The Blitzkrieg Deprogrammer
Exposing Your Fear So You Can Overcome It With Bravery
Publish Date - 27th July 2023 - 9725 Words
The following story is about Sally, a strong and intelligent woman, leading her friend Ben, an emasculated and weak man, face to face with his surpressed fear and guiding him through the fires of reality.
This conversation between friends highlights the many bizzare things people aren't even aware of that they do on a daily basis, which contributes to their underlying fear of everything.
- Approx 30 minute read
Ben was an aimless wanderer. He was an average sized guy in his late 20’s. He had no idea how much of his life was dominated by fear.
One day, his friend Sally decided to point it out to him.
“Hey Ben” she said “You know you’re probably the biggest wuss I’ve ever met, you’re scared of everything!” She laughed as she teased him.
“Really, I don’t think I’m that scared of everything, am I?” Ben said in an almost pleading way.
“You’re too scared to even think about your own fear, that’s how much of a pansy you are” she said playfully as she grabbed him in a head lock and rubbed her fist on his head.
He gently struggled to break free from her grip.
“Let go of me, come on let go”.
“Yep, just a minute” said sally as she sucked on her little finger and then inserted it in to Ben’s ear.
“Oh come on Sally, please stop, let me go” Said Ben as he tried to pull away but couldn’t.
“I’m letting you go, I’m not even holding tight, come on Ben, surely you can break out of a girls head lock, I’m not even that strong”.
Ben squirmed but either couldn't or wouldn't get out of her hold.
“See, you seem to like it, you’re so weird” Sally told Ben as she put her hand down the back of his pants, grabbed his underwear and yanked up, giving him an uber wedgie.
Ben cried out in pain and frustration as his disturbingly pink undies were torn above his lumbar spine.
“Sally”! That’s enough leave me alone”!
“Alright alright” she said as she rolled her hips and pulled him into a throw that made him fly crashing into the ground.
Ben crumpled into a heap.
“Arrggghhhh, that hurt.”
Sally extended her hand out to him to help him up.
He reluctantly took it and was pulled to his feet.
Sally looked at Ben up and down, “You’ve got some serious problems man. Or should I say boy.”
Ben looked disgruntled and defeated.
She continued “I only did that because I care about you. Alright take a seat. Tell me, what makes you so pathetic? How have you come to destroy your life and become this afraid?”
“I dunno, this is just the way I am” Ben mumbled.
“Of course you don’t know… Are you happy Ben?”
“I guess...”
Sally sighed, “I’ll take that as a noooo.”
“Alright, let’s have a look at your life. Tell me, what happened this morning?
Well I got out of bed, turned on my tv and…”
“Woah woah”, Sally cut him off. “What was on the tv?”
“The news…”
And what did the news say?
“That we had to wear masks.”
“So did you put on a mask when you left the house this morning?”
“Well, yeah, I had to.”
“Why did you have to?”
“Well the news said we all have to…”
“Yes, but why did you do it?”
“Well, I guess because I don't want to get sick, right?”
“Do you feel healthier wearing it?”
“Um, no not really, it’s hard to breathe and kind of makes me feel worse…”
"Obviously, you can’t breathe properly when you cover the orifices responsible for inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. So what would have happened if you didn't wear it?”
“They said on the news that if you didn't wear a mask you would get a big fine, I can’t afford a fine.”
“No one can afford fines why did you wear the mask?”
“Because I had to.”
“Again, why did you wear the mask!?”
It suddenly clicked for Ben.
“Oh, because I didn't want a fine.”
“Bingo! You were scared of getting a fine so you wore the mask.”
“Ok, what happened next?”
“I went out to my car, but realised I had forgotten my license, so I went back inside and grabbed it.”
“You know how to drive a car right?”
“Yes, that’s why I have a license.”
“So why did you need to take it with you then?”
“Well, in case I needed it to show to a police officer.”
“And why would you do that?”
“Because he would ask for it.”
“So why should you have to show it?”
“Because I have to.”
“Ok think here, why?”
“I might get in trouble if I didn't have it, he may not believe me who I was if I didn't have it.”
“So because of fear, you went back inside to get your license. Ok, keep going.”
“So I started driving down to the local government centre for transferring and registering cars. I’ve just bought a new one and wanted it transferred into my name.”
“Ok, go on, what happened, give me some details.”
“Ah, it was pretty quiet on the road this morning. There was heaps of red lights which was annoying, even though there was no one around.”
“So you waited at the red lights, even though there was no one around?”
“Could you have safely driven through while it was red?”
“Well, yeah, but it was red.”
So why didn't you?
“Because it was red!”
“Yes, and, why didn't you!?”
“Oh, because I’m scared of getting in trouble if I do…”
“Yes! Ok good, what happened next?”
“I got pulled over by police, which really sucked.”
“Really, what happened?”
“Well they puled me over and…”
Sally cut him off.
“Why did you pull over?”
“Well they put their lights on.”
“Well I have to pull over when the police put their sirens on.”
“Had you hurt anyone or done anything wrong?”
“Well, no but still..”
“So why did you pull over?”
“Oh, right, because I was scared what they would do to me if I didn't.”
“Yepo. Ok, keep going.”
“Well the police man came over to my window and said I had been speeding.”
“What did he say?”
“He said his name was Felix and I was going 64kph in a 60 zone. He told me he would make it the minimum fine, which was nice of him. But still I wasn't too happy about it, as it was $326.”
#learn about felix’s story here
“Holy bajeezers, for 4ks over. Wow. Sally shook her head. Ok, then what happened?”
“Well you know, the usual, he wanted to see my license and all that, so it was a good thing I remembered it.”
“So did you show it to him, even though you hadn't done anything wrong?”
“Well, he said I had been speeding…”
“Is that really something wrong, going 4kmphs over the limit?”
