Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 12th June 2023 - 1791 Words

The 10 Step Process Overview

Introduction - What Is Utopia?

The introduction aims to give you a better innerstanding of Utopia by looking at what makes our life our own, by questioning if what we believe is true and why we should strive for perfection.

Stage 1. Internal Commitment

Stage 1 focuses on personal development and one’s attitude towards life.

Step 1. Care & Curiosity

Step 2. Courage & Awareness

Step 3. Sovereignty & Responsibility

Step 4. Objective Morality

Step 5. Personal Development

Stage 2. External Commitment

Stage 2 involves transforming the external world, from social structures to economic models.

Step 6. Networking & Communication

Step 7. Bridging Structures

Step 8. Voluntarism

Step 9. Decentralisation

Step 10. Moneyless Society

Conclusion & What's Next?

The conclusion hopes to inspire you to take action and to continue learning about Utopian Realism.

This page is only the beginning. 

Reading all the chapters completes the picture beautifuly.

Without connecting all the dots, you won't be able to see the picture for what it is.

To make complete sense of The 10 Step Process, it's best to read through in order.

Utopia = Choice

Utopia is a mindset based on certain values and a set of principles based on effectiveness, efficiency and innovation.

Utopia is the highest expression of human ingenuity and innovation.
Utopia is not static, it is always evolving.
It's not perfect, but aims to be.
Utopia is the best humanity has to offer.
Utopia is when things are as good as it gets. Then they continue to get better.

A utopia is one where everyone is free to do as they please, limited only to their imagination and adherence to Objective Morality.

Utopia is the idea of a network of self managed towns which adopt The Utopian mindset and Utopian Principles and aim to form a world wide alliance, one town and one country at a time.

If there is a ruling class and an enforcement class, it's not utopia.

If there isn't a ruling and enforcing class, then it's a lot closer.

To know utopia, one must know freedom.

To know freedom, one must know the opposite of freedom.

Slavery comes in many forms and has many aspects, such is the same with freedom.

When people are enslaved, they live in what is called a dystopian world.

When people are free, they can create what is called utopia.

The key factor that separates slavery from freedom is choice.

The ability to choose your own path and to be in control of your life.

When all your choices are your own, without coercion or deception, you're free.

If your choices are made because you fear what would happen if you did not make such a choice, well, is that freedom?

What's the purpose of life if you're choices are not your own?

Is your life even worth living if all your choices are made for you by someone else?

Is it even a life if you aren't in control of your destiny?

On a day to day basis, do you choose to be the author of your story or a character in someone else's?

Does The Truth Matter?

If your partner was cheating on you, would you want to know?

If your son or daughter was stealing from you, would you want to know?

If someone you considered a friend was only pretending so they could blackmail you, would you want to know?

If your partner was only with you because of your money and didn't really love you, would you want to know?

If a food you were eating was actually really bad for you, but you thought it was healthy, would you want to know?

If you thought someone cared about you, but they really didn't, would you want to know?

If you believed something about the world, but it wasn't true, would you want to know?

If you would want to know, why would you?

Why is the truth important to you, why should you care?

The best way to know Utopia is to know what it's not.

If you can't tell the difference between what is true and what is false, how can you really know anything?

How Can You Tell The Difference?

What do you call a world where everyone has the ability to self govern and can co-exist peacefully? Utopia or dystopia?

What do you call a world where people are ruled by a centralised control system which specialises in maintaining order through fear of punishment? Utopia or dystopia?

When people have the ability to choose where their time, energy and currency is directed, is that slavery or freedom?

If you give someone a percentage of your income because you fear being punished if you don't, is that freedom or slavery?

If you're able to freely support the projects and ideas that you feel passionate about, what would that be?

What do you call a world where disobedience is punished by violence?

What type of world are you living in if you often feel "forced" to do certain things?

Are you living in Utopia when you see that some people are able to live lives of luxury while others live as beggars on the street?

Are you living in dystopia when everyone has access to the best humanity has to offer and no one is left behind?

When you're not sure the fate of humanity, whether it will destroy itself in another world war or by polluting the planet, do you ask yourself, is this the kind of world I want to be living in?

What do you feel that you and everyone else deserves, freedom or slavery? Utopia or dystopia?

The Strive For Perfection

What kind of world would we live in today if instead of the mentality 'it ain't broke so don't fix it" we adopted the viewpoint 'if it ain't perfect keep working on it?'

People have become afraid of the word perfection, believing it to be a fantasy for those with vivid imaginations. 

Some even doubt it's existence.

Perfection does exist and comes in many shapes and sizes.

In a Utopian community, the people strive for perfection, from a toasted sandwich to roads to social structures.

By enhancing and improving everything we do, our lives become easier and more pleasureable, thus the happier we are.

There is always a better way to do, build or make something. 

If we find the best way, then hoorah! 

If we don't, we just haven't yet.

A Utopian community is one that constantly moves towards perfection, progressing and becoming better for everyone, everyday. 

If we didnt seek to improve that which can be improved, what would that say about us?

Why settle for less when we can have the best?

Utopia Key Points

In any form of utopia, from a small comunity to a world wide civilisation, everyone part of that utopia has equal access to the best humanity has to offer.

It's a world full of equality and equity.

There is very little crime, because why would there be?

There is no poverty, as it's entirely preventable.

There is very little disease, because there is no reason to profit from the sick.

There are no imbalances of power and wealth, because there is no money and no rulers.

No one is trying to force you to do anything.

It's a world without borders.

A world without division.

A world without lies.

A utopia is a world where everyone is free to help create the world they want to create.

Peace, diversity, happiness, uniqueness, freedom, variety, joy, collaboration, co-operation, generosity, expansion, growth, excitement, care, abundance, inclusiveness, respect, team work, sharing, love, kindness, balance, adventure, invention, ingenuity, innovation, initiative, fun, satisfaction.

These are all the words to describe utopia and in essence, what life is meant to be.

An Advanced Alien Race

Use your imagination here and picture an advanced alien race one million years in the future compared to us. 

Do you think their society would have money, rulers, poverty or disease? 

Or is it more likely that they've been able to create a peaceful paradise?

Now imagine that those aliens are actually us. 

Can you afford to wait one million years for humanity to become an intelligent and civilised species? 

If we only had the right technology now, we could build that peaceful paradise.

Except the thing is, the only piece of technology to save the world has already been created.

Whether we use it or not has been debated for centuries.

It's called a mirror.

Why Desire a Utopian World 'Civilisation'?

When one is able to raise their consciousness, enter their heart and discover what they care about, they shall hopefully find a desire to want the best for others. 

Not just a desire to want the best for themselves, their friends and family, but for everyone.

When they discover this inner passion, they are more likely to do something impactful and make a difference.

No matter how big or small, everyone has the power to make a difference.

People may live all over the world, in different cultures, countries and towns.

They may look different, think differently and feel differently.

Yet we are all part of the same species, we're all human.

All our lives have meaning and value.

Everyone has the ability to contribute something.

When you choose to want the best for all, it gives others the permission and opportunity to want the same.

You become an inspiring icon of change.

Most people would agree, that whatever the world needs right now, it needs change.

If everyone in the world was able to live peacefully and harmoniously, what else would we want except for a world utopian civilisation?

Utopian Realism

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