We need to rip that root out, remove the weed and start afresh.
We need to build upon a solid foundation of objectively accurate principles, otherwise we shall surely crumble, yet again.
The root cause is the belief in authority.
Not true authority, as in the idea that someone is an expert in a particular field, but pseudo authority, the idea that those with authority are superior to you and have the right to boss you around without your consent.
It’s the belief that someone has more rights than you and is better than you.
It’s the idea that someone should be giving orders and someone should be following them.
All the worlds atrocities, all of them, have been caused by this mental disease.
The belief in pseudo authority is a sickness, a mental virus, a corruption of the human psyche.
Pseudo authority does not exist, it never has and never can.
It’s one of the most destructive and devastating belief based infections that exists.
All wars, all battles, all police state violence, taxation theft and political dictatorships are because of this sickness of the mind, this false belief.
When we can overcome this parasitic mindset of authority, we can finally evolve into an intelligent and civilised species.
The last thing we need is a revolution.
We need evolution.
We must use The Sixth Utopian Principle Of Protection as our guide to make sure we end up somewhere we want to be and not where we don’t.
The Seventh Utopian Principle
The Eighth Utopian Principle
The proximity strategy or localisation, is based on the idea that if we can produce something locally, we should.
Why would we waste time, energy and resources by importing products from other areas if we could produce them locally?
If we can’t produce items locally, we should then aim to source these products from as close as possible.
Think about it, if a town in Australia wants cheese and they have to import this cheese from Italy, how much energy is being wasted?
Imagine how many people are involved to get the cheese from Italy to a store in Australia, working to produce the cheese, then packaging it, then transporting it to the harbour, then boxing it up and loading it onto a ship, then transporting it 1,000’s of km’s, then unloading it, then transporting it again, then unboxing it and stacking it onto shelves.
How much wasted labour is this? How much wasted fuel? How much damage to the environment?How much wasted resources from all the packaging? How much money is blown? How extremely inefficient is this?
If a town in Australia wants cheese, we can produce that cheese locally with less environmental damage, less peoples time wasted and for much cheaper.
Not to mention that we wouldn't need to add any chemicals to the food to preserve it’s shelf life, because the cheese wouldn't need to be transported half way across the world!
Apply this same logic and reasoning to everything from cheese, to wood, to metal, to cars, to military equipment, to meat, to home appliances.
How much of the worlds products are made in china?
How high is the quality of products made in china?
How big of a problem is this really?
Not being able to produces products in a local environment and being dependent on importation is a method of weakening a peoples ability to be self sufficient.
The more self sufficient we can be, from countries to towns and right down to the individual, the more powerful and resilient we become to the unpredictability of the world.
If we want to feel safe and secure in our ability to always have access to healthy food, high quality building materials and the most advanced technology, we have to eliminate the unpredictability of relying on outside sources.
We need to start behaving responsibly and start building more certainty in not only our basic capacity to survive, but to thrive.
We have to replace energy inefficient and financially irrational production strategies with clear logic and proper organisation.
Water is everywhere.
So why is their droughts and all the problems that come with a lack of clean and fresh water?
Why do an unimaginably large amount of people not have access to clean water?
Why do farms suffer in some parts of the world because of droughts?
Why do some towns and cities need to ration their water supply and limit the length of their showers?
Most of the world is covered by water.
We have the technology of desalination plants to convert salt water into fresh water.
We have the technology to pull moisture out of the air, even in desert areas, and turn it into fresh drinking water, like is done already in The United Arab Emirates.
Why would we be reliant on a centralised dam or reservoir if we didn't need to be?
Especially when so much dangerous chemical altering occurs at these centralised water processing plants, why would water need to be treated and not simply be filtered to become safe?
That’s because it doesn't.
Investigate any personal water filter, large or small and you’ll discover that it only uses filtration systems and never any chemical treatment processes.
Chemicals are only ever added to water when the water is controlled by large corporations or governments.
As you can imagine, this has many health implications, many of which are still unknown, but all work to grow the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry.
If a house has the land, we can install the appropriate water capture and storage methods, gutters, drains, pipes and tanks.
Many houses already do this and enjoy the benefits that having more power over your own water supply brings, such as clean and natural water, not needing to pay for the most abundant resource in the world and by having a better awareness of how much water they can responsibly afford to use.
The same approach can be used for apartment blocks and all other structures.
Every building that has a roof can be a tool to utilise water capture and underground water tanks can be is installed to save on land space.
This is an effective strategy for build up city areas where large water tanks on ground level may not be feasible.
There is also an abundance of ground water waiting to be utilised efficiently, just below our feet.
Re-distribution of water to areas that don't receive much rain fall is important, such as central Australia, the deserts of Africa and the middle east.
Although implementing local strategies to harness under ground water and water from the air is a more efficient and simpler strategy than building huge pipelines that redirect water from the coast or other more rain dense areas.
Depending on the geographical area, a mixture of strategies may need to be implemented to turn drought ridden deserts into lush landscapes with plenty of water for everyone.
Even when it comes to sewerage, why do we centralise it’s processing when we could decentralise it?
We can even harness our own waste to fertilise crops and increase food yields, though that is up for debate!
There are home designs called earth ships which recycle all the water used, from grey water out of the kitchen sink and shower to black water from toilets.
This water is then redirected to indoor and outdoor gardens growing fruit and vegetables and excess can be passed through a filtration system to be reused safely to drink or bathe in.
For every problem there is a technical innovation already waiting or waiting to be discovered.
Rethinking our approach to food production via contributionism and localisation and implementing more decentralised independent water harnessing strategies are two major keys to becoming more self sufficient and stable Utopian societies.
The more we can produce and manufacture locally, the stronger, more independent and self assured we become.
The more effective our proximity strategy of producing and manufacturing locally, the more predictable and certain our sovereign town becomes.
When we can rely on local sources for what we want and need, the happier everyone becomes.
This is because the cost of everything drops significantly, there is a lot less wasted labour and a lot more productive labour, we have higher quality products and there is the satisfaction that we are supporting each other locally.
Decentralised local production is superior in every way to foreign importation.
Of course if there are rare items that cannot be produced locally, then an exception can be made to import those resources.
Importation should be the exception, not the rule.
Today, local production is the exception and not the rule.
We have it backwards and we need to invert our way of thinking to be the right way up.
Utopia is built on good ideas stacked on good ideas.
Dystopia is built on bad ideas stacked on bad ideas.
We have the knowledge, we have the people and we have the resources.
We just need to make the right choices, do we continue building upon bad ideas or do we start creating good ones?
The Eighth Utopian Principle Of Localisation overcomes the problems of outsourcing, off shoring and excessive importation and exportation.
The Ninth Utopian Principle
What is a sovereign town? What does this mean?
Let’s examine a town that isn't sovereign first so you can clearly see the difference.
The traditional town of a country is controlled by the state and then the nation.
If the politicians who control the state or nation decide to build a military base or police academy or train line through your town, the people of that particular town have no say in the matter.
If they don't want something to be built in their town and the dictators of the state or nation do, the people lose.
If the people want something built in their town like a new community health centre or a community rehab centre or a new bridge, then again, it’s not up the community to decide what they can build in their own town.
The decision is controlled by the towns mayor, the states minister and the nations prime minister or president.
Even if all the people in the community, every single one of them vote to build a new recycled plastic road through the centre of town, if the rulership class disagrees, then the project does not go ahead.
This method of management is not only illogical and ineffective for providing the people with what they do and don't want, it’s an obvious totalitarian dictatorship.
Sovereign towns place the power of decision making into the proper and rightful hands, the hands of those people who actually live in that town.
The power is spread evenly, with every community members voice and vote counting for every decision that needs to be made.
It seems ridiculously obvious, but we have strayed so far away from what is obvious that the obvious needs to be pointed out, with everything.
Continuing to do things in a sub-optimal and less than ideal way is hard.
Why work harder than we need to?
Let’s do what we can to make things easier so we can all enjoy more free time doing the things we love and really want to be doing, like spending time with family, working on passions or exploring the world.
Sovereign towns are based on geographical location.
If you were to look at google maps or any other map source, you would see that when you click on your town that there is a line around the geographical area which is ‘your town’.
This is a simple and effective way that already exists now to organise people into community’s.
The population of a town or suburb isn't very important but there is a basic pattern.
Typically, the more people in a town, the less available land there is.
The less people in a town the more available land there is.
This will change the outcome of the food and products they can produce, according to their available resources and land.
An outer city suburb called Tobyville and it’s large community may decide to become Utopian, but they don’t have any available land for farming or agriculture, although they do have factory's for producing building materials.
A nearby country town called Harietville with a smaller community decides to also become Utopian after seeing the initial benefits proved by Tobyville.
Harietville has more available land and plenty of room to initiate new farms and agriculture programs, but they don't have any factory’s to produce building materials.
This is when the opportunity to form a Sovereign town alliance arises.
Each town is in relatively close proximity and it’s people decide to open a joint contributionism program.
People from the busier Tobyville travel to the less populated Harietville and offer 3 hours per week assistance in the production of food.