“The law says it is, that’s all that matters isn’t it?”
“If the law said you have to wake up at a certain time, go to bed at a certain time, work for 16 hours a day and only eat porridge, would that make the law right? I mean you would probably do it and not complain because your seriously messed up right now, but that’s why were doing this little exercise here. To unmess your tiny little brain.”
“That’s a silly example Sally.”
“Yeah, and everything else I’ve heard so far isn’t, gee whiz what have they done to you boy? You know, the only real Lore is The Lore Of Morality, though I bet you've never heard of it."
"No, I've never heard of it, what's that?"
To summarise, treat others as you wish to be treated, it's so simple even you could get it, which is saying something!
"I'll send you a link you can read later. Ok, so did you show your license?”
“Yes, of course!”
“He was a police officer!”
“Well I had to.”
“Oh, ok. I see now. I was afraid of what he would do to me if I didn't show him.”
“Correct. Keep going.”
“Well I showed him, but he thought I looked suspicious and wanted me to get out of the car.”
“So did you?”
“Then what?”
“Well he handcuffed me as he wanted to search me and my car.”
“What!? Why did he do that!?”
“Because he said I was speeding, which made him suspect there was a reason for me to speeding in the first place. He thought I may have had drugs or dangerous weapons and he wanted to check.”
“Dangerous weapons, hahahha. Did he have a gun on him?”
“Yeah, he did.”
“Does that seem a bit contradictory to you?”
“Well, he is a police officer…”
“So, why does that give him a right to have a weapon and not you, ya goose?”
“I guess because he has been trained and stuff…”
“Yeah and HE knows how to use it appropriately doesn't he? Are you hearing yourself right now, pathetic Ben, sorry, but just’re lucky I love you like a brother. Alright, keep torturing me with your weakness, go on.”
“Well he handcuffed me and made me wait with my face on the bonnet. Which was uncomfortable and for like 10 minutes too.”
“Why did you let him handcuff you when you hadn't done anything wrong?”
“Because I was scared he would hurt me if I didn't let him do what he wanted to me, ok, happy now?”
“Slightly. Continue.”
“He touched me all over in areas that I’d normally consider private, but I guess because he was doing his job, he had to be extra thorough, and he was really good at it. He made sure I didn't have drugs or weapons anywhere on my body. He searched everywhere.”
“Oh Ben stop it, that’s just gross. You almost sound like you enjoyed it when he violated you and practically molested you. I bet the creep got excited when he saw your pink undies, didn't he?”
“They are not pink, they’re salmon! And no I didn't enjoy it. He finished the search, took the handcuffs off me, though they did leave a red mark”, he lifted his wrists up and showed sally, “then gave me the fine and told me if he saw me speeding again and behaving so dangerously, he wouldn't be so nice about it next time.”
Sally shook her head.
“So do you think he was right to treat you like an absolute piece of shit like that?”
“I mean, he didn't treat me that badly…”
“Are you friggin serious Ben!? He pulled you over for nothing and you know what he would have done to you if you didn't pull over, he would have called his buddies and chased you down, they wouldn't care how many peoples lives they put at risk to make sure you didn't disobey them and not pull over. Then he extorts you for 13 hours of your hard work, then detains you like an animal, hurting you in the process, when you are clearly not a threat to a butterfly, let alone a heavily armed cop. He even had the audacity to invade your private property, snoop around in places he has no business to be looking or touching and feel you up like a pervert in a nightclub! It’s not on Ben, it’s a total violation and wrong!”
“Ok, ok! Alright I see your point. You’re right. He shouldn't have done any of that. But at least he was friendly.”
“That makes it even worse! When they pretend to be the good guy but behave like the bad guy. If they’re going to be the villains, at least act like it so you stop confusing the hell out of people with your mixed messages and bi polar. Have you also ever noticed that it always seems to be wannabe tough guy’s who wear the uniform? They have such deep insecurities and daddy issues that they feel the overwhelming need to dress up like thugs, join a gang and terrorise people with all their other traumatised buddies, to feel some semblance of value about themselves. It’s a disease and they need help. They’re the reason why psychologists are so expensive!”
“Hmmm, maybe you have a point.”
“Anyway’s”. Sally brushed her hair out of her face and slowed her breathing, having worked her self up into a bit of a rant.
“I parked across the road, paid for parking and crossed the street.”
“Hold up, why did you pay for parking?”
“Because there was a sign that told me to pay for parking.”
“So you just take orders from inanimate objects now, is that it?”
“No, that’s what everyone does.”
“So you only did it because everyone else pays for parking?”
“Well, for the most part I guess.”
“If everyone decided that they would let themselves be a pin cushion for a mad scientist who wanted to experiment and test out new ways of manipulating your DNA, would you go along with it? Stop, don't answer that. I know the answer and it’s a yes.”
Sally let out a huge sigh of disappointment.
“Why do you actually pay for parking, apart from everyone else doing it?”
“Well that money then goes towards things, like fixing roads, I think.”
“Ya think? Have you ever seen a road? You know those big holes ain’t meant to be there? Ever got a flat tyre from a thing called a pot hole? How much does that cost to fix? If they used your money to fix the roads, a. don't you think they would actually use your money to fix the roads and b. why wouldn't they build roads that don't need constant repairing? “
“It’s the best we have Sally, they just must not be able to build better roads, otherwise they would be, wouldn't they?”
“Do you know what a computer looked like 50 years ago Ben?”
“Yeah they were really big, weren’t they?”
“Pull your phone out of your pocket, now.”
Ben showed her his phone.
“Is that thing your holding really big or really small?”
“It’s really small, obviously.”
Sally groaned and pulled her hair.
“Yes but what does that mean!?”
She didn't let him answer before continuing.
