Utopian Realism

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A Comprehensive, Integrated & Unified Philosophy, Social Structure, Economic Model & Systems Theory For Building Utopian Society's - Communities To Civilisations

The 1st Societal Principle Of Leadership

Author - James The Traveller - 10th July 2023 - 1976 Words

One of the most dangerous problem the entire world faces, including you, is not global warming, environmental destruction, over population, nuclear weapons, demons, aliens, extra dimensional entity’s or even artificial intelligence. No, all those potential problems pale in comparison to the real elephant in the room. One of the most deadly problems that threatens to destroy us all is a religion.

The 2nd Societal Principle Of Morality

Author - James The Traveller - 8th August 2023 - 4485 Words

For a town or the entire world to function in a healthy and respectable manner, people must first understand the difference between right and wrong, otherwise we end up with what we have now. Chaos, dysfunction and confusion.

The 3rd Societal Principle Of Democracy

Author - James The Traveller - 14th September 2023 - 3916 Words

There are two types of democracy. Modern democracy or pseudo/fake democracy & real democracy. Pseudo democracy is what operates in most countries. It’s a belief based system that your voice is heard and valued if you vote for a political party to rule you. Real democracy is based upon practical reality.

The 4th Societal Principle Of Decentralisation

Author - James The Traveller - 21st September 2023 - 1511 Words

What we have now in most societies is a mass of centralisation in terms of power, production and management. If we don’t do anything to change this, it will become a world wide centralised spider web of control.

The 5th Societal Principle Of Justice

Author - James The Traveller - 8th October 2023 - 2013 Words

People need to feel like they are safe and if anything goes wrong, there is a formalised process that is fair and just to handle any disputes or crimes. One arm of this is the community protectors, to prevent crime and physically step in to protect the innocent.

The 6th Societal Principle Of Protection

Author - James The Traveller - 3rd August 2023 - 5044 Words

If we wish to be protected from people causing crimes, why do we legitimise the biggest and most heavily armed gang to commit crimes against us? If we want peace and stability, why do we vote for the worst of the worst to rule us? We literally couldn't do a poorer job of organising ourselves into some form of cohesion.

The 7th Societal Principle Of Contributionism

Author - James The Traveller - 6th August 2023 - 11,602 Words

If 10 different farmers were individually competing against each other to produce the most crops, they wouldn't stand a chance against 10 farmers working on one farm. The more people working together vs competing, the more effectively we can produce results.

The 8th Societal Principle Of Localisation

Author - James The Traveller - 19th August 2023 - 1278 Words

The proximity strategy or localisation, is based on the idea that if we can produce something locally, we should. Why would we waste time, energy and resources by importing products from other areas if we could produce them locally?

The 9th Societal Principle Of Sovereign Alliances

Author - James The Traveller - 23rd August 2023 - 1241 Words

Sovereign towns place the power of decision making into the proper and rightful hands, the hands of those people who actually live in that town. The power is spread evenly, with every community members voice and vote counting for every decision that needs to be made.

The 10th Societal Principle Of Strategic Efficiency

Author - James The Traveller - 2nd August 2023 - 4070 Words

Technical solutions can be as complex as a farming machine that digs channels, plants seeds, covers the seed with dirt, fertilisers and waters the plant all at the same time. They can also be as simple as people being responsible for their own actions.

Utopian Realism Blog - Pages

Listed In Order Of Recommended Reading

Page 1 |  Page 2  |  Page 3  |  Page 4  |  Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10



Page 1

The 10 Step Process To Creating Utopia - Intro

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 1 - The Heart

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 2 - Guts

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 3 - Mind

The 10 Steps Utopia  - Step 4 - Morality    

The 10 Steps To Utopia - Step 5 - Personal Development

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 6 - Connection

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 7 - Bridging Structures

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 8 - Voluntarism

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 9 - Decentralisation

The 10 Steps To Utopia  - Step 10 - Beyond Money

Page 2

The Utopian Axioms    

10 Steps Sumary (Story)

The Island (Story)   

The Blietzkrieg Deprogrammer (Story)

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Intro

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Freedom Credit

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Morality

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Democracy

The Peoples Council - Part 1 - Protection

Page 3

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Intro

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Leadership

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Unification Strategy

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - The PMA

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - Taxes & Roads

The Peoples Council - Part 2 - A New Government?

Utopian Character Principles - Intro

The 1st Character Principle - Sovereignty



Page 4

The 2nd Character Principle - Objective Morality

The Lore Of Morality


The Golden Rule Of Equity

The Causality Factor

Are You In The Right Or Wrong?

Law & Legal Vs Lore


Curiosity & Desire


Page 5 





Justice (Virtue)




Self Esteem


Page 6


The 3rd Character Principle - Character





Ambition & Evolution



Open Mindness


Page 7

The 1st Societal Principle Of Leadership

The 2nd Societal Principle Of Morality

The 3rd Societal Principle Of Democracy

The 4th Societal Principle Of Decentralisation

The 5th Societal Principle Of Justice

The 6th Societal Principle Of Protection

The 7th Societal Principle Of Contributionism

The 8th Societal Principle Of Localisation

The 9th Societal Principle Of Sovereign Alliances

The 10th Societal Principle Of Strategic Efficiency

Page 8

The 11th Societal Principle Of Automation

The 12th Societal Principle Of Education

The Cause & The Solution

Ethical Contracts

The Freedom Credit

The Alien Replacement (Story)

The Vanishing (Story)

The Deserted Island (Story)

Born On Another World (Story)

The Alien Infiltration (Story)

Page 9

Utopian Realism Fundamentals - Intro

The Lies Of Other Systems

The Myth Of Authority

The Evil Of Sacrifice

Self Hate

The Immorality Of Charity

Service To Others Is Dishonourable

Comparison To Other Systems

Beware The "Businessman"

Prayer Is Disempowerment

Page 10

The Fallacy Of Unconditional Love

The Catastrophe Of Surrender

Unauthorised Values

Declaration Of Independence

Local Leaders Guide To Implementing Utopia

Further Education