A Virtue Of The Utopian Realism Character Principles
Honesty is the act of being truthful with ones communication.
When one is being dishonest, they are not telling the truth.
If one is asked if they have studied both sides of the argument for and against the existence of space as NASA proclaims it to exist, if one is to still say they believe in space, then they are being dishonest. This is because one can not honestly believe in anything NASA says as they are proven liars. If one had honestly looked at the research thoroughly, it is impossible for them to not grasp this unless they are deliberately evading.
When one evades, they are being dishonest with themselves and with others.
Evading is volitionally choosing to focus on what one wants to see and believe, not what is true and real.
When one focus’s on reality and all the truths of it, they are being honest, as to be honest is to be congruent with the facts of reality.
If one goes to the beach and views the ocean and says that they can see it curve at the horizon, they are being dishonest, because they cannot see any such curve, it is not a problem with their senses or mental faculty of perceiving, it is because they are evading reality and being dishonest, preferring to believe and identify with prior indoctrination than to be honest to the reality before them.
When one says they are happy to friends and family, but secretly is not, they are being dishonest.
When one tells a magistrate that they are not a ‘Mr.’ or a ‘sir’, they are being honest.
Why should one be honest?
What does honesty have to do with morality?
When one is dishonest with others in dealings, it can be considered as a violation of the lore of morality.
Typically, this is because dishonesty, not telling the truth, is treating others in a way they would not wish to be treated.
If one was buying a house and the salesman told them there was no water damage, termite infestation or electrical issues, yet upon buying the property, the new owners discovered all these problems did in fact exist, the salesman would have been dishonest. The salesman would not appreciate being lied to if he was in the buyers position, so thus this is a dishonest and unethical act.
Honesty is not dogmatic and universally applicable.
There are time when is advised to be dishonest and other times when it is actually moral to be dishonest.
Honesty always requires context.
If ones partner was wearing a new outfit and asked how it looked, absolute candour is not necessary if one absolutely hates it, they may instead say that they prefer the other outfits she has, which is not being totally honest, but is not being dishonest either.
If the police or other terrorist organisation are attempting to pry personal and sensitive information from one about the location of his loved ones, he has a moral duty to not reveal this information
He would be being dishonest with such an evil gang, yet in this context, it is the right thing to do, as one is under duress and it is an act of self defence to protect someone.
One does not need to have explicit knowing of right and wrong to be evil, implicit understanding is all it takes. One with explicit knowing would be more evil than one with only implicit knowing. A cop has implicit knowledge that what they do is wrong, it may not be explicit, as they may not know why and how exactly they are being bad and working for evil, but they implicitly know it. If they do not, they are too unconscious to even be considered a being, only a walking flesh sack, animated by a metaphorical dark wizards curse to do his bidding.
If the police know what they are doing is wrong, then attempt to argue they are in the right, they are not being honest.
When one is being honest, they are conforming to the facts of reality and communicating the facts to the extent they are aware. When one who is honest is communicating, they attempt to communicate as accurately and reliably as they can. When sharing a story about catching a fish with friends, they tell them honestly how big it was, without exaggeration, unless it is in a deliberate jovial manner.
For there to be Utopia, it must be made up of people who communicate with each other truthfully.
The only times when being dishonest is acceptable is when it is under duress or when telling the truth will cause more harm than good and it is not necessary for one to know the truth.
This context implies the use of intelligence to know the difference between a time to be honest and time to be dishonest.
One may have a friend who got the covid vaccine and this utterly disgusts them and makes one believe that the friend is a coward and a disgrace. Although they may wish to not express this and be dishonest, as telling the truth in this situation may do more harm than good and they rationalise it is better to slowly drip feed their friend with empowering information so that they can hopefully come to the conclusion themselves about their actions and never do something so stupid in the future again.
For one to be good, they must be honest about what they know and what they don’t. If they don’t know what actions or ideas are good, they have to be honest and admit this, and then dedicate themselves to learning the truth. That is if they wish to call themselves a good man. If they have no desire to see themselves as good or have others see them as such, then it does not matter, they can evade and avoid the truth all they like and it makes no difference to them.
Honesty is a virtue which is appreciated by others and is likely to garner their respect.
Dishonesty generates disrespect from others.
Honesty in relation to oneself is crucial for one to build integrity, integrity being loyalty to ones created and chosen values.
If one is not honest with themselves, they cannot build integrity and thus cannot have any dignity, dignity being a form of self respect and consideration of ones inward and outwards appearance.
Dignity leads to self esteem and self esteem is the referential starting point which one filters all their thoughts, actions and life through.
Honesty is key for one to modify and enhance their quality of life, as it is a key virtue for building ones character to operate egoically.
When one lies to themselves, they are being disrespectful, they are not acting in a self interested way, as it is always beneficial for the self to have the truth of all matters so ones self can act clearly.
If one tells themselves that they don't care about their appearance, don't care about being strong or able bodied and thus eat junk food, don't exercise and become obese, they are being dishonest and showing that they hate themself, which is a self-less act, opposite to what is objectively needed and wanted for a rational man to live.
One may value their bad habits more than their health, know so, say so and act so. If one is smoking and drinking, this would be integrity to them, as they are acting in alignment with their values. They are being honest with themselves and others about their values.
One may drink alcohol and smoke everyday, saying they do it because it builds character and enjoy it, yet they really value their health more than these damaging addictions (or simply don’t know they are using drugs to numb themselves from themself), so thus are being dishonest and disingenuous with themselves.
The difference between honesty and integrity in relation to oneself is communicating and acting truthfully.
The first drug addict above is honest and has integrity. Although, they are a drug addict who values the pleasure of self destruction more than their health and dignity.
The second drug addict is being dishonest to themselves and others about the reason why they are an addict. Their values are not concretely arranged, or even consciously visible to them, so they cannot have integrity about this personal subject. For them to have integrity, they must explicitly know their value hierarchy and act accordingly.
When one is honest and admits when they are wrong in a discussion or argument, they are then able to learn what is right and thus improve themselves.
If one is dishonest with themselves, they are deluding themselves into fantasy.
If one is to point out chem-trails to someone and clearly show the difference between chem trails and con trails, if the other denies and evades this overwhelmingly obvious fact, they are being dishonest. If they can put their pride and fear aside and see reality honestly, they can rid themselves of indoctrinated illusory hallucinations and elevate their level of consciousness to better interact with reality and themselves.
If one wants to be a body builder, they must be able to be honest with themselves and see which muscle groups are lacking and need to be worked on. If they cannot do this, their overall physique will be less than what it could be.
If one wants to be an effective communicator, they have to learn where their defects are and how they can improve. When they are honest with their lackings, they can then focus their energy on improving their weaknesses and become a more effective communicator.
Honesty can be more complex on the surface, but underneath it is simple.
Always tell yourself the truth. Tell the truth when you should to others. Don’t when you should not. Know the difference.