The 10 Step Process Overview

Introduction - What Is Utopia?

The introduction aims to give you a better innerstanding of Utopia by looking at what makes our life our own, by questioning if what we believe is true and why we should strive for perfection.

Stage 1. Internal Commitment

Stage 1 focuses on personal development and one’s attitude towards life.

Step 1. Care & Curiosity

Step 2. Courage & Awareness

Step 3. Sovereignty & Responsibility

Step 4. Objective Morality

Step 5. Personal Development

Stage 2. External Commitment

Stage 2 involves transforming the external world, from social structures to economic models.

Step 6. Networking & Communication

Step 7. Bridging Structures

Step 8. Voluntarism

Step 9. Decentralisation

Step 10. Moneyless Society

Conclusion & What's Next?

The conclusion hopes to inspire you to take action and to continue learning about Utopian Realism.

This page is only the beginning. 

Reading all the chapters completes the picture beautifuly.

Without connecting all the dots, you won't be able to see the picture for what it is.

To make complete sense of The 10 Step Process, it's best to read through in order.

Utopia = Choice

Utopia is a mindset based on certain values and a set of principles based on effectiveness, efficiency and innovation.

Utopia is the highest expression of human ingenuity and innovation.
Utopia is not static, it is always evolving.
It's not perfect, but aims to be.
Utopia is the best humanity has to offer.
Utopia is when things are as good as it gets. Then they continue to get better.

A utopia is one where everyone is free to do as they please, limited only to their imagination and adherence to Objective Morality.

Utopia is the idea of a network of self managed towns which adopt The Utopian mindset and Utopian Principles and aim to form a world wide alliance, one town and one country at a time.

If there is a ruling class and an enforcement class, it's not utopia.

If there isn't a ruling and enforcing class, then it's a lot closer.

To know utopia, one must know freedom.

To know freedom, one must know the opposite of freedom.

Slavery comes in many forms and has many aspects, such is the same with freedom.

When people are enslaved, they live in what is called a dystopian world.

When people are free, they can create what is called utopia.

The key factor that separates slavery from freedom is choice.

The ability to choose your own path and to be in control of your life.

When all your choices are your own, without coercion or deception, you're free.

If your choices are made because you fear what would happen if you did not make such a choice, well, is that freedom?

What's the purpose of life if you're choices are not your own?

Is your life even worth living if all your choices are made for you by someone else?

Is it even a life if you aren't in control of your destiny?

On a day to day basis, do you choose to be the author of your story or a character in someone else's?

Does The Truth Matter?

If your partner was cheating on you, would you want to know?

If your son or daughter was stealing from you, would you want to know?

If someone you considered a friend was only pretending so they could blackmail you, would you want to know?

If your partner was only with you because of your money and didn't really love you, would you want to know?

If a food you were eating was actually really bad for you, but you thought it was healthy, would you want to know?

If you thought someone cared about you, but they really didn't, would you want to know?

If you believed something about the world, but it wasn't true, would you want to know?

If you would want to know, why would you?

Why is the truth important to you, why should you care?

The best way to know Utopia is to know what it's not.

If you can't tell the difference between what is true and what is false, how can you really know anything?

How Can You Tell The Difference?

What do you call a world where everyone has the ability to self govern and can co-exist peacefully? Utopia or dystopia?

What do you call a world where people are ruled by a centralised control system which specialises in maintaining order through fear of punishment? Utopia or dystopia?

When people have the ability to choose where their time, energy and currency is directed, is that slavery or freedom?

If you give someone a percentage of your income because you fear being punished if you don't, is that freedom or slavery?

If you're able to freely support the projects and ideas that you feel passionate about, what would that be?

What do you call a world where disobedience is punished by violence?

What type of world are you living in if you often feel "forced" to do certain things?

Are you living in Utopia when you see that some people are able to live lives of luxury while others live as beggars on the street?

Are you living in dystopia when everyone has access to the best humanity has to offer and no one is left behind?

When you're not sure the fate of humanity, whether it will destroy itself in another world war or by polluting the planet, do you ask yourself, is this the kind of world I want to be living in?

What do you feel that you and everyone else deserves, freedom or slavery? Utopia or dystopia?

The Strive For Perfection

What kind of world would we live in today if instead of the mentality 'it ain't broke so don't fix it" we adopted the viewpoint 'if it ain't perfect keep working on it?'

People have become afraid of the word perfection, believing it to be a fantasy for those with vivid imaginations. 

Some even doubt it's existence.

Perfection does exist and comes in many shapes and sizes.

In a Utopian community, the people strive for perfection, from a toasted sandwich to roads to social structures.

By enhancing and improving everything we do, our lives become easier and more pleasureable, thus the happier we are.

There is always a better way to do, build or make something. 

If we find the best way, then hoorah! 

If we don't, we just haven't yet.

A Utopian community is one that constantly moves towards perfection, progressing and becoming better for everyone, everyday. 

If we didnt seek to improve that which can be improved, what would that say about us?

Why settle for less when we can have the best?

Utopia Key Points

In any form of utopia, from a small comunity to a world wide civilisation, everyone part of that utopia has equal access to the best humanity has to offer.

It's a world full of equality and equity.

There is very little crime, because why would there be?

There is no poverty, as it's entirely preventable.

There is very little disease, because there is no reason to profit from the sick.

There are no imbalances of power and wealth, because there is no money and no rulers.

No one is trying to force you to do anything.

It's a world without borders.

A world without division.

A world without lies.

A utopia is a world where everyone is free to help create the world they want to create.

Peace, diversity, happiness, uniqueness, freedom, variety, joy, collaboration, co-operation, generosity, expansion, growth, excitement, care, abundance, inclusiveness, respect, team work, sharing, love, kindness, balance, adventure, invention, ingenuity, innovation, initiative, fun, satisfaction.

These are all the words to describe utopia and in essence, what life is meant to be.

An Advanced Alien Race

Use your imagination here and picture an advanced alien race one million years in the future compared to us. 

Do you think their society would have money, rulers, poverty or disease? 

Or is it more likely that they've been able to create a peaceful paradise?

Now imagine that those aliens are actually us. 

Can you afford to wait one million years for humanity to become an intelligent and civilised species? 

If we only had the right technology now, we could build that peaceful paradise.

Except the thing is, the only piece of technology to save the world has already been created.

Whether we use it or not has been debated for centuries.

It's called a mirror.

Why Desire a Utopian World 'Civilisation'?

When one is able to raise their consciousness, enter their heart and discover what they care about, they shall hopefully find a desire to want the best for others. 

Not just a desire to want the best for themselves, their friends and family, but for everyone.

When they discover this inner passion, they are more likely to do something impactful and make a difference.

No matter how big or small, everyone has the power to make a difference.

People may live all over the world, in different cultures, countries and towns.

They may look different, think differently and feel differently.

Yet we are all part of the same species, we're all human.

All our lives have meaning and value.

Everyone has the ability to contribute something.

When you choose to want the best for all, it gives others the permission and opportunity to want the same.

You become an inspiring icon of change.

Most people would agree, that whatever the world needs right now, it needs change.

If everyone in the world was able to live peacefully and harmoniously, what else would we want except for a world utopian civilisation?

Are Your Ready To Discover You?

Stage 1 is where everything begins and everything ends.

One of the most powerful things you can learn is to become comfortable being uncomfortable.

