Curiosity & Desire
A Virtue Of Utopian Realism's Character Principles
Curiosity is the behaviour of interest and discovery.
It is a specific type of desire, desire being the feeling of want.
It is the desire to know, to experience that which has not been experienced before, whether in thought or action.
Desire is the ability for a volitional being to initiate any and all thought and action which is not automatic.
If one could not desire, then they could not be a conscious being.
Inanimate objects are desireless existents because they have no consciousness or free will.
Even the wish to have no desire as is common for eastern mystics is illogical, as the desire to have no desire is still a desire.
If a conscious being existed, yet it did not possess desire, it would be a slave to it’s environment.
Even if such a being existed in an eternal heavenly paradise, if it did not have desire, it would be an utter slave, with no free will or control over itself.
A being in such a situation must have desire to be free, to desire to continue existing in such a paradise or to want something else, from a different paradise all the way to hell.
Many people confuse desire with uncontrollable obsession, addiction, lust and craving.
These concepts are extreme degrees of desire, thus they have different conceptual words to express them, for they are not simply desire, which is the ability to want.
Mans irreducible desire is the want to want. If a being really did want to not want, desire to have no desire, they would be wishing for their total and utter annihilation as a being. It would be worse than death, much much worse. As they are not wishing to be unconscious, but to exist in a conscious state with no desire, which essentially means with no free will, as free will as dependant on desire, as desire is dependant on free will.
Desire and free will are two sides of the same coin.
One can only make choices based on what they want to choose.
If they could not want to make a choice, then they couldn't make choices.
Or more accurately, they could make choices, but they wouldn't be free choices, they would be determined by whatever was making choices for them.
Again even deeper, it wouldn't be a choice, because a choice implies the possibility for an alternative option to be chosen.
If one did not have any desire, they could not choose either or, for they would not want to make a choice either way.
One who has no want, has no want to make choices, they have no want for anything, to stay in one position or to move, they don’t want to feel pain or pleasure, they don’t want to think, they don’t want to be conscious or unconscious, they don’t want to be in control of what they experience or out of control, they don't want to be able to make their own choices or to allow something else to choose for them.
They don’t want anything because they cannot, just like a rock or literal NPC (non player character) in a computer game.
If a conscious being somehow did manage to amputate their desire, what would they do next? How could they do anything they wanted if they had no desire to do anything?
They would exist in a dream like state, an observer with no power over what they observed, a being possessed by a demon, powerless to intervene as the demon made all their choices for them, not wanting the demon to stop or to be in control of them, as they cannot want anything at all, not even to have their ability to want return to them or to stay away forever.
This would be a sentence only the devil could conceive of, yet there are many gravely mistaken people who wish nothing more than this terrible of terrible fates.
Curiosity is a unique branch of desire. Desire is the ability to want to sit down or go for a walk, yet curiosity is the desire to sit down in all the fancy chairs in a luxurious cafe or to walk in a new and unexplored part of a city, both circumstances to experience something new and unknown.
Desire and want are more powerful than needs.
For there really are no ‘needs’ per say.
Every breath you take is because you want to live. Needing to breathe is only based upon your desire to live.
Every bite of food you take is because you want to enjoy food, you want to stop the pain of hunger and because you want to live. Needing to eat to survive is only because you want to survive.
If you didn’t want to survive anymore, there would be no need to eat, sleep, drink or even breathe.
All ‘needs’ come in response to a want. Even if one wants to kill themselves, they need to breathe and need to walk to a high place before jumping.
If one wants to create a successful business, they need to take x and x steps.
Everything you do in your life is based upon two primary desires.
The desire to move towards pleasure and the desire to move away from pain.
You work for money because you desire the pleasures that money can bring and don’t want to experience the pain and consequences of not having any.
You desire safety and security, so you do the things you think will bring you that, even if you make mistakes and in the long run perform actions that actually jeopardise your safety and security.
For example, you pay fines to criminal organisations because you desire peace and don’t want outside threatening forces to violate your peace.
Desire is a fascinating and critical component of reality.
Without it, we couldn't function.
For how could something which was not a robot, experience life if it did not have any wants and desires?
A machine that can build cars has no desires, it only does what it has been programmed to do.
A car has no desire. It is at the mercy of the driver.
A computer has no desire, it obeys the commands of it’s user.
A machine, car and computer have no power to influence their own actions because they lack desire.
The ability to have desire is the ability to be in control of your actions.
The Utopian mindset is based upon the desire to do good for oneself and others.
One must desire to improve and grow themselves, because if this desire does not exist, then the opposite desire does.
The opposite to growth and improvement is stagnation and decay.
If something’s not growing, it’s dying.
Death has no desire, life is made because of it.
When one seeks new information, thinks new thoughts, or performs new actions, it’s because they are curious to see the results.
Think of a baby.
They blow bubbles, move their hands and try to walk because they are curious and excited to see the results of their actions.
What will happen if I do this?
Curiosity is the spark of imagination.
It is the focused desire to explore and discover new things.
An inventor designs a new way to provide free and clean energy to your home because they are curious to see if they can create something which will change all our lives.
You go to a party because you are curious if you will meet someone new who you will enjoy spending time with.
Curiosity built the light bulb, invented chess, designed football stadiums and created art.
Curiosity and imagination go hand in hand.
To be curious, you must be able to imagine.
To imagine, you must be curious.
How could you build a new road if you weren't able to imagine an alternative way?
How would you be able to imagine an alternative way of building roads if you weren't curious?
Curiosity is the desire to see and experience the end result of ones actions.
How could anything new be created or thought if there was no curiosity?
If you weren't curious about a better way of living, you wouldn't spend any time thinking about how you could enjoy your life more.
Curiosity is the virtue which investigates claims, opinions and beliefs.
If one hears a doctor say that wearing a mask is a good idea to protect from viruses, then it is the virtue of curiosity which investigates to discover the truth of this bizarre claim.
If one sees that police cause more issues than they solve, it is ones curiosity which sparks them into action to research the concept of police and their actions and to eventually discover their ultimate corrupt nature.
Curiosity is the initiative to look into history via ones own efforts and to not simply believe the mainstream narrative.
Without curiosity, one is enslaved to whoever has a stronger will and is making the most claims of how to guide and dictate ones life and what is true and what is false.
Without curiosity, one becomes an unthinking automaton, only reacting to whatever commands they are given, with no desire to investigate the validity of the commands they receive as they possess no curiosity to verify the legitimacy of the claims they hear, they remain as unthinking zombies, obedient to their programmers, lacking the ability to return to humanity.
Curiosity ensures one who is free stays free, one who is in control of themself remains in control of themselves.
Curiosity is the cog in the collective human machine which rolls inevitably towards Utopia.
Remove this specific cog and the machine begins to roll backwards, inexorably tumbling down and down until it crashes unavoidably into dystopia.
The Utopian mindset aims to inspire people to become curious about everything.
In the famous TV show Star Trek, they say space is the final frontier.
Not true.
Mans curiosity and thus imagination, has the power to continue to expand for eternity.
If only it is nourished and respected for what is is.
The power to create change and discover the new and unknown.