Author - James The Traveller

Publish Date - 16th June 2023 - 1615 Words

What Are Rights?

You must know what your rights are before you can respect others rights.

We all have the right to perform any action which does not initiate a violation of consent. 

Said another way, we can do whatever we want, as long as it doesn't cause harm.

You have the right to choose how you live and if you wish to follow basic guidelines for co-operation, or not.

Rights are essentially actions that are 'right' to do.

A right is something which is not 'wrong' and anything 'wrong' is considered something which violates a Lore.

No one has the right to rob, rape, threaten or violate someone else.

We all have the right of free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and again, freedom to do whatever we want, as long as we don't infringe upon others rights or violate actual Lore.

Many people wouldn't sign contracts with banks or government agencies if they really knew what was happening behind the scenes.

They have no right to treat people the way they do.

View how honest and genuine contracts should be formed according to these guidelines here.

No one has the right to swindle, deceive or manipulate others.

We all have the right to do what we want as long as we are not breaking any lores.

A man has the right to garden naked in his front yard, until a neighbour complains and says that he is disturbing the peace by exposing himself to their children.

A woman has the right to drive at 200kmph on the freeway at 3am on a Tuesday night with no one else around.

A businessman has the right to sell his goods for whatever price he likes.

A business woman has the right to open a new store competing with his prices.

No one has the right to demand that those business's owe them a percentage of their earnings.

Everyone has the right to volunteer their time, donate their currency and to support whatever cause they like.

As long as what they are contributing to is not breaking any of the lores.

No one has the right to pay taxes to governments, as governments are warmongers and violate every Lore of Morality.

No one has the right to initiate violence against you if you are peaceful.

Yet you have the right to defend yourself against violence in a proportional manner.

If a frail little old lady was attacking a big strong man, with her bare hands, he doesn't have the right to shoot her.

But if a big strong man was trying to kill a little old frail lady, with his bare hands, she does has the right to shoot him.

You have the right to respond with equal or necessary force to protect yourself.

Escalation and deescalation of force is important.

But in times when force is required to defend against violence, it may be hard to do the right thing as you fear for your life.

For situations where a crime has been committed, (there is only a crime if there is a victim) independent arbitration systems can be used to achieve an equitable solution for both parties.

Such as in the case of self defence, you may cause harm or even loss of life to another.

But if it was the right thing to do in that situation, then you are not in the wrong.

Sometimes, being violent and taking another's life as a last resort is the right thing to do.

If a mad man held a gun to your family's head and your only option was to kill him or allow your family to be killed, then you, then other family's, you would be in the wrong if you did not kill the mad man.

You could of course try not to kill the mad man and instead shoot him in the legs and arms, incapacitating him, then take him to a rehabilitation centre to try and heal whatever caused him to go mad.

This would be the best option, but may not be possible.

There are times when you may have to make tough decisions.

That's why it's important to have a fully functioning moral compass, a conscience, to ensure you try and do the right thing if the time comes.

90% of the time, what's right and what's wrong is obvious.

When it's not, we have independent arbitration systems, that aren't influenced by money or politics, to adjudicate situations where the lines become blurred.

The Lore Of Morality

It is highly recommended to read the full explanation about The Lore, Objective Morality, Rights, and what it means to be good, view here.

This explanation is only partial in comparison to this page.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

1. Create no loss

2. Create no harm

3. Be honest and ethical in your dealings

4. Maintain the peace

1. Create No Loss

Don't take what isn't yours.

Don't steal.

If it's not rightfully yours, you become the bad guy if you take it or threaten someone else to give you what is theirs.

For example, you cannot demand money in the form of taxes without breaking this Lore.

If someone wishes to donate currency to a cause, that is their choice.

If you coerce them under threat of punishment to give you a percentage of their earnings, you've just become the bad guy.

This is not a complicated Lore, it's very simple.

Don't cause loss to anyone.

2. Create No Harm

As simple as it sounds. 

Don't create harm.

Don't hurt people.

Especially those who are innocent & peaceful.

We are taught this as children, but somewhere along the way, the system reverses what we know is wrong and it becomes the foundation for controlling society.

If someone is threatening or attacking you or someone else who is peaceful, you of course have the right to defend them or yourself.

If you go out of your way to cause harm to others who are peaceful, you are the bad guy.

Most police and military members are guilty of breaking this Lore.

It's something we normally learn as children and should be the most obvious thing in the world.

Don't go around hurting people.

3. Be Honest & Ethical In Your Dealings

Tell the truth.

Don't lie.

Be an honest and honorable man or woman in your dealings with others.

Don't have someone sign a deal that you wouldn't feel comfortable signing.

Don't sell your car with the odometer rolled back 50,000kms.

In all your dealings with others, behave as if you were the one on the other end of the dealing.

Don't cheat on your partner.

Don't betray your friends or anyone.

You always want others to be honest and ethical with you, so take the initiative and be honest and ethical with them.

4. Maintain The Peace

Don't cause trouble where trouble doesn't exist.

If there was peace, then through your behavior you disturb that peace and cause conflict, for no good reason, you become the bad guy.

If someone was peacefully minding their own business and driving down the road, causing no harm or conflict, yet you pull them over and and begin making demands of them, you've violated the peace and are in the wrong.

Don't be a trouble maker.

Don't be a violent aggressor.

Don't be the initiator of problems.

Don't disturb the peace.

Law & Legal VS Lore

The difference between law and lore is simple.

Law is a man made construct that is subject to change and only applicable to some.

Lore is inherent to existence, will never change and is applicable to everyone.

To understand law, you need to go to university for many years.

To live by lore, you only need basic common sense.

Law is subjective, changes everywhere you go and depends on your status.

Lore is objective, remains the same everywhere and is the same for everyone.

One is extremely complex and confusing, one is extremely simple and obvious.

Lore is knowledge, customs and guidelines that the wise have discovered is best to live peacefully and harmoniously amongst fellows.

Law is not.

If you would like to learn more, you can listen to Mark Passio's presentations about natural lore, morality and rights here

There are 21 links in the description that will take you to his high quality presentations.

Am I In The Right Or Wrong?

To easily know if what you have done or want to do is right or wrong, ask yourself these questions.

Is my desired action honest, peaceful, respectful and integral?

Do I have any wish to cause harm or loss?

Will my decision cause harm or loss even if it's not what I desire?

Is this choice likely to be dangerous and place others in unnecessary risk?

Will this action violate any Lores Of Morality or anothers rights?

If you have done something which does not violate, harm or disempower someone, then you haven't done anything wrong.

If you're attempting to accuse someone of being wrong or commiting a crime when they have not caused a violation, had no intention to cause a violation or even came close to causing a violation, you are now in the wrong.

The pursuit of justice is only necessary in situations when a form of violation has occured.

A violation must be an actual negative outcome, an intention to cause a negative outcome or the very near miss of causing a negative outcome.

Any attempt of justice against one who has not violated someones freewill, consent or rights, is a violation of justice.

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