I am who I am because of the way we all are.

So who are you?

You are the only one in your whole life that you spend all your time with.

Are you just a body?

Just your habits and memories?

What if you were something more?

But how would you know if you were something deeper if you keep getting in your own way?

You are always the problem, you are always the solution.

Lao Tsu, a chinese philosopher, once said...

"If I let go of who I am, I become who I might be."

Who might you be?

Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime?

Because when you take this next step, there is no turning back.


Without curiosity, one never seeks. 

It's only when one seeks, that they can discover possibility.

The only way to become aware of another way of living is to nurture your curiosity.

It sounds simple, too simple. 

Although, it's deeper than you may first believe.

Without curiosity, possibilities remain as such, only possibilities.

It takes a curious mind to shape a possibility into a reality. 

Curiosity stems from desire and desire from care.

Curiosity is the active state of seeking new information.

Desire is the feeling of wanting something you don't have in the present moment.

Care is a reflection of what is important to you, based upon the level of interest in that which you care about. The higher the level of care, the more likely you're to take action and for that action to increase in significance. 

If you care about status and prestige, you may desire a luxurious house and car and become curious enough to learn how you can satisfy your desires.

If you care about your health, you may desire a fitter body, which sparks your curiosity to discover a better way to eat and exercise.

If you care about your freedom, you may desire to travel, which then ignites your curiosity to find a way you can explore the world.

It's hard not to say that what you care about comes from your heart.

When most people express that they care about something, they feel it in their heart.

How much curiosity can you feel in your heart? 

Is there enough to look beyond the veil of what seems to be true, but may not be?

What do you care enough about to change from a possibility to a reality?

What does your heart tell you?


There is no courage without fear.

You are not alone in your confrontation of reality.

Everyday, more and more people join you in your questioning of what is true and what is false.

Just like you, they have a burning desire to know.

Their hearts tell them something is wrong, very wrong.

But before they can begin to deeply think and contemplate what's really happening, they must find their courage to take the next step.

They have to dig deep into the pit of their guts and discover where their courage lives.

Some people fail to find their courage because of fear. 

Fear of what they may find if they use their courage to engage their mind, fear that they may discover something very unpleasant.

Knowing you are not alone makes this part so much easier.

Once you're clear about what your heart wants and choose to be courageous, you'll start to learn about society and you'll become aware it's ruled by greed.

Greed is not simply the compulsion to have more. 

Greed is the obsession to have that which doesn't belong to you and which you have no right to have.

Becoming aware that the world is controlled by people who do not have your best interests at heart can be very frightening.

So frightening that some would rather ignore reality than face it.

It takes great courage to accept the world for what it really is.

It take even more courage to do something about it.

Courage is love in action and everyone is capabale of showing courage.

You are not alone.


When you have your heart and gut aligned, you become curious to learn more.

But how can you learn to free your mind from the countless mental prisons we have been born into?

How can you fully activate your mind?

Not your brain, but your mind. 

The conceptual formation, mental structure and cohesive thought process that is you.

The part of you that is capable of deep self awareness and consciousness, that has great comprehension of yourself and relationship with the outside world.

How do you become independent, autonomous and free?

How do you become sovereign?

What Is Sovereignty?

It doesn't matter who sits on the throne.

It's the idea of the throne which is the problem.

Most don't yet grasp the simplicity of what it means to be sovereign.

It simply means that you're self governing and self determining.

Essentially, not a slave.

For a sentient being to be free, they must be sovereign, meaning they must be in control of their own choices.

Sovereignty is the foundation for all people to have equal rights and opportunity.

Sovereignty is freedom.

Your freedom is not a privilege to be granted or a reward for good behaviour.

Freedom is your birthright as a human being.

Sovereignty is the rejection of anyone who is delusional enough to believe they have the legitmate right to boss you around.

Sovereignty is consenting to give yourself permission to be in charge of yourself.

It's taking control and ownership of your mind, thoughts, body, health, emotions, behaviour and actions.

Because if you are not in control and owning these parts of yourself, then who is?

Having the ability to make choices according to your desires and will is what it means to be sovereign.

It's the knowledge that you own yourself and are responsible for your actions.

No one has a higher claim to own you, than you.

Ownership means you have the exclusive right to decide what's done with something. In this case, your self, which encompasses your body, mind and spirit.

Embracing sovereignty is embracing the reality that you are the king or queen of your life, as are we all.

When you become aware of your nature, and everyone else's, you realise no one is superior or inferior.

We all have the right to rule ourselves and to not be ruled by others.

Everyone in reality is sovereign.

The idea that some have "authority" and rights the rest of us don't have is a belief based in fiction.

Sovereignty is what separates us from the computer or phone you are reading this on, a device that may be intelligent, but relies upon a user to make it's choices.

Sovereignty is what makes us alive.

What Is Responsibility?

With great power comes great responsibility.

You are responsible for how you manage your freedom, behaviour and actions.

When others see you as responsible, it's because they've learnt they can trust, rely and depend upon you.

A responsible man or woman owns their actions, whether they do the right thing or make a mistake.

What does it mean to be responsible for your actions?

It means you can't blame someone else for the way you act.

Bombs are dropped, wars are fought, societies are oppressed, while the men who do the killing and oppressing blame the ones giving the orders, acting as if they have no free will of their own and had no choice in the matter.

If something is fundamentally wrong, saying that you are just following orders, the rules, the law or what everyone else is doing is an excuse for children. 

Children are natively irresponsible because they lack experience and awareness to comprehend what responsibility really means.

That's why it's hard to leave young children unsupervised as they often pose a danger to themselves and others.

It takes them time to mature and earn their parents trust.

Grown men and women recognise that even if someone tells them to do the wrong thing, it's ultimately their choice if they obey or not.

Whether you choose to be good or evil, to do the right or wrong thing, it's your choice.

So what do you choose?

Do you do the wrong thing and blame someone else, or do you choose your own moral compass and do what is right?

Being sovereign and responsible is not hard.

Lying to yourself and pretending your not, is.

What Are Rights?

You must know what your rights are before you can respect others rights.

We all have the right to perform any action which does not initiate a violation of consent. 

Said another way, we can do whatever we want, as long as it doesn't cause harm.

You have the right to choose how you live and if you wish to follow basic guidelines for co-operation, or not.

Rights are essentially actions that are 'right' to do.

A right is something which is not 'wrong' and anything 'wrong' is considered something which violates a Lore.

No one has the right to rob, rape, threaten or violate someone else.

We all have the right of free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and again, freedom to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe upon others rights or violate actual Lore.

Many people wouldn't sign contracts with banks or government agencies if they really knew what was happening behind the scenes.

They have no right to treat people the way they do.

View how honest and genuine contracts should be formed according to these guidelines here.

No one has the right to swindle, deceive or manipulate others.

We all have the right to do what we want as long as we are not breaking any lores.

A man has the right to garden naked in his front yard, until a neighbour complains and says that he is disturbing the peace by exposing himself to their children.

A woman has the right to drive at 200kmph on the freeway at 3am on a Tuesday night with no one else around.

A businessman has the right to sell his goods for whatever price he likes.

A business woman has the right to open a new store competing with his prices.

No one has the right to demand that those business's owe them a percentage of their earnings.

Everyone has the right to volunteer their time, donate their currency and to support whatever cause they like.

