Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 12th September 2023 - 1835 Words

The below declaration is a document that can be used by any local leaders who are beginning to transition their town into a peaceful Utopian paradise.

The document is self explanatory.

Any leader attempting to use this document should have a full comprehension of the Utopian systems theory and know why this document is necessary in the current setting.

You as a leader have the option to modify this document as you see fit, though it is highly recommended you consolidate with other people in your town before presenting it as a finished product.

Much of the wording has been deliberately and purposefully written, to be the least confrontational and potentially problematic. 

Replace XX with your community's name.

Example: The Community Of Frocksville

You can change the title to Declaration Of Autonomy/Sovereignty/Freedom etc...

Since there is already a well established and respected declaration of independence in America, this title has been chosen.

Use this document at your own discretion.

The Community Of XX

Declaration Of Independence

The Community Of XX, located at these XX co-ordinates, within this XX border, comprises of the below Men, Women, Boys & Girls, who have voluntarily chosen to become members and empower this Declaration Of Independence.

This Declaration Of Independence has been created by The Community of XX as a guideline of behaviour and operations for the people of The Community of XX.

The Community of XX is a self-governing, free and autonomous, sovereign jurisdiction that operates independently and peacefully, without the need for outside intervention.

The Community of XX functions as a private members only association, also known as a PMA or private membership association.

The Community of XX is made up of the land, infrastructure, property, animals and human life inside the border line of XX.

The Community of XX and it’s members are happy to co-operate with others outside of their sovereign town with freely given consent from both parties.

The Community of XX is a voluntary community with all interaction being via consent.

The objective of The Community of XX is to provide a safe, peaceful and respectful environment so it’s members can thrive and prosper in their creation and maintenance of a Utopian society.

The Community of XX chooses to live by The Utopian Mindset and it’s value system.

The Community of XX chooses to function in alignment with The Utopian Principles.

The Community of XX operates in accordance with The Lore Of Morality.

1. Create no loss

2. Create no harm
3. Be honest and ethical in your dealings
4. Maintain the peace

5. Don't lie to yourself

6. Don't disrespect yourself

The Community of XX and it’s members respect the rights of others and define rights as being able to do whatever we want, as long as it does not initiate a violation of consent or cause harm to another living human being.

The Community of XX solves altercations, disputes and crime via their independent arbitration systems which operate in accordance with the R method to achieve just and equitable outcomes for both parties.






In The Community of XX, a crime is only considered a crime if there is a victim and a victim must be someone who has had their rights violated, in accordance to the definition of rights and The Lore Of Morality.

All contracts inside the jurisdiction of The Community of XX must in alignment with The 7 Points Of An Ethical Contract, otherwise they may be considered null and void according to Lore.

The Community of XX maintains the peace using a volunteer based community protection service.

The Community of XX protect themselves from foreign invasion via the organisation of a localised, volunteer militia.

The Community of XX use a democratic decision making process guided by project specific leadership and team work.

The combined members of The Community of XX form to create The Peoples Council of The Community of XX.

All members of the The Community of XX are able to and are highly encouraged to participate in The Peoples Council, which is the decision making process for new projects and any other relevant decisions that affect the community as whole, such as the creation of new guidelines and processes.

Every Sunday evening, (or whatever day and time the community decides) the members of The Community of XX who are interested in the management of their town gather to propose new projects and discuss ideas which can improve the quality and well being of everyone in their community.

Those who cannot make the in person meetings can participate online and through the dedicated community app.

The towns people as a whole are responsible for the management of their town and together are The Peoples Council.

Anyone has the ability to present new ideas and projects at the community meetings, all are welcome.

The process for The Community of XX Peoples Council to make decisions is by gaining support for projects and ideas presented by it’s members using a 51% democratic online and in person physical voting system.

The Community of XX ensures fair and true votes by always using a method which can be verified and checked by any member, at any time, always.

If a proposal receives more than 51% of the voting members votes, than the project has the backing and support of the community and proceeds, if a proposal does not receive a majority of votes, it does not proceed.

