A Value Of The Utopian Realism Character Principles
Publish Date - 1st October 2023 - 1307 Words
- Life
- Knowledge
- Dignity
- Self esteem
- Independence
- Honour
“Value” is that which one acts to gain and/or keep. The concept “value” is not a primary; it presupposes an answer to the question: of value to whom and for what? It presupposes an entity capable of acting to achieve a goal in the face of an alternative. Where no alternative exists, no goals and no values are possible.
Now in what manner does a human being discover the concept of “value”? By what means does he first become aware of the issue of “good or evil” in its simplest form? By means of the physical sensations of pleasure or pain.
In choosing his actions and goals, man faces constant alternatives. In order to choose, he requires a standard of value—a purpose which his actions are to serve or at which they are to aim.
- Ayn Rand
For one to be, be good, be great, to have any values or virtues, they must be alive.
If one is dead, or not in this world anymore, then everything is irrelevant.
The good is that which supports mans life, except at the expense of other men.
If one wants to know what is good for him, he must ask “Is this good for sustaining, improving or enhancing my life?”
Life is mans foundational value, the thing which he acts to gain and keep. It is the foundation because it is the required first value for all other values to be built upon. Even consciousness requires life to exist.
Consider yourself as a baby. You were not conscious, but you were alive. You only became conscious after many years of life. Even such things as free will or desire weren't present as you were not conscious enough (or at all) to have these higher abilities.
For one to become aware as to how to live as a rational man, one must be alive long enough to learn what it means to have values, virtues and a worthy character.
Life is merely and deferentially the value which allows all other values to exist.
It is not the highest value, but a prerequisite to all other values being possible.
If one was destined to live life as a slave for their entire life, than their life is meaningless and has no value. A life without freedom is not a gift, but a curse. It is not something one should value, as life without freedom, as a slave, is torture. Life is not a value then, but a cruelty.
For ones life to have any kind of value, one must have freedom, but for one to be free, they need to be alive.
For ones life to have value and to not simply be a scourge or a parasite upon others, they must have honour.
For ones life to have value and to not be trapped in a body which acts out sinister scripts and programs, one must be sovereign, to control ones own life.
One may prefer to die than to besmirch their honour, which demonstrates that life is not the highest value, but a value which must be sustained to enable all other values.
For one to be good, they must respect their own life and the lives of others. If their actions unjustly jeopardise the lives of others, then they are immoral.
If one controls the water supply for a town and poisons the water with fluoride, they are endangering peoples lives, causing harm to their health, which inevitably affects their quality of life.
If one sprays chemtrails over a country, they are unnecessarily poisoning people and attacking their health, which is a direct attack on their lives.
One must be healthy to live, one who is unhealthy becomes diseased, sick and dies.
One has the power to voluntarily poison themselves through junk food, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.
One can only be responsible for their health to the extent they can.
They can control if they drink or smoke and what they eat, to an extent. But they cannot control the emf, the chemtrails, or the fluoride. There are things one can do to mitigate these poisons, such as only drinking filtered water, finding organic produce and living somewhere where there is no chemtrails and less emf.
Yet there is a point where it becomes the sole immorality and culpability of the one who is doing the poisoning.
The orchastrators behind emf, chemtrails, pasteurising milk, chemically spraying food, GMO, adding preservatives and chemicals to food, packaging with plastic, poisoning the water or doing anything else harmful to the human body, are morally responsible.
Yes, people have the responsibility to discover what is healthy and what is not. But people also have a responsibility to not poison other people, with intent or without.
Creating a product which is harmful to the human body is a crime, even if people consent to use the product. Peoples weaknesses should not be taken advantage of because of money.
Any assault on the human body, whether it is toxic makeup, sunscreen, shampoo, soap, coco-cola or vaccines is an assault on life.
Everyone has the right to health and no one has the right to manipulate anyone else into self harm.
If one wishes to self harm, they must go out if their way to do it to themselves. Companies should not make it effortless for people to self harm.
Life is the standard of value which must be protected. Each mans life is his own, his free will, his consent and his actions should not be manipulated, coerced or in any other way taken advantage of into causing self harm.
Anyone who deceives another into self harm, via convincing them that it is safe to use their product (junk food, skin products, injected products, pharmaceuticals etc..) is culpable of committing a crime.
Even if someone consents to use these products, it is still immoral to create them. Selling natural tobacco is not a crime, but selling chemically altered tobacco is. If a natural product has been altered in anyway which results in it being toxic to the human body, it is wrong.
Substances like steroids can cause harmful side effects if used incorrectly. They should only be used responsibly and ideally with professional supervision.
If a company wished to sell alcohol that has been naturally produced, then it is up to the user to moderate their consumption. If the company adds toxic chemicals, then they do not have the right to sell it.
It is a difficult balance to find the line between consent and objectively aware self harm.
This is why it is the individuals responsibility to discover if their product is harmful or not to people. If it is, they cannot sell it. If they didn't know and then find out, they have a responsibility to stop. Where the lines become blurred, it is their responsibility to discover what to do, via public awareness and vote, warning labels or professional arbitration.
One has a responsibility to manage their own health, but one cannot be expected to know everything, for when it comes to health and consumption of products, there is simply too much for one to know it all.
The greater responsibility of ensuring peoples health rests on the one manufacturing or creating the product. If one decides to make a product for human consumption (vaccines, smokables, drinkables, applications for skin etc..) then they must have the intention to not do any harm. They must respect others lives and treat them as their own.
Respecting others health and thus their lives is treating and considering others bodies just the same as one should treat theirs (if they are healthy in mind, thus in body).
Without life, there are no values, with it, all other value can rise.