As long as what they are contributing to is not breaking any of the lores.

No one has the right to pay taxes to governments, as governments are warmongers and violate every Lore of Morality.

No one has the right to initiate violence against you if you are peaceful.

Yet you have the right to defend yourself against violence in a proportional manner.

If a frail little old lady was attacking a big strong man, with her bare hands, he doesn't have the right to shoot her.

But if a big strong man was trying to kill a little old frail lady, with his bare hands, she does has the right to shoot him.

You have the right to respond with equal or necessary force to protect yourself.

Escalation and deescalation of force is important.

But in times when force is required to defend against violence, it may be hard to do the right thing as you fear for your life.

For situations where a crime has been committed, (there is only a crime if there is a victim) independent arbitration systems can be used to achieve an equitable solution for both parties.

Such as in the case of self defence, you may cause harm or even loss of life to another.

But if it was the right thing to do in that situation, then you are not in the wrong.

Sometimes, being violent and taking another's life as a last resort is the right thing to do.

If a mad man held a gun to your family's head and your only option was to kill him or allow your family to be killed, then you, then other family's, you would be in the wrong if you did not kill the mad man.

You could of course try not to kill the mad man and instead shoot him in the legs and arms, incapacitating him, then take him to a rehabilitation centre to try and heal whatever caused him to go mad.

This would be the best option, but may not be possible.

There are times when you may have to make tough decisions.

That's why it's important to have a fully functioning moral compass, a conscience, to ensure you try and do the right thing if the time comes.

90% of the time, what's right and what's wrong is obvious.

When it's not, we have independent arbitration systems, that aren't influenced by money or politics, to adjudicate situations where the lines become blurred.

The Lore Of Morality

It is highly recommended to read the full explanation about The Lore, Objective Morality, Rights, and what it means to be good, view here.

This explanation is only partial in comparison to this page.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

1. Create no loss

2. Create no harm

3. Be honest and ethical in your dealings

4. Maintain the peace

1. Create No Loss

Don't take what isn't yours.

Don't steal.

If it's not rightfully yours, you become the bad guy if you take it or threaten someone else to give you what is theirs.

For example, you cannot demand money in the form of taxes without breaking this Lore.

If someone wishes to donate currency to a cause, that is their choice.

If you coerce them under threat of punishment to give you a percentage of their earnings, you've just become the bad guy.

This is not a complicated Lore, it's very simple.

Don't cause loss to anyone.

2. Create No Harm

As simple as it sounds. 

Don't create harm.

Don't hurt people.

Especially those who are innocent & peaceful.

We are taught this as children, but somewhere along the way, the system reverses what we know is wrong and it becomes the foundation for controlling society.

If someone is threatening or attacking you or someone else who is peaceful, you of course have the right to defend them or yourself.

If you go out of your way to cause harm to others who are peaceful, you are the bad guy.

Most police and military members are guilty of breaking this Lore.

It's something we normally learn as children and should be the most obvious thing in the world.

Don't go around hurting people.

3. Be Honest & Ethical In Your Dealings

Tell the truth.

Don't lie.

Be an honest and honorable man or woman in your dealings with others.

Don't have someone sign a deal that you wouldn't feel comfortable signing.

Don't sell your car with the odometer rolled back 50,000kms.

In all your dealings with others, behave as if you were the one on the other end of the dealing.

Don't cheat on your partner.

Don't betray your friends or anyone.

You always want others to be honest and ethical with you, so take the initiative and be honest and ethical with them.

4. Maintain The Peace

Don't cause trouble where trouble doesn't exist.

If there was peace, then through your behavior you disturb that peace and cause conflict, for no good reason, you become the bad guy.

If someone was peacefully minding their own business and driving down the road, causing no harm or conflict, yet you pull them over and and begin making demands of them, you've violated the peace and are in the wrong.

Don't be a trouble maker.

Don't be a violent aggressor.

Don't be the initiator of problems.

Don't disturb the peace.

Law & Legal VS Lore

The difference between law and lore is simple.

Law is a man made construct that is subject to change and only applicable to some.

Lore is inherent to existence, will never change and is applicable to everyone.

To understand law, you need to go to university for many years.

To live by lore, you only need basic common sense.

Law is subjective, changes everywhere you go and depends on your status.

Lore is objective, remains the same everywhere and is the same for everyone.

One is extremely complex and confusing, one is extremely simple and obvious.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

Law is not.

If you would like to learn more, you can listen to Mark Passio's presentations about natural lore, morality and rights here

There are 21 links in the description that will take you to his high quality presentations.

Am I In The Right Or Wrong?

To easily know if what you have done or want to do is right or wrong, ask yourself these questions.

Is my desired action honest, peaceful, respectful and integral?

Do I have any wish to cause harm or loss?

Will my decision cause harm or loss even if it's not what I desire?

Is this choice likely to be dangerous and place others in unnecessary risk?

Will this action violate any Lores Of Morality or anothers rights?

If you have done something which does not violate, harm or disempower someone, then you haven't done anything wrong.

If you're attempting to accuse someone of being wrong or commiting a crime when they have not caused a violation, had no intention to cause a violation or even came close to causing a violation, you are now in the wrong.

The pursuit of justice is only necessary in situations when a form of violation has occured.

A violation must be an actual negative outcome, an intention to cause a negative outcome or the very near miss of causing a negative outcome.

Any attempt of justice against one who has not violated someones freewill, consent or rights, is a violation of justice.

Self Respect

When you begin to deeply comprehend just how much you are worth, to yourself and the world, you become inspired to take more action and produce better results.

Dedication to self is dedication to your health, growth and personal development.

Your whole life, you've been taught you have limited value, that others have the right to rule and control you. 

Your parents, your teachers, your boss, your partner, police, magistrates, politicians, religious instructors, royalty and even gods.

This step is your realisation that you don't have limited value, you have infinite potential value.

Nothing and no one has the right to own and control you.

At the same time, you don't have the right to empower anything or anyone which desires you to be their possession.

Because to give something or someone else ownership and the right to make your choices for you is a violation of morality committed against yourself and the world at large.

Your first duty must be in the acknowledgement of your worth and in the realisation of your own worthiness to self love.

You have infinite worth and value merely by existing, no matter the manner of your creation.

How you came to be is inconsequential compared to the fact that you are.

This alone is worthy of your self respect.

With self respect comes self love.

For how could you not love something which is divine and miraculous, yourself?

With self respect and self love comes the knowingness that you must take yourself seriously, so seriously that the act of giving your power away to another to rule you is the most heinous abomination which is possible.

To give your power away is a desecration of life itself, the greatest crime.

It is the most profound statement of irresponsibility that exists.

There is no deeper form of abandonment and betrayal then deciding that you are not worthy to make your own decisions and craft your own destiny.

The delegation of your personal power and responsibility to anyone or anything outside yourself is practically signing your own death note.

Choosing to give up your free will, your ability to make your own reasonable, rational and logical choices is intellectual and spiritual suicide.

Anything or anyone which desires you to relinquish your free will and ability to author your own story is not your friend.

If anyone or anything requires your surrender to be able to operate, you can be sure they wish to wield you as a weapon, for their own personal benefit.

Retaining your free will, personal power, responsibility and ability to make your own free choices is what true self respect is all about.

Anyone or anything that truly loves, cares and respects you is willing to honour your ability to make your own choices.