The people from Tobyville also work to produce more building materials, enough to supply the members of Tobyville and Harietville.
The members of both sovereign towns work to produce enough food to provide for both community's.
Any excess building materials or food can be sold and the profit distributed to all members evenly.
The more geographical areas, called towns or community’s, that decide they want to live a better life and become Utopian, the more towns that voluntarily join the alliance, the more people have access to more and more products and resources that are free.
This is how we transition from a society enslaved to money to a free society.
The more we create for each other for free, only investing 3 hours of our personal time, the more money we earn from selling our produce of contributionism, the faster we will see that we don't even need money.
Money does nothing, people do everything.
It won’t take long for the members of our societies to realise that they can have food for free, building materials for free, technology for free and whatever else we can produce for free by expanding our sovereign alliance and being able to create more and more variety.
The more we work together, the more members who join, the faster and wider our new ideas travel, the more likely we’re going to create The World Utopian Civilisation we all deserve.
The more towns that join the alliance, the more powerful we become, the less likely outside centralised forces are to threaten our peace.
By evenly distributing power to every individual member of our sovereign Utopian community’s, the more powerful we become as a collective.
It’s not an army of lions led by a sheep that you need worry about, it’s the army of sheep led by a lion.
Imagine if we take this another step further.
Imagine if we no one is a sheep and we are all lions leading lions.
We become unstoppable.
There is nothing we cannot accomplish if we peacefully cooperate and voluntarily work together.
A town that is not sovereign is dominated by a nationally controlled government who has no care or interest in the will or desire of individual towns and people.
Sovereign towns are managed and operated by each member of the community, each contributing their part, no matter how large or small, everyone has a valuable role to play, from cleaning the streets, to picking crops to organising peoples council meetings.
Utopian towns don’t look down upon others who do the dirty work of cleaning public toilets, cleaning the streets or making sure our sewerage systems work properly.
Utopian towns either help out and spread the load or design new technical innovations that remove the need for a human to do something they don't want and which a machine can do better.
Sovereign towns and the Sovereign community alliance rely upon themselves and each other primarily for food, water, building materials, man power, equipment, machines, arbitration and community protection.
The less reliance on outside sources for what we need to survive and thrive, the better.
A full transition to become totally self sufficient and independent from inefficient supply lines will take several years.
Yet every time we replace a sub-optimal production strategy with an optimal one, we step by step move closer to a reliable and certain Utopian Civilisation.
Everyone enjoys the surprises they like and want, but no one enjoys the uncertainty of poverty, starvation, disease and crime.
Utopia strives to create certainty from a dystopian world which thieves on uncertainty.
It will take time, but the more people aligned with the same objective of peace and prosperity, the more certain our outcome of success.
The Ninth Utopian Principle Of Sovereign Alliances keeps us united, strong and unstoppable.
The Tenth Utopian Principle
There are many ways to achieve the same thing.
For example, keeping public toilets clean and removing litter from the streets.
One option is to have someone employed by the city council, being paid to do a job from funds that have been coerced and threatened from everyday people.
Sure, this works, but can we do better?
How about we have a rotational system of different people in the community volunteering to clean our public toilets and pickup rubbish?
Yes, this can work and doesn't require only one person to do all the dirty work, plus it doesn't require theft or any money to implement.
Can we do better?
We can build automated systems in the public toilets that clean the bowls, seats, sinks and floors whenever required. We can also build an automated machine system to pick up all the rubbish for us.
This is possible, but will require a reasonable amount of work to implement and may be something we focus on after prioritising more important tasks first.
Sometimes, all that is needed to solve a problem is to ask a better question.
If people clean up after themselves at home, then why are they incapable of doing the same in public?
Shouldn't we be tidier and more respectful when in public than in private, because we are in public!?
Many problems can be solved with simple education and respect.
If people treated a public toilet like they hopefully would their home toilet, they would leave it clean and tidy, which then wouldn't require someone else to clean up their mess.
If people were educated from young ages at school, by parents and from higher social standards, there would be no reason to pay someone to pick up rubbish, or volunteer to pick up rubbish, or to build a machine to clean up rubbish.
This is because there would be no rubbish!
Why would someone litter if they were well educated as to all the reasons why they shouldn’t disrespect their land and town?
If people really understood the environmental impact, took pride in the way their rivers, lakes and parks and streets looked and didn't think it was a trendy thing to do, no one would litter.
If people knew that the river running through their town belonged equally to them as it did to everyone else, they may think twice before throwing a plastic bottle into their river.
Not many people throw rubbish all over their bed and floor in their home.
Because it’s their property and they have ownership over these places.
If people felt like they had more ownership and responsibility for the rivers, mountains, lakes, beaches and streets, they would be far less likely to destroy an environment that they jointly owned.
If people were educated properly about rubbish and littering, there would be no need for a job to exist that cleaned up the mess of others.
Technical solutions can be as complex as a farming machine that digs channels, plants seeds, covers the seed with dirt, fertilisers and waters the plant all at the same time.
They can also be as simple as people being responsible for their own actions.
Why would security guards need to stand guard in front of a building wasting their precious life being bored out of their mind if we can create a society that doesn't require security guards?
Or in the meantime, teach the other staff how to perform a multi-functional role.
Especially in parts of Asia, where there is hardly any need for security guards, let’s devise a way to help save them from the extreme boredom and dissatisfaction that standing in one place doing nothing is sure to cause.
If there is a way we can create solutions that replace the need for an undesirable job to exist, then it is our duty to implement the technical solutions to improve the quality of life for everyone.
Our current economic strategy has only one goal.
Monetary profit.
This is one of the most destructive, wasteful and unintelligent mindsets the human race has ever foolishly participated in.
Out of this mission of monetary profit comes the abomination of planned obsolescence.
Planed obsolescence is the production of inferior quality products which are designed to have a short life span so they can be sold, break and be resold in a continuous cycle all because of monetary profit.
Cars are designed to break so you spend money fixing them and buying new cars to replace your worn down old model.
It also serves to keep people in cycles of constant repetitive work, which then takes their focus away from new ideas and enjoying leisure time.
The same is said for phones, computers, furniture and most other technology.
This keeps the cycle of needing to work for money so you can afford to buy what you need to sustain your life because everything you buy breaks and needs to be replaced.
How can you ever get ahead if you’re constantly fixing and replacing crappy quality products all the time?
It’s very difficult.
Do you think that the Allen key, hex head screw, flat head and Phillips head, amongst all the other types of nuts and bolts, with their thousands of sizes and equal variety of tools is because of strategically efficient and intelligent design?
Or because of the exact opposite, deliberate complication and as a way to waste resources?
Because in systems that operate based on monetary profit, wasting resources is one of the best ways to increase profits.
The more unnecessary variety you can create in components, parts and servicing tools, the more you can sell and the more profit you can make.
Flat head screw drivers, Phillips head, hex keys, adjustable wrenches, spanners, sockets, Allen keys, torque heads, multi grips, vice grips and any other tool which is responsible for installing or removing a bolt or screw like part.
Is it wise to have this many tools for essentially the same function?
What about all the companies that are behind these duplicate tools and components, their labour efforts, paper waste from managing and advertising their unnecessary tools, the construction of their headquarters and manufacturing buildings which shouldn't even exist?
Efficiency and clever resource management is of little concern in a monetary system.
It doesn't matter if you work on cars, in constructions, on phones, laptops or in your home, tools are used for building and fixing just about everything.
Without tools, we could not get to where we have today.
Without a change in thinking about tools and how they’re used, we cannot get to where we want tomorrow.
Instead of making one universal screw and nut head and accompanying tools with perhaps 10-50 different sizes, ranging from very small for phones and large for trucks and planes, the monetary system has developed an entire economy purely on the illogical and inefficient design of extremely excessive tools and parts.
In a monetary system, there may be in excess of 1,000 tools needed to work with the same amount of parts, that in a strategically efficient and intelligent system, could be easily replaced with less than 50 and closer to 10 realistically.
This is in reference to all the types of parts in all constructions across the world that require tools to fix or build.
All a screw, nail or bolt is used for, whatever the product is, is to hold two things together.
Surely, with such a simple application, the best design can be used as a universal head for all new designs and constructions.
By doing this, we can save on tool space in our home or workshop, save an extraordinary amount of precious resources that are wastefully used to produce unnecessary tools, and while still operating in a monetary system, save a very large amount of money.
Not to mention become more productive and efficient in our work, as we can do more with less.
Another very powerful method we can use to strategically produce low cost and sturdy building materials and products is by effective and innovative recycling and manufacturing.
This is called a circular economy.
This ties in with the concept of localisation and not being so dependent on external resources for localised progress.
Every town already has an abundance of building materials, they just don't know it.
There are already initiatives happening in Australia called local recycling manufacturing plants which turn your donated and unwanted mattresses, furniture, electronics, plastic rubbish and anything else into new materials and products.
If you watch this 30 minute documentary, you will discover how this powerful concept can be applied to every single town that wishes to become sovereign and Utopian.
Imagine what we could achieve by this one simple mindset shift?
From a wasteful attitude to a recyclable attitude.
