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The Greedy Must Cheat To Win & CAN'T Be Capitalists

4th May 2024 - 175 Words

Billionaires could not exist in a free society. Multi millionaires, sure, billionaires, how? Capitalism, which is free competition, doesn't allow cheating. One can only become a billionaire via cheating, ie. with the use of government regulation and intervention.

Why Government Is Just A Bucket Of Water

3rd May 2024 - 671 Words

Republics? Representative democracy? Stop using a system which has been specifically designed to destroy freedom as a means to create a free society! There is no form of government which is acceptable. Thinking you can build a free and reasonable society with a government is like thinking you can start a fire with a bucket of water.

The Anzacs Didn't Die For Our Freedom

25th April 2024 - 259 Words

They died because evil bastards sent them to be killed by their cabal mates and they were too young to know any better. I was also a victim of that insanity for 3 years in the Australian army.

The Bodybuilding Conspiracy - A Fallacy Of Principles

24th April 2024 - 764 Words

I've been brainwashed. Even after uncovering lie after lie and learning truth after truth, I've always said "I know I'm still brain washed and indoctrinated about something, many things in fact, I just don't know what they are, yet." I'm very pleased to announce that I am confident I have uncovered yet another lie, another enormous indoctrination agenda, on the topic of the correct method to bodybuild, ie. grow muscle.

Don't Find Yourself, Make Yourself

24th April 2024 - 256 Words

I'm not here to discover myself. I'm here to make myself. Is your philosophy by chance or choice? Without a sound, rational philosophy, ones soul becomes a shapeless piece of clay, stamped by foot prints going in all directions.

Hatred Of Being The Cause

22nd April 2024 - 629 Words

Why are there only 2 kinds of people, those who have a general understanding about life and those who don't? Most people AREN'T dumb or even lazy. It's that they don't know how to prioritise. They don't know what's important. They don't know what's worth focusing on and what's not.