Anyone or anything which does not respect your free will is unworthy in it's totality.

For how could anyone say that they truly love themselves when they assign the position of decision maker to an external authority, such as government or gods?

Even if this was true and one believed that another had a higher claim to rule and decide in their favour, it is still false.

For one to be able to give away their free will and power to decide their own life, they must have the freedom and power to make that choice.

Which is a contradiction, you either have the power and ability to shape your own life, or you don't.

The truth is, everyone is powerful and free to make their own choices.

Obedience, servitude and subjugation is a choice.

So is independence, sovereignty and autonomy.

One is fueled by self hatred and unworthiness.

One is fueled by self love and respect.

Your true power is never absent, only your awareness of it.

Find out what makes you tick and commit to constantly evolving and growing.

Take your health into your own hands and discover what food is healthy and what is toxic.

Make informed and conscious choices about your physical, mental and emotional health. 

Explore free and open source software.

Learn the difference between private and public.

Heal your past trauma.

Forgive those whom you need to forgive.

Work on your flaws.

Get help and assistance when you need it.

You deserve the best the world has to offer.

You deserve to become the best version of yourself.

The world deserves to experience the best version of you.

If you would like to like to learn more about health, you can visit this video and 11 supporting links in the description.

If you would like to learn how you can take charge of your mind and start to do the things you say you want to do, especially with healthy nutrition and exercise, then you can take it to the next level with this program here.

If you're ready to become digitally sovereign, private and secure with your online presence, then this is the course for you here.

Are You Ready To Make An Impact?

Now you've made the commitment to change yourself, changing the world will be easy.

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Stage 1 teaches you how to become a better version of yourself.

Stage 2 teaches you how we can create a better version of society.

Stage 1 is the internal quest, dedicated to you.

Stage 2 is the external quest, dedicated to the world.

This is your opportunity to encourage others onto the path of Utopia.

This is the part where you get to actualize your care for the future of the world and make an impact.

Remember, anyone who ever achieved anything knew this... 

Action is the foundational key to all success.

What action are you going to take?


Without sharing knowledge, it's only you who evolves.

For our race to evolve, it's crucial we communicate.

If you have answers and solutions to problems, but don't share them, how can you expect change?

Connect with fellow like minded men and women in your local area, across your country and around the world, face to face and online.

Educate others and be educated.

Plant seeds in those who appear to believe totally different things than you.

Create or join group meet up's, build communities and share ideas.

Copy and share the best concepts from projects and missions that share common goals.

Choose collaboration over competition.

No more patents, closed source technology and hiding important information from each other.

Give and get given the best we have to offer, freely.

Something that is worth remembering when it comes to sharing ideas, if it's not good for everyone, it's not good for anyone.

Be the student and the teacher.

Make new friends.

Create fresh relationships.


Find your tribe.


Spread the message.


What a Mess

The world of today is controlled by greed made manifest in the form of governments, bankers, technocrats, corporations, billionaires, royalty and religious institutions. 

You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn't admit there is at least some corruption in government and the system.

The system is the control structure that has been over laid on top of society.

Society is the interaction and dealings of people.

Because of the system, society has become a mess, but we must realise that we allowed it to become like this.

We were the ones who put in the leg work to make it the rat race of today.

If we allowed it, then we can stop allowing it.

We don't do that by destroying what we created, we do it by creating something entirely new.

To transition out of this mess towards Utopia, we'll need a few bridges to help us reach our goals.


If we continue to cling on desperatly to national currencies, we're sure to go down with the sinking ship.

The Freedom Credit is a bridge from where we are now, on the verge of economic collapse, to where we want to be, a Utopia free from the need of money.

There are many forms of alternative currencies and mini societies forming around the world. 

The more diversity and variety we have, the better.

Money has been the tool of control and prime cause of the power gap for centuries, we can reverse engineer that mechanism and use it as the messenger of Utopia.


Discovering the legal system is an extremely complex entrapment system designed by the ruling class to maintain a hierarchy of power, can be very challenging. 

It often leaves people feeling frustrated, enraged and hopeless at the enormity of it all.

That's why people all over the world in the millions have been rejecting the standard legal system and adopting moral, ethical and simple constructs such as The Lore Of Morality.

They have been taking back their power, replacing legal textbook jargon for basic commonsense and honour.

Most people would agree that if you can't simplify human interaction to a few basic Lores, then you're doing it wrong. 

By working together, we can replace biased court systems who favour punishment and revenge with independent arbitration systems with only one goal, to create equitable outcomes for both parties.

The focus of courts should not be on revenge and punishment, but rehabilitation, remedy, resolution and recitification.

What's better than settling disputes is not having them in the first place. 

The way we do this is through a shift in values, an education about personal worth, sovereignty and responsibility and by creating a better environment for everyone where crime is much less likely to occur.

A simple bridge for over coming the complexity of legality is commonsense, honour and adopting The Lore Of Morality as a way of life.

Private Members Associations

Joining or creating a PMA, private members association, is a good proof of concept that realises the significant merit of a Utopian society, implements it on a small scale and includes those within it who resonate with the same values, morals and ethics.

It helps to unify and bring clarity to men and women who share the same vision and attitude for achieving that vision.

It can create a beautiful, functioning construct of human interaction and systems that can then be replicated on larger scales.

This bridge is a formalised structure of the commonsense approach of honour and morality.

It can be a helpful tool to step away from the control structure governments have formed around the idea of 'the public'.


When creating a World Utopian Society, we'll be faced with many challenges. 

The current system fights us with everything it has to prevent and restrict our freedom.

We face opposition at every turn. 

But so do they.

Building our Utopia will require the use of new ideas and a level of co-operation that will allow the best of humanity to shine through.

The more "bridges" we create, the more likely we are to reach our destination.

Voluntarism...What's That?

With our bridges in place, we can begin to act in a way befit of a voluntary society, freely.

Not just for individuals or small groups, but on progressively larger and larger scales.

What exactly is a voluntary society?

Well, it's the opposite of an involuntary society.

It can also be called group sovereignty. 

In comparison to an involuntary society, which relies on the threat of punishment to function, a voluntarist society is a peaceful society.

It's a society that respects the individual.

It's a society which does not force you to contribute.

It aims to inspire and encourage you to share your gifts with the world.

A voluntary society is one where all interaction is on a voluntary basis.

It's the only type of society that respects good values and morals.

Involuntary societies rely upon dictatorship, fear, intimidation, violence, punishment and force to operate.

Involuntary societies must use tools of control to maintain power, such as fines, threats of imprisonment and violent arrests to ensure the obedience of the people.

Unlike involuntary societies, peaceful co-operation and collaboration is the strategy behind Voluntarism.

There are no fines or threats being issued by a monopolised central command structure.

Instead there are people choosing to help lift up and educate each other to build a better tomorrow.

Voluntarism is the only type of society that allows others to live in peace without violent interference.

If the society you live in actively breaks The Lore Of Morality to ensure your subjugation, then it is an involuntary society.

If you ever feel forced or coerced to do something against your will, it's an involuntary society.

If you only ever volunteer, donate and offer your time, energy and skills to the society you live in, then it's a voluntary society.

What do you live in now?

What would you prefer?

Citizens & Rulers

A voluntary society does not rely upon the threat of punishment to control it's citizens.

The term citizen is used to define one who owes loyalty to a state and who can enjoy it's privileges.