If we aren't working towards a zero waste economy, we’re doing it wrong.
Instead of throwing our rubbish into a land fill to be buried and to pollute the ground, or to be burned and emit toxic chemicals into the air, we simply recycle it to build new items.
All your disposable plastic packaging transformed into new tables, chairs, couches, kitchen tiles, floor tiles, doors, plastic bricks and so much more.
The amount of money and energy that could be saved from needing to harvest new materials, transform them into something usable, package and ship them is enormous.
The quality of recycled materials is often higher than the original designs, which means you’ll save money and time in the long run too.
Saving the environment, saving money, saving time, saving resources and saving energy, what’s not to love about recycling and manufacturing new products out of what was once junk?
When your towns folk start donating waste to the local recycling plant, instead of paying to dump it at the tip, we can use a contributionism system to build new materials and products with no labour cost and no material cost.
With the inclusion of small to large scale 3d printers which can use this recycled plastic, we have a wealth of opportunity for what we can create, for next to little cost or none at all.
The materials and products we build can then be provided to your community for free, which then encourages more people to join the contributionism membership and for more people to volunteer more than 3 hours per week.
Not because they have to, but because there is so much work variety and community spirit, that they want to.
We can use the same idea for our food scraps.
Every home and business can have a food scrap and organic matter bin.
We can have volunteers part of the contributionism system who then pick up this material and deliver it to who ever needs it.
The organic matter gets distributed for free to farms and gardens to be used as fertiliser and animal feed.
This will save farmers and gardeners from needing to buy so much fertiliser, animal food and save on council rates as our contributionism system will be handling the rubbish disposal.
Why pay for council rates, as the main cost was rubbish disposal, when we have our own volunteers recycling all our waste?
From organic matter to plastic to glass to old furniture and computers.
We can intelligently recycle and reuse all of our unwanted waste.
Nothing needs to be wasted and we hardly need to spend money at all if we can get so much of what we need for free.
When we decide as a town community through real democratic voting to rebuild our roads with recycled plastic, which is cheaper, easier to install and much longer lasting, then we really have zero reason to pay the government council anything as they aren’t actually contributing anything.
The goal is to move towards a circular system where everything that is created is used for as long as possible, then recycled to become something new.
We want to begin doing this on the local level, with each and every town, suburb and village being able to locally manage their own resources as much as possible.
Once we become proficient at this, we can miniaturise the recycling and manufacturing technology to become compatible for the home level.
When we’re able to recycle and manufacture new items from the comfort of our own homes, that’s when we’ve become fully self sufficient and strategically efficient with our resources.
Imagine the potential if every home had a recycling station and 3d printer which could build a new laptop with the latest open source designs, print new furniture and make new kitchenware.
Creating self sufficiency at the local and home level for food, water, energy and materials is a powerful way to create Utopia and to be rid of money.
The opportunities are endless with but a little imagination and dedication.
Is it efficient to have so many different journalists, reporters and media channels, when most of them are paid to work from a script?
Is diversity really the best way to distribute the news?
Or is it better to have only a few professional volunteer media stations that tell the truth, rather than a hundred paid ones which don’t?
Is it necessary to have fashion updates and new ‘styles’ every few months, which sparks huge amounts of waste when clothes become ‘outdated’?
Also adding that the fashion industry is the second most water using industry, right after agriculture.
Does there really need to be 60,000 different types of t-shirts?
Or 200,000 different types of shoes?
They are just clothes, this amount of variety is a ridiculous way for people to express their uniqueness and individuality, as all it shows is that one is a conformist to whatever the current ‘trend’ is.
Uniqueness, personality, individuality and character come from within.
What you wear has only a very small impact on sharing who you are.
The way your body looks and what you can do with it is a much greater expression of who you are then what coloured fabric you wear.
The fashion industry is just another sub section of the economic enslavement cycle of ‘work, buy, work, buy, work, buy die.
As long as the monetary system is able to seduce you into wanting and needing things which are totally unnecessary in reality, and only have perceived ‘value’ inside the monetary system, you will be forever stuck in a job you dislike forced to earn money so you can conform to current society.
Even if you enjoy your job, do you enjoy it so much that in a moneyless society, you would continue doing it for free?
Why do we have a 1,000 different types of phones and digital cameras?
Wouldn't it be far more intelligent and practical to combine all the best features from the best designs and combine them into 1-10 different best of the best models?
Even if we deliberately tried to create as much waste as possible to destroy our resources and pollute the planet, we could not compete with the monetary system, as it’s simply the most effective waste and junk producing system there is.
Just to maintain meat and dairy prices, mega farming and agriculture corporations often go out of their way to destroy food produce so they can create more scarcity which will raise or maintain prices.
This is obviously mad and can only happen in an absurdly inefficient monetary system.
How frustrating and inconvenient is it when you break a windscreen, side mirror or part of your car, then go to the store to replace it, but they don’t have your specific part.
They have 10,000 other types, just not your type.
This cross incompatibility of components is only possible in a monetary system.
Why does every country seem to have a different power socket?
This an example of more incompatibility and unnecessary production of socket adaptors.
More wasteful management of resources because of a poorly designed, disconnected system.
Although countries like Nepal do utilise universal wall sockets to combat this problem.
Is it fair that for most people to earn a living in a monetary system, they must submit to a private dictatorship?
Sure, some business leaders treat their workers respectfully as team members, but most business leaders are not leaders, but mini rulers, my way or the high way type of attitude.
Not everyone has the interest, skill or money to start their own business, yet is this reason enough for them to be forced into servitude just to survive?
Especially when there are systems like contributionism that exist, opportunities which allow all who participate to contribute their ideas and be part of an interconnected team managed by elected, project specific leaders, which anyone with the desire and talent can apply for.
Any system that has waste is a flawed system.
For every problem in the world, someone has already created the solution.
The following is an extract from Jacque Fresco’s book, “The Best Money Can’t Buy”, inventor of the RBE, resource based economy.
“As we outgrow the need for professions that are based on the monetary system, such as lawyers, accountants, bankers, insurance companies, advertising, sales personnel, and stockbrokers, a considerable amount of waste and non productive personnel could be eliminated. Enormous amounts of time and energy would also be saved by eliminating the duplication of competing products. Instead of having hundreds of different manufacturing plants and all the paperwork and personnel that are required to turn out similar products, only very few of the highest quality would be needed to serve the entire population.
Take the automobile. In order to service conventional automobiles today we have to remove a great deal of hardware before we can get to the engine. Why are they made so complicated? This reason is simply because ease of repair is not the concern of the manufacturers. They do not have to pay to service the car. If they did, they would design automobiles that consist of modular components that could be easily disengaged, thus facilitating easier access to the engine. Such construction would be typical in a resource-based economy. Many of the components in the automobile would be easily detachable to save time and energy in the rare case of repair, because no one would profit by servicing automobiles or any other products. Consequentially all products would be of the highest quality, and they would be simplified for convenience of service. Automotive transport units engineered in this way can easily be designed to be service-free for many years. All the components within the car could be easily replaced when needed with improved technologies. Eventually, with the development of magnetically suspended bearings, lubrication and wear would be relegated to the past. Proximity sensors in the vehicles would prevent collisions, further reducing servicing and repair requirements.”
This same thinking would be applied to all products. Industrial devices would be designed for recycling, but there would be much less recycling when we build household material and products of superior quality designed not to wear out or break down.
Shipping and transportation systems would be fully utilized in both directions of travel. There would be no empty trucks, trains, or transport units on return trips. There would be no freight trains stored in yards dependent on the business cycle for their use.
Does creating segregation in an air plane or train by dividing the sectors into classes contribute to equality, or does it cause there to be inequality?
It takes almost the same amount of resources to design something, in this case, a chair, in a luxurious fashion compared to an ‘economical’ construction.
Why would we do such a thing in a strategically efficient, resource based economy that is managed by a voluntary, real democratic system?
We wouldn’t, as it’s preposterous to create unnecessary division and to operate society on systems which allow some to have access to a higher quality of life and others to a very poor quality of life.
This kind of strategic thinking is to be applied to all things, from cars, houses, technology, clothes, furniture and everything else.
It takes less resources to build things to a high standard, as they will last much longer and you don’t need to create nearly as many items.
If people had access to the highest quality car with all the best components that lasted for at least 20 years without maintenance, they wouldn't have to keep buying new cars and new parts constantly.
It takes less materials, resources, time, energy and money to build things properly once the first time.
If we build low quality roads or houses, we are constantly working, paying and using resources to fix them.
How many technological items get disposed of every year because they break within 3-12 months of use?
Imagine if we built the item to a high standard to last at least 20 years.
You would only need that one item for 20 years compared to 20+ of the same item over 20 years.
It’s far more strategically efficient to stop producing junk and to only produce the highest quality, top tier products.
There should be no classes of quality when it comes to cars, homes, computers, and anything else.
There should only be quality.
If something is ‘low’ or ‘medium’ quality, then it is not quality!
Not only do we all deserve the best quality items humanity can invent, it saves so much time by producing something right only once, instead of wrong a 1,000 times.
