Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 22nd June 2023 - 3687 Words

The Value Of Money

As long as we have the people, the resources, the knowledge and the right attitude, we can do anything we want.

Where does money come from?

Either from a printing press or more commonly now, from a computer.

Money in the past was backed by gold, but that's so rare today it's irrelevant. 

Who gets to make all the money?

The central banks, controlled by primarily the Rothschild family.

Where do they get all the money from?

They make it all up, out of thin air, then down the pipeline it goes from central bank, governments, national banks, then to you.

They make all the money today in seconds by typing numbers into a computer, then expect you to work for years to pay them back with interest.

How is this fair?

Why is there not another way to use money, that isn't as complicated or volatile as crypto?

There is, it's called The Freedom Credit.

But like all currencies, the only value it has is the value people believe it has.

People only use money because they believe it has value.

Money of any kind has no real world value, it's merely an outdated belief based system.

You can't eat it or build anything with it.

If all money in the world disappeared over night and we couldn't use the concept ever again, what do you think would happen? 

Would all the food still be there?

Would all the building materials remain?

How about the people to do the work?

Would everyone's knowledge and skill vanish too?

Nothing would actually change except a token of exchange that we believed had value would be gone.

Everything of real value would still be right here.

Sure, there may be disorientation in the beginning, but we would adapt and become much better off than before.

Money is only a system of faith that something which is inherently worthless has some kind of value.

Perhaps it may be more wise to place faith into each other, rather than having faith in pieces of paper. 

Without money, why would there be a need for competition and hoarding ideas? 

Everyone would collaborate because everything people would do would be to improve their own and each others lives, not because of monetary profit.


Ignorance is not bliss.

Our ignorance is their bliss.

If people only knew the malice behind interest, they would never trust the banks again.

Imagine there was only five people left in the world & a banker.

The five people wanted to get back on with normal daily business but they had no money.

So they all ask the banker for a loan of $10 each,

The banker says "Yes sure, I'll lend you all $10. But you will have to pay me back $1 interest."

They all shrug their shoulders, it's only 1 dollar.

So the bank gives out $10 to each person left alive on earth.

How much money is in circulation in the entire world now?

5 people at $10 per person is $50.

How much does each person owe, including interest.


What's the world debt?


How much money is there in the world?


How can it all ever be paid back?

Does the constant raising of taxes to pay back a continuously ever growing national debt make sense now?

It's a system that has been designed to never be paid back.

As the people in debt can be controlled by the ones they owe the debt to.

It's a corrupt and broken system that has to go.

That's why The Freedom Credit does not charge interest on loans and never will.

No Money - No Rulership

It's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to create a rulership class or dictatorship without money.

Soldier's and police only follow orders and commit atrocities because of their need for survival, which in a money based civilisation is dependent on, you guessed it, money.

Whenever tyranny hits somewhere, it isn't called a banker state, lawyer state or a judges state, even though they often contribute to tyranny, it gets called a police state.

To become a moneyless society, we first need to evolve from involuntary society's to voluntary society's, on small and large scales.

It's much easier to maintain a peaceful and voluntary based society when there is no money involved, as we know from history and today's current control structure, money is a perfect way for one or a small group of people to easily have power over many.

As soon as money gets involved, a power imbalance occurs when some people get greedy, which always happens.

Those greedy people then develop a ruling class, hire a policy enforcement class, demand taxes and obedience to laws and rules that further empower them and ensure they stay in power.

Money is the gateway tool for creating rulers, enforcers and involuntary societies.

This is the pattern from thousands of years ago with royalty to governments and corporations of today.

Ensuring we have a voluntary society, where people are free to participate and co-operate through choice, not force, is critical to a truly prosperous moneyless society.

Resource Based Economy

Another term for a moneyless society is a resource based economy.

A resource based economy perspective on society and progress looks something like this...

"Our town want's to build a bridge. Do we have the volunteers to do the work? Yes. 

Do we have the materials required to construct the bridge? Yes. 

Do we have the expertise to build it? Yes. 

