Author - James The Traveller - 2nd October 2023 - 2840 Words

Intelligence is the ability to learn, to solve problems, to acquire knowledge, to validate judgements, convictions and conclusions.

Some people have a natural affinity and proficiency in one or more fields, this often gives them the title of being ‘intelligent’.

Intelligence can be narrow and it can be general.

One who is narrowly intelligent may be the best in their field in biology, but when it comes to basic commonsense in mechanics, engineering, philosophy, morality or maths, they may have no clue.

One who has general intelligence is able to translate and transfer their skill of intelligence to a vast variety of different fields.

They can apply their inductive and deductive skills of acquiring knowledge and verifying information to be factual or not to new subjects and fields of study much more easily than a narrowly intelligent man.

Narrow intelligence can be useful, for it allows one to become very highly skilled in a specific area.

Although it has many downsides and often leaves one oblivious to the rest of reality and easy prey for general intelligent psychopaths to take advantage of.

Intelligence has a very strong connection to passion.

When one is passionate about gardening, hippology, zoology, marine biology or electrical science, they can learn that topic very easily.

When one is not passionate about a subject, it is very difficult for them to learn, like trigonometry, economics or politics.

It is understandable for one not to be passionate about Entomology or Pathology, as these fields of knowledge do not concern everyone, yet the topics of philosophy, morality and social structures do concern everyone, yet unfortunately most people are not passionate about them.

One shows a general level of intelligence when they are passionate about all the topics which directly concern them and their life.

If one has a car and that car gets a flat tyre every now and again (as cars do), then one should be passionate or at least interested in learning how to change the wheel without needing to call for help for such a simple task.

Everyone has a body, yet not many people know how to burn fat or build muscle. They do not have any idea how their body works and are not passionate about learning how.

One may be an expert heart surgeon, yet have no idea about the terrain model and how people get sick and need heart surgery in the first place.

Just because one may be very skilled in a narrow area, does not mean they are generally intelligent.

The use of the word general here is likened to a medical general practitioner and more so to a general in the army. A medical GP has a general idea (in theory at least) about the functioning of human bodies in comparison to the heart surgeon.

A general in the army has the highest rank because he is generally good at everything and has a broad range of knowledge. He is a specialist at being a generalist.

A generalist can still specialise in 1 or more fields, but they don’t only specialise in a few fields and then have little knowledge about the rest of the world like the specialist.

The more things one is good at, the more skills they have, the more money they save.

When one is intelligent enough to do many things, they don't have to rely on others so much, they become more independent.

Of course, no one is a pure polymath genius, good at absolutely everything.

Having a general level of intelligence means one can be utilise their intelligence in a variety of fields and have a greater capacity to translate that ability to think and problem solve to other fields.

For example, one may have a general level of tradesman skills, being able to do basic work on their car or around the home, be able to use a variety of tools, have a specialised knowledge in weightlifting and bodybuilding, know in depth how the human body works and how to prevent it from getting sick and staying healthy, be well versed in philosophy, psychology, etymology, morality, economics, legality, computer technology and software, history, English, writing, social structures, geography, nutrition, combat sports, physics, military tactics, marketing, weapons training, sales, vehicle operation, business management, boating, leadership, communication skills etc…

The more passionate one is about learning and evolving themselves to make their life easier and more interesting, the higher their level of general intelligence.

The more generally intelligent someone is, the less likely they are to be deceived by the schemes of evil people.

Intelligence is not just what you know, but how you learn and your desire to learn.

The better one can learn, the more they know, the more they can do with the knowledge, the more intelligent they are, which can aid them to learn even better into a revolving upwards spiral.

Intelligence is less a natural born gift and more of a mixture of curiosity and passion.

When one is passionate about themselves, as one should be passionate about their own life, because they aren't living anyone else's life but their own, they will be then be curious about new ideas and information which can help strengthen their character and increase their knowledge.

With enough time, dedication and passion, it’s possible for one to become generally intelligent.

Their are those who are naturally gifted and can simply pick up subjects very easily without passion and with little effort. For whatever reason their brain functions differently.