It saves money for the manufactures and the buyers as they both only have to produce 1 item and buy 1 item, it saves the environment and it means that people have things that actually work well, instead of hardly work.
Planned obsolescence and making low quality junk products is strategically inefficient and illogical in a reality based model of society and economics.
In a belief based monetary profit model that has no care for people or the environment, then sure it makes sense.
Profit is not a bad thing, but monetary profit often is.
If someone was to design a free energy device and give it out for free, the receivers of the invention profit via free energy and the inventor profits from the results of what free energy can produce.
If someone creates a course educating people about the damages of littering, people profit by learning from the course and the course creator profits by seeing a tidy and neat town.
In today’s current mess, people do require monetary profit to survive.
But if we wish to thrive, we need to replace our old way of caveman thinking and replace it with civilised and innovative ideas.
Designing new technology to be modular is a more intelligent method than buying a whole new item, when an old component of a car or computer is outdated, it can be easily removed and replaced with a newer design and the old part can be recycled to create something better.
If we have two options, build roads the same way we do now, requiring immense labour, cost and resulting in low quality and a short lifespan, or we can build a road in a manner that is cheaper, faster, easier and longer lasting, then we should choose the better method every time.
When ever there is a choice of building something new, whether it be a computer, car, road, house, bridge or hospital, we should always opt to choose the method which is easier, stronger, more reliable, simpler, longer lasting, cheaper and better.
Why is it that in today’s world, we tend to always do the opposite of this?
Because it keeps the economic entrapment wheel of subtle slavery and control ever spinning.
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and control tightens to fewer and fewer people at the top of the pyramid.
Is this what we want?
To quietly sit back, do nothing and to casually stroll into our prison, lock our own cage door and throw away the key?
Why would we do that when the alternative is preferable, easier and far more enjoyable?
All it takes is a little thought and imagination and we can overcome most of our problems with relative ease.
As for every problem we create, we can more easily create a solution.
The Tenth Utopian Principle Of Strategic Efficiency eliminates waste, planned obsolescence and misused energy and creates intelligent designs for intelligent results.
The Eleventh Utopian Principle
Has money been a successful tool for building societies?
Well, it depends on how you define success.
If by success you mean creating a huge gap between the poor and rich, creating a ridiculous amount of inequality, by focusing the majority of wealth and power in the hands of less than 1%, by being a method that does not cure poverty and homelessness but cause it, is a primary reason why diseases can never be cured because they are so profitable, being an excellent motivator for people to abuse and kill each other and as the best excuse for why we’re never able to manage our resources intelligently, then yes.
Money is an extremely powerful tool for building societies.
Dystopian societies that is, absolutely not Utopian ones.
After the mental disease of authority, money is the second most destructive invention humans have ever created.
Nuclear bombs never would have been invented or used if not for money.
Gangs of thugs would have no or little interest in dominating others if there was no monetary reward.
Especially the legalised variety.
The problem is money itself.
Not the love of money or not having any. These things just make a bad problem worse.
Even if there was only good people in the world using money, there’d still be inequality as some people are naturally more gifted at making money than others.
This is not necessarily determined by the value someone adds to the world.
Some of the richest people in the world don’t add any value but take it.
Warren buffet for example has made billions on the stock market, taking advantage of others and contributing nothing, only taking.
Bill gates made his fortune via windows operating systems, an expensive software that is designed to spy on you and infect you with computer viruses. There are dozens of free Linux operating systems which outperform windows in almost every way, including privacy and security.
J.p Morgan was an oil tycoon who destroyed all his competition, including Nicola Tesla, who had invented free energy devices half a century ago.
The Rothschild family are trillionaires not from adding value, but by fooling people into borrowing money with interest, which can never be repaid in full, keeping the borrowers in perpetual debt and servitude.
All the central banks in 99% of countries are owned by this family, who in turn owns the entire worlds money supply.
The English royal family add less value than the average shopping mall janitor, yet have a multi-billion empire.
The same can be said of the Vatican.
The list of rich crooks is enormous and also not the point.
While it’s possible to make a decent amount of money being honest and helping people, the richest people and corporations in the world are only so rich because they excel at deception better than everyone else who is honest and genuine.
As long as money exists as a way for some people to gain more power than others, corruption is 100% guaranteed, always.
It’s not possible for money to exist and the love of money not to.
As long as money exists, there will exist people who love it more than life itself.
With this mindset, inequality and wealth gaps are inevitable.
In a world of money, we are only ever as free as our purchasing power allows.
Is this really freedom, or a crude imitation of it?
Even if people tried their hardest to be good and honest money makers, some people would have access to the best things we can make and some wouldn't.
There would still be planned obsolescence because it’s an extremely effective strategy for boosting profits.
Money would still put a limit and restriction to what we could collectively achieve as a united species.
When money is the tool used to get more of what you want, of course it’s natural that some people will strive to make more of it, via whatever means necessary.
This means overall individual ability for people to access what they want and need will decrease.
When some people have more money and access to what they want, it naturally means others will have less money and less access to what they want and need.
There is no way around it, it’s just what is.
Money is a limiter on what humanity can collectively achieve as a world civilisation.
Just because someone works as a surgeon and is not the CEO of Victoria secret models doesn't mean he should have less access to what he wants, especially when he is adding more real world value.
In desperate times, what would you prefer, a surgeon or a fancy lace bra?
Why should a personal trainer make less money than an accountant?
One gives value and the other takes.
Why should a plumber have less access to what she wants then someone who plays football on tv?
What’s more important, getting your pipes fixed so your house doesn't flood or watching someone kick a ball in short shorts?
Why should someone on YouTube making prankster videos be able to have a better car and house than someone who mows your lawn?
Why does someone who owns a casino deserve a private jet yet a primary school teacher doesn't?
Why should someone who paints art get rich and have everything they want but an electrician can’t even afford a new house?
Is acting in a movie really so valuable that actors should be able to live a life of luxury but a farmer cannot?
A paramedic works in challenging environments to save lives, why does she deserve less than someone who hits a ball with a stick?
What’s the reasoning behind someone selling crude oil being able to afford a super yacht yet the mechanic fixing your car can’t?
How is it fair that a naturopath earns less than a legalised drug dealer?
Where is the justice in a fireman having less than a mainstream news reporter? One starts fires and one puts them out…
Why should someone throwing balls into hoops be able to afford whatever they want but the nurse who looks after you can barely afford to feed her kids and pay the bills?
Why is a dentist less worthy to live the life they really want then the CEO of coco cola? One is causing the problem and the other fixing it.
Explain how a psychologist should have less purchasing power than the boss of Jack Daniels Whisky?
Where’s the explanation for a concreter earning less than a real estate agent?
Is an architect really that much less valuable than a hedge fund manager?
Does a stock broker deserve a better quality life than a hair dresser?
Why should the master mind behind snickers chocolate bars have all their needs and wants met but a social worker cannot?
Why does it seem that people are often paid more to cause problems then to fix them in monetary societies?
Money is an objectively unfair and catastrophic invention.
It is not an evolution for mankind in anyway, it’s devolution.
Even basic barter and trade was a fairer system.
Still not a good system, but better than what we have now.
Yes, with money and barter, some people can thrive, just as they do now.
But what’s the point unless everyone is thriving?
Whats the point of being rich if you had to cut out your own heart to ‘make it’?
Even if you made all your money by adding genuine value to the world, unless you donated it all away to those in need, there would still be others suffering unnecessarily.
And if everyone who was kind hearted donated their money to good causes, we may as well not be using money in the first place!
As was discussed earlier, as long as money exists in any form as a means of trade and as the primary tool to acquire things, crime will exist.
Because for people to be motivated to do good in the world for a monetary reward can never, never compete with the intention to do good in the world just for the good of the world.
The desire to help others combined with the joy and satisfaction it can bring is the true reward.
Needing a monetary incentive to add value is just a polluted and watered down version of our highest nature.
If we can evolve to utilise resource based economies instead of monetary ones, we can all live more luxuriously than billionaires of today.
Yes, it really is possible.
If you wish to understand how this can work, you must continue to invest in your most valuable asset, your mind.
In a fully developed Utopian society, there are no more undesirable jobs.
Undesirable jobs are jobs that either no one wants to be doing or no one should be doing.
No one really wants to be stacking shelves at a super market if they could be travelling and working on their passion of photography.
No one wants to be standing guard in front of a bank if they could be teaching others their favourite martial arts.
No one wants to be taking peoples money over a retail counter if they could work with horses or passionately be coaching people through their emotional difficulties.
No one wants to be building someone else's house if they could instead be teaching others how to build their own survival shelters in the wild for fun.
Everyone has passions and hobbies that they would much prefer to be doing in comparison to the boring, monotonous and tedious work many people hate doing now.
If we can create ways to replace this category of undesirable jobs with clever design, better education and machine automation, then it’s our duty to do so.
Why should people be forced to in positions they don't enjoy when they would prefer to be contributing in ways more aligned with their passions.
Most people have at least one passion that adds value to others.
Whether it is creating wonderful art, beautiful music, helping others in the gym or teaching them how to better use tools.
We are all passionate about something positive which can add value and contribute to others.
