Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 16th September 2023 - 1278 Words

A scruffy looking man stood up and asked a question.

“Isn’t what were doing now just creating a new government? With you and the other speakers taking the initiative to be in control and rule it?”

Charlie answered this one.

“At what point has anyone here suggested that if you don't obey us, we have the legitimate moral right to hurt you?”

“Well you haven't said that yet, but you might.”

“Don’t you think that would contradict absolutely everything we have just been talking about?

How would we possibly get away with that without anyone noticing?

Why on earth would we want to cause harm to anyone anyway?”

Charlie looked confused that anyone would think they were building a new violent ruling class after everything which had already been said.

“Well how is this not just the same as government?” Asked the scruffy man.

“Is anyone violently threatening you to hand over most of your earnings and property? No.

Is anyone declaring that they will be the ruler over you and you will have to abide by their laws, legislation, mandates, directions, rules, policies, regulations and statutes or else you will be punished? No.

On the contrary, do you have the ability to ask the question you just did or to present any other valuable ideas? Yes.

Can you vote on any and all important decisions that is going to affect the community as a whole? Yes.

Can you do anything you want, as long as you don’t violate a Lore Of Morality? Yes.

Are you free to participate or not participate in the communities functioning? Yes.

How is what we are doing now anything like government? It’s the exact opposite.

We are peacefully co-operating.

Government violently dominates. It only knows how to take and break.

It does nothing for anyone and only causes problems.

Government does not provide security, it creates wars and police states we need to be protected from.

Government doesn't create justice, it creates injustice.

Government doesn't create equality, it creates inequality.

Government doesn't create peace and stability, it creates war and chaos.

Government doesn't create financial security and stability, it creates financial volatility and outright thieves from the people.

Government does not provide education, but indoctrination.

Government does not help you heal and prevent illness, it helps cause disease and funds practices that make you sick.

Government doesn't build infrastructure, people do.

Government has no good plans, only bad ones.

Government does not lead, it only rules.

Government does not allow your voice to be heard, it squashes it.

Government isn't for the people, it’s for itself.

We are doing the exact polar opposite of government.

We are creating a society, not a control mechanism.

The only function of government is to violently dictate.

Whenever there is peaceful co-operation, like what we’re doing now, it’s not government.

Government and peace are incompatible in the same sentence.

Has there ever been a war in the history of humanity which has not been instigated by a ruling class?

From ancient Rome to Vietnam, the world wars, the middle east and now in Europe.

All major wars and bloodshed has been at the behest of the government and the ruling class of it’s day.

Against other nations or it’s own.

Whether it was a king, pharaoh, god, prophet or politician giving the orders, it’s all the same.

Those with perceived ‘authority’ ordered those who believed they had the duty to obey ‘authority’ to kill and be killed.

There is no such thing as legitimate authority.

It’s a belief system made from lies.

No one has the right to order you around, no matter who they are.

We are talking about starting a totally new society where there is no ruling class, no enforcement class and no worker class.

We want the idea of ‘authority’ to transition from anything possibly legitimate into the insane false belief system it is.

We want to come to the conclusion now as rational people that we would never fall victim to such a crazy ideology ever again.

We are building a new system where there are no classes, only people voluntarily working together.

Does that answer your question mate”?

The scruffy man scrunched up his face in concentration and nodded slightly.

“So you’re saying we’re not creating a new government, but we’re creating a new society?

What are these principles backed from, what social doctrine is this called?”

Charlie smiled.

“They are backed by reality and reality is the truth and the truth is you’re sovereign and free and have the right to do anything you want as long as you respect others rights.

We are just building a society according to reality my friend.”

The scruffy man furrowed his brow and took a seat, deep in contemplation at the simple but powerful words Charlie offered him.

How Do We Expand Our Community Members

A woman with orange hair stood up and asked a question.

“How are we meant to expand our community and grow?”

Charlie answered this one.

Just the same as we got all of you here.

Sticking up flyers and stickers around town on the local community boards and in every business that will allow us.

We also have a Facebook group and now many more people who are invested in the idea of building Utopia.

Word of mouth is the most powerful.

Bringing along new people to meetings is going to make a big impact increasing our numbers.

We can have volunteers who hand out leaflets and speak to people on the streets.

Volunteers can go speak to every single business in town and invite them to participate in their community's management.

We’ll be giving people of the town a chance to have their voice heard, for the first time ever in their community.

That’s big. Really big.

It won’t be long before everyone in Frocksville at least knows of our existence.

After that, it’s just a matter of time before we have 90% of the entire town cooperating peacefully and contributing towards the peoples council.

If our town is the first to prove we can do this, how much quicker do you think neighbouring towns will be able to do the same?

And spread from there around the country…”

The orange haired lady answered charlie.

“Oh yes I see, well I’m happy to volunteer going to business’s and handing out leaflets.

I can even help design new flyers and strategies to bring new people into meetings.”

“How good is that! Perhaps you would like to volunteer to initiate a marketing team for the community?” Replied Charlie.

“I do like the sound of that, I will. If anyone else wants to help, please see me after the meeting.”


Rebecca stood up and raised her mic.

“What a wonderful evening, we’ve covered so much tonight.

I think we call it for the night and let all this new information settle in.

Give it time and things will start making sense.

There’s still so much to do and figure out, but we can do that together, voluntary without the threat of violence or punishment.

It’s time we evolve past the barbarism of government, modern democracy, politics and authority.

It’s time we take our place in the world as the full owners of ourselves, not as the property of the greedy and corrupt.

You’ve all done so well, our first meeting has gone as perfectly as any of us could have hoped for.

Those who would like to hang around after the meeting to organise future meetings and co-ordinate together, feel free.

I hope to see all of you and many more next Sunday at the next peoples council.

Thank you all for coming, good night.”

Utopian Realism

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