There is no point discussing the biology behind these naturally intelligent people as it is not useful for those who do not have it inbuilt.

For the rest of us, we have to learn how to be intelligent, we have to invest time, energy and focus into becoming good at what we want.

Just like body building, consistency is king.

If you want to become generally intelligent, you must put aside your pride.

If one doesn't want to be wrong more than they want to be right, they will remain as someone who is narrowly intelligent or simply stupid.

When one wants to be right more than they care about being wrong, they can become unstoppable.

One who wants to be generally intelligent does not care about being wrong, they do not let their pride or ego get in the way of their evolution.

They are happy to have friendly debates about what they believe or know, because it either reinforces what they already know or shows them how they are actually wrong by pointing out a contradiction in their ideas.

General intelligent men are like the saiyans from dragon ball z. Every time they lose or (or in this case, are proven wrong), they simply come back stronger.

One who is not intelligent will cling to their beliefs because of pride, arrogance and fear. They do not want to be proven wrong, so even in the face of insurmountable evidence, they will evade and deny it’s existence or truth so they don’t have to be wrong (in their mind) and don't have to change.

GI (general/ly intelligent/ce) men are able to entertain contradictions in their mind so they can then evaluate multiple perspectives simultaneously.

The term ‘GI’ can also be used like this, instead of saying a GI man does XX, it can be said a GI does XX.

One may have come across a plethora of research that eating meat is healthy, but also come across a vast amount of research which denies this and advocates that humans are frugovores.

One who has GI is able to consider both perspectives simultaneously, can see the pros and cons, the truth and falsity's of both sides. Ultimately, they can then make an informed choice through their theoretical research as to how they decide to eat or can proceed to move into inductive practical research, experimenting on themselves to see what works best for them, irrespective of the best theoretical argument they hear.

One may believe in the primacy of consciousness, but then come across new information which points out that existence is primary. One can consider both contradicting perspectives and then decide logically which idea makes more sense and is objectively true.

One may believe the only way social change will occur is through a freedom based political party. If they have GI and they hear of anarchy and voluntarism, they are able to suspend what they currently know about politics and consider such an alternative social structure without instantly dismissing it.

One who has GI typically has a very high level of respect for themselves, they see their mind as the most worthy of investments they can ever make, one that always pays off and only ever returns profitable dividends for the rest of their life.

A GI can also make broad range logical deductions with great accuracy. For instance, one could conclude “the government lies about everything I’ve ever investigated so far, which could be in excess of dozens of individual subjects, so why would I believe them about such and such”?

If one finds out that someone or an agency lies about practically everything, it is very easy then to deduce that everything else they do which has not been thoroughly investigated is also a lie.

An example, one discovers that the war on drugs is a cover up to control the population, restrict their freedom and to control a monopolised black market on drugs. They also discover that 9/11 was an inside job. The same with all the wars, there was always an ulterior motive, if not many. They find out all the presidents are connected by family bloodlines, the voting is rigged and even the concept of their authority is delusionaly false. If one who has GI can figure all this out, they can then use that same reasoning “Everything the government does is a false front to cover up something evil and they always lie”. Bu having GI, one can use this same deductive logic to figure out the basic gist of other b.s. the government spews. One who is GI would not believe in NASA and space for example. As not only is it provably false, but it would contradict logic. One has already established that the government lies about everything, or at the very least twists things to be in their favour, why would one with GI suddenly in contradiction to all factual evidence and their inductive and deductive reasoning falsely believe that the government isn't lying about this one thing? It would be illogical and would prove one is not GI.

GI’s are more adept at broad range deductions than others. They can draw logical conclusions faster and more accurately across a broader scale than those who cannot effectively make broad range deductions.

They can look at the idea of faith for example, which is the belief in something to be true in contrary to all evidence, and recognise that there is no sound examples of faith which exists. They do not have to go through every single concrete example to understand that faith is an incorrect method of cognition.

When a GI is working on something and cannot figure it out, they don’t say “what is wrong with this?” They say “What am I doing wrong”?