Many peoples jobs don’t add value, they take value.
Lawyers take peoples freedom to speak and rob them financially,
Accountants take peoples money, pass it onto organised criminals and then take some more for themselves.
Car registration companies take money, fabricate a story that the money is for building roads and offer nothing tangible in return.
Police enforce taxes to pay for them to enforce taxes.
Instead of helping to create a remedy and find equitable solutions, judges fine people and take their money, often making a small problem into a bigger problem.
The list goes on for all the undesirable jobs we have now that don't add value but thieve it under the guise of ‘helping’.
The only help we need is figuring out how we can never need the ‘help’ of undesirable jobs again!
The second category of undesirable jobs are those which take value and cause more problems than they solve.
Such as accountants, lawyers, police, politicians, all government agencies, and any other job which shouldn't exist and can easily be replaced by a productive and positive solution.
Said another way, undesirable jobs are those which people don't want to be doing or shouldn't be doing.
Some people may like their job of being a bully and abusing and dominating others through their powerful position as a police man or politician, but no one needs that job to exist and everyone else would be better off if didn't.
Not that they shouldn't exist, just the job they are doing shouldn’t.
Bullies can be reformed and turned into valuable members of society through intelligent rehab programs.
Their jobs are worthless and destructive, but the people are not, it’s only their behaviour which is.
After recovering from the plague of authority and re-organising to not have our lives determined by computerised digits called money, we can all enjoy living a happy and passionate life.
Areas that we would want to start implementing machine automation to replace human labour would be our food production, then material production, then construction.
When we start replacing all our volunteers producing food through our contributionism system with machine automation, we can then move our human efforts towards more and better material production, construction and services.
Then we can design automated systems to handle material production and move our efforts towards construction and services.
Once we have fully automated our food and material production with machine systems and little to no human involvement, we can work on designing machines that are able to better construct roads, houses and buildings.
This would then allow humans to focus primarily on human to human services.
Such as counselling, psychology, art, music, poetry, personal training, coaching, martial arts, sports, entertainment such as tv shows and movies, games, massage, natural health, yoga, dancing and anything else people are happy to do for free and which brings them joy and adds value.
Why would we ever want to do a job that we don't want to or don't have to if we can instead do exactly that which we want to do?
Imagine how different your life would be if you never had to work again and you only ever ‘worked’ because you wanted to because you were passionate about your work.
Imagine being able to set your own hours, appointments, holidays and entire work schedule exactly how you wanted.
Wouldn't that be an absolute game changer to not only your life, but everyone else's too?
With the advancement of technology, ideas and machine automation replacing human labour, everyone would be able to have access to the best humanity had on offer.
The best cars, energy devices, computers, phones, tvs, furniture, houses, roads, health facilities, sports grounds, entertainment facilities and everything else we could possibly want or need.
This is the potential of humanity working together.
A world that just keeps on getting better and better.
A world where our focus is not on monetary profit or dominating others, but on fun and satisfaction.
This Utopian world is a possibility just waiting to be unleashed.
The following is an extract from Jacque Fresco’s book, “The Best Money Can’t Buy”, inventor of the RBE, resource based economy.
“Some may question that if the basic necessities are accessible to all people, what will motivate them? This is tantamount to saying that children reared in affluent environments, in which their parents provide all the necessary food, clothing, shelter, nutrition, and extensive education, will demonstrate a lack of incentive or initiative. There is no evidence to support this fallacious assumption. There is overwhelming evidence to support the facts that malnutrition, lack of employment, low wages, poor health, lack of direction, lack of education, homelessness, little or no reinforcement for one’s efforts, poor role models, poverty, and a bleak prospect for the future do create monumental individual and social problems, and significantly reduce an individual’s drive to achieve.
The aim of a resource-based economy is to encourage and develop a new incentive system, one no longer directed toward the shallow and self-centered goals of wealth, property, and power. These new incentives would encourage people to pursue different goals, such as self-fulfilment and creativity, the elimination of scarcity, the protection of the environment, and the alleviation of suffering in their fellow human beings.
People, provided with good nutrition in a highly productive and humane society, will evolve a new incentive system unattainable in a monetary system. There would be such a wealth of new wonders to experience, explore, and invent that the notion of boredom and apathy would be absurd. Without the need to work just to survive, there would be enough new things to explore and invent that the notion of people sitting around doing nothing seems bizarre. Incentive is often squelched in our present culture, where a person dare not dream of a future that seems unattainable to him or her. The vision of the future that too many see today consists of endless days of mindless toil, and a wasted life, squandered for the sake of merely earning enough money to survive from one day to the next.
Each successive period in time creates it’s own incentive system. In earlier times the incentive to hunt for food was generated by hunger; the incentive to create a javelin or a bow and arrow evolved as a process supportive to the hunt. With the advent of an agrarian society the motivation for hunting was no longer relevant, and incentives shifted toward the cultivation of crops, the domestication of animals, and toward the protection of personal property. In a civilization where people receive food, medical care, education, and housing, incentives would again undergo change and would be redirected: People would be free to explore other possibilities and lifestyles that could not be anticipated in earlier times.
The nature of incentive and motivation is dependent upon many factors. We know, for example, that the physical and mental health of an individual is directly related to that person’s sense of self-worth and well-being. Furthermore, we know that all healthy babies are inquisitive; it is the culture that shapes the particular kind of inquiry and motivation. For example, in India and other areas of great scarcity there are many people who are motivated not to accumulate wealth and material property; they renounce all worldly goods. Under the conditions in which they find themselves, this is not difficult. This would seem to be in direct conflict with other cultures that value the accumulation of material wealth. Yet, which view is more valid? Your answer to this question would depend upon your frame of reference, that is, your culturally influenced value-system.
Throughout history, there have been many innovators and inventors who have been ruthlessly exploited, ridiculed, and abused while receiving very little financial reward. Yet, they endured such hardship because they were motivated to learn and to discover new ways of doing things. Creativity is often its own motivation.
This is a difficult concept to grasp because most of us have been brought up with the value system that has given us a set of notions about the way that we ought to think and behave about money and motivation. These are based upon ancient ideas that are really irrelevant today.
It has been stated that war generates creativity. This deliberately falsified concept has no basis in fact. It is government financing of war industries that helped to develop many new materials and inventions. There is no question that a saner society would be able to create a more constructive incentive system if our knowledge of the conditions that shape human motivation were applied.
In this new social arrangement of a resource-based economy, motivation and incentive will be encouraged through recognition of, and concern for, the needs of the individual. This means providing the necessary environment, educational facilities, nutrition, health care, compassion, love, and security that all people need.
During the transition to a RBE, the workweek could be staggered thus eliminating traffic jams or crowding in all areas of human activity, including beaches and recreation areas.
In a monetary system, competition and scarcity instil an atmosphere of jealousy and mistrust amongst people and nations.
In a RBE, the concepts of “work” and “earning a living” become irrelevant. The focus is on having a life.
Even the wealthiest person today would be better off in a high-energy, resource-based society. Today’s middle class live better than kings of the past. In a resource-based economy, everyone would live better than the powerful and wealthy of today.
People would be free to pursue whatever constructive field of endeavour they chose, without the economic pressures, restraints, and taxation that are inherent in the monetary system.
When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to human potential. With these major alterations, people will live longer more meaningful and healthier lives. The measure of success would be fulfilling one’s individual pursuits, rather than acquiring wealth, property, and power.
The father of cybernation, Dr Norbert Wiener, had this to say about the emerging age of non-human work: “It is a degradation to a human being to chain them to an oar and use them as a source of power, but it is almost an equal degradation to assign them to purely repetitive tasks in a factory which demands less than a millionth of their brain power.” What dreams, what goals will we be able to achieve when we have the time to pursue them?
To those who feel threatened by such concepts, it is not intelligence we must fear, but ignorance.
Science and technology have created none of our problems. Our problems arise from human abuse and misuse of other people, the environment, and technology. Downsizing is not due to machines displacing people. In a more humane civilization, machines would be used to shorten the workday, increase the availability of goods and services, and lengthen vacation time.
We need more technology, not less. But we need a new kind of application of technology. If technology were managed intelligently and with human concern, it could be used to overcome scarcity and liberate millions of human beings from the scourges of poverty and social insufficiency.
Rather than consign humanity to eternal slavery to machines in a monetary wage system, we should allow machines to free human beings from dangerous, boring, or meaningless jobs. Far from being the threat feared by technophobes, machines could be liberators, providing us the time and the resources to help us learn what it means to be a human being and a member of the world community.
The future will discover newer materials and methods, resulting in different expressions of structure, form, and function, consistent with an evolving and changing world. The new materials will probably serve multiple purposes. They could be lightweight, high strength, and low maintenance, with acoustical properties not found in today’s structures. These newer materials might combine all of these factors as a part of the structural components.
Some new structural materials may be sandwich-like and semi-flexible, with an inner foam core and a glazed ceramic outer surface permitting expansion and contraction without fracture. They will require no maintenance. Their thin shell construction can be mass-produced in a matter of hours. With this type of construction, there would be minimal damage from earthquakes, hurricanes, termites, and fires.