A voluntary society doesn't have citizens, but people with fundamental rights, not privileges, who believe in and are loyal to the idea of voluntarism, not states or ruling classes.

There is no centralised rulership as rulership implies punishment for disobedience.

There is localised leadership, which logically concludes some people are better at certain things than others and people should play to their strengths for specific roles and projects.

It's a society that works to co-exist peacefully with people close and people far.

It's a society where everyone can have a say and has the equal opportunity to contribute their part.

In a voluntary society, you don't have to be disagreeable to disagree.

Voluntarism is the best humanity has to offer and it's the way things should be.

No masters, no slaves.

Only real people, who really care about each other.

No Rulers – Not No Rules 

A voluntary society is only absent rulers, not rules. 

Instead it's full of leaders who are ready to share their brilliant ideas and to inspire others to help build them.

The more rules a society has, the more controlled and fascist it becomes, the less likely you would want to live in that society.

The more rules a society has, the higher the implication that the people who live in that society possess a low intelligence that require such rules.

Instead of creating more rules, the focus should be on raising the standard of intelligence through education.

Voluntarism does not focus on rules. 

It focuses on The Lore Of Morality, which come from an elevated level of consciousness, a connection to your heart, having compassion for others, a sense of honour and duty and from a set of values that is built upon equality and respect.

These positive attributes contribute to building a healthy attitude. 

Attitude is crafted via education.

Involuntary societies such as modern democracies or communist states do their best to invert and repress healthy attitudes and high states of being.

This is because it is much more difficult, if not impossible, for rulers to rule people who know that the idea of rulership is wrong.

That’s why systems with rulers do everything they can to suppress the people so they can maintain a power hierarchy where they control and dictate everything.

When enough people embody this higher state of being, there is no reason to impose any more laws.

Although rules are different to laws, such as the rules of the road, which can be very useful! 

The less rules in a society, the healthier it is.

When people are able to embody a higher level of consciousness, they strive to only create rules that are absolutely necessary.

When you really think about it, you’ll be surprised at how few rules a society needs that are outside The Lore and supporting attitude.

So who creates new rules when necessary? 

That should be obvious.

You do.

The people decide.


There is a turkish proverb that says...

"The forrest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."

Most people believe that democracy is everyone voting once for one person to decide everything all the time.

This is not real democracy, not even close.

Real democracy is everyone voting on everything all the time.

Modern democracy threatens you to participate once and then disallows any further participation.

Real democracy respects your right to participate and to not participate equally.

Modern democracy doesn't allow your input.

Real democracy expects it and can't function without it.

In modern democracy, you only have one opportunity to express how you feel society should progress, by voting for 1 of 2 people to "represent" you and your interests.

Though that person has no idea your interests because they never get your feedback and don't know you exist.

Modern democracy revolves around the idea of "electing" one person to do it all.

Real democracy revolves around the idea that everyone who wants to participate is able to cast a vote on every decision that is relevant to them and the community.

Modern democracy is a "well if you don't like it, wait a few years and vote for someone else" way of thinking.

Real democracy is "well if you don't like it, organise a revote right now for that specific thing you were voting on".

To learn more, read this short story about a group of people ship wrecked on a deserted island here. 

(8 minute read)

For an even deeper and more comprehensive demonstration of real democracy, read this short story about a Voluntarism meeting here.

(30 minute read)

You can also learn more by watching this video made by Larken Rose here and the 43 supporting videos linked in the description.

What Is Decentralisation?

Decentralisation of;

1. Business

2. Essential Services

3. Currency

4. Control

5. Technology

Decentralisation is the opposite of centralisation.

Centralisation is the concentration of power over a particular thing, whether it be a product like food or a service like building roads.

Money is a great example.

Each country has a national currency.

A nations currency has been totally centralised by the central banks and is issued by them, who lend it to governments with interest, whom then impose taxes for the people to repay the banks.

A country with a focus on currency decentralisation would have multiple currencies that are independent of the central banks and government.

To decentralise means to spread the power and control of something, such as currency, decision making, town management, food production, community protection or leadership.

Centralisation is the way the few have power over the many.

Decentralisation spreads power more evenly.


The way to decentralise business is to create and support small business's and drive attention away from big corporations.

Become resourceful, innovative and take the initiative.

Boycott big corporations as much as you can.

Attempt to limit your engagement with big companies to only when it is unavoidable, such as mobile phone plans and petrol. 

Even then, begin to develop ideas to not require these services.

Opt to work with small business's that are of the same mind and who share the same goals as us. 

If this means you need to find or create new work for yourself, then make the change.

If all the staff who worked for big corporations stopped working for them and began working for small business's instead, well then problem solved.

It's also much easier for small business's to implement alternative currencies such as The Freedom Credit.

Essential Services

Use alternative means of power, such as solar, bio-diesel, or use your own genius to invent free energy devices.

Install water capture and storage facilities on your property.

Utilise self contained septic systems.

Grow and share your own food.

Send your kids to independent small schools or home school them, say no to government indoctrination camps.

Choose natural health remedies over western chemical practices.

Form local communities and councils and become active in the welfare of your town.

Volunteer to become a community proctector to make sure your town stays safe.

Interact and support your local fire brigade. Make them allies to the cause.

Create plans and incentives to win police over to our side.


Evolution is part of what makes humanity so powerful.

When we work together and adopt better ideas, we can all benefit from technological improvements.

No one should be left behind.

Use and encourage alternative currency's like The Freedom Credit when trading goods and services. 

Create new currency's.

Use more than one alternate currency.

Consider ideas such as The People's RevolutionOne Small Town and The Venus Project as models to implement and copy.


Innerstand authority and rulership is not appropriate or appreciated in todays day and age, or ever.

Learn that leadership is about respect, skill, experience and results.

One can only be voted into a leadership position for a specific role if they have earnt respect, have the appropriate skill or experience to accomplish a project and have a proven track record of sucesful results.

A leader aims to inspire and encourage others to perform better.

A boss or ruler only gives commands, without pitching in to help.

A leader is part of the team.

A boss or ruler is seperate and above the team.

A boss uses cunning to get what they want, a leader uses intelligence to get what everyone wants.

Volunteer your spare time to co-ordninating, managing and participating in community change.

Boycot government policy and reugulations as much as you feel comfortable. 

Recognise you are sovereign, own yourself and have chosen to live by a different law, The Lore Of Morality, as it's your right to choose which law/lore you lead your life by.

Hold yourself to a higher standard than the average person.

Become independent from the system. Don't rely on government payments. Stop accepting their benefits and privileges and encouraging their expansion and control.

Abandon politics, instead strategise problem solving peacefully via honest communication. Generate resolutions via locally held community meetings.

Implement new town councils and begin self governship, free from national dictatorship.

Collaborate with similar minded communities.

Implement technical solutions to negate human conflict. Example, instead of lowering the speed limit, create better driving education courses. 

Instead of making a law that punishes those who drink and drive, create autonomous self driving cars that operate free of charge.

Instead of creating a law that hurts and punishes people for growing a particular plant, create education and management systems teaching how to safely use and administer said plant.

Stop the legalisation of police violence.

Focus less on hierarchy and more on project specific expertise, recognise each others strengths and weaknesses. No one is good at everything and everyone is good at something.

Technology & Energy

Being able to benefit and improve upon each others technology is a great way to ensure we all have the best tools available to assist us in building a Utopian civilisation.

