Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 14th July 2023 - 1577 Words

Utopian realism is the objective philosophy that each man has the highest power and responsibility to command himself and only himself.

Some beliefs can be very dangerous, such as the belief that you or others are required to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Or the belief that the desires of many outweigh the rights of the individual.

Hatred and condemnation of the individual and worship of the collective is catastrophic, just look at communist china of today, Nazi Germany of the past and every other country which chooses to ignore the fact that the collective is made up of individuals.

The belief that obedience is virtuous is harmful to everyone.

The belief that everything is subjective can have many negative consequences, such as making your own subjective morality or disregarding the efficacy of science.

The belief that a saviour is coming to fix everything is a lazy excuse to to permit one to do nothing good and behave irresponsibly as a child, incapable of positive contribution.

Utopian Realism is not founded upon beliefs, but upon knowledge.

Information is noise that may be true or false.

Facts are pieces of information which are true.

Knowledge is an accumulation of facts that form a knowingness of something.

Comprehension is knowing how to apply your knowledge usefully.

Intelligence is being able to apply your comprehension optimally to achieve what you want.

Wisdom is knowing when to not apply your intelligence.

To learn if what you think is true or not, test it against your reason.

Question what you believe and see if it holds true against your rationality.

Don’t stop questioning, asking why, how, where, when, what and all other questions of significance to discover the truth.

If you are being told that you must obey another, keep asking why until you get to the root cause.

When you get to a root cause, ask why it must be that way.

Ask if there is another way, a better way then is being presented.

A good method is to follow the money.

If there is money involved, if someones ability to tell the truth is tied in with their income, question their motives until you can be sure that what you are hearing is the truth and not just what the money wants you to hear.

Money is one the most powerful agents of corruption and is a destroyer of truth.

The truth is never as profitable as lies.

Be weary of the businessman in all his shapes and forms.

A politician, doctor, lawyer, judge, religious figure or police officer are all businessmen wearing different costumes.

They are all pursuing money, just in different ways.

One reason they are obsessed with the pursue of money is because they have been conditioned to believe money brings happiness, even if it doesn't, they believe it does.

This is true for most people.

Often they are happier in receiving money than they are in spending it to get something they want.

Whenever ones prime motivator is money, how can they be trusted to speak the truth when truth is bad for business?

The problem with the businessman is that they care more about money than doing the right thing.

The businessman would prefer to make a light bulb which only lasts 1,500 hours so they can continue profiting from planned obsolescence instead of creating the light bulb which last for 120 years.

The businessman prefers to continually profit from selling oil and polluting the planet than to create clean energy devices you would only have to buy once.

The businessman would prefer to sell 1 trillion tyres than to sell 1 billion hover cars.

The businessman prefers to sell drugs that make you sick and then sell another drug to treat the symptoms instead of selling a cure.

The businessman prefers to sell you into expensive chemo therapy than to teach you about cheap natural cures.

The businessman prefers to sell you the idea that taxes are essential instead of explaining how donations and volunteering are the only reasonable way to get anything done.

The businessman chooses to make a sub-optimal new mobile phone every 6 months with a couple year lifespan rather than creating the best possible phone now to last for a decade.

The businessman prefers to sell a petrol engine which is sure to break a 100 times than a magnetic engine which will never break.

The businessman prefers to sell you fish for a lifetime than to sell you a course how to catch fish once.

The businessman prefers to keep you paying for electricity every month for the rest of your life than to sell you an energy device once to power your home for life.

The businessman prefers to build low quality roads that break so then he can tax you your entire life to pay for its repairs than to build the roads properly the first time.

The businessman always prefers the most expensive, least effective and most repetitive method to profit from you, not the cheapest or best option for you.

The businessmen prefers to design things that break, so then you have to buy the same product again and again, compared to designing it right the first time.

The businessman prefers to build things with materials that are designed to wear down and break, instead of materials that are designed to last and never break.

The businessman prefers to create things which aren't easy to fix, instead of creating things which are easy to fix if they do break.

The businessman prefers products with short life spans over ones with long life spans.

The businessman prefers to sell you what you don’t need instead of educating you about what you do need.

The businessman prefers to do the wrong thing and make a profit then to do the right thing and not.

The businessman prefers to destroy the environment and make a big profit then to protect the environment and make a medium profit.

The businessman prefers that you stay poor by keeping him rich.

If you think of yourself as a businessman and disagree with these statements as untrue, then you aren't a businessman, you’re just someone who is proficient at exchanging value for cash.

To learn how to reason and get to the bottom of things, one must ask questions.

Always be asking questions, don’t believe anything until you have at least asked why or know something to be true because you have evidence.

Unfortunately, people cannot be trusted to tell the truth, but they can be trusted to act in a way they believe is their best interests.

Figure out what could be peoples motivators and then ask them questions about morality, you will find the truth.

When trying to figure something out that is not related to people, keep asking questions and keeping looking for evidence.

Until you have evidence, something is just a theory.

The theory of gravity.

The theory of relativity.

The germ theory.

You must use the scientific method when discovering new things, is it measurable, is it repeatable, is it verifiable?

Where is the proof? Can you prove it now? Or do you have to be a special expert with years of training, special labs and special equipment?

Whenever something is difficult to prove without special requirements, then you must be weary of it’s truth.

You know there is a science to building sky scrapers because you can see them and they don’t fall over.

This means it is not a theory or a lie that humans can build great buildings, it is true because you have evidence and proof according to the scientific method.

If you can’t research something from your laptop and the internet and discover if it’s true or not, then it’s probably false.

With the power of the internet and armed with the ability to ask the right questions, you can learn the truth of just about anything.

Do not believe things because of the way they feel.

Emotions and intuition can sometimes be helpful when discovering what is true, but more often than not they are inaccurate tools to ascertain the truth.

Your rational judgement, ability to reason and to research is much more powerful than the ‘way you feel’.

At the same time, do not disregard your feelings, they can be indicators that you should pursue a line of research, but let your intellect find the answer, not your emotions.

The way most people are manipulated and deceived is by expert con artists being able to psychologically influence their emotions.

Even average and honest businessmen can increase sales by playing on peoples feelings.

Humanity is not a rational species by nature at this point in history, or in any of our recorded history at all.

This is why you must be vigilant in your discovery of truth, always be on the watch for your ego or emotions to blind side you from what is actually true.

Your feelings will often get in your way and will manipulate you into believing what you want to be true instead of knowing what is.

Utopian Realism is always in alignment with that which is true.

If new information is presented that changes what we thought was true, then Utopian Realism adapts and upgrades to align with truth, not with what was believed to be truth.

There is no shame in being wrong, but there is great shame in not accepting the truth.

Utopian Realism

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