“Ok, how did most people get around, let’s say 50-100 years ago?”
“I think they used horses and stuff.”
“How many people get around using horses today Ben?”
“No one, well not many I don't think.”
“That’s right, good boy. Have you ever been to Rome?”
“No, why?”
“Well have you ever heard of the roads Romans built, thousands of years ago, that are still around today?”
“Yeah I have heard of those.”
“If they can build roads that last for thousands of years, with technology thousands of years ago….come on man put two and two together please.”
“Hmm, ok I see your point. It is a bit strange isn't it?”
“Strange, or just by design? You can’t even see the blinding obvious when it handcuffs you and makes you smell your own bonnet. Ok, keep telling me your story from this morning.”
“Well, I got to the government department and waited in line, there was a big que.”
“Did you feel right at home surrounded by lot’s of other people consumed by fear too?”
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind. Did you need to cross the street?”
“How did you do that?”
“Well I waited until the red man went green, then crossed.”
“Was it safe to go before the red man turned green?”
“Well no, because it hadn't turned green yet.”
“I mean was there any cars coming doofus?”
“There was a few, but not many.”
“Could you have safely crossed the road before it went green?”
“Hmm, yeah probably.”
“Why didn't you then?”
“Well, I was right in front of a government building…”
“What do you feel when you see the government building?”
“Oh I don't know, something.”
“Is that something a good feeling or a bad feeling?”
“Well, it’s not a good feeling…”
“So why didn't you cross the road when it was safe, before a light in a machine changed colour?”
“I don't know alright, probably because I was scared what others would think of me if they saw me do it, or that they would report me.”
“What a way to live hey…. And you wonder why you’re not happy. Ok, moving on. Next.”
“I just paid for the transfer and rego on my new car and left, not a big deal, only took about 40 minutes or so.”
“So you wasted 40 minutes of your life to hand over how much money?”
“You gave away your time and a huge chunk of your money, to a group of people that are going to do what for you?”
“Oh I don't know Sally, fix the roads or something.”
“How long does it take you to earn that much money?”
“About two weeks.”
“Two weeks! OMG. Why did you pay that money?”
“Because we have to Sally, that’s what we have to do!”
“Otherwise what Ben, otherwise what!”
“We get in trouble!”
“Which means what?”
“It means we could get arrested and locked in prison, I don’t want that.”
“Of course you don't want that Einstein, no one wants that. How do you think going along with a system that makes you do that is going to help?”
“Um, ah, I don't know.”
“Of course you don’t. Because you’re either too lazy or too stupid to have ever thought about it Ben.”
“I’m thinking about it now Sally, ok, give me a break please.”
“Sure, for now. Until your obsession with obedience makes me want to vomit again. Tell me, do you like being obedient, does it make you feel good?”
“I’ve never even considered it, I have no idea, I don't know.”
“Well start considering it, while you still have the power to consider something, anything. Please, for the sake of the children, start considering thinking for yourself. Alright, I’m going to speed things up otherwise this is going to take forever. Remember when you sold your house last month, did you pay capital gains tax?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“How much?”
“I don't want to tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Well, because it’s embarrassing, you keep putting me on the spot and making me look like an idiot for doing all these stupid things. I’m not brave and smart like you or free or happy. I just do what I’m told and get along because that’s all I know.”
“Do you want to keep being obedient and miserable Ben?”
“No, I want to be happy. I don't want to get stomped on all the time, every single day for everything! It sucks, I hate my life, I hate this world, it’s all just so wrong, but people everywhere pretend like it’s Ok and don't do anything, just the same as me, we all live in cowardice and think it’s Ok. But it’s not. I don’t want to stay like this Sally, please help me. It’s disgusting how weak and afraid I’ve become. I want to be more like you.”
“Don’t be like me, be more like your true self. That’s what were doing here Ben. You need to keep going through this. Just stick it out with me Ok? I have your back. But you need to do this, we need to keep going and exposing the all the bs you’ve fallen for. You’ve been played for as a massive fool. It’s time to wake up. It’s time for you to see things as they actually are, not how you’ve been programmed to think they are.”
She gripped him by the shoulders, and stared him in the eyes.
Ben stood there, shaking. “I don't know if I’m ready for all this sally. I can’t do this. It’s just so scary. I’m so scared. I thought things were Ok, the way they were meant to be. But they’re not, are they?”
“No Ben, things are not as they seem.”
“What’s going to happen if we keep going?”
Sally was still gripping him by the shoulders and staring into his eyes. She could feel his arms shaking with fear. A tear leaked down his eye.
“You’ll find the truth. You will see reality as it is, maybe for the first time in your life. It’s not a pretty sight.”
“Is it worth it? Or is it better to just not know, to keep living like I am know, in ignorance?”
“You call what you have now a life? You don't have a life Ben. You hardly even have an existence. Your fading away, day by day, to a place I don't even want to think about. That’s why we have to do this now. We may not get another chance and you could be lost forever.”
“Ignorance is meant to be bliss isn’t it, maybe it’s better that way?”
“Ignorance isn’t bliss Ben. It’s only bliss for those who made you ignorant. You are suffering now. You are weak. Emasculated. Feminine. Beta. Obedient. Subjugated. Pathetic. Broken.
If we keep going, I’ll show you how to be strong. How to become unbreakable. How to be powerful.”
“So you’re telling me, if we keep going, things will get better? That it really isn't better not knowing?”
“Look at me Ben, you tell me? Am I not a power of example of what a little courage can achieve?”
“Yes, you are brave and you are strong.”
“But even if we know the truth, what can we do about it, we cant change anything….”