The way we do this is by using and making open source software, that anyone with the know how can improve and build upon.

This way we can continuously update our soft and hard tech to work more effectively and intuitively, which equals better real world results.

If we share free energy devices, free and open source software, new and innovative inventions, we all get to benefit, not just some of us.

Utopia is built upon the idea of "win, win" not "win, lose".

As we advance towards the mindset and practical reality of a moneyless society, no one will sell their free energy devices to oil company's for even billion dollars because that money will be worthless.

The huge amount of advanced technology that has been suppressed by greedy corporations will be allowed to explode and the true genius of humanity will blossom.

In today's world, we rely upon central points of dirty and inefficient energy production. 

This is ineffective and sub-optimal for many reasons.

If anything happens to that central power plant, many homes and shops are affected.

Many factors can affect central energy stations and cause power outages, such as weather events, accidents, sabotage, military invasion and corporate and government policy.

Most of the power produced in current central power facilities is lost in production and transmission.

Coal, nuclear, gas and fossil fuels are all very inefficient methods of producing energy.

Even slightly more eco friendly solutions such as solar and wind are terribly inefficient and ineffective, as they are too reliant upon circumstance to function. Such as clear sunny days or lots of wind.

In today's society, everywhere in the world, we are required to pay for this energy from centralised sources, which is absurd with the amount of free energy devices that exist.

To summarise what decentralised energy could look like...

Every home individually powered by a free energy device.

Or one step further, every device that requires power has it's own inbuilt perpetual and self sustaining mechanism.

No more wires.

No more dangerous EMF (electro magnetic frequencies).

No more recharging or flat batteries in your phones and laptops.

No more petrol or electric cars.

No more pollution and annihilating our environment.

We have the technology to build everything to function with self sustainable and clean energy.

From your mobile phone, toaster, fridge, car, laptop, hair dryer, welder, lawn mower, jack hammer, planes and lights. 

We can do it.

But we need to stop being greedy like the oil tycoons by patenting and selling the inventions.

Because of two reasons.

One, because that doesn't work. As soon as the government, military and corportions hear about a free energy device, the inventors get bought out or 'commit suicide'.

Two, because the world deserves free energy, without someone ripping people them off to use it.

The best way to distribute and begin using free energy devices is to publish and share it online anonymously.

Gift the idea to the world and allow everyone access to the designs so they can reproduce the technology anywhere in the world, for free.

That is the only way we'll ever be able to use free energy devices.

They'll never be able to be bought and sold in the general marketplace.

In a way, this is a good thing. It's the kickstart to a free, open source and fully functioning society we need.

Watch a short 10 min video here explaining what FOSS, free open source software is.

Watch this documentary to learn more about free energy devices.

Watch this documentary to go even further into the cover ups in free energy and the countless different designs people have invented, plus the connection with free energy and UFO's.

The Value Of Money

As long as we have the people, the resources, the knowledge and the right attitude, we can do anything we want.

Where does money come from?

Either from a printing press or more commonly now, from a computer.

Money in the past was backed by gold, but that's so rare today it's irrelevant. 

Who gets to make all the money?

The central banks, controlled by primarily the Rothschild family.

Where do they get all the money from?

They make it all up, out of thin air, then down the pipeline it goes from central bank, governments, national banks, then to you.

They make all the money today in seconds by typing numbers into a computer, then expect you to work for years to pay them back with interest.

How is this fair?

Why is there not another way to use money, that isn't as complicated or volatile as crypto?

There is, it's called The Freedom Credit.

But like all currencies, the only value it has is the value people believe it has.

People only use money because they believe it has value.

Money of any kind has no real world value, it's merely an outdated belief based system.

You can't eat it or build anything with it.

If all money in the world disappeared over night and we couldn't use the concept ever again, what do you think would happen? 

Would all the food still be there?

Would all the building materials remain?

How about the people to do the work?

Would everyone's knowledge and skill vanish too?

Nothing would actually change except a token of exchange that we believed had value would be gone.

Everything of real value would still be right here.

Sure, there may be disorientation in the beginning, but we would adapt and become much better off than before.

Money is only a system of faith that something which is inherently worthless has some kind of value.

Perhaps it may be more wise to place faith into each other, rather than having faith in pieces of paper. 

Without money, why would there be a need for competition and hoarding ideas? 

Everyone would collaborate because everything people would do would be to improve their own and each others lives, not because of monetary profit.


Ignorance is not bliss.

Our ignorance is their bliss.

If people only knew the malice behind interest, they would never trust the banks again.

Imagine there was only five people left in the world & a banker.

The five people wanted to get back on with normal daily business but they had no money.

So they all ask the banker for a loan of $10 each,

The banker says "Yes sure, I'll lend you all $10. But you will have to pay me back $1 interest."

They all shrug their shoulders, it's only 1 dollar.

So the bank gives out $10 to each person left alive on earth.

How much money is in circulation in the entire world now?

5 people at $10 per person is $50.

How much does each person owe, including interest.


What's the world debt?


How much money is there in the world?


How can it all ever be paid back?

Does the constant raising of taxes to pay back a continuously ever growing national debt make sense now?

It's a system that has been designed to never be paid back.

As the people in debt can be controlled by the ones they owe the debt to.

It's a corrupt and broken system that has to go.

That's why The Freedom Credit does not charge interest on loans and never will.

No Money - No Rulership

It's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to create a rulership class or dictatorship without money.

Soldier's and police only follow orders and commit atrocities because of their need for survival, which in a money based civilisation is dependent on, you guessed it, money.

Whenever tyranny hits somewhere, it isn't called a banker state, lawyer state or a judges state, even though they often contribute to tyranny, it gets called a police state.

To become a moneyless society, we first need to evolve from involuntary society's to voluntary society's, on small and large scales.

It's much easier to maintain a peaceful and voluntary based society when there is no money involved, as we know from history and today's current control structure, money is a perfect way for one or a small group of people to easily have power over many.

As soon as money gets involved, a power imbalance occurs when some people get greedy, which always happens.

Those greedy people then develop a ruling class, hire a policy enforcement class, demand taxes and obedience to laws and rules that further empower them and ensure they stay in power.

Money is the gateway tool for creating rulers, enforcers and involuntary societies.

This is the pattern from thousands of years ago with royalty to governments and corporations of today.

Ensuring we have a voluntary society, where people are free to participate and co-operate through choice, not force, is critical to a truly prosperous moneyless society.

Resource Based Economy

Another term for a moneyless society is a resource based economy.

A resource based economy perspective on society and progress looks something like this...

"Our town want's to build a bridge. Do we have the volunteers to do the work? Yes. 

Do we have the materials required to construct the bridge? Yes. 

Do we have the expertise to build it? Yes. 

Do we have a majority vote of all the towns people where the bridge is being built? Yes. 

Do we have a project specific leadership model to build the bridge? Yes. 

Ok, what are we waiting for! Let's build the bridge!"

In the world of today, the construction of the bridge may not go ahead because of a lack of numbers inside of a computer, commonly called "money". 

Or because one person with "authority" disagrees with everyone else.

This is how money is the limiter of progress, only this and nothing else.

A resource based economy is one that is driven by resources and is combined with technical innovation. 

It's more of a mindset than anything.