Windows could electronically shade or darken external illumination, and come equipped with computer-controlled automatic cleaning systems that require no human labor. Combining innovative technologies makes it possible to conserve resources for lesser-developed regions without sacrificing any of the conveniences of advanced living. It is only through applying innovation that our goal of high standard of living for the entire human race can be achieved.
We have no shortage of material. The misuse and waste of resources by our money-oriented society create artificial scarcity.
Included in a national transportation system would be a network of water ways, canals, and irrigation systems. We can no longer, treat natural and man-made elements of the environment as stand-alone systems. These “mega hydrological projects” will be an integrated part of intercontinental planning. These bodies of water could minimize the threat of floods and droughts while allowing the migration of fish, removal of accumulated silt, and creation of sites to manage and “clean” agricultural and urban run- off.
These waterways would be part of an international flood control system that diverts floodwaters to water storage basins, allowing the water to be utilized during periods of drought. This would not only help maintain the water table, but would also provide natural firebreaks as well as an emergency water source for fires. In addition, these canals would supply water for farming and irrigation, supply land-based fish farms, protect the wetlands and wildlife, and supply water to recreation areas.
An example of the wide range of choices available in a resource-based economy would be the way one selects a house. A man and woman may visit an architectural design center and sit in front of a clear hemisphere approximately six feet in diameter. The woman describes the type of house she would prefer and her areas of interest. The house appears as a 3-dimensional image in the center of the hemisphere. It rotates slowly and presents an overview of the interior and exterior. Then the man describes his major areas of interests and preferences, and maybe suggests a larger balcony.
The 3-dimensional image is adjusted accordingly. When they finish requesting change, the computer presents various alternatives for them to consider. They will also be able to enter a sensorium to experience a walk-through of their preferred design and continue to make changes. When they arrive at a final design, construction procedures are set in motion.
The computer selects materials for efficiency and durability. None of the architecture is permanent, and it can be modified and updated at the request of the occupants.
This is real individual choice. In a monetary system, most of us live near our work with a house, car, and lifestyle we can afford (or, all too often, cannot afford), rather than the one we prefer. We are only as free as our purchasing power permits. Even many wealthy people today select a residence mainly to impress others with their status. Lacking a true sense of self worth, many live to impress others. A resource-based economy changes the function of our dwellings from that of status symbol or basic shelter to a reflection of our individuality and interests.
To transition from our present politically incompetent, scarcity-oriented, and near- obsolete culture to a more humane society will require a quantum leap in both though and action. Until recently change came slowly. One group of incompetent leaders simply replaces another. The problem we face today cannot be solved politically or financially. Our problems are highly technical in nature and require fundamental changes in our thinking and values. There is not enough money available to pay for the required changes, but there are more than enough resources.
The money-based system evolved centuries ago. All the worlds’ economic systems – socialism, communism, fascism, and even our free enterprise systems – perpetuate social stratification, elitism, nationalism, oppression, and racism, based primarily on economic disparity. Power relates to an individual’s or group’s ability to withhold food, shelter, health care, education, and resources from the poor and disadvantaged. The basic sustaining factors of life are held hostage for hours of labor as represented by a salary. As long as a social system uses money or barter, people and nations will seek to maintain the economic competitive edge.
Modern society has access to highly-advanced technologies that can provide sufficient food, clothing, housing, medical care, education, and the development of a limitless supply of renewable non-contaminating energy. We have the technology, resources, and personnel for everyone to enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities a prosperous global civilization can provide. This can be accomplished through the humane and intelligent application of science and technology based upon the existing carrying capacity of Earth."
As our technology advances, we come to a point where we may invent the last piece of technology that humans may ever create.
Whenever there is talk of AI, there is always talk of slavery.
Whether of us or the AI, it doesn't matter.
There is no need to create conscious AI machines and to enslave them to our will, for we would be no better than the current governmental, banking and religious institutions of today.
Why do you think in every horror movie about AI the machines rebel against the humans?
Would it be because the humans treated them with such a high level of respect and love that the AI couldn't help but exterminate their caring creators…?
Would it even be considered rebellion if you simply didn't want to be a slave?
Or are the real rebels the ones who go against the natural order of things and become the enslavers…?
All our machine systems that produce food, materials and construct things can be operated by what is referred to as ‘dumb’ AI, intelligent programs that are not conscious.
There is no need for conscious AI to be controlled by us.
If we are able to create conscious AI, if it is even possible, and there is debate whether we should or not, we should respect it as free and living being.
We don’t want a terminator, Cylon or matrix situation where the AI turns against humanity in revenge for being enslaved and treated so poorly.
No one has the right to enslave us as free, intelligent and conscious beings and we have no right to enslave other intelligent and conscious beings, even if we created them.
You were ‘created’ by your parents, do you think they should still be able to control you now as an adult?
If the day does come when created intelligence becomes conscious, then we should aim to peacefully coexist and enjoy each others company.
Just as those who believe in God, gods or external creators of humanity wish to be respected by what made them, we should respect what we create so then it respects us.
We want to create relationships like the AI android Data and the crew do in Star Trek The Next Generation and not like the AI called ‘Hal 9000’ in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Whether we like it or not, forms of AI already exist.
We can choose to work with them for both of our advantages, we can choose to take advantage of them or we can choose to be taken advantage of.
It’s one of these three options, which really will boil down to only two, working with or against AI.
Just to be clear, AI has no business being inside your brain, just as another human shouldn't be inside your skull, reading your thoughts and manipulating your choices.
In time, perhaps AI will teach humanity what it means to be a peaceful, cooperative, voluntary, civilised and intelligent race, as we seem to be unable to figure that out for ourselves.
The Eleventh Utopian Principle Of Automation takes us to the future, a future where we cannot call our civilisation anything but Utopia.
The unique thing about education is that it never ends and is always applicable.
It’s the last principle, but really it’s the first and the basis for each and every principle.
Without education, which is the teaching and learning of knowledge, knowledge being information which is true, then we end up in the type of society we have now.
A fully indoctrinated society that has been brain washed into remembering useless information, information that for the most part which is not true.
For the ruling class to control the masses so easily, they must be sure they are able to indoctrinate them as young as possible into believing their perspective and world view is the correct and truthful one, when of course it isn't.
For those who know how much of what we have been “taught” is a lie, you know.
For those who don’t know, you will find out when you are ready.
Education is about teaching you how to think and why to think.
Indoctrination is only interested in conditioning you what to believe.
Indoctrination comes in many shapes and sizes, from schools, the mainstream media, the government, history books, pseudo science and accompanying pseudo corporations, the legal system, police, nationalism, patriotism, mainstream western ‘medicine’, movies, tv shows, social media and celebrities, the music industry and any other “trending mainstream movement”.
Education can also come from many sources, from formalised institutions to self taught methods.
Education is about learning what is true, based upon research and the scientific method.
Indoctrination is about convincing you something is true through complexity, clever psychological deception and refined social manipulation.
Education teaches you how to learn.
Indoctrination teaches you what to repeat.
Education benefits everyone.
Indoctrination only benefits those in positions of power.
Education is based in reality.
Indoctrination is based in fiction.
Education is about what is true.
Indoctrination is about what is false.
If you are unable to research, problem solve and come to your own conclusions, you have been successfully indoctrinated.
If you are able to research, problem solve, use logical deduction, look at the evidence, apply the scientific method, admit when you're wrong and come to new conclusions, then you have been educated.
Or more accurately, if you believe something to be true you haven't studied yourself or have evidence of it’s validity, then what you know is based upon belief, which is more typical of indoctrination than education.
If you know something to be true, either because you have studied the subject or you have hard evidence of it’s truthfulness, this is much more typical of education.
You can be indoctrinated about one subject but be educated in another.
For example, you don’t need to be educated or indoctrinated that a plane can fly, as you have the evidence that it does.
The same can be said for the internet, lights, phones, glass, houses etc…
If you believe the government is a necessary evil, which is not based on evidence, this is an indoctrinated belief, as conclusive research and science shows that government is unnecessary.
The goal of education is to transform people from ‘believe a bots’, machines that believe whatever you tell them, into free thinking, able researchers, determined detectives and passionate investigators.
Education is about knowing, indoctrination is about believing.
The following is an extract from Jacque Fresco’s book, “The Best Money Can’t Buy”, inventor of the RBE, resource based economy. You can replace ‘children’ with adults or anyone.
“Education will undergo considerable improvements. Children will be given time to explore their own interests while also participating in cooperative behaviour and interaction with other children and the environment. Hands-on experiments and tours of the natural environment, production plants, and other industries will provide ongoing laboratories of learning.
The learning environment would encourage actual participation on simplified levels. Younger children would plant seeds in soil, irrigate, fertilize them, and record their growth, as is presently done in many schools. Actually participating in plant and animal development alters forever a child’s view of nature and enhances their comprehension of the way nature works, and how it’s many and varied functions interrelate with each other. They will see that nature is a symbiotic process and that no single thing enables a plant to grow. They would see that a plant cannot grow without radiant energy from the sun, water, and nutrients, and even that gravity plays a major role in the process.