“So what? You just roll over and die? Give up? Beg for mercy? Or do you get off your lazy ass and do something? What do you mean you can’t change anything? You can change everything! You hear me, everything! If transforming from what you are now, into anything else, let alone the best version of yourself, isn’t changing everything, I don't know what is. It only takes one woman, or man, to change his world. Then help someone else change their world. Then the next. And the next. And the next. What do you think happens then?”
Ben broke down and started crying, tears running out of his eyes. Sally pulled him into a hug, holding tight her dear friend. Ben started sobbing, his body shaking wildly as he poured his eyes and heart out.
“It’s ok Ben. You will get through this, I promise. It’s not as hard as you think. You’ve taken the biggest step already. The commitment to learn the truth. About yourself and everything else.”
After a few minutes, Ben settled down.
“Ok, sit down again. Let’s finish this.”
They both sat down at the park bench again.
“How much did you give them because of ‘capital gains’ tax?”
“It was close to $100,000.”
“Ok. Do you know now why you did that?”
“Because I’m afraid of them.”
“Who is them?”
“The government, the tax department, the police, the people at the car registration centre. Courts and judges. All of them. They terrify me.”
“Good. I’m glad you can admit that. You’d be surprised at how many people don't have the courage to even get this far. So to say this again, why do you pay for your rego?”
“Yes, because I’m afraid of them.”
“But you also said it was because you thought it was to do some good things, didn’t you, that was part of the motivator, right?”
“Yes, I also thought that.”
“If you didn't have to pay rego, or for parking, yet the road needed to be repaired, would you donate money so someone could fix it?”
“So you’re saying if I didn't have to pay them in advance to fix things, would I donate? Is that what you mean?”
“Ah, well of course. Why wouldn't I? If they needed money to fix the roads, I’d donate or even help to fix them, or whatever else needed to be done.”
“Brilliant! Ok, let’s keep going.”
“Is there ever a time when you’re driving on a road and know you could safely go faster then the speed limit?”
“Yes, all the time.”
“And why don't you?”
“I know, I know, fear of police. They seem to keep coming up.”
“Oh, like you wouldn't believe! They get the number one place for most fear inducing creature the universe has ever known. The devil doesn't even bother trying to compete with them anymore.”
“Wow, that's a bit harsh isn't it?”
“How’s your wrists?”
“Still sore…”
“I mean, you’re lucky that’s all that happened for peacefully not resisting. I’ve seen much worse.
By the way, when we talk about the police, we don't really mean the man children who play fancy dress up’s in their little costumes. We mean the idea of the police. The uniform itself. That’s the problem. The people who wear the uniform are as broken as you are, even more broken, by a lot. They’re victims of the same system as we all have been. Whenever a cop becomes aware of their crimes, quits and asks forgiveness of their victims, they become one of us. One of the good guys.
Does that make sense?”
“A little, I’m sure it will more over time.”
“Most of them are traumatised and in pain, only lashing out at others because they think it will make them feel better and raise their self esteem. They were likely bullied as a kid and grew up needing to bully others to show the world how wrong it was for messing with them. They have a vendetta against everyone, to prove their worth and demonstrate their power. It’s such a shame and so sad to see, as these are the kinds of people who could be so valuable to society, if only they put their enormous dedication and energies towards something constructive, rather than destroying everything they touch with their fingers of passion.”
“What’s that mean? Fingers of passion?”
“They’re passion fingers. They Eff everything they touch.”
Ben laughed at that one.
“Give it time, hopefully we can save them from the dark side, one poor darkened and lost soul at a time. They deserve the chance at redemption and to make amends. They owe us that, at least and we owe them the chance to be forgiven. Ok next. Do you pay for an Etag to drive on some roads?”
“Yep. I don't pay it because I think it is going towards anything useful, I only pay it because I’m scared of being hurt or punished if I don't.”
“Very good Ben, well done. Ok, have you ever voted?”
“As in for politics?”
“Yes, voted for which master will rule you.”
“Um, yeah, I have, like every year.”
“Because I thought that was what would bring change and make things better.”
“Hows that working out?”
“Um, it’s not.”
“Hmmm, I wonder why! Not really, I know exactly why. They don’t represent you, they represent who ever has the money. In a nutshell at least.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
“If you didn't have to vote, would you?”
“I still want change though, I don't know how else to make that happen without voting for someone better?”
“Voting for a demon wearing a blue tie or a demon wearing a red tie, it doesn't matter, both demons, yeah?”
“Hmm, thats a bit extreme don't you think?”
“That my friend, is saying it politely. Again, not so much the people who wear the suits and fake smiles, it’s the idea of them. The idea of politics. The idea of having a rulership class. The idea of being a dictator. The actual people playing these roles, well, most of them are also victims too. Most of them don’t know any better or have simply been blackmailed. You’ll see. Slowly.”
“Then what do we do instead?”
“Ben, that’s probably the smartest thing you’ve said all day. Really. We can come to that later, I’ve got some reading and links I can send to help you show what we can do. Which is way more than your able to imagine right now. I would say, trust me, but that line has been so overused by liars it sounds cheap and tacky and makes anyone with half a brain believe the opposite. So I’ll say, trust yourself, once you learn more. I’ll leave it at that for now.”
“Ok, whats next?”
“Initiative, I love it! Right, when the media and news told everyone to be really scared a few years ago, you know with that cold thing that made the world turn into mindless zombies?”
“Yes...I do know what you are referring to..”
“Yeah with that thing, did you only stay within your 5km zone like a good little puppy?”
“Yes. I didn't go beyond the 5km boundary. I thought it was to help protect other people.”
“Of course, obviously, even though according to their own statistics on their websites, it was less deadly than the previous years flu. Makes perfect logical sense, doesn't it?”
“Well I didn't know that, how could I?”
“By typing in a few words on a computer and by reading a page, not hard mate, not hard.”
“Alright, fair enough.”