It's the mindset that if we have the resources to do something, then why let something as petty and useless as money get in our way from doing what we want?

If we want to build a new road, let's do it.

If we want a new medical facility, let's do it.

If we want a new sports stadium, let's get it done.

If we have the resources, the people and the knowledge, let's work together and make our towns better for everyone who lives there and who visits.

All it takes is a little bit of peaceful collaboration, which we're even capable of today, but without the money or threat of violent assualt.

Except there is a huge difference. Everything is so much better, it's almost impossible to believe.

The quality of everything we'll build without the hindrance of money will be so astronomically higher than what we have today, we'll make current billionaires look poor in comparison.

It can be challenging to contemplate such a radically different way of doing things, not having money, but once you spend enough time learning about it, what's really radical and unbeliavble is that we use money today. 

That's the true marvel. 

This documentary from the creator of the resource based economy model explains it very well.

Is It Communism!?

There are some who believe that a RBE is the same as communism.

Whether it is communism, socialism, capitalism, monarchys, kingdoms, empires, imperiums, democracys, republics or anything else, if it has a ruling class and enforcement class and requires you to do anything against your will under the threat of violence, then it is null and void.

Any social or economic structure that is not founded upon Voluntarism is so totally useless, it's not even worth discussing.

It's a system based upon lies, because it has to be.

It's impossible for an involuntary system to be based upon truth.

The only true society in alignment with reality, is Voluntarism.

Because reality is that which is true and it's true you own yourself and are sovereign.

If you are sovereign and if you're a conscious and intelligent being you therefore must be sovereign, then no one has the right to dominate you.

Any involuntary system which dicatates that you must contribute or you must be punished for commiting victimless 'crimes' is a system that is not in alignment with reality. 

For any involuntary system to work, it must convince you that it has the legitimate right to violently dominate you and it's for your own protection.

This is of course, a lie.

All involuntary society's like communism or socialism or any ruling structure of today can be logically proven to be based upon falsehoods.

That falsehood primarily being the deception that you are not soverign and must be subservient to a ruling class and enforcement class.

The involuntary system of ruling could also include RBE's. 

If it was an involuntary RBE, it would still be better than all of the above models of social dictatorship, but ultimately would still be pointless. 

Pointless in the meaning that it wouldn't be worth living in, as you would still be at the mercy of a violent ruling and enforcing class.

Life isn't worth living under a stamping boot.

A true RBE is combined with a Voluntarist set of principles as the social structure.

As a RBE is purely the economic model, as in the means of production and access to goods and services.

Voluntarism is the guiding philosophy of how people interact with each other.

A RBE is the economic model and Voluntarism is the social model.

A RBE Voluntarist model is the ultimate model for social structure and economic production and access.

If you would like to very easily know if any model is aligned with reality, check to see if it is disallowing you to do something, such as own private property or to keep all the fruits of your labour.

If the model you are examining is suggesting this, ask the simple questions.

"How would a society stop me from owning private property?"

"How would a society not allow me to keep the fruits of my labour, such as currency or materials produced?" 

If the answer is 'by using an enforcement class authorised to use violent force against me' then there is your answer. 

It's an involuntary society and not worth discussing, let alone living in.

Social and economic models must be based upon voluntary co-operation to be valid.

As soon as a model requires violence, threats, intimidation, fear and punishment to operate, it's automatically null and void.

For example, a better social and economic model than we have today would be a voluntarist capitalist society. 

Compared to a Voluntary RBE, it doesn't, but is still far superior than what we have today, in any country in the world.

So to answer the question 'is this just communism', the answer is no.


Automation is not the enemy in a moneyless society. 

Automation is only a problem in systems where people have been conviced that the only way to live is by doing something they hate for 40 hours a week, just so they can earn enough to scrape by.

When we don't need to rely upon money, we can create automated machine systems that handle the majority of tasks necessary to the smooth functioning of a healthy society.

This way, we can easily replace human labor, leaving humans free to live their passions, rather than being obligated to work to earn a living. 

Money isn't an incentive to contribute. 

It's a requirement to survive.

Replacing human labour with machines is only a problem in a society conditioned to depend on money.

Without our dependence on money, we can utilise clever design, innovate technical solutions for all our problems and abolish the practice of planned obsolescence.

The more machines that replace jobs done by unhappy humans, the more happy humans there will be.

Another solution to complement automation and to assist the transitioning process is called contributionism.

It's where everyone contributes voluntarily to do whatever jobs need to be done in their town.

They share the workload evenly, especially the tasks that people don't generally want to do.

Until a town has the resources to build an automated system to handle those jobs people don't want to do, contributionism is a fair and even system.

To learn more about machine automation, watch this documentary.

To learn more about contributionism, watch this playlist.

Planned Obsolecense

Planned obsolescense is the economic entrapment cycle of build, sell, break, build, sell, break.

This is due to large corporation's greed.

Behind every mega corporation is simply a man or woman who has lost their way.

Instead of building business's to generate low quality products and big profits, we can focus on building high quality products for maximum enjoyment, longevity and effectiveness in their purpose.

We'll realise we have no need or desire to build an enormous amount of junk items, such as we do today. 

There would be no need to tier products according to their quality (low, medium, high) as we would only have the motivation to produce the absolute best according to our available materials and knowledge.

With the internet, 3d printers and other modern tech, it's now easier than ever to transfer and utilise the best knowledge humanity has available. 

Because the technology is already available, it is possible for everyone everywhere to have access to the best material products we can build as a species.

The only thing that really needs to change to make this happen is our attitudes.

This can only happen when you change your attitude, then inspire someone else, then another and another.

One person at a time is all it takes.

Work Because Of Passion, Not Money

In our current world, people still need to make money to survive.

There are some people that say 'you can tell the character of a man by what makes him angry'.

There are others who say 'you can get the measure of a man by how he makes money'.

How you survive in this world can show a lot about the quality of man or woman you are.

There are two ways people make money in this world.

By helping others and contributing something of value, or by not.

Just because you can make money doing something, does not mean you should.

You may be making money on the stock market, but who is that helping?

What is that teaching your children?

We all have the ability to contribute something of value to others.

Until we advance to the point where we don't require money, it may be wise to consider how you make yours.

As the only way to become a moneyless society, a society that is so prosperous that the billionaires of today would look poor in comparison to the average Joe, is if we learn the value of contribution. 

Much of the menial labour of today that humans would prefer not to do, such as driving transport trucks, stacking shelves in super markets and cleaning public toilets, could all be replaced by machines and better ideas.

If someone worked as a taxi driver not out of passion, but because they needed to make money, we could replace that service with free to use, self driving cars. 

They would then be free to enjoy what they really love.

This allows people to contribute and explore passions that only humans can bring to other humans.

Such as becoming a personal trainer, a counselor, a naturopath, an artist, a tour guide, an archery teacher, a martial arts instructor, a swimming coach, a writer, a movie director, a physio therapist, a yoga instructor, a relationship coach, an interior designer, so on and so forth.

There are many professions that humans would do simply because of their love and enjoyment of it.

If you really want to know if you should be doing what you're doing, ask yourself this.

"If I wasn't getting paid, would I still be doing this?"

If anyone in the worlds answer is no, then the world has a big problem.

Why are so many people living lives wishing they were doing something else?

If we have the power to change this, we should and we can.


Money makes it hard to trust people.

If you go to a used car dealership, the salesman is going to try sell you anything.