Do we have a majority vote of all the towns people where the bridge is being built? Yes. 

Do we have a project specific leadership model to build the bridge? Yes. 

Ok, what are we waiting for! Let's build the bridge!"

In the world of today, the construction of the bridge may not go ahead because of a lack of numbers inside of a computer, commonly called "money". 

Or because one person with "authority" disagrees with everyone else.

This is how money is the limiter of progress, only this and nothing else.

A resource based economy is one that is driven by resources and is combined with technical innovation. 

It's more of a mindset than anything.

It's the mindset that if we have the resources to do something, then why let something as petty and useless as money get in our way from doing what we want?

If we want to build a new road, let's do it.

If we want a new medical facility, let's do it.

If we want a new sports stadium, let's get it done.

If we have the resources, the people and the knowledge, let's work together and make our towns better for everyone who lives there and who visits.

All it takes is a little bit of peaceful collaboration, which we're even capable of today, but without the money or threat of violent assualt.

Except there is a huge difference. Everything is so much better, it's almost impossible to believe.

The quality of everything we'll build without the hindrance of money will be so astronomically higher than what we have today, we'll make current billionaires look poor in comparison.

It can be challenging to contemplate such a radically different way of doing things, not having money, but once you spend enough time learning about it, what's really radical and unbeliavble is that we use money today. 

That's the true marvel. 

This documentary from the creator of the resource based economy model explains it very well.

Is It Communism!?

There are some who believe that a RBE is the same as communism.

Whether it is communism, socialism, capitalism, monarchys, kingdoms, empires, imperiums, democracys, republics or anything else, if it has a ruling class and enforcement class and requires you to do anything against your will under the threat of violence, then it is null and void.

Any social or economic structure that is not founded upon Voluntarism is so totally useless, it's not even worth discussing.

It's a system based upon lies, because it has to be.

It's impossible for an involuntary system to be based upon truth.

The only true society in alignment with reality, is Voluntarism.

Because reality is that which is true and it's true you own yourself and are sovereign.

If you are sovereign and if you're a conscious and intelligent being you therefore must be sovereign, then no one has the right to dominate you.

Any involuntary system which dicatates that you must contribute or you must be punished for commiting victimless 'crimes' is a system that is not in alignment with reality. 

For any involuntary system to work, it must convince you that it has the legitimate right to violently dominate you and it's for your own protection.

This is of course, a lie.

All involuntary society's like communism or socialism or any ruling structure of today can be logically proven to be based upon falsehoods.

That falsehood primarily being the deception that you are not soverign and must be subservient to a ruling class and enforcement class.

The involuntary system of ruling could also include RBE's. 

If it was an involuntary RBE, it would still be better than all of the above models of social dictatorship, but ultimately would still be pointless. 

Pointless in the meaning that it wouldn't be worth living in, as you would still be at the mercy of a violent ruling and enforcing class.

Life isn't worth living under a stamping boot.

A true RBE is combined with a Voluntarist set of principles as the social structure.

As a RBE is purely the economic model, as in the means of production and access to goods and services.

Voluntarism is the guiding philosophy of how people interact with each other.

A RBE is the economic model and Voluntarism is the social model.

A RBE Voluntarist model is the ultimate model for social structure and economic production and access.

If you would like to very easily know if any model is aligned with reality, check to see if it is disallowing you to do something, such as own private property or to keep all the fruits of your labour.

If the model you are examining is suggesting this, ask the simple questions.

"How would a society stop me from owning private property?"

"How would a society not allow me to keep the fruits of my labour, such as currency or materials produced?" 

If the answer is 'by using an enforcement class authorised to use violent force against me' then there is your answer. 

It's an involuntary society and not worth discussing, let alone living in.

Social and economic models must be based upon voluntary co-operation to be valid.

As soon as a model requires violence, threats, intimidation, fear and punishment to operate, it's automatically null and void.

For example, a better social and economic model than we have today would be a voluntarist capitalist society. 

Compared to a Voluntary RBE, it doesn't, but is still far superior than what we have today, in any country in the world.