“Did you really only stay within your open range prison because you thought you were protecting other people, even though you weren’t sick, or was it because you were scared of the big baddies?”
“Yes yes alright, it was because of them.”
“Because of who?”
“The baddies, as you said.”
“Who are they?”
“Oh you know who they are Sally. Get onto the next question.”
“Fine by me. Didn't you ever question how you could possibly make someone else sick if you weren't sick?”
“I didn't think about it. I just listened to the experts on tv and trusted they knew what was right.”
“You didn't happen to see or hear the hundreds, if not thousands of other experts saying the complete opposite did you?”
“No, I didn't see or hear that.”
“Why not?”
“Probably because I wasn't looking for it.”
“You were and still are forced to wear a nappy on your face, are told to stay caged inside until you’re told you’re allowed out and the whole world goes mad, and you don't even think to double check if what you’re being told is true? Why would you automatically assume what you hear on the news is true?”
Ben shrugged awkwardly and pulled a kind of grimace.
“Something to do with the fancy suits, nice voices and I dunno, the pictures and stuff they use. Plus the experts they have.”
“Wow, if they had used sock puppets all dressed up, you still probably would have gone along with it.”
“Ok ok, I wont be so naive again, alright.”
“Yeah, you probably will. But that's ok. The most important part is to admit your naivety and then commit to overcoming it. Which is what you’re doing now. Let’s continue.”
“Have you ever gone to the doctors?”
“Yes, many times.”
“And did they ever give you any drugs or prescriptions for drugs?”
“Ah, yes they did.”
“You notice how they even call them drugs, right?”
“Yes I see that.”
“You know drugs are bad mmkay?”
“Some of them can be yes.”
“So why did you go see someone when you were sick, to only have them tell you the way to get better was to take drugs?”
“Ah well, um, I guess they give out better drugs that aren't so bad, right? Otherwise they wouldn't let people take them, would they?”
“Have you ever read the side affects or warning or ingredients of any drug you've taken?”
“Um, no, I haven't.”
Sally sighed.
“The human body is a pretty remarkable machine, work of art, creation, whatever, isn't it?
You think when it was designed, or however it was made, by god or the gods or aliens or whatever, they designed it in a way that when it got sick, the only way to fix it was to ingest toxic drugs?”
“I can see how that seems a bit silly, yes.”
“Ever wondered why the pharmaceutical industry is a multi billion dollar empire?”
“From helping people get better?”
“Haha good one Ben. Very funny.”
“If people got better, would they keep buying drugs?”
“No, they wouldn't need to.”
“If people stopped buying drugs, would they keep making money?”
“Well, no, or a lot less at least.”
“You see now Ben why they sell drugs?”
‘Oh shit. Oh shit. That cant be good can it?”
Sally grabbed Ben’s hand as she saw what this realisation was doing to his brain.
“No Ben, it’s really, really bad. But hadn't you ever considered that maybe there were other ways to heal diseases, other than taking drugs?”
She let go of his hand and cracked her neck before listening to his answer.
“Not really, I thought natural healing methods were for whackos and hippies.”
“Oh yeah, says the people who recommend you literally take drugs to fix everything, contrary to all evidence and science.”
“Well, do natural healing methods work better than….taking drugs?”
“Duhh. Bro come on, as if you need to even ask that one. Taking drugs is literally the worst way to help the body heal. If you didn't quite figure that out from the words ‘drug’ and ‘multi billion dollar empire’. Of course, there are many different ways to heal the body, other than becoming a crack addict. The best way is to prevent yourself from getting sick in the first place.”
“But how would you be able to do that? Isn't sickness just totally random and hereditary?”
“Big pharma loves making you think that garbage. That way, you wont ever consider that you have 100% control over your health. You’ll never consider that what you eat affects your health. Which is ridiculous as everyone knows if you put dodgy oil or petrol in your car, you’ll blow the engine up. But when it comes to the only vehicle you’ll have for your whole life, your body, you remain clueless. What you inject into your body, has a huge impact on your health.”
“Wait, so are you saying….”
“Yes man, read the ingredients of what you inject into yourself before blindly following the herd. Poison man, it’s poison. Like literally 10,000 doctors told you this, but you were to busy watching Netflix and mind numbing useless shit on Facebook or Instagram.”
“But, why, why would they do that?”
“If you’ve only got one sheep dog and a 1,000 sheep, is it easier to control a 1,000 sheep or a 100?”
“Well, its easier for the dog to control less sheep.”
“But what happened to the other 900 sheep? I bet they just suddenly had heart attacks, randomly got cancer or died from strokes. All so very, very random isn’t it. Nothing suspicious, nothing to see here.”
“Omg. We are the sheep aren't we?”
“Well, you still are at the moment, but not for long.”
“Who is the sheep dog?”
“Take a guess.”
“Oh, the uniforms. Gotcha.”
“Yes, but the dog doesn't plan on eating the sheep do they?”
“Well no, ahh. The Shepherd. Wait hold on a minute, who is the Shepherd? Would that just be politics?”
“Good thinking. But no. You don’t want to know at this point. For fear of being tacky, I will say now, trust me. You don't need to know now anyways. All in good time.”
“Alright fair enough. So if there are the sheep, which would be most people, there’s the sheep dogs, which are just sheep who have been tricked into controlling us and wearing the uniform of the ‘dog’, we have the Shepherd, which is Voldemort or Darth Vader or something, then what are you and other people like you?”
“Me? I’m friggin human. Not all humans are Shepherds. And not all Shepherds are human. I stopped playing that game of make believe bs years ago. I am what I am. A free spirit. A fractal of the all. Whatever I want to be.”
“Wow, that sounds interesting.”
