Author - James The Traveller
Publish Date - 8th September 2023 - 1270 Words
Learn what Utopian Realism is and isn't.
- What Is Utopian Realism?
- The Lies Of Other Systems
- Exposing Religions
- The Myth Of Authority
- The Evil Of Sacrifice
- Self Hate
- The Immorality Of Charity
- Service To Others Is Dishonorable
- Comparison To Other Systems
- Beware The Businessman
- Prayer Is Disempowerment
- The Fallacy Of Unconditional Love
- The Catastrophe Of Surrender
- Reason Over Faith
- Unauthorised Values
Utopian Realism is the only comprehensive and integrated philosophical, social and economic structure based upon what is true and real.
It is based upon fact and corresponds with reality.
If it is true there is a better way for an individual to behave amongst others to achieve more happiness, freedom and productivity, then it is right to adapt behaviour in accordance with the desired outcome.
Everyone wants to be as free as they possibly can.
No one wants to be less free and to be able to do less things, they all want to do more.
If one was told they they must give up freedoms to live in society, or if they are told they can have more freedom by living in society, which would every single person choose?
Society is the accumulation of individuals who work together willingly or unwillingly to achieve common goals.
Utopian realism is the reality that if it is true a better path exists than the current one, whether philosophical, social or economic, then it is right to do that which is true and wrong to do that which is false.
If one wanted to dig a hole as quickly as possible and they could use a shovel or a digging machine, the truth is that the machine can do the job faster so therefore it is right to use the machine, because it aligns with the goal of wanting to dig the hole as quickly as possible.
If one wanted to be able to do more of what they want, like travel more and the option was to vote for someone to restrict their ability to travel or to not vote for said person, then it is obvious what they should not do.
If one wanted to be in control of their life and be happy and the options were to give away their control to someone else to make them happy or to retain their power and make themself happy, then they should do what is true and right, which is to maintain their power, as to give it away is wrong.
Utopian Realism is the fluid path of leading ones life according to what is true, accurate and real.
If it is true better methods of producing energy or constructing buildings are discovered, then it is true one should adapt to utilise better methods of achieving desired outcomes.
If it is true that one can have more peace, freedom and happiness by living in a voluntary society, as opposed to an involuntary one, then it is true that one should do what they can to achieve this.
If it is true people desire more of what they want and less of what they don't want, then it is true they should pursue a path which can accomplish what they want.
Utopia can be explained as the perfect society in all ways for everyone, which constantly adapts and evolves to improve and become better.
Perfection is not static, but fluid.
Perfection shares many objective truths, but is also very subjective per individual.
Perfection can be considered the flawless alignment of actions with intentions.
A healthy mans intentions should be to be the most good they can reasonably be to themself and others, while also striving for what they desire.
The intention behind the action governs the action.
Utopia is the environment where people are able to freely strive for their personal perfect life without constraint or unnecessary restriction.
Utopia starts with an individual, spread into a community, expands into a society and grows to become a world spanning civilisation.
Realism is the concept of what is real, unchangeable and tangible to reality.
If something is real, it is measurable, verifiable and repeatable, just as is the scientific method of experimentation and discovery.
If something is real, there must be evidence of it's reality and it can be proven to be real via experimentation, logic or reason.
What is real is true and what is true must exist and if it exists, then it can be proven to exist as it has existence.
Something which exists must be able to proven via the scientific method to exist without belief.
Meaning for something to really exist, it must be able to exist without anyone believing it exists, such as Santa Claus or the Easter bunny or superman.
If no one believed in Santa Claus, would he exist at all?
Santa is only a character who exists in peoples minds as an idea, he does not exist independently of peoples conception of him.
Some may argue whether a tree in the forest really exists without anyones observation of it, but the scientific method would prove that yes the tree does exist independent of peoples belief or observation.
The tree could be observed, measured and recorded on one day, then again in 5 years and it would still be there and would have grown, which could be measured and verified from the initial observation.
How would this be possible if the tree only existed when one was observing it?
Growth requires time and a place in space and time to exist in which the growth is to occur.
If a group of 100 scientists who measured the tree in their 5 year waiting period all intensely believed that the tree didn't exist, would this actually affect the trees ability to exist?
Perhaps, perhaps not, until this experiment is done, we will not know for certain.
Realism is about the discovery and alignment of that which is true, knowing that which is true is achieved via experimentation, observable proof and verifiable evidence.
Utopian realism is the model which combines what is true with the best humanity deserves and is capable of.
If it is true Utopia is possible, even if only in theory, then it is true that one should strive towards achieving Utopia.
What is ones alternative option?
To strive towards the opposite of Utopia, which is dystopia?
To do nothing and continue a mundane and boring existence in the current dystopia?
To try and live as best as they can in as much peace and happiness as possible in dystopia, yet do nothing to advance towards a world where they could have more of what they have claimed they currently want, which is peace and happiness?
If it is true one wants freedom, peace and happiness, then it is logical that they will achieve that now as best as possible then do everything they can to achieve more of it, while remaining in a free, peaceful and happy state of mind.
It is hard to actually be free in a dystopian world which forcefully wages war against your freedom, but you can be free in mind to know a better world does exist and you have the power to help manifest it into reality.