So to answer the question 'is this just communism', the answer is no.


Automation is not the enemy in a moneyless society. 

Automation is only a problem in systems where people have been conviced that the only way to live is by doing something they hate for 40 hours a week, just so they can earn enough to scrape by.

When we don't need to rely upon money, we can create automated machine systems that handle the majority of tasks necessary to the smooth functioning of a healthy society.

This way, we can easily replace human labor, leaving humans free to live their passions, rather than being obligated to work to earn a living. 

Money isn't an incentive to contribute. 

It's a requirement to survive.

Replacing human labour with machines is only a problem in a society conditioned to depend on money.

Without our dependence on money, we can utilise clever design, innovate technical solutions for all our problems and abolish the practice of planned obsolescence.

The more machines that replace jobs done by unhappy humans, the more happy humans there will be.

Another solution to complement automation and to assist the transitioning process is called contributionism.

It's where everyone contributes voluntarily to do whatever jobs need to be done in their town.

They share the workload evenly, especially the tasks that people don't generally want to do.

Until a town has the resources to build an automated system to handle those jobs people don't want to do, contributionism is a fair and even system.

To learn more about machine automation, watch this documentary.

To learn more about contributionism, watch this playlist.

Planned Obsolecense

Planned obsolescense is the economic entrapment cycle of build, sell, break, build, sell, break.

This is due to large corporation's greed.

Behind every mega corporation is simply a man or woman who has lost their way.

Instead of building business's to generate low quality products and big profits, we can focus on building high quality products for maximum enjoyment, longevity and effectiveness in their purpose.

We'll realise we have no need or desire to build an enormous amount of junk items, such as we do today. 

There would be no need to tier products according to their quality (low, medium, high) as we would only have the motivation to produce the absolute best according to our available materials and knowledge.

With the internet, 3d printers and other modern tech, it's now easier than ever to transfer and utilise the best knowledge humanity has available. 

Because the technology is already available, it is possible for everyone everywhere to have access to the best material products we can build as a species.

The only thing that really needs to change to make this happen is our attitudes.

This can only happen when you change your attitude, then inspire someone else, then another and another.

One person at a time is all it takes.

Work Because Of Passion, Not Money

In our current world, people still need to make money to survive.

There are some people that say 'you can tell the character of a man by what makes him angry'.

There are others who say 'you can get the measure of a man by how he makes money'.

How you survive in this world can show a lot about the quality of man or woman you are.

There are two ways people make money in this world.

By helping others and contributing something of value, or by not.

Just because you can make money doing something, does not mean you should.

You may be making money on the stock market, but who is that helping?

What is that teaching your children?

We all have the ability to contribute something of value to others.

Until we advance to the point where we don't require money, it may be wise to consider how you make yours.

As the only way to become a moneyless society, a society that is so prosperous that the billionaires of today would look poor in comparison to the average Joe, is if we learn the value of contribution. 

Much of the menial labour of today that humans would prefer not to do, such as driving transport trucks, stacking shelves in super markets and cleaning public toilets, could all be replaced by machines and better ideas.

If someone worked as a taxi driver not out of passion, but because they needed to make money, we could replace that service with free to use, self driving cars. 

They would then be free to enjoy what they really love.

This allows people to contribute and explore passions that only humans can bring to other humans.

Such as becoming a personal trainer, a counselor, a naturopath, an artist, a tour guide, an archery teacher, a martial arts instructor, a swimming coach, a writer, a movie director, a physio therapist, a yoga instructor, a relationship coach, an interior designer, so on and so forth.

There are many professions that humans would do simply because of their love and enjoyment of it.

If you really want to know if you should be doing what you're doing, ask yourself this.

"If I wasn't getting paid, would I still be doing this?"

If anyone in the worlds answer is no, then the world has a big problem.

Why are so many people living lives wishing they were doing something else?

If we have the power to change this, we should and we can.


Money makes it hard to trust people.

If you go to a used car dealership, the salesman is going to try sell you anything.

