Author - James The Traveller - 8th August 2023 - 505 Words

There are two kinds of morality.

Outwards facing morality, when dealing with others and inwards facing morality, when dealing with yourself.

Both are equally important for someone to become an honorable, honest, ethical, just and moral man or woman.

The Lore is an outwards facing element of Objective Morality which is framed in the negative, what man should NOT do when interacting with others.

1. Create no loss

2. Create no harm

3. Don't be dishonest and unethical in your dealings

4. Don't violate the peace

1. Create No Loss

Don't take what isn't yours.

Don't steal.

If it's not rightfully yours, you become the bad guy if you take it or threaten someone else to give you what is theirs.

For example, you cannot demand money in the form of taxes without breaking this Lore.

If someone wishes to donate currency to a cause, that is their choice.

If you coerce them under threat of punishment to give you a percentage of their earnings, you've just become the bad guy.

If you don't have a right to take something, then don't.

Don't cause loss to anyone.

2. Create No Harm

Don't create harm.

Don't hurt people.

Especially those who are innocent & peaceful.

We are taught this as children, but somewhere along the way, the system reverses what we know is wrong and it becomes the foundation for controlling society.

If someone is threatening or attacking you or someone else who is peaceful, you of course have the right to defend them or yourself.

If you go out of your way to cause harm to others who are peaceful, you are the bad guy.

Most police and military members are guilty of breaking this Lore.

It's something we normally learn as children and should be the most obvious thing in the world.

Don't go around hurting people.

3. Don't Be Dishonest & Unethical In Your Dealings

Tell the truth.

Don't lie.

Be an honest and honorable man or woman in your dealings with others.

Don't have someone sign a deal that you wouldn't feel comfortable signing.

Don't sell your car with the odometer rolled back 50,000kms.

In all your dealings with others, behave as if you were the one on the other end of the dealing.

Don't cheat on your partner.

Don't betray your friends or anyone.

You always want others to be honest and ethical with you, so take the initiative and be honest and ethical with them.

4. Don't Violate The Peace

Don't cause trouble where trouble doesn't exist.

If there was peace, then through your behavior you disturb that peace and cause conflict, for no good reason, you become the bad guy.

If someone was peacefully minding their own business and driving down the road, causing no harm or conflict, yet you pull them over and and begin making demands of them, you've violated the peace and are in the wrong.

Don't be a trouble maker.

Don't be a violent aggressor.

Don't be the initiator of problems.

Don't disturb the peace.

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