The Community of XX prefers to focus as much as possible on producing goods and services locally.

The Community of XX utilises a strategically efficient approach to production, manufacturing, recycling, construction and distribution.

The Community of XX offers an optional contributionism system which members can participate in to improve their town and benefit from the combined fruits of the community's labour.

The Community of XX is able to form an alliance with other like minded sovereign towns for mutual benefit.

The Community of XX has a Guardianship Program, which aims to offer special benefits and protection to it's members inside a loreful PMA structure.

Members are able to register their land and property with The Guardianship of The Community of XX to receive certain benefits, such as free title transfers to other members and zero rates or other property taxes or fees.

Members can also register their vehicles and vessels with The Guardianship of The Community of XX to receive certain benefits, such as free lifetime number plates of the jurisdiction of The Community of XX, which are valid in their use over all land, except on private property without permission. Members can also receive free 24/7 emergency assistance in the case of breakdowns or accidents.

The members of The Community of XX complete volunteer operated road competency courses that issue certificates of competency to replace driver licenses.

The Community of XX offers an optional currency called The Freedom Credit which members can use in the transition to becoming a fully circular, zero waste, environmentally friendly, resource based economy.

To become a member of The Community of XX, one must agree to live in accordance to this declarations guidelines and if found in violation of it’s guidelines, peacefully volunteer themselves to participate in an arbitration process.

Members only use force against other members or non-members in times of self defence or in response to a violation of the Lore Of Morality.

Members can exit The Community of XX membership at any time and still live inside the The Community of XX jurisdiction, although they will not receive the equivalent benefits a member would, such as being able to vote, register their land and property or qualify to join the contributionism system.

Non-members inside The Community of XX jurisdiction can still utilise and benefit from The Community Protection service, militia, independent arbitration systems and Lore Of Morality.

For any part of this Declaration Of Independence to be changed, it requires 75% + of ALL members to vote in favour of the change.

The voluntary nature of interaction requiring consent cannot be altered and is a constant.

List of members autographs.




Personal Declaration Of Independence

The Lore Of Morality that is lived by the life which has no name, but is called James The Traveller, from Macedon, Son of Peter and Karien, is as follows;


  1. Create no harm

  2. Create no loss

  3. Be honest and ethical in my dealings

  4. Maintain the peace


Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live by for a peaceful and harmonious life amongst fellows.


It can also be called the exercise of conscience. Lore has not been created by man and is inherent to existence. 

All living beings have the right to perform any action which does not initiate a violation of consent or cause harm. 

This knowledge is founded on objective morality and is based in absolute truth by knowing the difference between what is right and wrong action.


I am a self determining and autonomous being and choose to lead my life, by this lore, of my own free will. 

I am excepted from all other lore/law & not subject to any authority or jurisdiction outside of myself as I experience my life as a private member of The Imperium Of Spirit.

As a grown man, I am able to navigate my way through life and the world peacefully and responsibly.

I live with honour and integrity as that is my way. 

I stand for justice and truth. My word is my bond.

The only transgressions that may be possible for me to commit are violations of the lore of morality against another self aware & living being. 

I am immune to any and all other labels of wrong doing which are outside the scope of the lore of morality.

I solve transgressions by applying the methodology of rehabilitation, rectification, resolution and remedy. 

Such solutions are based on the foundational principle of equity & common sense.

I identify as what and who I choose to identify as, which may or may not change. 

Word's can point in the direction of what I am, but will never be able to describe me in totality.

I am many things and have many aspects. 

What I am never changes, but what I can be may. 

I am consciousness, I am awareness, I am intention, I am knowingness, I am intelligence, I am free will, I am power, I am life, I am truth. 

I am unlimited potential and infinite possibility. 

I am free spirit.

I am life inside of a man for as long as I am until I am not. I am what I am and I'm not what I'm not.

My yes means yes and my no means no. 

I say what I mean and I mean what I say. 

I am not a name but you shall call me James. 

This declaration was created by the one who it describes.  

Respect, wisdom and courage to all those who read these words.

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