If you went to a car dealership and all the cars were free, the volunteer who loves working with cars may actually say "look, we don't have the right car to suit your needs, check out the dealer down the road".

What internet service provider is going to tell the truth and say they have really slow internet speeds? 

None, because they want your money.

How many personal trainers are going to say "sorry, I can't actually help you achieve that goal"?

Not many.

Why would anyone desperate for cash turn away a customer?

They're not. They are going to sell whatever they can, even if it's not the right fit, just so they can make a living.

Without the motivation to make a quick buck, people will find they can trust each other much more deeply and genuinely. 

It's hard to trust doctors when there are so many financial rewards from big pharma. 

It's impossible to trust politicians to keep their word when big corporations are bribing them.

How can you trust google and Facebook to respect your privacy when they make billions of dollars by exploiting and selling your data?

How can you trust vaccine manufactures when they are simply delivering a product to make billions?

How can you really trust anyone that doesn't have ulterior motives to profit from you somehow?

It's possible, but it is difficult to know who you can trust.

It's alot easier to trust people when they have nothing to gain.

Because then you know they're really trying to help and genuinely care about your well being.

A moneyless society is an inherently more trusting society than a society with money.


It's a requirement for us to advance beyond the need for money, as it's a system that ultimately impedes progress and development. 

It's not so much as abandoning the use of money, it's about evolving past the belief that money does something, when it really does nothing.

People do everything.

Our progression towards a moneyless society is based upon two factors. 

Donations and volunteers.

The more people who donate material resources (and while we transition, a form of currency) and volunteer time, energy and expertise, the faster we can build a moneyless society where everyone has equal access to the best technology humanity has to offer, from houses, cars, computers, phones, home appliances, furniture, food, transportation, clothes, roads, hospitals and everything else people will ever want or need.

Currently, 99% of people do not have access to the greatest of humanity's inventions. 

Less than 1% can afford the best things humanity can create.

This seems not only mathematically improbable, but totally illogical. 

How could this be possible, unless it was by deliberate design?

Most people already know the monetary system is corrupt and controlled by a small group of people at the top.

It's one thing to know this, another to do something about it.

So it's time to stop focusing on the problems of money and start looking at the wonders that have been created in spite of it.

The software space is really leading the team here with an abundance of high quality programs and apps available for free.

- Jitsi (Free alternative to zoom)

- Session (Free and private messaging app)

- Linux (Free alternative operating system to windows and mac)

- Graphene os (Free alternative mobile operating system to stock android and IOS)

- Open office (Free alternative to microsoft word)

- Tutanota (Free and private email alternative to gmail and outlook)

- Thinkific (Free website builder, this website is built using thinkific!)

- Keepass (Free password manager)

- Simplenote (Free note taking app)

- Anime pipe (Free alternative front end mobile app to youtube)

- Odysee (Free alternative to youtube, no ads)

- Game mods (There are many game mods that are free and are better than paid games)

The list of free software just keeps on going. There may even be more free software than paid software.

If we can do this so well in one space, especially one that is constantly evolving and requiring time to update, why not others?

Free and open source software is a fantastic foundation and example of what's possible. It's what can give us a working blueprint of how we can build a voluntary moneyless society. That's because we are already doing it! There are many free software products that are higher quality than their paid alternatives.

There are also other volunteer organisations and services available for free. Such as...

- Vipassana meditation retreats

- SES emergency services

- CFA fire brigades

- Swimming life savers

Just to name a few. 

How many charitys have you heard of? 

How many times have you yourself donated to support a cause? 

How many others do you know that willingly gift their currency or time towards things they find valuable?

If we're able to do this already in a society ruled by money, imagine what's possible in a society totally free from the limitations of numbered bits of paper.

Just as there is a technical solution available for most problems, there is a technical solution for replacing our dependence on currency.

That solution is this 10 step process and other ideas like it.

To learn more, watch this documentary about a resource based economy and how machine automation can be an absolute game changer.

To learn about the Ubuntu movement, often called contributionism, invest your time into this playlist.

The End Or The Beginning?

The only way we can live in a society that is free, peaceful, and technologically advanced is if people want to.

For us to achieve this, there are two elements we need to work on together to build Utopia.

A shift in mindset and technical innovations.

When it comes down to it, that's all it takes.

The internal and the external.

Each step builds upon the last and is necessary for someone to move forwards individually towards a Utopian mindset and for society to progress as a whole to create Utopian aligned technical innovations.

Without networking and communication, how will ideas be shared and implemented?

Without bridging structures like The Freedom Credit, common social guidelines such as The Lore Of Morality and alternative arbitration systems, we leave the power of change in the the hands of the greedy and corrupt.

Without objective morality and knowing right from wrong, we'll simply end up in another version of what we have now, an upside down world where right has become wrong and wrong has become right.

At each step there is a crossroads, a distinct and clear path you can take. One path leads to leads to subjugation and suffering, one leads to freedom and joy.

1. When you begin to care about your society, desire to improve it and are curious to learn how, you realise you have two choices. Do nothing except distract yourself from your own power and potential or venture into the unknown to discover new ways of thinking and being.

2. With a greater awareness of reality comes your moment of truth. Do you stay afraid and continue to be part of the problem or do you show courage and overcome your fear?

3. When you learn that you own yourself and are sovereign, do you cower in fear and embrace the familiarity of obedience and lies or live the truth and start retaking your freedom? 

4. Once you've discovered right from wrong, will you choose a path of continuing to do the wrong thing, supporting a corrupt and broken system that only takes and breaks, or will you choose the path of morality, standing up for what is right, even if it may be challenging?

5. At the point you realise your life has tremendous value, equal to everyone else, not below or above, will you choose to disrespect your extraordinary life or will you nurture and nourish yourself, committing to growth and evolution?

6. When you're presented with the opportunity to share your empowering message of hope, do you keep your mouth shut because you think people aren't interested in living in a better world? Or do you offer them your gifts of knowledge?

7. When the pieces of the puzzle start slotting together and you begin to see the bigger picture, will you do what you can to support the transition towards a Utopian society, or will you become one of the reasons the transition is more challenging than it needs to be?

8. With the comprehension of what a voluntary society looks like compared to an involuntary society, do you keep advocating for some kind of violent domination of others? Or do you realise that the only way you can do more of the things you want and less of the things you don't want is to peacefully co-exist with others?

9. Will you keep supporting centralised corporations, governments and control structures whose only goal is to dictate every aspect of your life? Or will you decide to support and contribute to decentralised opportunities that put power and choice back into your hands? 

10. When you see the destructive and limiting nature of money, it's very hard to continue supporting such a regressive concept if your goal is to progress your own life and humanity's towards Utopia. Will you continue to support the idea of money simply because that's all you know and can't yet see how a world without money can be far better? 

An individual may learn these concepts and steps in a random order, but for society to evolve, it must go through, step by step.

To achieve a world Utopian civilisation, we need enough people to hear this message, or one like it.

The message of Utopia can be boiled down to something remarkably simple.

Respect yourself and the rights of others.

The ultimate goal is to create a world Utopia.

This idea will spread and start in small towns and community's before gaining momentum and impacting larger and larger areas.

One step at a time, inch by inch, town by town, city by city, community by community, we can build a world worth living in.


James The Traveller

To learn more about the author, go to the home page by clicking below.

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