Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 19th August 2023 - 1664 Words

Utopian realism advocates that it is immoral to serve others, sacrifice yourself, obey rulers and to disrespect yourself.

It is not immoral to help or assist others, but to serve them sacrificially at your own expense.

If you decide to help a friend or loved one, it is because you value them, therefore it is not a sacrifice to help them.

A sacrifice is a situation where you lose more than you gain, if you do gain anything at all that is.

Sacrifice is not noble or righteous, it is ignorant, unintelligent and in many ways, an act of evil.

Why would anyone do something which is not in their best interests and is not self serving?

The only time one believes they are acting purely in the best interests of another and are not gaining anything themself is when they are lying to themselves.

You assist a charity because you get good feelings and it aligns with your value of helping others.

You help your friend move because you value them and you value helping your friends.

Helping a family member clean the house is because you value peace between you and your family and value a tidy home.

You can’t escape the reality that everything you do is in your own self interest.

Which is a good thing.

Until it becomes doing things for others which are not in your best interest but you think it is due to an incorrect value system.

As long as your self interest are rationally beneficial and do not negatively harm others, why would this ever be considered a bad thing?

If you were a psychopath that wanted to control people, then yes of course if people behaved in their own interests and not yours it’s a bad thing!

If your partner was going to be shot and you jumped in front of the bullet, this is not a sacrifice as you are choosing to take action based upon your convictions and values.

You chose to take action in alignment with what you care about, which is your partner, this is an act of love and care because they add value to your life, so it is not a sacrifice.

If your partner was lazy and messy and did not want to work or contribute, yet you provided and did everything for them, then this is a sacrifice of your moral integrity, to do something which does not offer you any value but takes it.

Integrity is loyalty to ones own convictions, values and adherence to ones own rational and decided principles.

Any act which goes against what you believe, value or know to be true is a form of self betrayal.

People wear masks when ordered not only because they think they are helping others, but do not wish to be shamed by the herd for being disobedient or risk being punished by thugs with guns.

Their value in this situation is to avoid confrontation and to delegate thinking, even if it makes them do something shameful, embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Their values have been inverted from what a healthy and rational beings values should be.

They falsely believe it is necessary to sacrifice their freedom to breathe in order to ‘protect’ others.

The masses have accepted lock downs, curfews and checkpoints because they thought it was righteous to sacrifice their freedom of movement to potentially ‘protect’ people.

Whether it was true they were protecting others or not is irrelevant.

If one was afraid of getting sick, then it is their duty to protect themselves, not the duty of others to protect them.

No one has the right to restrict and limit anothers freedom to travel, except on their own private property.

The masses sacrifice their ability to think and question as they are happy to delegate such a grown up responsibility to people they’ve never met and probably didn't even vote for.

There is no such thing as a noble sacrifice.

If you and your child were starving to death and you gave the last food you had to your child so they could survive and you would die, this is not a sacrifice, but a willing choice made rationally in accordance with your values, in this case you value your child's life more than your own.

If you had eaten the food and your child had died, even though you valued their life more than yours, and in doing so caused you great suffering and remorse, then yes this is a sacrifice and there is nothing noble about it.

There is no noble, virtuous or righteous action one can do that can be considered ‘sacrifice’.

What sacrifice really means is to give up something which you cherish and value for something which you don't cherish or value, or value less.

To sacrifice means to lose, to be at a disadvantage.

Those who allowed themselves to be medically violated and received experimental toxic drug injections for the privilege of being allowed to travel, sacrificed their health, their freedom and their dignity.

They had to lose far more than they could ever gain through this sacrifice of integrity.

This is a sacrifice and there is nothing righteous about it.

To participate in sacrifice is to participate in evil, it is to degrade yourself and the human race as a whole.

The idea of sacrifice is an ideology which has been spread by religions and adopted by governments to better control people.

They set a fake standard of what is considered righteous and then shame anyone for acting in their own beneficial interests contrary to their fake standards.

They create elaborate ploys which deceive people into believing that only way you can have value in society is to sacrifice your own best interests for the benefit of ‘the greater good’.

In reality the greater good is a good thing, except they preach the greater good in name only, it is a disguise for the truth of what they really preach, which is for the greater evil.

Because if the rights of the individual must be forsaken for the ‘good’ of the majority, which is made up of individuals, then how can it be anything but evil?

Anything which is deliberately confusing, complex and irrational is the work of evil, as it must operate this way to disguise the truth.

Evil can be considered as the pursuit of thieving consent.

To be raped requires a theft of consent. To be murdered requires a theft of consent. So does being burgled, mugged, coerced or imprisoned.

Good can be considered the pursuit of expanding joy via freely given consent.

Good is simple, evil is not.

The truth is simple, lies are not.

To be self sacrificing and to place others needs before your own is the work of evil to destabilise and invert your character from a state of nature to a state of artificiality.

If you place your partners needs before your own all the time, this is certain to lead to an unhealthy and unhappy relationship.

Sometimes you may place someone else needs before you, but this is because at that moment you see a valid reason to value there needs before yours.

Your child may be starving and you may be well trained to survive without food for weeks, so therefore you place your child's needs before yours and let them eat and you go hungry, because in this situation you value their need to eat more than yours.

Situations like this are the exception, not the rule.

Utopian Realism strives to align you and your values as they should naturally be.

Aligned with your own values, values that you have rationally and consciously chosen, not values that have been chosen for you.

To sacrifice yourself for others and to place others needs before your own, at your expense, is not natural and is not healthy for you or for society at large.

Artificially behaving contrary to your natural state of being causes those to be in positions of power to grow only more powerful, as now they can easily manipulate into betraying your self interests with the lie that it is ‘the right thing to do’.

When the greedy and corrupt are the ones to define what the right thing is, instead of you consciously and logically discovering it for yourself, then they have the power to play you however they please.

All they have to do is pull the strings and those who believe what they have been programmed to believe, such as the necessity of self sacrifice for the greater good, will dance to their tune.

The masses will allow themselves to be pulled over by police for going 5km over the speed limit and will feel ashamed they have been caught ‘doing the wrong thing’.

They will allow themselves to be locked up and caged without a word because they were ‘guilty’ of smoking a plant they weren't allowed to.

They will cover their face with plastic and restrict their breathing because they think it’s the ‘right thing’.

They will stay confined to their homes like prisoners because they have been conditioned to listen to authority and they know best.

They will pay their taxes because they believe we can’t build anything without everyone sacrificing a huge amount of their income under the threat of violence and torture.

They will pay their fines, pay for their license, pay to register their car every year, because to pay for things you don't really want and to live on your knees is a great way to stay out of prison.

A life lived on your knees is a shameful and dishonourable life that isn't worth living.

It is better to live a day as a lion than a 1,000 years as a sheep.

You are NOT a sacrificial animal who exists for the pleasure of others.

For every problem presented here, there are many solutions, some of them are much closer than you may think.

Utopian Realism

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