If you went to a car dealership and all the cars were free, the volunteer who loves working with cars may actually say "look, we don't have the right car to suit your needs, check out the dealer down the road".

What internet service provider is going to tell the truth and say they have really slow internet speeds? 

None, because they want your money.

How many personal trainers are going to say "sorry, I can't actually help you achieve that goal"?

Not many.

Why would anyone desperate for cash turn away a customer?

They're not. They are going to sell whatever they can, even if it's not the right fit, just so they can make a living.

Without the motivation to make a quick buck, people will find they can trust each other much more deeply and genuinely. 

It's hard to trust doctors when there are so many financial rewards from big pharma. 

It's impossible to trust politicians to keep their word when big corporations are bribing them.

How can you trust google and Facebook to respect your privacy when they make billions of dollars by exploiting and selling your data?

How can you trust vaccine manufactures when they are simply delivering a product to make billions?

How can you really trust anyone that doesn't have ulterior motives to profit from you somehow?

It's possible, but it is difficult to know who you can trust.

It's alot easier to trust people when they have nothing to gain.

Because then you know they're really trying to help and genuinely care about your well being.

A moneyless society is an inherently more trusting society than a society with money.


It's a requirement for us to advance beyond the need for money, as it's a system that ultimately impedes progress and development. 

It's not so much as abandoning the use of money, it's about evolving past the belief that money does something, when it really does nothing.

People do everything.

Our progression towards a moneyless society is based upon two factors. 

Donations and volunteers.

The more people who donate material resources (and while we transition, a form of currency) and volunteer time, energy and expertise, the faster we can build a moneyless society where everyone has equal access to the best technology humanity has to offer, from houses, cars, computers, phones, home appliances, furniture, food, transportation, clothes, roads, hospitals and everything else people will ever want or need.

Currently, 99% of people do not have access to the greatest of humanity's inventions. 

Less than 1% can afford the best things humanity can create.

This seems not only mathematically improbable, but totally illogical. 

How could this be possible, unless it was by deliberate design?

Most people already know the monetary system is corrupt and controlled by a small group of people at the top.

It's one thing to know this, another to do something about it.

So it's time to stop focusing on the problems of money and start looking at the wonders that have been created in spite of it.

The software space is really leading the team here with an abundance of high quality programs and apps available for free.

- Jitsi (Free alternative to zoom)

- Session (Free and private messaging app)

- Linux (Free alternative operating system to windows and mac)

- Graphene os (Free alternative mobile operating system to stock android and IOS)

- Open office (Free alternative to microsoft word)

- Tutanota (Free and private email alternative to gmail and outlook)

- Thinkific (Free website builder, this website is built using thinkific!)

- Keepass (Free password manager)

- Simplenote (Free note taking app)

- Anime pipe (Free alternative front end mobile app to youtube)

- Odysee (Free alternative to youtube, no ads)

- Game mods (There are many game mods that are free and are better than paid games)

The list of free software just keeps on going. There may even be more free software than paid software.

If we can do this so well in one space, especially one that is constantly evolving and requiring time to update, why not others?

Free and open source software is a fantastic foundation and example of what's possible. It's what can give us a working blueprint of how we can build a voluntary moneyless society. That's because we are already doing it! There are many free software products that are higher quality than their paid alternatives.

There are also other volunteer organisations and services available for free. Such as...

- Vipassana meditation retreats

- SES emergency services

- CFA fire brigades

- Swimming life savers

Just to name a few. 

How many charitys have you heard of? 

How many times have you yourself donated to support a cause? 

How many others do you know that willingly gift their currency or time towards things they find valuable?

If we're able to do this already in a society ruled by money, imagine what's possible in a society totally free from the limitations of numbered bits of paper.

Just as there is a technical solution available for most problems, there is a technical solution for replacing our dependence on currency.

That solution is this 10 step process and other ideas like it.

To learn more, watch this documentary about a resource based economy and how machine automation can be an absolute game changer.

To learn about the Ubuntu movement, often called contributionism, invest your time into this playlist.

Utopian Realism

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