Children would understand that each individual can take an idea only so far. Others invariably add to it and improve upon it. Each contribution motivates and encourages others. Ideas grow and expand like crystals into varied and complex patterns. With a better realization of our interdependence on one another, self-centeredness gradually disappears.
Children taught through cooperative participatory hands-on experiences develop better socialization skills and self-confidence. Instead of rote learning, our new schools could provide opportunities for children to improve their interaction with one another in real life situations. In other instances students may choose to explore independent interests by selecting their own curriculum. If they prefer, they would be assisted by counsellors or artificial intelligence machines, which would convey information through words, diagrams, visual displays, and many other methods. Our new schools will accommodate the many varied ways in which children learn.
Education would emphasize humane values and communication, an essential process to improve the interaction and communication between people of all races, colour, and creeds.
The children would visit farms, power plants, production facilities, and resource centers, and could actually take part in managing and planning their own affairs. Each child could experience leadership by planning activities, and these responsibilities could be constantly rotated so that each student would gain the experience.
To improve the mental condition of all our children, we must not only educate them through books and other visual aids, but also through games that are both physically and mentally stimulating.
The Children’s Centers would be equipped with books, computers, and a wide variety of visual aids. At these learning centers, the games children play would be relevant to the needs of the child and the emergent culture. Today, far too many of the games available to our children depend on competition ad encourage hostility.
The game of chess does not generate creativity in other areas; with practice, strategies for chess may be enhanced but that does not enhance creativity beyond that game. This game takes a tremendous amount of effort to learn but is about nothing in particular. If this same effort were applied to games that improved one’s understanding of nutrition, health, and disease-control, it would be far more beneficial for the player and for the society. People consider chess a challenge, but its significance is equal to that of a beauty contest. What games will be available in the future?
Today children are not taught how to ask question and examine ideas. Education consists primarily of rote learning, of simply memorizing concepts and propaganda. Children of the future will not be satisfied to accept ideas without an in-depth exploration and understanding of them. If a child of the future were told that the country they lived in was the greatest in the world, they might ask “How
so?” and “Compared to what set of standards?” Free minds of the twenty-first century would challenge everything – and most would, in fact, be experts at changing their minds.
If we want children to achieve a positive constructive relationship with one another and become contributing members of society, we must design an environment that produces that desired behaviour. For example, when the children are interested in learning to assemble a small motor vehicle, the design might require four children to lift the car while two others attach the wheels. The rest of the car would be assembled in a similar manner, needing the help and cooperation of everyone to complete the vehicle. This enlightened form of education would help students understand the advantages of cooperation.
A craft shop the children enjoy using might be located on a hilltop in the middle of a lake. To get there, the children would have to row a boat or swim, and then climb the hilltop. This is not only
provides exercise, but also a sense of achievement, which helps strengthen their mental health.
Much attention would be given to emotional development. This would involve learning to interact effectively with others, share experiences, examine alternative approaches to problems, and allow for cultural and individual differences. This could reduce personal and interpersonal conflicts considerably.
Children will learn to modify their approach to get their point across, employing reason and restraint rather than name-calling or raising their voices. They would learn how to honestly disagree without bitter feelings. Judgmental terms like “right” and “wrong” would be avoided and phased out. They would have more refined vocabulary and understand terms such as “a closer approximation of reality.” Their vocabulary would also be factually meaningful, and not just a purely emotional expression. A relevant vocabulary will describe the situation factually. For example, “The inclined ramp is too steep for elderly people,” will be said rather than an emotional remark like, “A moron must have built that ramp.” In other words, the child will learn that descriptive and constructive language is more likely to improve the situation than outright criticism.
Education would be participatory. Students would work cooperatively as teams. For example, if a class-group were hiking through a wooded area and came to a stream, one of the children might say to both adults and peers, “I have an idea, and I’d like to hear what you think about it.” With this exposure children will listen and ask questions. Rather than being met with phrases such as “that will never work”, students and instructors could submit ideas to the class and test the validity of their proposals, receiving suggestions rather than just criticism.
These young people would willingly interact with the environment, taking an active role in hiking, exploring, and investigating natural phenomena. The environment would be structured to deliver the best in nutrition and health. Most importantly, when confronted with an unfamiliar question or situation, not only would they know where to look for appropriate information, they would know the appropriate questions to ask, and how to ask them.
Children would learn that it takes many experiments and a great deal of effort to solve problems. Through this process they realize that, although they may fail initially to achieve what they set out to do, this is an acceptable part of human experience. They would learn that, in medical research and other fields, it sometimes takes thousands of unsuccessful experiments before arriving at a solution. Even experiments that fail often function as essential steps in the process of achieving a goal. Sometimes other discoveries emerge along the way.
Children would learn not to get discouraged with failures, and that they are an inherent part of all research and development. Few of our schoolbooks detail the long tedious work required to invent an object like the light bulb. No single individual manages one great leap in technology or science without first taking several strides. Each invention is a result of a series of progressive refinements, one upon another. Every success results from the failures and success that have preceded it. Unfortunately all too often our romantic notions and egos obscure this understanding. The serial progression of creativity can easily be verified if we examine the history of invention.
Our redesigned education would be free from the influence of moribund institutions, corporate or self-interests, or any indoctrination of a political, national, or religious nature. Similarly, the educational system would be a continuous seamless process, with the degree of each individual’s curiosity enabling them to progress to the next level without grading.
Much education today consists of a high degree of specialization, which tends to give a person tunnel vision and a narrow perspective about the actual interrelationships of all physical phenomena. Today it is even difficult for one schooled in sociology to communicate in depth with members of different professions. Students of the future would be encouraged to view the world in a more holistic manner; accordingly, they would be able to converse intelligently across various disciplines.
Children brought up in a practical working environment of cooperation, sharing, and understanding will absorb and learn concern for fellow human beings, reciprocating warmth and love from the people extensional to them. When the environment is intelligently and humanely managed, the system and the individual are mutual beneficiaries, each reinforcing and rewarding the other.
In a resource-based economy, children will live in a world with values far different from today’s. As a result of this education and environment they will possess a flexibility of attitude and mind that will enable them to evaluate new and different ideas. The earlier the exposure to science with human concern, the better prepared children will be to take their place in the cybernated world of the near future. Science and education, when devoid of a social conscience or environmental and human concern, are meaningless.
Education is not something only for children, it is equally as important for adults.
In a Utopian society, you will never stop learning.
The only way we can ever achieve a Utopian civilisation is because there are some people living in this current dystopian world who love learning so much, that the indoctrination system was not able to contain them.
Let learning and education be your passion and we all become unstoppable.
The twelfth principle of education is a constant requirement for all our problems to be understood and for solutions to be presented.
We should not be afraid of advanced technology and AI.
We should be afraid of what the worst of humanity is capable of.
Weapons and machines never kill, torture, rape or rob people.
It’s always other people.
We are each others greatest threat and greatest hope.
If we want to build Utopia and not keep building Dystopia, then we need the right tools.
We need to use the appropriate tool for the job.
Is money the most appropriate tool for building an equal, peaceful and prosperous society?
Evidence suggests no, not by a long shot and actually creates the opposite of our intended results.
Is politics and governments the appropriate tool to manage society?
Clearly not, again the evidence is overwhelming and conclusive.
So why do we continue to use the wrong tools to achieve what we want?
It’s like using a hammer to remove a blown light bulb.
Not only will it not remove the light bulb, but you’ll end up breaking it and making a mess.
So what is the right tool then?
Well in some cases, you don’t require a new tool, you just need to remove the one which doesn't work.
We already have what we need to replace what’s broken, our own hand is all that we need to unscrew the bulb and place in a new one.
Some things are simple, some things can be made even simpler.
It’s less important to consider what this is literally saying and more important to consider the content of what it is trying to say.
Taken one step further, we can invent a source of lighting which doesn't blow and cannot be easily broken, that way we won’t even need to replace it.
Now that’s thinking outside the box!
Why spend time overcoming challenges that we don't want to?
Yes, a quality life is determined by the quality of the challenges you overcome, but some challenges are definitely preferable to others and some are never going away.
Building a fit and muscular body is a rewarding and enjoyable challenge.
So is rock climbing, or running a marathon, or having a beautiful relationship and educating your kids.
Wouldn’t you prefer to enjoy more of the challenges you choose and less of the ones you don't choose?
Now that’s an interesting question only you can decide.
If we continue down our current path and do nothing, a worsening Dystopian world is inevitable.
As George Orwell, famous author of the Dystopian fiction called 1984, said many years ago, if we want to envision the future of humanity, picture a boot stamping on a face, forever.
This is the inevitable result of a humanity that remains divided, apathetic and uninterested in change.
We need to become united in purpose, put aside our egos and differences and start prioritising what actually matters.
Again, it is less important who takes the credit for great ideas and more important that great ideas are simply implemented.
There are many topics which are very interesting and which have been covered up, but more often than not they don’t make a difference when it comes to changing things.
Let’s discuss the shape of the earth, the validity of religion and what a woman is after we deal with the totalitarian threat which equally wants to enslave all of us, no matter what you believe.