“You’re sure right it is. I hated that rubbish, because I used to be a sheep. Like everyone else. Not fun, not fun at all. The only thing it brought was a life of suffering. To make it very clear, I am much, much happier now than I ever was before.
Sally cracked a big smile and punched Ben in the shoulder.
“Owwww, but sounds cool.”
“The mind control is everywhere. But it’s nothing to be afraid of. Quite the opposite. It only works if your scared. As soon as you show an inkling of courage, the mind control starts to fall away.
So be courageous Ben, you do have what it takes.”
“Ok, I will be courageous.”
“Alright, I’m going to crack out a few more points before we wrap up for the arvo, I’m getting hungry.”
“Yeah me too.”
“Let’s not even go there on the topic of food right now though...another day. Alright a few more basic questions. Do you wear a seat belt all the time?”
“Yeah, I do. To answer your next questions, I think it actually is for my own safety, but yeah sometimes on short drives I only put it on because I’m scared of getting caught.”
“Good honest answer. Ok, next.”
“Have you ever slowed down when driving because you saw one of those mobile extortion machines?”
“A speed camera?”
“That’s the one.”
“Yes, because I didn't want to get fined.”
“Notice how they cause cars to pile up and almost crash into each other? It’s pretty dangerous, would be doing more harm than good, don't you think?”
“Well, isn’t it meant to slow people down, to make people drive more slowly and slower is safer?”
“If you wanted people to drive more safely, why wouldn't you have more free driver education courses, or better training before getting a license?”
“Ah, yes. I see. That would be smarter. Got it. The speed cameras aren't about safety are they? It’s about taking peoples money and making them afraid, that’s right, isn’t it?”
“Wow, Ben you are a quick learner. Yes you’re 100% right. Keep this up alright kiddo.”
Ben smiled appreciatively.
“Did you pay to get and renew that piece of plastic, the thing called a license?”
“Yeah, I paid for it.”
“Crazy, people think they can get that piece of garbage and they are suddenly a safe, responsible and respectful driver. Without any proper training. Oh sure they had 10 lessons with a professional, who taught them how to pass the test. But didn't teach them how to drive. If you haven’t learnt how to drive like a professional race car driver, you really shouldn’t be driving.”
“Like a race car driver, are you saying everyone should drive really fast?”
“No, I’m saying everyone should have the skill to be able to drive really fast. Not that they should actually do it. Though that is up for debate. You see, you can only drive really fast safely when you are skilled. If you are skilled, well, how much less likely are you to crash when going slower? A lot. I can give you the full lesson another time.”
“Ok, I’m all ears for that one, another time.”
“So really, why did you pay for a license?”
“I’m not sure exactly, but I guess its basically about them taking more money and control?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Once you figure out the theme, you’ll see the same movie playing out everywhere. ‘Fear money and control, coming to a town near you’!”
Sally started cackling at her own sick joke.
Ben tried to laugh, but found that he couldn't stomach it.
“You ever gone to court before?”
“Yes, once. Terrible experience. I was so scared.”
“By design my friend, they make it that way by design. So much easier to control people when they are afraid. So, did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Call the judge your honour and say your guilty?”
“Yes, I did.”
Sally cracked up laughing. She couldn't help herself.
“Oh sorry, it’s just funny how weird it is, everyone walking into the room and bowing to this person, standing up and sitting down at their command, calling one of the least honourable people imaginable “your honour”. I shouldn't laugh. It isn't funny. It really is demented. It’s so far beyond bizarre it’s sickening, so I just have to laugh.”
“Well, when you put it like that, it is strange so many people act like it’s normal to treat just another man or woman like a king or something.”
“People treat those troglydites like’s literally insane, as in a kind of mental problem that needs to be fixed. Please don't tell me you paid to have a professional assist you in being extorted and punished?”
“I did, I hired a lawyer. Cost me thousands….”
Sally shivered in disgust and pretended, or actually dry retched.
“So gross! They are such crooks, playing on scared and vulnerable people and ripping them off big time. I mean the ones who help for free and genuinely try to make the judge see reason and not punish someone for a victimless crime, they’re different. But then again, they aren't lawyers are they?”
“They told me that I had to have a lawyer represent me, I had no choice. Or they made me think that anyways. Everyone was doing it.”
“That’s why everyone is broke and struggling to pay the bills. Because so many greedy sob’s take advantage of people in vulnerable positions. It’s so sad to see what people have lowered themselves to.”
“Yeah, you’re right, it is disappointing, I don't get it why they do it. Why is a lawyer worth 5x more per hour than anyone else who does honest, good hearted work? It’s not fair.”
“Because it’s all a scam and they all work together. Though the scam is so good most don't even know they are accomplices to the crooks. They remain in unconscious denial because they want to believe the school yard programming that they’re jobs are more valuable then a trades person who actually works for a living. The really sad thing is, most lawyers are really smart and skilled people, but their talents have been put to waste serving a corrupt pyramid scheme. They think they are the good guys, but good guys don’t extort people to assist in their punishment.”
“So you’re saying they are valuable, but have just been sucked into the wrong career path?”
“Yes. They’re jobs should not exist, not that they shouldn’t. If you can call being a professional extortionist a job and not a day to day rolling crime. Imagine, just from this one small difference, if all the lawyers quit their jobs and put their amazing talents to work making real change to the world, starting off with creating, oh I don't know, an honest and ethical arbitration system that was, let me be radical here, FREE?
“How would they work their jobs for free though?”
“Ben, if justice comes with a price tag, it’s not justice, period, the end, full stop.”
“Hmm, yes I agree, but they still have to make money.”
“Yeah, same as every other friggin person on the planet in this messed up world. Doesn't mean they have the right to rip people off. Go create a new source of income helping people that doesn't involve crime. They’re resourceful people, I’m sure they have the innovation to figure that one out.”
