Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 13th October 2023 - 957 Words

Courage is the overcoming of fear in the face of adversity.

Only when fear is present can one be said to be courageous, for courage is always linked to fear.

If one could not feel fear and free climbed a cliff face, they would not be courageous, as they physically cannot feel fear. Yet if one was terrified and still did this, they would be. Even without fear, it is of course still an incredible act of skill, but it is just not courageous.

When one feels fear confronting a bully, in or out of uniform, they are being courageous. If they have no fear when doing so, then it is not courageous, just the right thing to do.

One may be a master pistol duellist, having over 100 victories under their belt. They may start back to back, walk 3 paces, turn around and then fire without any fear of death. They would be displaying honour, by not turning before the 3 paces to shoot their opponent, but they would not be courageous unless they felt fear.

Courage is being aware of the risks and consequences and continuing to act in spite of the potential negative harm one may have to endure due to their courage.

One may decide to confront police, stand up to their family or challenge a stranger who is doing something wrong.

When one has objective awareness about why they are doing what they do, they can look at the context of a situation and objectively analyse and evaluate it.

Courage is looking into the face of what is wrong or even evil and saying “not on my watch”.

It is the mental fortitude to overcome ones emotional state.

Fear is an automatic bodily reaction to the threat of violence or harm. Courage is the volitional mental response to fear.

When one cannot conquer their fear, they are labelled as a coward, as weak and consumed by their fear.

When one wants to go rock climbing, but cannot because of their fear, they are being held back by their fear and their lack of courage. The same can be said with sky diving, cliff jumping, standing up to bullies, voicing ones true opinion, living independently and squaring up against tyranny.

Courage is the ability to push through ones own fear and mental blocks to do what it is they want to do, whether stand up for what is right or to pursue adventure hobbies.

If the saying “everything you want is on the other side of fear” is true, then courage is the tool which will get you there.

Graham had invited Samson along on a camping trip with a bunch of people that Samson had never met.
The topic of conversation had turned to courage as they sat around a large camp fire.
Abbey was impressed by Samson's examples of courage.

“Wow, you are so courageous, you must have no fear. I couldn't have done what you did. Not wearing a mask when everyone else was. Going to protests, getting attacked and arrested by police. Not getting vaccinated when there was such a push for everyone to do it. I couldn't do that, I was just too afraid of the fines, the police brutality and the social pressure from everyone who believed in the whole narrative. I had to wear a mask because I was more afraid of what people would say and getting fined than of a virus. I was more afraid of the police brutality than of spreading a virus, so I chose to be my own prisoner and guard. I was more afraid of losing my job then getting covid, so I got vaccinated. How could you do it? How could you be so fearless in the face of such fear?”

The others all stared in awe at Samson, admiring him for his heroic courage in the face of adversity.

“You don’t get it.” Samson replied. “I felt fear alright. Although I wasn't stopped by my fear, I was motivated by it. It’s not the social pressure, the fines or the police brutality which really scared me. It was the fear of doing nothing. Allowing tyranny to run free and continue to descend into chaos, into dystopia, that’s what really frightened me. I had to act despite my fear, because the fear of not acting was much greater. I acted because I was afraid, not because I had no fear. I was courageous, because I was so scared. I wasn’t afraid of losing my job, I was more afraid of dying from a stroke, humiliating myself and feeling like a total failure. I wasn't afraid of the social pressure, I was afraid of inhaling toxic plastic and looking like a fool. I wasn’t afraid of the fines, I was afraid that if no one stood against the police thugs, they would think we were all just pushovers and easy victims for their psychopathic tendencies. I was so courageous because I faced and overcame an enormous amount of fear. Because I was more afraid of the guilt, the shame and the dishonour of being a coward. That’s why I did what I did, would do it again and will if I have to. Because it was the right thing to do and good men do the right thing.”

Some of the others looked at Samson in shock, some hung their heads in shame, some furrowed their brows in deep contemplation.

“Ok, yep, good explanation. I get it, I’m a bloody coward. But what can I do about it?” Abbey answered.

“Find your reason to be courageous.”

The fire continued to flicker and burn, illuminating the camp site and adding a background crackle to the now silence of deep thought.

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