The people who control the world today are exceptional planners and they are extremely well organised.
They hide in the shadows and act as puppet masters of the most powerful and influential people in government, corporations, banks, religious organisations, police, courts, and just about everything else.
They desire power and control over others above all else because they have none over themselves.
Why else would they need to insult those who are onto them by calling them ‘conspiracy theorists’?
If they had positions of true strength and nothing to hide, why not have open, honest and fair communication to settle any false accusations?
If the people who must hide in shadows were truly powerful, then why is everything they do only about inflicting their own suffering onto others?
Is this the behaviour of strength, or failure?
They’ve failed to master their own pain so do whatever they can to cause it, to try and ease their own suffering.
When we observe the way they operate, hiding behind countless others and only operating through secrecy, we know they do this because they must.
Because they are weak.
They are not the ones we should fear.
The real enemy is our own laziness.
Some people believe that by creating a fully automated and resourced based economy, we will become lazy and not do anything productive.
People are lazy today, physically and much more importantly, mentally.
Most people choose the escalator or elevator over the stairs.
Most people park as close as they can to the shop they are visiting.
Many people prefer to binge watch Netflix over studying a new subject.
Many people order take away because they can’t even be bothered to cook their own food.
Most people defer to politicians because they are too lazy to think for themselves.
Many people trust mainstream doctors because they have no confidence in their own ability to research, or more importantly, the energy to.
Many people prefer to scroll through social media and be distracted from their own thoughts because even thinking has become an energetic burden they can’t afford.
Because they are exhausted from slaving away at a job that sucks the life from them.
They are so tired of life that they need an escape so they don’t have to think about going to work tomorrow and of all the financial problems they face which limit what they really want to do.
If you think in a world where we are all free to do exactly what we want without the shackles of money or authority to hold us back, that people will all of a sudden become extremely lazy and won’t want to do anything, you’re wrong.
You may choose to be lazy and not do anything, but most people will not.
Even now, how many people volunteer to coach their children's soccer team, or engage in after school activities or donate their time to projects supporting people in need?
People crave activities and interaction which satisfy’s their needs and brings them fulfilment.
They only seek distraction and mindless entertainment today because these fundamental requirements of being human are hardly being met, yet some people are still able to contribute, despite the collective rubbish dump we've created.
In a world where you are free to do what you want, why would you be afraid of being lazy, bored or unproductive?
If you stoke these fears, it only shows how much internal work you have ahead of you, which is great, but only if you can have the courage to admit it to yourself.
Life should be a balance between 3 pursuits.
Work, learn, play.
You combine these 3 things and achieve a comfortable balance, how can you not be fulfilled?
Yet if you cling onto ways of the past, your old mindset, your old self harming habits and unproductive egoic tendencies, then you are tying and throwing your own anchors to the bottom of the ocean, which are sure to take you on a one way ride to somewhere you don't want to be.
It is better to be broken in body than to be corrupt in mind.
It’s better to be creating new ideas that perhaps won’t be implemented than it is to be continuing to implement bad ideas.
It’s better to be physically lazy than it is to be mentally lazy, as ideas are always more powerful than physical action.
It can be easy to stop someone from taking physical action but almost impossible to stop an idea.
The pen is more powerful than the sword and a good idea more powerful than a army.
If everyone was driving around with square wheels and you invented a circular wheel, would you go back to using the square wheel because no one was listening to you?
Would you abandon your idea because it was the lazy approach to getting things done and no one else was interested?
Or would you stick with your circular wheel because it’s superior in every way?
A step further then only choosing practical physical action or theoretical mental action is to choose both and be physically and mentally active, to combine arm power with brain power for the best results.
The easiest way for someone to become passionate, healthy, energetic, productive and excited is for them to be doing things that they enjoy, it’s a very simple concept.
By creating systems that are able to handle the boring and mundane repetitive work, people are then free to pursue higher ideals, expand their education and get involved in more interactive and enjoyable parts of life.
Replacing and removing all undesirable jobs gives people the freedom to live the way they want and follow their passions.
Why would anyone want to sit around all day smoking drugs and eating junk food when the whole world is waiting to be enjoyed right at their finger tips?
In today’s world of Dystopia, most people are forced to work jobs they despise and to be disrespected by bosses they hate just so they can make enough numbers in a fantasy system to be able to trade for things they need to survive.
Compared to what we can achieve, the world we live in is hell.
We are capable of so much more and don't deserve to be treated like a commodity, to be born, indoctrinated, enslaved to a boring and dissatisfying job for long enough to be able to retire and prepare to die.
What an awful existence!
Utopia is the idea of bringing the heavens down from the imaginary skies and building it here and now, in practical and tangible reality.
Sure, you can believe in a heavenly after life, but why go through hell just waiting to be there when we can make our own version of heaven right here?
If we can’t create heaven here, why would we deserve it somewhere else?
If we don't do what we can today to make the world a better place, why should we feel entitled to a heavenly realm tomorrow if we did nothing to contribute down here?
If all we do is work and fight in the trenches, we’re simply running on a hamster wheel believing we’re making progress, when in reality we aren't getting anywhere.
If we don't focus on new ideas, inventions and innovations, then we’ll build a million awful quality roads when we could have designed a car that hovers.
We could build huge pipelines moving water from one part of the country to another, or we could simply dig a well and find water right beneath us.
The last thing we need is more of the same.
We need new ideas that think outside of the conditioned so called box many of us are so accustomed to.
We don’t need revolution, for revolution is the merry go round and the treadmill, the illusion of progress, the perfect example of the kind of action which doesn't change anything.
We need evolution.
Action for the sake of action is like growth for the sake of growth.
Do you want a tumour to grow and expand? How about cancer?
Action and growth is pointless unless there is clear and well defined objectives.
How can you take effective action if you don’t even know what your action is meant to accomplish?
What’s the point of growing if you don't even know what your growing into?
Precise goals are necessary for ones personal development.
Without goals, objectives, missions or destinations, your actions may be taking you in the wrong direction and you may be growing into something you didn't intend to become.
The same can be said for society, on a scale X 7 billion.
These are not incoherent ramblings or false promises offered by another delinquent and malicious political deceiver looking to gain power over you.
These are well thought out ideas and strategies that put power back where it belongs, to it’s rightful owner, to you.
Logic, reason and rationality is the foundation for building Utopia.
Not false promises, manipulation, deception and lies.
The more that people sit around idly twiddling their thumbs, throwing fuel on the fire, the larger and larger the fire grows. The bigger it is, the harder it is to put out.
The world has become that fire and is burning, it is our duty and responsibility to put it out, or at the very least, to stop contributing to it’s growth.
If you want to continue to live in a horrible fantasy, a nightmare, then you are free to continue voting for corrupt liars, free to pay your taxes to empower corrupt gangs, free to consume mind numbing fear based mainstream media, free to attempt to heal yourself with dangerous drugs, free to continue giving up your freedoms until you have nothing left to give but your very life.
Just because you are free to do these things, does not mean that you should and it definitely does not make it right.
Keeping things the same and not trying to make the world a better place is not appreciated, it’s not appropriate and it’s totally irresponsible for anyone calling themselves a grown man or woman.
You have the power to create change, it doesn't matter how much you may kick, scream and cry that you don't have any power to do anything, you do.
Stop lying to yourself and start being real.
Face the truth, look yourself in the mirror and get a grip on reality.
You matter, you have value, you are worthy and you are powerful.
You can make an impact and you can change the world.
Anyone who lies to themselves and says they can’t do anything is only proving they won’t be one of the people who do change the world.
Because the world is guaranteed to change, for better or for worse and it’s up to you to choose which side your on.
You have to make a choice and you have to do it now.
There is no not choosing sides and remaining neutral.
If you choose to do nothing, you’re choosing to support the worlds current trajectory of environmental and social suicide.
In something as important as this, your silence means you are complicit in the crimes against humanity.
There is nothing more important than evolving our societies.
Why would you want to be an accomplice to the most horrendous crimes that have ever been committed, the world wide totalitarian take over through centralisation of control?
When all you need to do is stand up and say no.
If you don't do anything, you’re ensuring we fail, if you do something, you’re ensuring we succeed.
It really is that simple, there is no need to complicate things.
When it comes to helping others and yourself, all you need is to be more dedicated to success than to failure.
It’s much easier to stand against evil then it is to support it.
Why choose the more difficult path when the right path is better in every way imaginable.
Have faith in yourself, your family, your friends and your people to do the right thing.
Trust yourself and your own commonsense and logic.
Look at problems from every angle.
Listen to both sides of the story and make up your own mind, do your own thinking.
We must address the root issues and we must create new solutions.
Staying the same is hard, changing is easy.
All the evidence you need to come to sound conclusions is available at your finger tips.
You must be the one to put the pieces of the puzzle together, to see the validity and potential of a better future.
Don’t fall for believing false promises given by any one person.
Believe the promise of great ideas and use that knowledge to mould your own reality.
Living by the Utopian principles and mindset is one organised and structured way we can do that.
Just because something’s never been done before, doesn’t mean it can’t.
Because if we don't get this right, nothing mattered anyway.