Are You In The Right Or Wrong?
A Section Of Objective Morality
Publish Date - 18th August 2023 - 208 Words
To easily know if what you have done or want to do is right or wrong, ask yourself these questions.
Is my desired action honest, peaceful and respectful?
Do I have any wish to cause harm or loss?
Will my decision cause harm or loss even if it's not what I desire?
Is this choice likely to be dangerous and place others in unnecessary risk?
Will this action violate any Lores Of Morality or another's rights?
If you have done something which does not violate, harm or dis-empower someone, then you haven't done anything wrong.
If you're attempting to accuse someone of being wrong or committing a crime when they have not caused a violation, had no intention to cause a violation or even came close to causing a violation, you are now in the wrong.
False, unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations are a crime in of themselves.
The pursuit of justice is only necessary in situations when a form of violation has occurred.
A violation must be an actual negative outcome, an intention to cause a negative outcome or the very near miss of causing a negative outcome.
Any attempt of justice against one who has not violated someones freewill, consent or rights, is a violation of justice.