“Good point. I’m sure they wouldn't like to hear that though.”
“What? That they are intelligent, organised and dedicated people?”
“Well, not that part, you know, the rest of what you said.”
“There’s nothing else to it than that. Alright, so tell me what was the case about?”
“I got into a fight at a club.”
“What, you? No way.”
“Well, a guy attacked me because I looked at his girlfriend. It was more him punching me and me covering my head than anything else.”
“So why on earth did you say you were guilty?”
“Because my lawyer insisted it would be easier, as the other guy had a good case against me.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what my lawyer said anyways. I know. Stupid right?”
“Beyond stupid. If you have a mouth you can speak. All this nonsensical baloney about needing to hire someone else to speak for you is so childish and demeaning, horrible business.”
“I mean, I did look at his girlfriend. I was at the bar when she was on the dance floor, but still, I did it.”
Sally groaned in frustration and pulled her finger nails down her cheeks.
“No comment Ben, no comment. You know why they make people say guilty right?”
“No I don't, doesn't that just mean I committed the crime though?”
“No, otherwise you would say, ‘yes I did it’. Not ‘guilty’. Guilt is an emotional state of heart and mind. It’s a feeling and way of being. I could have gone through a red light sure, but I wouldn't be guilty about it, because I’d have no reason to be guilty. You should only feel guilt when you do something wrong. By making you say guilty, they are programming you to think you are doing the wrong thing, even when you’re not. Just like going 4k’s over the speed limit or deciding to not wear a face nappy.”
“Ohhh, I see that now. Who even came up with that? Seems like a really nasty thing to do.”
“You have no idea…. So what was the outcome.?”
“I got a fine, a 1 year good behaviour bond and wasn't allowed back to the bar.”
“Oh yeah, totally reasonable. That’s stolen tax money at work for you, providing justice to the wicked. Have you ever considered how there may be a better solution than punishment and revenge?”
“No, I’ve never considered it to be honest.”
“You haven't considered much at all, have you Benny boy?”
“Not yet, though I am now.”
“True. I know you’ve never heard of the 4R method so I’ll tell you now. Remedy, rectification, resolution and rehabilitation. That’s how anyone not still living in the dark ages approaches crime. Simply hurting people because they hurt someone else is pretty cave man, don't you think?
“Well, maybe not cave man but, I dunno, it’s like animalistic or something?”
“Yeah, well done Ben. That’s a good way to put it. Animals don’t have diplomacy, all they know how to do is bite.”
“So tell me more about this 4R method Sally.”
“Another time. I’ll send you some links you can read over and learn for yourself, Ok?”
“Yeah, Ok, I’ll have a look.”
“Don’t just say you’ll have a look to make conversation and then not do it, a genuine mans word is his bond.”
“Yes, I actually will have a look, I’m interested to know more.”
Sally smiled. “Ok, good. You ran your own business for a while didn't you?”
“Yeah I did. We sold pot plants.”
“Why did you close down?”
“It was too expensive, too many costs to handle, it wasn't worth it.”
“But you loved selling pot plants didn't you, it was your passion?”
“Yes, I loved the work and being my own boss, but the taxes and GST and super and rates and electricity and water and rent and all of that stacked up and it was killing me. I couldn't do it.”
“And now you work at a job you hate for how many hours a week?”
“Too many. Is your question going to be about the taxes?”
“Yeah, it was, but you basically answered all of it already. But I’ll add this. Would you and your team members have preferred to have paid and got paid super directly into their wages?”
“Yeah, we spoke about that, they said they would have preferred it. But, again, we didn't do that because I was scared of breaking the rules.”
“You charged your customers, good honest people, GST, then passed it onto the mafia didn't you?”
“Yes, I am guilty of that, I admit.”
“You withheld what you owed to your team members and again, passed that as a ‘tax’ onto warmongering psychos, didn't you!?”
“Yes”! screamed Ben. Yes I am guilty of that! I’m sorry, I didn't know any better.”
“You know better now. I’m glad you feel guilt for the right reasons now, it’s what makes us human. No one has the right to empower a system that only exists through it’s subjugation of others. It’s totally criminal.”
Ben hung his head in shame, realising the severity of his actions, mistreating his team and taking from them to empower a draconian system of domination.
“I bet you paid council rates too, didn't you?”
“Well, they did come and collect the bins once a week.”
“Wow, whoopdy doop. How much would that equal per bin pick up? $50 per pick up? Give or take? They don’t do anything else for you do they?”
“Not that I know of, no. Well maybe they included that to fix the roads…”
“Oh my lordy lordy!! How much do these parasites need to take to fix these friggin roads!? Registration, petrol tax, speeding fines, council rates, parking fines, income tax, company tax, GST, license fees, capital gains tax, gun license fees, transfer fees, stamp duty! With all that money we should have flying cars! It would be cheaper than constantly fixing these shit for excuse roads everyone loves to dribble about!”
Ben put his hands up.
“You got me, my hands are up, I’ve been robbed, somebody call the police. Oh wait, they were the ones who did the robbing…”
Sally laughed in response to Ben’s first intelligent joke.
“Should have just taken the bin to the tip yourself, would have been cheaper.”
“It still costs a lot of money to dump rubbish at the tip.”
“And they wonder why people dump it in the forests….You know it should be totally free to dispose of rubbish appropriately, right?”
“I can only guess that you will have some answer to how it’s possible to do.”
“Well, no, not exactly, it’s more that it’s just commonsense, isn't it?”
“Oh yeah, I guess it is.”
“So when you committed the crime of paying tax and funding a terrorist organisation, did you use a middleman?”
“An accountant? Yeah I did. Cost me about $5,000 every year.”
‘I hope I don’t need to comment further upon that one and you can figure out the lunacy for yourself.”