They measure twice, cut once.

A GI will never say “I can’t work xx out” without first looking to see how xx works.

A GI doesn't make assumptions. They find out what they want to know.

If a GI wants to do something, but doesn't know how, they find out how.

A GI will always look at information, opinions and ideas and think “What can I take from this, what can I learn?” While at the same time knowing what to omit or to store in a neutral zone in their mind. As Bruce Lee said, absorb what is useful, discard the rest.

A GI will always happily evaluate themselves, looking for errors in their methods of cognition, idiosyncrasies, habits, ingrained repetitive behaviours, actions, attitudes or anything else part of their personality or character. They are like a self judging, self correcting machine, always looking to update themselves and take their life to the next level, consistently.

They can admit when they are wrong, own up to their mistakes and are always looking for better ways to achieve their goals.

Because they respect themselves so much, they spend more time than the average joe learning how to make their life easier. They also respect their time.

If a GI man could invest 30 minutes into learning how to change their brake pads, then 20 minutes every time for the rest of his life to change them himself, he would be saving a lot of money and time. If he had to pay someone else to do this basic task, it may cost him approx $100. Depending on how much money he makes per hour, this may be 1 or more hours worth of work to earn that amount of money. Even if it took him only 1 hour to make $100, he would still have to spend 3X the amount of time to pay to have his brakes changed, as it would only take him 20 minutes to do it himself.

Multiple this example to the rest of your life. Fixing your own computer, changing your own oil, installing your own solar, being your own personal trainer, fixing your boats steering, fixing your plumbing, rewiring your lights etc…

The more one can do themselves competently, the more time they save in the long run and the more money.

A GI also knows when something is out of their scope, when to ask for help, when to pay someone else or when to delegate. This is part of being GI.

One who is GI knows how to live on earth and in reality better than those who do not have GI.

One who is GI knows more, can do more, learns more, learns faster, learns better, saves time, saves money, is good at more things and is more interesting.

A GI man is a superior being in many ways, what Nietzsche would call an uberman.

At the same time, one who has GI realises that although they may be better at many or most things than one who isn’t GI, others will typically be better at something that he is not good at. There are just too many things in reality to be good at them all.

The idea isn't to say that those who have GI are better than everyone else, it’s to say that one will be better if they become GI.

If one does not have even a basic level of intelligence, it makes it difficult for them to be objectively good. They can easily be tricked into doing evil things via persuasive marketing under the pretense of ‘benevolence’, which can fool one into believing wrong is right. Such as voting for politicians, supporting police, paying tax, getting jabs, following the “law” etc..

Even those with a very high level of narrow intelligence can easily be fooled by the large range of psychopathic archontic strategies.

It takes a great many qualities to be a free thinking, real individual in control of ones life.

Most people exist simply as a puppet, dancing to a systemic tune they cannot hear, but controls their every move, a tune so deeply ingrained into their essence they have become the tune.

How can one consistently make the right choices and not be manipulated into doing the work of evil if they are unintelligent? Answer, they cannot. The evidence is overwhelming.

Until one invests into themselves and becomes someone valuable, not just to society, but more importantly, to themselves, they will forever be vassals of evil.

A stupid person cannot be good, they may accidentally do good things or may even have good intentions, but until they intend to learn what is objectively good and what is evil, they cannot be explicitly good. For only one who is actually good will know the difference, will know that they must know the difference between right and wrong so then they can objectively choose how they wish to live and who they wish to be.

Intelligence is the virtue which aids one in gaining knowledge, knowledge metaphorically being a garage full of tools, each tool unique to a specific job.

If you don’t have the right tool (knowledge) you cannot accomplish the goal or task you desire.

Intelligence is one of the qualities which enables one to build their repository of knowledge to become more abundant, wealthy, useful and deep in character.

If one has not exercised their intelligence to know what is good and what is not, they are not objectively good until they do. Good intentions are not the same as being good.

For a community to flourish and become Utopian, it must be comprised of individuals who have the intelligence to discern truth from fiction, right from wrong, good from evil.

Utopian Realism

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