“Yes, I can now. It hurts, but I can. I just got this feeling, there shouldn't be accountants, should there?”
“Oh wow, look at Mr Sherlock go. No Ben, there obviously should not be accountants. Do I have to tell you there shouldn't be rapist, thieves or murderers either? Or are those just fancy names for ‘accountants’?”
“You can be really harsh sometimes Sally.”
“I’m not the one manipulating you into paying 5k to then pay 10k to a group of organised criminals! Yes yes, accountants are people too who have just become victims of the sick game. But until they wake up and stop unintentionally victimising people, I have beef with them.”
“I guess that is true. You are just saying words after all, hey. They are doing real damage, it’s different.”
“Can say that again. Have you ever paid a fine for not voting, or actually any kind of fine, speeding, parking, tyres just a little bit too worn, going through a red light or anything else ridiculous?”
“Yes, I have...too many times.”
“You realise that it was not only a total waste of your money, but you were funding criminals?”
“I kinda do see that, but it will take more time for it all to fully sink in.”
“Ok, well that’s good enough. You still haven’t woke up enough to be considered alive yet so you’re doing well considering.”
“Thanks…..I guess?”
Sally smiled. “Your welcome!” She said in an over exaggerated way.
“Not even alive yet, geez. I got nothing to say to that one.”
“Then don’t, moving on! You used to have a gun, didn't you?”
“Yeah, I used to, then I decided to sell it as my gun license expired and I didn't want to pay to renew it.”
“Weird that isn’t it. If it expired because you had to be retested for a psych evaluation or morality check, fair enough. Good thing to test people who own guns to see if they’re still sane. But they wouldn't have done any of that, would they?”
“No, they just wanted my money and fear. I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't pay and kept my gun.”
“So you sold it?”
“Yeah, I had to. The police were calling and harassing me about it.”
“Strange, when a crime hasn’t been committed but a license is expiring, boom, there they are. When there’s someone in need and crying for help, they are nowhere to be seen. Or arrive too late.”
“Yeah, that seems about right. Though I have seen some cops helping people before. Oh wait no hold on, I’m getting confused, that was on a Tv show I saw that. Never mind.”
“Speaking of crimes. Have you ever seen an actual crime being committed in front of you before?”
“Yeah, I have. A guy was abusing his girlfriend at a hostel I was staying in. I didn't see it but I could hear it from the room next door.”
“So what did you do?”
“I called the police to come and stop it.”
“Well good on you for wanting it to stop and trying to do something. But shame on you for being a coward and not doing something yourself. Did the cops end up stopping it?”
“Ahh, they didn't actually show up until the next day when the couple had left already.”
“Typical. The peoples thieved money at work hey. So why didn't you do anything?”
“I was scared.”
“Fair enough. Why didn't you get some more people at the hostel to back you up? You didn't have to fight the guy, just knock on his door and tell him to stop.”
“I guess it was because I was too scared and because I’d become too reliant on the police to handle situations like that. I’d become irresponsible.”
“Good Ben, that’s really good. Well done. Remember when you built that shed outside at your old house?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Did you just build it, or did you go get a permission slip from big daddy at the council to do what you want at your own home?”
“Ahhh ok, I got the permission slip. The permit took them 14 months to approve and cost me thousands of dollars.”
“Golly gosh, that’s more than what that shed was worth! And it only took you a week and a half to build it!”
“I know I know, that was so painful having to wait for approval. I’ve learnt my lesson now.”
“I hope so. Because if you haven't learnt your lesson and keep on doing stupid and self harming things, I’m gonna put you in the ring, fit some gloves onto you, then punch some sense into that thick, rocks for brains skull of yours.”
“Ok Ok, I get your message, don't punch my head in alright?”
“Don’t do stupid things and I won’t have to punch some sense into you. Ok, last question. You moved up here during the planned iq test a few years ago, yes?”
“What do you mean?”
“When there was a world wide lucidity test happening, to see how many people were sleeping and how many were awake, you moved up here, right?”
“Haha, funny. Yes, that’s when I moved up here, a few years ago now.”
“You were held hostage for how many days?”
“24 days.”
“Oh, not just the 14 days, why 24?”
“Because of you, you told me not to get their stupid PCR test unless they provided medical proof that it tested for disease.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. What did they say?”
“They didn't answer me, I emailed them, most of what you were recommending I ask them to prove. I asked them to provide scientific evidence that they’re test did what they said it did. All they would say when replying to me was that I was refusing the test and that I would have to stay locked up for another 10 days.”
“What do you expect, they are criminals. Anyways, did they send you a bill?”
“Yes, it was $4,800.”
“Did you pay it?”
“Yes, I paid it.”
Ben slumped his shoulders forwards in defeat, feeling stupid and naive.
“Oh Benny boy. You just paid your kidnappers a shit ton of money to hold you hostage in a prison cell. Fancy prison cell with a nice bed and view, but a prison cell none the less.”
“I know, I know. They would have hurt me if I didn't comply.”
“That’s the only thing they are good at, hurting people. If their test could do what they said it did, of course they would have provided evidence, but it couldn’t. They were lying. They are liars. That’s all they do, lie and hurt. That whole situation was just one big lie, a fabrication they invented to seize more control and power over us. Do you want to know Ben, how we can stop them from hurting us, without us needing to hurt them?”
“What, how?”
“It’s called the 10 step process. It will change your life, seriously. Learning all of this is pointless if you don’t read this. You don’t want to keep existing in a state of constant fear, fear about everything, do you?”
“No, I can’t do this anymore. It’s just too much. You’re right, I’m right, I need to change. I haven't been living the life I want. I want change.”
“Once you wake up Ben, you can’t go back to sleep. Are you really going to commit to this, to yourself?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Good. Learn about it all here...”